empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW goes medieval, urges return of “scold’s bridle” to shut women up

The “scold’s bridle” in use

I’ve often recommended that the terrible human beings who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way should literally go, preferably to some uninhabited island — some frozen rock off the coast of Antarctica or a remote atoll in the Pacific where they could prove their mettle by catching and eating any seagulls that stopped by.

So far no MGTOWs have gotten on board with this suggestion. And so I’d like to offer another possible solution: MGTOWs could simply dig themselves a deep hole in the middle of a desert somewhere and hunker down in it forever.

I got to thinking about these possible MGTOW solutions today after taking yet another look into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and running across this dude calling for the return of a centuries-old torture device called the “Scold’s Bridle,” basically an iron harness designed to keep women from talking .

Ximkai[S] 8 points 4 hours ago* This is a Scold's bridle. Women may call it a medieval torture device (because being forcefully stopped from bitching probably does sound like torture for them), others call it a witch hunting tool. In reality, this is one of the many contraptions that helped keep the peace all the way up until the late 1800's. Almost exclusively used on women, it was a form of punishment for shrewish gals who just found too much joy in causing a scene in public. They would be court ordered to wear this mask for whatever period of time. And to put it lightly, it was simply designed to shut a bitch up so that everyone may continue their business in a polite and quite society. While some may have you think that this is some type of torture, all it would simply do is depress the tongue of the wearer to make speech impossible. Of course, once witch hunts became a thing, some more brutal devices were created that would cause pain with metal spikes on the tongue depresser. This just goes to show that even in history AWALT. However, back in the day, society was allowed to do something about it and could police everyday headaches with public humiliation.

Please, dude — and all the other dudes who upvoted this — go dig a hole and live in it.

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Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
8 years ago

These MGTOWs…all they DO is b–ch about women. It’s an endless circle jerk for them.

Has anyone else noticed the proliferation of MGTOW You Tube channels? I’m a masochist, I guess…sometimes, I go to one of them, and read the comments. I’m hoping some of the commenters are very young men, and they’ll hopefully mature out of it.

I wonder if it ever occurs to them, the numbers of women who’ve written off men, and “gone their own way,” but weren’t so pretentious to consider it a social movement.

@Troubelle: If you’re reading this, I’ve really been enjoying your posts. I can hardly believe you’re as young as you say you are! Keep writing!!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


Thanks. I guess I’m something of an oddity, but as long as I have some reasonable output, I’ll do my best to offer it.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

@Rhuu yes it is pretty scary.

( possible trigger warning, bullying)

When I was younger, I never said much at school, due to shyness and pretty severe social anxiety. Of course, the bullies would try to bother me until I said something. They would steal my books, spit on me, and try to trip me in the hallway. This only made me want to shut down more. It really sucked.

Fast forward and long story short, I am a lot better now than I was, but I still sometimes have nightmares about losing my voice/not being able to speak above a whisper.

So yeah, anyone who thinks this sort of punishment is a good idea is an asshole who can go fuck themselves.

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
8 years ago

Did anyone else note the irony in non-traditional-male-presenting Milo worrying about bathroom safety?

If he showed up in my very conservative part of the world with his Rachel Maddow haircut with Rachel Green frosted tips, festooned with pearls on wrist and neck, with his posh accent and brittle Deputy-Head-of-Sixth-form false confidence he would have to worry about his own bathroom safety. Some horrible bigot might beat him up in the bar bathroom because, “I don’t know what you’re supposed to be”.

He’s a henchman, not even a provocateur. He’s the weak guy that stands with the bullies, with the hope they might forget *he’s everything they hate*.

Let him talk. Let him talk everywhere. The longer he talks to anyone, the more closely his views begin to align with theirs, he’s just that shallow.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Looks like after 20 hours the original Reddit post has only five distinct commenters. One of them is a bot, one goes “fuck yeah”, one rants about women in generic off-topic fashion, one jokingly points out that gags don’t work on people using keyboards. One actually calls it out like “this is too sick for even Reddit”.

See if they get banned for “concern trolling”, which is apparently against the subreddit’s rules.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Imma go shower away the memory of having read that. Does anyone have any pointers on how to loofah one’s brain without a surgical saw?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Does anyone have any pointers on how to loofah one’s brain without a surgical saw?

Might I suggest the tinykittens livestream?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

I really fucking hate it when men pontificate on how I need to be protected from peeing in a stall next to a trans woman. Don’t drag me into this shit. I’ve never been threatened by a trans woman in a bathroom or anywhere else and I do not care if a trans woman uses a bathroom with me. When I’m in a public bathroom I am not worried about anyone’s bits. I’m worried that the bathroom will be sufficiently clean. I’m worried that I’ll forget to check for toilet paper and there won’t be any there. If conservative men are so worried about making my bathroom experience more pleasant, they should advocate for more plentiful and clean public bathrooms.

Okay. Now I’m rambling. I’m just saying, speak for yourselves dudes. Don’t do bigotry in my name.

I also hate the notion that trans people are just confused. I’d be willing to bet the average trans person thinks a lot more about gender and knows a lot more about the research done on the subject than the average cis person. And doesn’t Milo, as a gay person, realize that a lot of gay people are told they’re just confused and will snap out it when they meet the right person of the opposite sex.

I’m so glad I stopped watching Real Time a few years ago. Who even still watches it? Just in case any lurking MRAs come in here to defend Bill Maher, they should know that one of the reasons I finally got fed up with him and quit watching was when he said boys can’t be raped by their teachers, they’ve just gotten lucky because they got to have sex with the hot teacher.

8 years ago

[Roaring laugh from the audience.]

This part always scares me. I expect Maher to be a twerp who gets to play cool dude with ‘edgy’ guests. And I understand the audience is self-selecting.

But man, so many people are just flat out assholes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

As a fan of all things Apollo mission related can I take this opportunity to recommend the new film “Hidden Figures”?

I don’t want to say why people here might enjoy it, as that might be a bit a spoiler. If you’re unfamiliar with the ‘behind the scenes’ aspects of the space race you might be in for some surprises. The film really addresses what I call ‘Tommy Flowers Syndrome’ but with particular emphasis (although it’s not ‘in your face’) on some remarkable but undersung people.

It also has the best ‘mathematics as action sequence’ scenes since ‘Apollo 13’.

Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
8 years ago

@Hu’s On First: I read the article you linked to.

So, it’s come to that. I’m a nonpracticing Catholic – Catholic by birth. Some parishioners of the Catholic church my husband belongs to, want to have armed guards stationed around the church during Sunday services. Not surprisingly, they began to discuss this after Dylan Roof’s shooting spree.

OK, there’s some prejudice against Catholics, here in rural Pennsyltucky. But, ARMED GUARDS? This is out in the sticks, not in Philly.

The Adjunct
The Adjunct
8 years ago

Who even still watches it?


My Bernie-loving, Anita Sarkeesian-hating brother thinks Maher is not just the bees knees, but a legitimate source of unbiased news. Unbiased. News. He also thinks Bernie is the biggest civil rights hero and Nixon’s war on drugs primarily targeted hippies. I’ve tried to talk with him about these things, but he’s so utterly convinced he dismisses anything that contradicts his worldview as ‘biased’ therefore ‘false’.

Idk what to do.

8 years ago

@The Adjunct

The Drug war literally did target black people and was even admitted to be specifically to target black people.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Unbiased. News.

It’s a fuckin comedy show! Then again, people voting for Trump thought he was a good businessman, cos he played one in a game show

He also thinks Bernie is the biggest civil rights hero

John Muthafuckin Lewis (his real middle name, true story…) would like a word. He’s in Congress too, so he can still fawn over a politician if he wants

Nixon’s war on drugs primarily targeted hippies

As oblivious as Sanders can be vis a vis racial issues, I’ve heard him say, on multiple occasions, that the drug war is racist. As with most bros (puns), Bernie serves as a buffet of ‘radical’ ideas for them. They take what they want and leave the rest. Not that he makes it difficult for em to do so, but whatevs…

The Adjunct
The Adjunct
8 years ago

@oogly, @axe

I know… my brother admits ‘yeah i can see how it could be racist, but really, those poor hippies were the biggest threat to nixon.’ He just puts blinkers on and ignores evidence contradicts his beliefs.


As oblivious as Sanders can be vis a vis racial issues, I’ve heard him say, on multiple occasions, that the drug war is racist. As with most bros (puns), Bernie serves as a buffet of ‘radical’ ideas for them. They take what they want and leave the rest. Not that he makes it difficult for em to do so, but whatevs…

Yep. I personally don’t disagree with Sanders on a lot of things, just his priorities. I also am most frustrated with his supporters. I know, #not all, but enough of them. Bernie also pleaded with supporters to vote for Hillary, and some turned on him for that. It must be exhausting to be so pure. I like your buffet analogy, so true.

Sorry for derailing… I’m still upset at the whole milo/maher thing. Bill maher is so good at making bigotry so easy and fun. Ha ha yes let’s just laugh at those people, those ‘weirdos’, say we’re only ‘joking’ when people get upset, and then victim blame vulnerable populations about what happens to them. Fuck milo/maher, seething misogynists using women to justify their hatred for transpeople and muslims. But we must all remember who the real victims are, white cis men!!

8 years ago

@The Adjunct
February 18, 2017 at 1:5
Don’t be. Stay as mad at Maher as long as you’d like. Never really liked the prick myself even before this. He was the quintessential brogressive who gives lip service to progressivism when he isn’t sucking up to boomers.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

HOLY SHIT. WE LITERALLY TALKED ABOUT THE SCOLD’S BRIDLE IN HISTORY CLASS ON WEDNESDAY. (Our current area of study is crime & punishment during the 16th and 17th centuries.) The thought of the “manosphere” and what their response to it would probably be was a thought that crossed my mind multiple times. Sickening.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Bill Maher thinks that comedy is the highest form of free speech and that it should be completely above any kind of criticism aside from the “did it make someone laugh” variety. I know this because he has said as much, back when he was defending Rush Limbaugh for calling Sandra Fluke a c-nt. He had a routine in which the punchline was that he called Sarah Palin a c-nt, and the audience laughed which made it A-OK. That was his argument. People laugh, therefore nobody can criticize it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

I wonder if Maher is bitter because with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert leaving their political comedy shows, he assumed he would be the king of that genre. But then John Oliver and Samantha Bee came along and are both funnier and do progressivism better. They’re the ones people talk about while Maher is only talked about because people are rolling their eyes at his cranky smugness.

Laugher at BIgots, Mincing Betaboy

Why does anyone think Bill Maher is liberal?

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago

Because he made fun of Dubya and Palin and some other republicans.

8 years ago

Please, dude — and all the other dudes who upvoted this — go dig a hole and live in it.

Better still, get ye a scold’s bridle and WEAR IT, dudes…because if anyone’s kvetching the shit out of everyone’s ears, it’s yourselves.

(And get a couple more for your fingers, too.)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


OUCH ! Losing a save is the worst thing ever 🙁

Hugs and pancakes.


And doesn’t Milo, as a gay person, realize that a lot of gay people are told they’re just confused and will snap out it when they meet the right person of the opposite sex.

He’s the one who keeps saying gay people are confused and/or sinners because reasons. Also he became gay to not have to deal with “nutty broads”.

I dunno why even logic anymore.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

That poor save game :C All those pokecritters. That’s awful!

Bill Maher is hideous and I’ve never liked him. He may say some progressive things, but really, he’s just a bully who will pick on anyone he think he can pick on. Progressive comedy punches up, and makes you feel good afterwards – maybe not awesome, but perhaps energized, and certainly feeling more aware of the world. Conservative comedy punches down, and doesn’t make you feel anything but perhaps a little smug about your own superiority. Maher? He just punches everyone.

Fuck that guy. Maher and Milo, made for each other. They’re just different generations of trolls.

8 years ago

@wwth: That’s what gets me about the whole bathroom thing too! How would I know if the person next to me was a trans lady? Here’s a newsflash to all of the conservatives worried about this: THERE ARE NO URINALS IN WOMEN’S BATHROOMS. No one can see anyone else’s junk. We go into the bathroom, choose a stall, check if it’s been flushed, check if there’s toilet paper, then we CLOSE THE DOOR.

After we’re done whatever we came in there to do, we flush, open the door, and wash our hands.

When am I going to know that the person next to me was trans, in this? We are all in little locked cubicles the entire time!

Here’s something that will really blow people’s minds… I have a non-gendered bathroom at work. There are two totally enclosed rooms that share a sink. The WORST part is that people who pee standing up don’t always put the seat back down, which means that I have to touch it so I can pee.

Also sometimes there is no toilet paper. D: And sometimes you need to wait so you can wash your hands.

But no other problems…?