Today’s POST-VALENTINE’S DAY 50% OFF SALE ON BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY POSTS continues with a little peek into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the locals have declared war on flowers, men who give women flowers, and of course the women who have flowers given to them.
In the waning hours of Valentine’s Day, a MGTOW calling himself davisyoung posted a photo of a man buying flowers at a supermarket — traditionally the most romantic place to buy last-minute Valentine’s day flowers because you forgot it was Valentine’s day.
“Suckers!!!!!” davisyoung crowed. “And Happy Int’l MGTOW Day to everyone.”
International MGTOW Day is the alternate holiday that MGTOWs celebrate every Valentine’s day. Traditional International MGTOW Day activities include posting bitter misogynistic tirades on Reddit, posting bitter misogynistic tirades on places other than Reddit, and muttering bitter misogynistic tirades under one’s breath.
Naturally, the MGTOW subreddit regulars were happy to share their holiday spirit.
Someone called dot_dot_beep won dozens of upvotes for this lovely sentiment:
Women and consumerism are complementary parasites on the backs of the beasts of burden that are men. Look at those simps–psychologically broken there hoping some flowers will gain their master’s approval.
Andreas-mgtow agreed, declaring that these pathetic flower-buying men only “do it [so as] not to elicit the wrath of their live-in she monsters.”
Really? My live-in she-monsters prefer catnip, or even just a fresh can of cat food. (Note for extremely literal-minded readers: That’s because they are cats. That’s the joke. Not because I live with a group of women who demand I feed them Friskies.)
TheCommentMutilator offered a little field report:
This year was my first in 17 years of not going through these motions. Went to the grocery this evening to grab some things for dinner and it felt so good to not have to search for the obligatory Valentine’s Day gift.
No ring on my finger, no chocolates or flowers in the cart. Just me and my steaks and vegetables. The vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at my cart bolstered my pride in being a single man on this day.
The “vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at your cart?!” Where the hell are you shopping anyway?
I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s day myself, but jeez guys, get a fucking grip.
Thanks everyone. Feeling better now, though I’m trying my hardest to just stop giving a fuck. I’m still puzzled though. Like… she was the perfect example of an anti-GGer (and the perfect example of everything gators hate), what the fuck happened ?
Ehh, it’s more of an attitude thing I guess ? Like, if someone is a fucking asshole (like Milo) and I hate their guts, the last thing I want is them acting “friendly” around me. That’s actually the stuff of my nightmares, quite literally it seems. Though I can probably think of a few reasons why I might feel especially strongly about this particular thing, so maybe it’s just me.
“Sargon is lefty” has to be one of those critical points where someone absolutely needs to reconsider everything they think they know about, well, pretty much everything.
I really need to get a decent soundbite of Jon Stewart’s “crystal duh” line. Does anyone have one handy ? I can’t even seem to find the video for that segment anymore 😐
I hope you manage to find a way to deal with this, whether by educating them (I think you’re probably the best suited person for the job) or running away as far as you can (and then anyone blaming you for that is an idiot). Whichever you think is best, you get all the hugs and support. I know it’s not easy, I’ve lost too many friends to far-right bullshit.
Thanks, everyone. I am sort of kicking myself right now to be honest. Yesterday I was all “You should eat in the morning because it can help anxiety reduction!” and today I’m all herp de derp i haven’t eaten anything in over 24 hours gosh nothin wrong with that. I don’t feel the sensations of hunger anymore, for some reason, apparently. So that’s a thing. Food deprivation sure didn’t help my conversation skills.
Thank you, @Jack, you are most certainly the handsomest of Jacks. You’re right, there are lots of tools for diffusing that and discrediting RM, TYT and Sargon. Problem is that he seems to have bought into this “mainstream media is a bunch of lying liars”, so I can’t use that line. I can certainly drop a metric shit-tonne of science on his head, though, because he considers himself a smartie-smart and a master of rationality.
That’s also part of the problem, though. If I disagree with him, he’s more likely to think I’m just misguided than to think he might be. I don’t want to pull scientist creds on him (I doubt it’d work) but I’m not sure if any other arguments will work at all.
It’s a tricky pickle! Speaking of pickles, though, I should eat this sandwich.
EDIT: John, I’d love to run, but he’s pretty deeply embedded into my only real social circle. If I run from him, I run from pretty much all human interaction. I’ve done that before, and I can’t really go down that hole again.
They run together into a big, muddy puddle in which nothing can be discerned from, yeah, although I guess I should make an effort to discern them…
I won’t though.
Mainstream media is a bunch of lying liar? I wonder where he would have heard that? Maybe from these talk shows in which they have an overt agenda to push? One that so overt even he notices and thus has to get his opinion from multiple sources?
And, like, where does he think these people like Sargon and shit get their news from? They get it from the mainstream media. None of the talk shows have their own reporters which go to press conferences and get things from the source. They all read and listen to these supposably lying liars to form their own opinions which they then relay to their listeners.
Just cut out the middleman, man. If you’re smart enough to see that there’s biases and lies in the talk shows you listen to, you’re smart enough to do the same to actual news, dude. Ffs.
Also, toast is a good go-to for something quick to eat, just pointing that out.
@ jenora
Have you tried crisps/chips made from root vegetables other than potatoes? Over here you can get like beetroot, parsnip etc. They’re pretty scrummy; especially when you get to the bottom of the bag and it’s just salty crumbs. Mmm. Time to run to the shops I think.
No choice then.
Well, if I could educate someone (short-lived as it turned out to be) out of that kind of thinking, then you definitely can. I don’t have a tenth of the knowledge and smarts about those things that you display on here, not to mention the patience or the way with words. So, sure, the conditions were a bit different and certainly made it easier for me, but I’m sure you’ll manage.
@Sinkable John
I mean, I’ve sort of sworn to myself that I’m not going to use any controlled psychoactive substance that isn’t cannabis (and even then I’m waiting until legalization….mostly because I don’t know where the hell I would get any from. Like, I hear about people just finding people pushing it on them or running into a dealer, but?? I honestly don’t know what I’ve been missing.) for recreational purposes, so I wouldn’t consider the offer of the opium derivative as a particularly positive interaction.
That said, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to be in the vicinity of someone you intensely dislike. If I saw Trump in a crowd….well, I’d briefly consider his idiocy if there’s no Secret Service agents about (which I can see him doing at this rate), and then give him a piece of my mind. But I wouldn’t be happy about him being there.
@Alan: I wanted to find a clip of Mary Berry saying the word ‘scrummy’, because that’s all I could think about, but instead here’s a blog post about her, and it uses the word scrummy.
WOW then I wanted an animated gif that said ‘good enough’ and apparently the only thing that pops up are gifs about being NOT good enough. ;__;
Close enough it is!
I’m becoming increasingly certain that rational or independent are just code words for a person or organization that prioritizes the interests of the privileged.
Good luck ! When I was 16 and too young to be an addict, I made myself the same promise, and have managed to keep it so far, with rare exceptions over the years, but only with stuff that’s about as harmful as weed or even less. Well, there’s also alcohol and I’m generally pretty damn close to tumbling down into full-blown addiction, but smoke has pretty much killed the cravings ever since I managed to secure the deal I’m running on now (so since October), so it looks like I’m coming off that hook too. Talk about a cure-all.
As for finding the stuff, well… I’ve been there 😐
These days I got something stable going on with a friend, so it’s pretty comfortable, with reasonable prices and quality, but it’s not easy finding such an arrangement. It really all boils down to finding out who in your area sells the stuff, deciding which of the who’s to go see (based on things like price, quality, and does this guy look shady or what – seriously, be careful) and stick to them.
I rolled ya one, sending it as soon as they’re done inventing physical mass uploading/downloading technologies. Gonna take a while uploading, I ain’t got a lot of broadband available right now and it’s a pretty big one.
I delurk in empathy if somewhat belatedly.
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes, @Sinkable John: my heart aches with yours.
I made up some special medicinal fudge yesterday, and mentally sent you some, John.
Sure is. “Rational” seems to mean “I’m gonna believe what I like, and I’ll defend my belief to the death.” Can’t really think of many rationalist positions that aren’t attacks on minorities, women, compassion or progressive society at large.
Wait, isn’t “rational” short-hand for “rationalizing any and all positions that reinforce pre-existing privilege” ?
Mind. Blown.
Thanks ! Must’ve been something wrong at the mental post office though, ’cause I only just mentally received it now, heh.
Rationality’s close to my heart. It pains me to have any association with these self-adsorbed shit-gibbons. If your rationality ends up reinforcing your beliefs instead of destroying them, you’re doing it wrong.
It’s just funny and frustrating. Because most of society defaults to view the defense of the privileged as “rational” and the defense of the marginalized as “irrational/hysterical/radical” the standard of proof bar is set much lower for those who defend the status quo. That means that activists and people who spend a lot of time in social justicey spaces online learn pretty quickly to think critically, analyze things and make arguments that are actually rational. This means that rational or independent would be more apt descriptions of people like us. I mean, seriously. What is rational about whining that political correctness has gone mad? What is rational about the just world fallacy that has to be engaged in in order to buy into conservative bootstrapping theories? And so on.
It’s yet another thing that really needs to be claimed back from said shit-gibbons, kinda like atheism – pretty sure it’s not a coincidence that the two are closely related.
Somebody’s gotta coin a rule about old white men owning intelligence. Actually, somebody probably already has.
ETA : I dunno, this might just be semantics, but I often find that the “radical” position is also the most rational one. But then “it’s all relative” really applies here.
“I am a rational and independent thinker.”
-No truly rational or independent thinker, ever
It’s pretty much the same as the “nice guy” principle. People who make a huge deal about rationality and logic and how good they are at thinking are far more likely to be complete shit at it. Or, at least, far less likely to be willing to examine their own biases.
Translation: I’m 17 years old and just bought my first steak at the grocery store all by myself! Everybody applaud!
So cute when these miggytoes think they can impress anyone with pitiful things like that.
@ rhuu
Ah, the great British bake-off, our state religion.
I was walking my dogs on Valentine’s Day and I was accosted by someone who had a rose in their hand. Complete stranger, and female, about 20yo. I am female 51!
I refused whatever she was going on about – I am sure she was perfectly sweet, but I hate VD and I didn’t want to carry around a dead flower.
I really wish MGTOW could comprehend that there are many women who are unsentimental and not materialistic. Quite a few of us aren’t even hetero. It is tedious to be lumped into one category, and always such an unflattering one!
Women: Works part time to help with bills, does most of the house work, sacrifices her body to have and feed children, spends the rest of her time taking care of said children.
MGTOWS: Stupid dumb cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men: Works full time job, occasionally helps with house work, is expected to buy his wife flowers one day out of the year.
MGTOW: Poor oppressed bastard!
@Sinkable John, re: purchase of psychoactive substances
Thanks for the advice, but my point was more like this: I hear news about people getting Certain Substances very, very easily. But I’ve never come across anyone peddling such substances.
It probably comes from me growing up in suburbia, not going outside very often, and not having much in the way of fleshy friends, but I seriously have no idea how people track this stuff down.
Am I just an outlier, y’all?
Someone already answered the Sword Art question, but let me know if you want more details. I haven’t played it yet.
The purple ones I got the other day were yellow in the middle. My local Farmer’s Market has orange, yellow, green, purple, and white varieties available. Also, red, orange, yellow, gree, and purple bell peppers. I like getting a variety of colors. 🙂
I’ve had a very similar experience – grew up pretty solidly middle-class, never had a ton of meatspace friends, and those I had were also relative shut-in types. Until fairly recently, before I built a pretty significant social life, I had effectively zero clue how to even go about locating Certain Substances. But like, basically, you gotta know a guy, or know someone who knows a guy, or know someone who frequents a place where they could find a guy, etc.
Technically speaking I know a gal who knows a gal, but both are in Florida. I’m not.
I love Valentine’s day and pretty much all holidays whether I’m single or not. (although I’m very much in love right now with a wonderful person). man, I probably really annoy those angry types cause I’m both queer and super sentimental and mushy gushy. I love the roses, chocolates, stuffed animals and everything else.
we’re celebrating late tho. :3