#ResistTrump trump

Today’s #ResistTrump Menu: Scott Pruitt, Trump’s tax returns, Russia Russia Russia!

Scott Pruitt: Crushing the environment’s head

Three items on the menu today — do them all or pick your favorite(s)!

SCOTT PRUITT: With robot-loving, minimum-wage hating, allegedly wife-abusing fast food magnate Andy Puzder taking himself out of the running for labor secretary, the focus now turns to Scott Pruitt, the litigious EPA-botherer who now wants to run the agency. His confirmation vote is set for Friday, and it’s not a sure thing. Republican Susan Collins and Independent Angus King say they’ll be voting against him.

So call your senators! For more on what a disaster Pruitt could be as the head of the EPA see this MIT Technology Review piece; 5calls also has a quick summary of Pruitt’s flaws and a script for calling.

TRUMP’S TAXES: So it turns out there’s an old law that could compel Trump to hand his tax returns over to the House Ways and Means committee. Unfortunately, in a vote earlier this week, Republicans on that committee voted against using it to pry Trump’s tax returns loose.

If you’d like to give any of the 23 “no” voters a call, you can find their names and numbers here. Or call your rep and get on their case about making another request. If your rep is Bill Pascrell, send him a thank you for digging up the law and trying to put it to use.

RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA: This is the thing that could bring Trump down. Call your senators. Call your representative. Demand an immediate and INDEPENDENT investigation. 5calls has more info and a brief script.

Hell, make this your daily call on any day you’re not calling about something else. Use any new news on Trump and Russia your excuse to call. Right now, obviously, that’s the Flynn resignation. But there’s new stuff happening with regard to Trump/Russia pretty much every day.

See my posts here and here for more advice on how to call/write your congress members. And here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety. If you can’t call, writing a personalized email is also effective.

Oh, and if you need some encouragement, here’s the cover of the latest Time magazine.

I don’t think Trump is going to be bragging about this one.

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8 years ago


The Safe Drinking Water Act made what they did in Flint illegal. It’s one of the most important environmental laws we have on the books. Of course, just because a law exists doesn’t mean people won’t break it sometimes. And I think when people do break those laws, they should be severely punished.

Like I said, my husband works at a water system, so we’ve seen it from the inside, and if there wasn’t a Safe Drinking Water Act, and water utility operators weren’t afraid of getting in trouble, they would cut corners A LOT more often than they do now. My husband does actually care about not poisoning people, but we’ve known about people who only look at the bottom line and will cut corners if they think they can get away with it. Just having it on an honor system does not work.

Not having an EPA is going to suck.