empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Men Going Their Own Way declare war on flowers, flower recipients

Bummer, dude

Today’s POST-VALENTINE’S DAY 50% OFF SALE ON BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY POSTS continues with a little peek into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the locals have declared war on flowers, men who give women flowers, and of course the women who have flowers given to them.

In the waning hours of Valentine’s Day, a MGTOW calling himself davisyoung posted a photo of a man buying flowers at a supermarket — traditionally the most romantic place to buy last-minute Valentine’s day flowers because you forgot it was Valentine’s day.

“Suckers!!!!!” davisyoung crowed. “And Happy Int’l MGTOW Day to everyone.”

International MGTOW Day is the alternate holiday that MGTOWs celebrate every Valentine’s day. Traditional International MGTOW Day activities include posting bitter misogynistic tirades on Reddit, posting bitter misogynistic tirades on places other than Reddit, and muttering bitter misogynistic tirades under one’s breath.

Naturally, the MGTOW subreddit regulars were happy to share their holiday spirit.

Someone called dot_dot_beep won dozens of upvotes for this lovely sentiment:

Women and consumerism are complementary parasites on the backs of the beasts of burden that are men. Look at those simps–psychologically broken there hoping some flowers will gain their master’s approval.

Andreas-mgtow agreed, declaring that these pathetic flower-buying men only “do it [so as] not to elicit the wrath of their live-in she monsters.”

Really? My live-in she-monsters prefer catnip, or even just a fresh can of cat food. (Note for extremely literal-minded readers: That’s because they are cats. That’s the joke. Not because I live with a group of women who demand I feed them Friskies.)

TheCommentMutilator offered a little field report:

This year was my first in 17 years of not going through these motions. Went to the grocery this evening to grab some things for dinner and it felt so good to not have to search for the obligatory Valentine’s Day gift.

No ring on my finger, no chocolates or flowers in the cart. Just me and my steaks and vegetables. The vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at my cart bolstered my pride in being a single man on this day.

The “vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at your cart?!” Where the hell are you shopping anyway?

I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s day myself, but jeez guys, get a fucking grip.

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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I am seeing Quagsire and Gligar on my nearby! (I think?)

Gen II is finally heeeeeeere

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


I guess having friends who smoke, helps. That’s pretty much all the people I know save for the immediate family and their friends o_O
So I guess I actually have a better chance than most people in that way.

High schools and colleges are packed with it, for example, though I dunno if it’s the same in America. That’s usually where most people smoke their first. Where I went, you generally just had to look hard enough to find smokers. I remember a history teacher tipping a friend and me off about a police “inspection” with dogs planned the next day. Remarkably, half the place loved that guy, and the other half hated him – including other teachers. Best teacher I ever had, and not even because of the tip.

Or maybe it’s like, certain cities, I dunno. I remember walking into Bordeaux for the first time of my life while looking for a little something to get some sleep, and finding it within 10 minutes. That nearly happened in San Francisco, too, but I’d just got there and had zero cash. On the friggin BART. And the gal was French. So go figure.

And one little dumb thing : appearance does lots. The reasoning is that certain “kinds” of people are more likely to be looking for something, or to have something to share/sell. That’s judged entirely on how you look. For example I have long hair and a not-exactly-tidily-shaved face, and I mostly wear hoodies, so people identify me as a “likely smoker” easily, apparently. Okay, I mean, they happen to be right, but the assumption is fun to watch. But then that mostly applies to cities.

It’s not an exact science I guess. It’s tied to places (basically, remote places have either none or lots of it), people (there’s no way to find a model about this one), the goddamned law, etc. Not sure “outliers” even exist – right now I’m basically in the same situation you are, but there’s definitely other factors that don’t depend on me and help. It’s not even always been easy for me either, by the way, this is actually pretty recent.

Then again I’m trying to think about it while already almost “ready to sleep”, so there, rational thinking. It’s the shit I say while high, which is still better than the shit some people say while stupid.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

I’d always heard rumors that other local high schools (which weren’t funded as well) had people smoking pot under the outdoor bleachers and in the bathrooms. I cannot testify, as I didn’t go to those places very often…and I don’t know the smell.

It’s the shit I say while high, which is still better than the shit some people say while stupid.

I concur.

8 years ago


herp de derp i haven’t eaten anything in over 24 hours gosh nothin wrong with that

Are you my secret twin sister? Or my sister’s secret twin?

I eat because the clock says it would be a dumb idea for me to continue not eating. Once I’ve started eating, hunger signals work fine.

Occasionally when I’m not eating I notice this vague feeling like hunger, but it’s pretty faint. Sometimes I don’t notice the feeling and I don’t watch the clock, and then *I’m* pretty faint.

And hangry.

Nobody likes me when I’m hangry.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

I dunno that the funding has much to do with it, to be fair. I don’t think I’ve heard of a single high school here that doesn’t have a lot of stuff going around, but then again there might be something fundamentally different about American schools that I dunno.

By the way, it’s a “you know it when you first smell it” kinda smell. You can’t miss it. I mean I’m used to it (and my sense of smell has dulled because cigarettes) but it still comes off as a strong smell to me. I know jack about describing smells though so I can’t tell you much more.

Also, what dlouwe said is true. It also tends to work better long term than going out directly into the wild to try and find something by asking around. Which I’m finding more and more difficult to do.

8 years ago

Troubelle: in Montreal, at the base of the mountain (at the big statue), there’s people asking if you’re “looking for something… quelque chose”. In many touristy places around the world you can find a tout. But their stuff is normally reputed to be overpriced crap — just like all the legal overpriced crap in tourist traps the world over.

For a regular supply, you need to get a reputation for being an open and trustworthy person. Then suddenly you discover that a bunch of very normal-looking suburban types have easy access. It’s all by word of mouth.

My understanding is that the science suggests that consuming cannabinoids before your early 20s might actually be a moderately bad idea, for brain development reasons. Otherwise it’s pretty safe — generally way safer than alcohol. I don’t know about the safety of other drugs. Anything strongly addictive, like nicotine, please stay away!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Anything strongly addictive, like nicotine, please stay away!

I’ve been using weed to get myself off tobacco (with… moderate success). Sadly I still have to roll with tobacco so it kinda defeats the point of smoking less cigs. Might get me one of them fancy vapor thingies, should I happen across some monies.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@numerobis, hee! That’s totally me, too. Sometimes I’ll stop and think “Huh… I haven’t eaten more than an apple in a day and a half… maybe I shouldn’t have this coffee right now…” I only feel hungry after I’ve eaten a bit.

It’s them stress hormones shutting down hunger signals, is what it is. My body’s so acclimatized to high stress that I just don’t feel hungry. That’s just my normal.

Numerobis, other Albertans, I wanted to ask your opinion on these guys: –> <– Have you seen before? Heard anything of them? They look good, and given the recent events I really am starting to feel the urge to get to work on this here, now, instead of waiting a few years for the next election.

Federally as well, which led me here: –> <– Do you know anything about these?

8 years ago

Do the kids today still ask about a William Holden?

Other than that it’s always abut knowing a guy who knows a guy. I don’t think I’ve ever met a random pot dealer, even in some of the sketchier places I’ve visited.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Anybody who can get any is lucky. My dealer was arrested six months ago and they were the only person in town*. =_= I’m dry until they’re out, ugh. Why yes, that is why I’ve been even more acidically cynical than usual lately. =P

*Going to another town isn’t an option when I live in the Aussie outback and can’t drive (legally blind).

Bad joke time: Would us vs the alt right be the 420s vs the 4/20s?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Something I used to do was sit in some park with a substantial amount of beer and a friendly smile. On a friday or saturday that usually resulted in a larger group forming (with a lot of people also bringing sizable quantities of drinks) and eventually somebody would arrive who’d know something. The drinks help me because I’m not exactly extrovert in the first place so it gives people another reason to have a sit and a chat, but otherwise they aren’t necessary.


the 420s vs the 4/20s

Ew ew ew. I smoke on that day to forget about the guy who was born on that day.

8 years ago

Scildfreja: I haven’t been an albertan since I dropped out of kindergarten. However, those websites look nice.

The only org I know is through a personal contact. But even then, I’m not very close to any organized anything. I was looking to change that this year, but now I’m moving, so…

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Working on the transcript. It’s taking me a bit longer to scrub the identities of people than I thought but hope to finish before bed (It’s a 29 page word document). Also I’m making versions with and without image macros that I’m sure are legitimately triggering. I’m still pecking at this guy and at the moment I left him a “come at me bro”.

This is an example of dissecting my own performance later. I’ve been saving my own arguments to look at later for years.

Re: pot. I was lucky to be able to hide a small hydroponic set-up for four crops. For the first time in my life my wife and I have a dealer so I have no done one for a bit. I self taught the grow, but would understand if David might have objections. If nothing else I can point people to websites and offer forum search terms.

You may enjoy reading Martin Hughes of Barrierbreaker. Do a search on Sargon of Akkad. I think you will enjoy. I occasionally haunt the comments there as well but not as often as here.

I agree about the whole “rational” thing. They tend to just say it as if it was a self evident fact instead of a claim. It’s usually a claim that you have to pry out of them (there is a lot of this with the FB bigot too but I cut the rational claim off early so they are using more words that say the same thing).

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


Solid advice. And I’m aware of the potential fallout from starting young, as well as the fallout of addiction.

@Sinkable John, re: cannabis and cigarettes

Gah, my girlfriend has the same problem last I checked. I’ve encouraged her to make an effort to quit the nicotine, if not the pot, but there’s not much I can do long-distance.

8 years ago

Yeah, it’s easier when you’re younger. People never wanted to do it alone and knew that I would. So I’d have it occasionally.

I had a bad car accident in the early 90s and had a friend who married a guy who dealt and for a while “I” was the one who knew someone. It helped a lot with the chronic pain. I still have some pain, but it’s less and I’m used to it.

The last connection I had I got was also my friend who knew people, but she approached me because I smoked cigarettes and asked me if I smoked anything else and did I want to hang. We were friends until recently when she became a FoodBabe fanatic which is really almost just as bad as having a friend fall in love with the right. But we haven’t lived in the same state for years.

I could have had a connection in my former neighbor, but my mom has a personalized license plate which is based on her maiden name, but made them think she was a lawyer and I was a narc. But I was too broke to buy any, still am. Brokeness made me quit smoking too, although I do have a not-to-fancy vape setup. It’s nice sometimes and it did get me off the deathsticks.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


I’ve underestimated how long this will take. I have not done one of these in too long and I’m still replacing all the names with respondent numbers. I’m going to be longer but I will try to make it worth it. Sorry.

It’s more fun than it has been in a while. I think I’m going to “run this one to ground” meaning I’m going to go until they get tired and leave. I may reply to every one their comments just to make a point. This one is worth it. They are obsessed with butt sex and minutiae that amounts to spraying disgust around.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Yeah, I don’t think I could be friends with a Foodbabe follower.

8 years ago


I thought of you and other veg interested mammothers when this landed in my inbox today.

I don’t know if this qualifies as easy in your book, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to give this one a go in the near future.

But for wwth, she has a whole section of quick recipes and she’s vegetarian, not vegan. I really like her pictures.

disclaimer: I have only made a few recipes from this site. One that was phenomenal, but now, sadly, out of season:

Bookmark it for next fall if you like spicy stuff!

8 years ago

Re: Cannabis

I’ve never been approached but recently went to Lisbon (Portugal) and out of the group was the one approached every time. A couple of times a day for a week.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Well a great thing with pot is that it tends to kill most kinds of cravings (‘cept for food and water, it sorta amplifies those) although I’m not sure it does that to all people. If I smoke a joint, I won’t want a cigarette for the next several hours – with a bigger budget, I might one day be able to plan some kinda schedule across the day to get to zero cigs. I’ve been a regular smoker for more than half of my life though so it runs pretty deep now, but for some reason I’m still able to seriously limit my intake on some days. I should’ve quit years ago but it never felt like it was “the right time”, because mental/emotional health issues that I don’t really want to add anything on top of. Incidentally, now is definitely not the right time.

So I just got up and heard that His Orangeness had a full meltdown and threatened to nuke something ? I can’t believe that a guy like that feels superior because he’s a teetotaler while some of us have to get drunk and/or high off our faces to deal with the anxiety that he inspires.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Re: cannabis; I’ve always been kind of a goody-two-shoes type (outwardly, anyway) with no one in my life who’d admit to having access. That is, until Husbeast met his first official girlfriend after we went poly.

I have her to thank for changing Husbeast’s attitude toward cannabis, which was “Never! It’s illegal!!” till he met her. She has issues with arthritis and it basically allows her to function. Until they had to move, she gleefully kept me supplied with some of the dankest cannabutter in the land and got me baked like a middle-aged gingerbread woman whenever we all got together. She also took me to her 4:20 doc to get my first rec.

So, it pretty much dropped into my lap unexpectedly. I fervently wish the same for everyone everywhere!

If you’re in the U.S. and want to help change the cannabis laws, check out which has chapters in most states.

I know we all have a lot on our plates right now, but if this is important to you, you should know that norml was key in getting cannabis legalized here in Cali.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

A mate of mine is particularly adept at cannabis based cooking (“It’s just another ingredient”) so here a link to her recipe for hash fudge (bottom of article).

8 years ago

Is it bad that I’m honestly horrified of any sort of drugs, legal or illegal, harmful or not? And that I honestly feel like I should not be around anyone that uses illegal drugs in any capacity? I think the War on Drugs got to me a little too much, I hate the very idea of being high. Like, I was given laughing gas to get some teeth removed and I felt bad about needing it, I honestly kind of wanted to be awake because at least I wouldn’t be high. As soon as I regained consciousness, I tried to will myself into not being high and it mostly worked, outside of feeling numb.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

If it’s bad, we’re bad together. I don’t like being around people under the influence of things. It’s intimidating and I get all tense. I’m pretty much ‘straight edge’ save for the rare glass of something on holidays

I think the War on Drugs got to me a little too much

Ayup! Just Say No and C.A.R.E. really dig their claws in, don’t they (assuming you’re Murican and were subject to that bullshit)? Yeah, weed can be dangerous, but so is sugar, and I just finished scooping that shit into my mouth

I hate the very idea of being high

Agreed. No thanks, Chris (I knew a guy in high school too)

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

Vaporizers are pretty fantastic. There’s some really good models on the lower-medium end of the price range (I got a pen for ~$120CDN and a table-top for ~$160CDN). I primarily like them because they are so much easier on my lungs, but an additional benefit is they make it a lot easier to regulate your supply and dosage, since the herb isn’t continually burning and going to waste.

If you’re ever able to spring for one, it might help you get to that “zero cig” day.