evil SJWs irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim racism special snowflaking trump warren farrell

Trump voters: As whiny and self-pitying as Men’s Rights Activists?

Right back atcha, you pieces of crap

Anyone wbo has read this blog for any length of time is well aware how adept Men’s Rights Activists are at convincing themselves (if not necessarily anyone else) that they are the true victims in any given situation.

Indeed, writer and workshopper Warren Farrell, whose books have provided much of the intellectual underpinning of MRA ideology, has argued in complete seriousness that men are victimized by women’s butts. A shapely posterior, you see, has such a hypnotizing power over your typical horny man that young women have what he once called “miniskirt power” over their male bosses at work.

An article in today’s New York Times suggests that many Trump voters are equally adept at painting themselves as the victims — in their case not of butts but of liberal meanies.

It’s an absolute must read. Not because it’s a good article — it’s terrible — but because it is so revealing, not only about Trump voters but also about the strange reluctance of so many in the supposedly liberal press to hold Trump voters accountable for anything they say or do. Indeed, the basic thesis of the piece — titled “Are Liberals Helping Trump?” — is that liberals are being so mean to Trump voters that they’re pushing them even further into Trumpland.

The piece starts with a brief portrait of Jeffrey Medford, a South Carolinian who voted “reluctantly” for the most dangerous man to ever occupy the Oval Office. Trouble is, when he brings this up in any venue also frequented by liberals, they’re like all mean to him.

Mr. Medford should be a natural ally for liberals trying to convince the country that Mr. Trump was a bad choice. But it is not working out that way. Every time Mr. Medford dips into the political debate — either with strangers on Facebook or friends in New York and Los Angeles — he comes away feeling battered by contempt and an attitude of moral superiority.

“We’re backed into a corner,” said Mr. Medford, 46, whose business teaches people to be filmmakers. “There are at least some things about Trump I find to be defensible. But they are saying: ‘Agree with us 100 percent or you are morally bankrupt. You’re an idiot if you support any part of Trump.’ ”

He added: “I didn’t choose a side. They put me on one.”

Uh, dude, you put yourself on the side of an unstable, authoritarian bigot by voting for him. If you didn’t know what you were getting when you voted for him, then you weren’t paying attention. Trump started out his campaign with an explicitly racist attack on Mexican immigrants, and it pretty much went downhill from there. During his campaign, he revealed himself to be a bully and a chronic liar with no understanding of the job he felt he deserved, a man morally and practically unfit to be president.

And now Trump is making good, or at least trying to, on his terrible promises. His only redeeming feature is that he is so ignorant and inept that he’s fucking it up.

Oh, and did I mention that he’s hellbent on taking away the insurance I and literally millions of other Americans depend on for necessary treatment for the chronic health issues that insurance companies like to call “ongoing conditions?”

So, yeah, some of us are a bit testy.

The article’s author, Sabrina Tavernise, sets forth a thesis that more or less mirrors Medford’s self-pitying “argument.”

Liberals may feel energized by a surge in political activism, and a unified stance against a president they see as irresponsible and even dangerous. But that momentum is provoking an equal and opposite reaction on the right.

“Provoking.” I don’t want to sound, you know, mean here, but this is the logic abusers use to blame their victims for their own abusive meltdowns. It’s a kind of argument that seems to come naturally to MRAs, Trump supporters, and Trump-supporter enablers.

In recent interviews, conservative voters said they felt assaulted by what they said was a kind of moral Bolshevism — the belief that the liberal vision for the country was the only right one. 

Assaulted? You know who else feels assaulted? The longtime residents of this country who have been arrested and deported by ICE, including one woman picked up at a courthouse after she complained of domestic abuse. The Muslims held for hours in airports as a result of Trump’s profoundly un-American executive order.

Is it “self-righteous” for those opposed to Trump to point out the actual effects of his bigoted policies?

Protests and righteous indignation on social media and in Hollywood may seem to liberals to be about policy and persuasion. But moderate conservatives say they are having the opposite effect, chipping away at their middle ground and pushing them closer to Mr. Trump.

Again, it’s the logic of an abuser: “You made me hit you!”

“The name calling from the left is crazy,” said Bryce Youngquist, 34, who works in sales for a tech start-up in Mountain View, Calif., a liberal enclave where admitting you voted for Mr. Trump is a little like saying in the 1950s that you were gay.

First, it’s not “a little like” that at all. Second, are you seriously complaining that the left is … calling you names?

I mean, you do remember all of this, don’t you?

I feel just terrible for these people.

Mr. Younquist wasn’t quite so open about his Trump support.

“The only place he felt comfortable wearing his Make America Great Again hat,” Tavernise informs us,

was on a vacation in China. Even dating became difficult. Many people on Tinder have a warning on their profile: “Trump supporters swipe left” — meaning, get lost.


“They were making me want to support him more with how irrational they were being,” Mr. Youngquist said.

I hate to tell you this, Mr. STEMLOGIC, but that’s not a very rational response at all.

Tavernise weighs in again with her equally stupid opinion. Which is pretty much the same opinion as all the Trump supporters she interviewed.

[I]f political action is meant to persuade people that Mr. Trump is bad for the country, then people on the fence would seem a logical place to start. Yet many seemingly persuadable conservatives say that liberals are burning bridges rather than building them.

How “persuadable” is someone who gets so mad that some women don’t want to date guys they violently disagree with politically that he decides he’s just going to SUPPORT TRUMP EVEN HARDER SO THERE TAKE THAT!!!1!!

But no Trump supporter may have suffered more for her beliefs than Ann O’Connell, a “retired administrative assistant in Syracuse who voted for Mr. Trump” despite being a registered Democrat. (She apparently liked Trump’s promise to build a big old wall to protect her from all the evil Mexicans who are creeping over our southern border and then I guess for some reason creeping all the way up to Syracuse, NY, not far from the Canadian border, where the percentage of Hispanics is far below the national average and which is actually a really terrible place to look for jobs right now.)

Anyway, Ms. O’Connell has suffered mightily for her beliefs. For she can no longer enjoy Meryl Streep movies! You know, because that mean actress lady gave that speech about how shitty it is to mock disabled people.

Mrs. O’Connell feels hopeless. She has deleted all her news feeds on Facebook and she tries to watch less TV. But politics keeps seeping in.

“I love Meryl Streep, but you know, she robbed me of that wonderful feeling when I go to the movies to be entertained,” she said.


Here’s my question: is it possible that these Trump supporters are feeling so defensive about their vote for president because on some level they know what they did was indefensible?

Or am I just being mean for even asking that question?

H/T — @ParkerMolloy, who posted a couple of the pics I used on Twitter.

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7 years ago

“Every one is responsible for my actions but me,” cries the uber-rational logic man who votes based on sad feelings about not getting dates.

7 years ago

I think there are some who are no longer feeling comfortable with how they are voting. All along, throughout the campaign, I urged people not to make irrevocable statements about Trump supporters and to give them every opportunity and the space to back down. But once they voted, they have to take responsibility for what they’ve done to my country and to the world. Now, I’m not full of forgiveness and understanding, I’m full of FUCK YOU.

Still, at some point, we’re going to need their votes to turn around state houses and the Houses of Congress. And I think it is right to give them space to back down.

But I don’t think they’re in the mood to take it.

If you see people protesting against Trump and supporting certain issues (e.g. health care, abortion, same sex marriage, etc) and you feel that this is a personal attack on you then you need to reflect why that is.

And yes, my dating profile does have a no Trump (and no Corbyn) policy on it.

7 years ago

But we’re the special snowflakes.

7 years ago

Why is it always the left that has to coddle these voters?

If someone being insufficiently nice to you was enough to make you sign up with an obviously evil dude then hey I’m not sure you were all that righteous to begin with.

7 years ago

My heart bleeds for the people who generation after generation voted for acts to deport my and many others’ ethnic groups.

Let me grab my kiddie gloves so I can give them all a coddle. “There there racist, classist white supremecist nazi lovers, it’ll be okay.”

7 years ago

What a bunch of whiny babies. They’re as whiny as the Mango Mussolini. They voted for a misogynistic, racist, antisemitic, bigoted quasi-fascist authoritarian. Did they expect a pat on the back? Second, did the so-called author of the so-called article miss Trump going full fascist the other day, calling the news media the enemy of the American people?

7 years ago

As my daughter would say, “Get the waaaahhhmbulance!”

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
7 years ago

I can’t help thinking that the Venn diagram between Trump voters and MRAs is a pair of concentric circles.

7 years ago

1. Has anyone ever seen an article asking conservatives to be extra special nice to liberal voters?

2. The people profiled in this article are presumably moderates who don’t see themselves as alt-right extremists. However, the fact that criticism makes them double down on their mistake instead of accepting responsibility says a lot about how “moderate” they really are.

2. So these bitter right-wingers do things we ask them not to do just to spite us? What if we told them to vote for Republicans in 2018 and 2020, or else?

7 years ago

The Alt-right strike me as the type of people who if they were in a life raft in the middle of the ocean with someone who was afraid of drowning they would start poking holes in the raft.

7 years ago

2. The people profiled in this article are presumably moderates who don’t see themselves as alt-right extremists.

Maybe not so much. I just read this article, where Steve M. poked around on one of the ‘moderate’s’ facebook page:

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

The fuck do they want ? A “rational debate” ? Sorry but I ain’t got the time nor the energy for that anymore. Shoulda taken the chance when we were offering it. They never wanted it in the first place, so why should we care that they’re moaning about it now ?

7 years ago

I have zero sympathy. When Obama won back in 2008, a right-leaning neighbor invited my husband and me over for dinner for the express purpose of lecturing us. She told us that we were everything wrong with America and she uttered some of the most racist crap I have ever heard over what was supposed to be a nice dinner. She also bragged about how expensive the food, her dishes, and some renovations to her house were.

There were a few other occasions when right-wing people felt it was good to inform me of how the world really works. I never sought these discussions out, and with the dinner, we weren’t going to discuss politics.

All of the people involved were well-off, über-privileged people who felt that the world didn’t work to their personal specifications and that everyone had to hear about it and try to make the world jus the way they like it.

In a similar vein, I have very conservative family members, and they do not take logical critiques of their positions well. One person began spewing racist stuff, and when I called her on it, she got teary-eyed, and acted like I was a meany-meany.

There was also a friend who posted factually incorrect memes on Facebook. I didn’t try to make it about politics, just the facts: that meme is wrong. She would call me names and sarcastically apologize for causing offense. I tried to tell her I wasn’t offended as a liberal. My fact-loving self was offended. She blocked me. My only point was, be on any political side you want but make sure you’re basing your opinions on the facts.

7 years ago

Sorry for the teal deer. I just can’t any more with people who base all their policy thinking on some made up bullshit, usually steeped in racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, islamophobia, and other related bigotries. If you care about your ideas, you should be able to argue them. Fiercely if necessary. It shouldn’t be about your personal feelings.

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

I think David’s right. They know their actions are indefensible, that’s why they are anticipating (without necessarily experiencing) great hostility from those who were aware all along that voting for Trump was an idiotic and malicious choice.

7 years ago

God, “I’m being critized for doing something, so NOW I’M GONNA DO IT EVEN MORE! OUT OF SPITE! NYAH!” is such a childish, petty attitude to have. Say, since these are all voters, they should all be at least eighteen, right? AKA, older than five? Then why the hell can’t they act like it? And why the hell is that our problem?

7 years ago

David this is fucking gold, thank you!
My inlaws are trump supporters and they feel THE SAME WAY. “Why cant celebrities/SNL give it a rest already, i just want some entertainment without being lectured and told im an idiot” WELL……

And @scarletathena, no trump supporter can base their support on facts. They support trump out of bigotry or selfishness (money), and they can’t be honest about that, so they freak out and make up absolutely ridiculous excuses, like “the left made me, out of spite!”

7 years ago

Trump voters spew hatred, act rude on purpose, mock those who have empathy, come up with really offensive slurs for liberals.

Then democrats say ‘you’re an asshole’ and suddenly we’re “just as bad”.

Blatant double standards. One of my co-workers is one of those “both sides are just as bad” clowns, and was disgusted that I argued that I do not respect Trump supporters. “So if I voted for Trump, you wouldn’t respect me?” She asked, to which I responded, “Yes, you would have lost a ton of respect from me if you did”. She had this disgusted look on her face like I just used some bigoted slur. As if choices like that are sacred and not allowed to be criticized.

And what pisses me off even more is how the right wingers now try to take the moral high ground by flat out erasing the past 8 years. “Waaaah, these protestors should just get over it, it’s not like we protested Obama!” “Unprecedented democratic obstruction”.

Reminds me of times when I was a victim of bullying. “Well moocow, he apologized for punching you in the stomach, now you need to apologize for saying he was being mean”.Fuck false equivalency.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

“We’re backed into a corner,”

Trump painted himself and any followers into a corner with that super divisive campaign. Now he’s like, “Don’t be so divisive, you sad losers!”

7 years ago

In light of the rhetoric I’ve seen espoused by the right in the past decade (i.e. the Creation Museum, the Westboro Baptist Church, Gamergate, coal rolling, open carry, etc.), it has become abundantly clear to me that they will not be satisfied, and will not cease their shtick, until the 1960s/70s, the 20th century, and the Enlightenment have been repealed, and the western world has been transformed into some Christian Dominionist/White Nationalist/Objectivist/Gorean dystopia. Frankly, I am well past any form of empathy, respect, compromise or reconciliation with them. Their demands are not reasonable, their side and ours are not reconcilable, and they never will be. If I want to regard them as a bunch of dumb rednecks, then so help me, I damn well will.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m probably going to rant out a lot of thoughts that may not connect so well. Sorry in advance.

If you actually voted for Trump, you most definitely not a fence sitter anymore. You threw your lot in with him and you have to face the consequences. I thought conservatives liked personally responsibility? As usual, that rule only applies to other people. Never themselves.

a liberal enclave where admitting you voted for Mr. Trump is a little like saying in the 1950s that you were gay.

Trump voters are not being beaten or killed. They aren’t denied any civil rights. There aren’t mass amounts of teenage Trump supporters who are homeless because they’ve been kicked out of the house. They aren’t being committed against their will to mental institutions or sent to religious reeducation camps to pray away the Trump.

Fuck you, you overprivileged little tech bro douche.

“Provoking.” I don’t want to sound, you know, mean here, but this is the logic abusers use to blame their victims for their own abusive meltdowns. It’s a kind of argument that seems to come naturally to MRAs, Trump supporters, and Trump-supporter enablers.

Yep. It’s the same protection racked we’ve witnessed from misogynist troll after misogynist here. These wank stains were always pro Trump. They just want to act like they’d oppose the harms the administration has done/will do so they can attempt to manipulate those who oppose Trump into sitting down, shutting and being compliant.

It’s going to do nothing but backfire. We can all see right through this pathetic bullshit.

Has anyone ever seen an article asking conservatives to be extra special nice to liberal voters?

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Here’s a non-comprehensive list of things conservatives have said to me.

Baby killer
You hate America
I’ll pray for you (in that passive-aggressive way that implies the speaker clearly thinks I’m hellbound).
Democrats thought 9-11 was funny
You’re only liberal because you’re young and naive (always said to me by older men, of course).
Been threatened with a dog siccing

That’s what I can think of right this minute. And I’m pretty privileged. As a cishet, white, mainstream looking person who strangers perceive as Christian, I don’t get anywhere near as much verbal abuse for my politics as some people do. A couple of years ago, a gay guy I did door knocking with told me he got called a f*g pretty much every night simply for telling voters that certain candidates were better for labor rights (so much for the notion that people will be nicer to the left if we would only just focus on economic and labor issues).

Still, I’ve never seen any think pieces about how conservatives should be nice to liberals. These weak ass losers crumble after only a few brief months of the left finally deciding to fight fire with fire. These hypocritical little shits need to get the fuck over it because we are still not treating them anywhere near as badly as their ilk have treated us over the years.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Fuck, no. I’m tired of it. I’m coddling nobody. I’m done with that shit.

I had to listen to people calling me and the POTUS and my party horrific names, and I tolerated it. I was told, just as many others have been, “Fuck your feelings” (among other things.)

You feel people are looking down at you now because of who you voted for? Welcome to my world for the last eight + years in a political climate YOU assholes fostered.

Guess what, people? Karma is said to be a bitch.

So am I.

I won’t start the argument, but I’ll goddamned well finish it.

Fuck your feelings.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago
I do not care about regretful Trump voters’ feelings. If you were oblivious and bigoted enough to vote for him, only later to find out that maybe your own personal health insurance is more important to you than banning Muslims, you are scum. If you then decide that people not coddling your bullshit is more important than both of those, you are even less

We don’t need these people. Clinton won by 3m votes after Russian interference, FBI sabotage, voter suppression, a moody rapist’s hack tantrum, nonstop media sensationalism, a deluge of hate from frat bro purity squad, dozens of expensive investigations into nothing, and a 20 year campaign to stop the closest woman to actual power from reaching it. 80000 votes in 3 states. We don’t need ‘heartland’ assholes. If brown people get out to the polls in 2 and 4 years and are allowed to vote, the fascists lose. And they know it. Fuck your economic anxiety, and your disingenuous feelings of victimhood too

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