I’ve often recommended that the terrible human beings who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way should literally go, preferably to some uninhabited island — some frozen rock off the coast of Antarctica or a remote atoll in the Pacific where they could prove their mettle by catching and eating any seagulls that stopped by.
So far no MGTOWs have gotten on board with this suggestion. And so I’d like to offer another possible solution: MGTOWs could simply digĀ themselves a deep hole in the middle of a desert somewhere and hunker down in it forever.
I got to thinking about these possible MGTOW solutions today after taking yet another look into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and running acrossĀ this dude calling for the return of a centuries-oldĀ torture device called the “Scold’s Bridle,”Ā basically an iron harness designed to keep women from talking .
Please, dude — and all the other dudes who upvoted this — go dig a hole and live in it.
What’s AWALT?
All Women Are Like That.
Ah, thank you, Jenora. Guess I need to bone up on my MGTOWeas.
Or not.
I think reading this made some part of me die a little.
Holy shit.
Mars. They can have Mars. We can build a giant cannon and shoot them there.
What have you got against Mars?
No way. Mars is awesome. Give them an asteroid or something, one of the useless stony ones.
Let’s send them to colonize the sun. That’d be nice.
It just goes to show how much they fear us. Even our words are cause for panic and brutal countermeasures.
“Just goes to show…”
How does “it used to be cool to torture women” just go to show that all women are terrible? UGH. This hurts my brain. Why are they so intent on making everyone else’s lives so miserable? How is it possible to feel good about being so malicious?
Yes, let’s bring back pillories and stocks for MGTOWs who are too busy complaining to actually GTOW. Do these idiots realize … no nevermind. They don’t.
Quick OT venting…
My save data for Pokemon Shuffle was corrupted somehow. I’ve been playing that game every single day for 2 years, and ALL that progress is now gone. I just spent 30 minutes on an international tech support call (wasting a ton of money right there, being put on hold several times…), and the guy (BRIAN, I’LL NEVER FORGET YOUR FUCKING NAME) told me that the way to fix this problem is to delete the game and re-download, then start over from scratch. THAT DOESN’T EVEN COME CLOSE TO SOLVING THE PROBLEM BRIAAAAAAN. Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay for the game a second time. The download will be free. BRIAN IT’S A FREE GAME. THIS IS NOT HELPING AT ALL. Well, you’ve called the experts, and I’m telling you this is how to fix your issue. BRIAN I DON’T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO SCREAM AT YOU. I hope our support has been helpful- LET ME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE BRIAN YOU KNOW FUCKING WELL YOU HAVE NOT BEEN HELPFUL AT ALL. I’M GONNA GO TALK TO DONOVAN IN THE CHAT SUPPORT NOW. This is Donovan how may I help you? PLEASE KILL YOUR FRIEND BRIAN AND SEND ME ALL HIS MONEY. Excuse me? YOU ARE NOT EXCUSED DONOVAN.
Sorry about that. š
Gonna go cry into a pillow now.
Mars is a nice planet. Mars doesn’t deserve to have MGTOWs shot at it out of a cannon.
‘Glad we finally have some peace and quiet from the womenfolk’
‘Right? All the better to hear raging civil war thundering around us’
-2 proto MRAs from most any ‘Western’ nation at some or multiple point(s) between the fall of Rome and the Scramble for Africa
@Imaginary Petal
I’m sorry about your game. And that tech support was not helpful.
No no I’m pretty sure there was peace and quiet literally the whole of human history until the late 1800’s when we started letting women talk.
By some strange coincidence, I once had an epically bad phone call with my insurance company that featured a fuckwit named Brian who actively tried to sabotage me by asking the grievance department to review a decision they had made in my favor two months earlier. I will never forget the name of Brian.
“Brian” is a great name to growl while furrowing your eyebrows and staring off vaguely into the distance.
The disturbing thing is, this isn’t even the first time a manurespherian has called for bringing back the scold’s bridle.
They are cartoon villains. Like, seriously.
Hi, I’m a (drunk) space scientist, and I endorse this plan.
It’s like they think the Handmaiden’s Tale is a manual, not a warning.
I’m so sorry. That’s truly awful.
Nothing says going your own way like saying you want to publicly torture women for disobeying you /s
I also find it funny that he isn’t even trying to say that witch hunts were bad when they implemented spikes administered to the person’s tongue, almost as if he takes pleasure in wanting women to get killed/tortured in horrific ways to satisfy his shriveled heart.