I’ve often recommended that the terrible human beings who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way should literally go, preferably to some uninhabited island — some frozen rock off the coast of Antarctica or a remote atoll in the Pacific where they could prove their mettle by catching and eating any seagulls that stopped by.
So far no MGTOWs have gotten on board with this suggestion. And so I’d like to offer another possible solution: MGTOWs could simply dig themselves a deep hole in the middle of a desert somewhere and hunker down in it forever.
I got to thinking about these possible MGTOW solutions today after taking yet another look into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and running across this dude calling for the return of a centuries-old torture device called the “Scold’s Bridle,” basically an iron harness designed to keep women from talking .
Please, dude — and all the other dudes who upvoted this — go dig a hole and live in it.
Fuck Bill Maher, because he dated the Coultergeist, and she’s the world’s official most horrible woman. Also, he’s not a liberal. He’s just an asshole who thinks he’s edgy sometimes. Like Milo, in other words.
Fuck Milo, too. Because obvious reasons.
Oh, and Brian? That’s the name of the “popular” asshole who pretended to be interested in me when I was 12 (and he was 13), as part of some elaborate prank he and his clique were playing on me, the school loser/loner. (For shits ‘n’ giggles, because kids that age are all assholes, especially the ones who go around in cliques.) Eventually he “left” me for someone who’d been his real girlfriend all along. Joke was on him, though: I knew what he was doing and didn’t give a shit, because I actually liked someone else (who really DID break my heart, and who was a much bigger asshole for it, too). I just pretended to go along in order to turn it around on him and all his buddies. And since I was a good little actress, my counter-prank worked like a charm. I think he was kind of baffled that I didn’t react when he fake-dumped me in front of everyone, and it totally ruined all their little jollies for his buddies, but it was his prank, and he could go rub his own nose in it for all I cared.
So yeah, fuck Brian. Fuck all the Brians. Why ARE there so many fucking wankers named Brian, anyway?
Brian is in the kitchen.
That’s for the other French Mammotheers, who’ll understand right away and weep. Otherwise, I feel that Kevin is more of an asshole name (for men anyway), but then again there aren’t that many Brians where I live. Women assholes seem to go by Marine.
And of course, there’s Jean. The French male name, that is. Everyone who’s called Jean or whose name starts with Jean (Jean-Marie, etc) is a fucking asshole.
I mean, yeah alright it’s my name, but there’s a loophole so there.
@Sinkable John:
@ sinkable john
“Jean has a long moustache”
I… don’t get it. Am a bit slow right now, admittedly.
@Alan Robertshaw
That’s from a time where it was a still a popular enough name that it wasn’t given only by idiotic, holier-than-thou, wannabe-aristocrat bigots who want their kids’ names to sound royalty-ish. Those times had the best Jeans.
Bina, I have another double asshole Brian story!
While I was learning Russian in the USAF, a Brian in my class asked me out *after* telling me all about how he drove home EVERY weekend (an 8 hour drive!) just to hang out by his old high school and try to pick up high school girls. We were all of 19 at the time, but I still found it creepy. I never did date him, but since his parents lived not far from my parents’ house, I pitched him gas money and rode down and back with him* once a month or so. My mom thought he was “a great catch” and kept asking if we were dating even after I told her about the high school thing. Really, mom?? >.<
The other Brian was an Army dude I was really attracted to (still at the Defense Language Institute) but he wouldn't give me the time of day unless most of his other companions were unavailable. Of course, I didn't know why he was so hard to get in touch with until I got filled in by another of his lower-down-the-list girlfriends. We both promptly cut him loose and filled in the rest of the AF women's dorm which cut his dating pool by at least a third. A real proto-PUA, that one! (this was 1979.)
*He had a few people who would do this and I never made the trip with fewer than 3 people in the car. The only bad trip was the one where the other guy who was riding down had just gotten the latest Rush album on cassette and they played it at top volume the whole way down.
It took me a couple of decades, but I quite like Rush now.
@sinkable John: Okay so that was mainly an excuse to post ‘King JJ’ from Yuri On Ice, because I love that the Canadian in the show is a really confident jerk.
His name is Jean-Jacques Leroy, so it sort of ties in. Does it prove the point that all Jeans are jerks? YES IT PROBABLY DOES.
(Here’s an American figure skater showing off the JJ style:
Because that is hilarious)
… OMG to bring both conversations together, here’s a tweet from Kelly Turnbull:
Eeeeeee! I love asshole stories!
(And no, that was not sarcastic. I really do love them.)
Uff. Moms sometimes…
Thankfully, mine never shoved me at an asshole just because she wanted me to “find someone”, get married, give her grandkids, etc. I do appreciate that…
And yeah. That thing with picking up high-schoolers is creepy-eepy-deeply-creepy. Also reeks of insecurity and an inability to handle relationships on an equal footing. You dodged a bullet there.
Ugh, that’s more than just a PUA, that’s a POS. Maybe it’s just as well to be snubbed by one of those. ‘Fact, I’d rather be…it would cure me of my dumb infatuation in no time. The guy I really liked instead of Brian didn’t just snub me, he INSULTED me at full volume in front of a roomful of other kids…and boy, did I ever hate him from that moment on. Sure, I wanted the ground to swallow me up in that very instant, but the upside to all the awfulness (and the years-long loss of self-esteem and social and sexual backwardness that ensued) is that I was no longer stupidly stuck on that little snotball. (Plus I got back at him years later…by making HIM wish the ground would open up and swallow him, for a change. And I did it without saying a word!)
PUAs and MGTOW secretly reading this, take note: Insulting and mistreating women doesn’t make them want you more, it makes them hate your fucking guts and want no part of you. Especially THAT one. And if they remember you at all, it will be as “that fucking bastard who damn near ruined my life”, not The One That Got Away.
PS: Re Rush: I’m lucky in that the band has no associations to any person in my life. I first heard them on the radio when “Limelight” came out, and just instantly loved the song. Thank Goddess, no Brians!
Or maybe The One That Got Away — Thank All the Lucky Stars in the Sky!
I’ve felt that way about a few exes. In one case, Another Woman did me an enormous favor by taking a guy off my hands.
@Alan Saw Hidden Figures last night and loved it (obligatory ‘liberties with the actual history’ caveat, apparently)–definitely recommend. Though to my surprise it brought up a lot more personal feels than I’d expected, as I grew up in that environment (my dad was one of those young guys in the white short-sleeved shirts…).
These guys need lockable mittens so they can’t type…or wank over their women-hatin’ screeds.
I’ve got even a better suggestion regarding the MGTOW Residence hole.
The MGTOWs can go dig a hole, jump in, and pull the dirt in after themselves.
Regarding Bill Maher, I was done with him when I heard him using things like “schoolgirl” as an insult. At that point, to me he was just another man that thinks of anything that smacks of womanhood as being lesser and, therefore, an insult. He is a misogynist in liberal’s clothing.
@The Real Cie
Eh, liberals in general are misogynistic, racist, etc. I mean, I don’t doubt that Maher is a liberal, which is to say that he favours ‘capitalism with a human face’. But as long as cishet white men aren’t in visible distress, liberals are generally happy.
@The Real Cie:
From what little I’ve seen, Maher is only a liberal inasmuch as he’s an asshole looking for a cause to be assholish about, and arbitrarily chose to identify with the blue team rather than the red team. I doubt he’s read Popper.
He’s not the only self-identified liberal that’s like this, of course.
That’s my point. Basically all self-identified liberals are like that.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee:
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman (who identified themselves as such) claiming to be afraid of sharing a bathroom with a trans woman. Of course, women can be incredibly transphobic, but I’ve never seen one who demonstrated some sort of fear of the nightmare scenario that the person who pees in the other stall might have different equipment.
There’s also the “hilarity” that… well, what are the transphobes afraid of (or trying to scare other people with), when it comes down to it? Rape. They assume that if you put a trans woman in a room with cis women, the trans woman will turn out to be a rapist (and not be deterred by the fact that she is in a public space).
But if a woman feels unsafe being around a man at any occasion? That’s sexist, that’s slandering him with false rape allegations, #NOTALLMEN!
@ guest
Well it is a better narrative if you pretend there really was a moon landing. 🙂
I do have a real affection and admiration for the ‘steely eyed rocket men (and women’) of that time though. ‘Failure is not an option’ and “to be made of a material (which will need to be invented)” and all that. And also control stations with built-in ashtrays. (Can’t help but think there’s a connection there.)
Bina – I’ve never been dissed in public like that and I’ve always had the utmost contempt for people who do that kind of thing. That’s a real POS, right there! I’ve also never understood how some people respond to things like that by aspiring to do the same to others, either.
Brian #1 wasn’t so much a bullet dodged as much as me watching a bullet roll past my feet. I mean, the guy straight-up bragged about what he was doing even though most of the guys listening to him were rolling their eyes! And now that I think about it, he was as much (or maybe more) of a PUA as Brian #2 because his attitude was “You guys are so dumb to work so hard at trying to date these female military peers of yours!”
And to paint my deer a deeper shade of teal, I also had a female friend* who liked to brag that she used sex to get stuff she wanted from men. As in, her favorite story was how she slept with her History teacher in high school in order to pass the class. This was a few years after the language school when I was stationed in Italy. I think of her whenever the word “cringeworthy” comes up in conversation.
*more like friend of a friend, or actually, co-worker of a friend who tagged along a lot…
Quite true. Because we know what actually goes on in women’s bathrooms. We know it’s an absurd argument.
This ‘rape in the bathroom’ (wank) fantasy that some men have, well, if a public restroom is so isolated that it would be a good place for a sexual assault, the attacker would have no need to dress as a woman. If someone just wants to spy on women performing bodily functions, that’s usually done with hidden cameras.
I do not see what is their problem with toilets. In general, when you go there, you have other things in mind than looking at who is exactly in (unless you are a spy in a movie). So, having trans-gendered people in toilets corresponding to their trans-genre can not be a problem. And about toilets, i am more concerned about the general lack of free public toilets : cities have less and less of those, while that should be considered as a usual public service. Nobody has an infinitely extensible bladder. And there should also be booths for changing children stuff. Damn !
Have a nice day.
So, I guess feeling left out because there haven’t been (AFAIK) any specific “bathroom bills” in Canada, some shitheads have been latching on to Bill C-16 (basically extending discrimination protection to “gender identity and gender expression”) as an excuse to promote their transphobia.
Surprise surprise: it’s run by a dude trying to pass off his bigotry with a thin veneer of science and faux-feminism. He’s a local pastor, and recently did a misleading flyer campaign pushing the idea that the bill somehow strips protections from women.
Also, to this, and the ongoing conversation about bathroom safety, it’s really telling how nobody speaks up to protect boys. If men are such dangerous perverts (nice misandry, dudes!), then what about the ones who would prey on young boys? Why do we allow more than one person into public washrooms at a time ever? But no, they never follow their thoughts through to their conclusion – just up until the point where they can justify their transphobia.
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden:
These statements made me laugh so hard!
Well, my name is Kevin.
One of my brothers is named Brian.
Sincerest apologies to you for all the asshole Kevin’s and Brian’s out there.
And I promise you that I will try to keep all my own assholishness to myself.