empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Men Going Their Own Way declare war on flowers, flower recipients

Bummer, dude

Today’s POST-VALENTINE’S DAY 50% OFF SALE ON BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY POSTS continues with a little peek into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the locals have declared war on flowers, men who give women flowers, and of course the women who have flowers given to them.

In the waning hours of Valentine’s Day, a MGTOW calling himself davisyoung posted a photo of a man buying flowers at a supermarket — traditionally the most romantic place to buy last-minute Valentine’s day flowers because you forgot it was Valentine’s day.

“Suckers!!!!!” davisyoung crowed. “And Happy Int’l MGTOW Day to everyone.”

International MGTOW Day is the alternate holiday that MGTOWs celebrate every Valentine’s day. Traditional International MGTOW Day activities include posting bitter misogynistic tirades on Reddit, posting bitter misogynistic tirades on places other than Reddit, and muttering bitter misogynistic tirades under one’s breath.

Naturally, the MGTOW subreddit regulars were happy to share their holiday spirit.

Someone called dot_dot_beep won dozens of upvotes for this lovely sentiment:

Women and consumerism are complementary parasites on the backs of the beasts of burden that are men. Look at those simps–psychologically broken there hoping some flowers will gain their master’s approval.

Andreas-mgtow agreed, declaring that these pathetic flower-buying men only “do it [so as] not to elicit the wrath of their live-in she monsters.”

Really? My live-in she-monsters prefer catnip, or even just a fresh can of cat food. (Note for extremely literal-minded readers: That’s because they are cats. That’s the joke. Not because I live with a group of women who demand I feed them Friskies.)

TheCommentMutilator offered a little field report:

This year was my first in 17 years of not going through these motions. Went to the grocery this evening to grab some things for dinner and it felt so good to not have to search for the obligatory Valentine’s Day gift.

No ring on my finger, no chocolates or flowers in the cart. Just me and my steaks and vegetables. The vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at my cart bolstered my pride in being a single man on this day.

The “vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at your cart?!” Where the hell are you shopping anyway?

I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s day myself, but jeez guys, get a fucking grip.

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Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Valentine’s Day is alright. You make (purposefully) shitty Valentines for your buds and bake some shit for people to enjoy and buy all sorts of cool cookies, chocolate and strawberry/cherry/raspberry flavored crap at stores. S’alright.

There’s more to love than just romantic love, and while I’m not a fan of holidays which make such a big deal about giving stuff to people on this specific day (ooooh capitalism), it’s at least a day that you can celebrate all sorts of love–platonic, romantic, familial–by just eating a shit ton of candy with people you like to hang with and be happy that you know cool peeps.

I mean, it ain’t no Halloween, but at least it isn’t fucking Christmas.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Lots of new comments since I made mine.

Scarlett Athena said

Then we had dinner with friends. I had bought chocolates for everybody, including the waitstaff. Valentines day love can be spread around, ya know.

l love this idea! Make it more like elementary school and appreciate everyone in your life.

dlouwe – I googled Trader Joe’s flowers and caught an article (from The Oregonian in 2015) that said TJ’s and Costco get their flowers from Columbian growers that provide free childcare for their workers. The cost is subsidized by the grower and the government.

ETA: Handsome Jack: I mean, it ain’t no Halloween, but at least it isn’t fucking Christmas.

Hear, hear! (can’t seem to do the lazy quote thing in edit)

8 years ago


That’s good to know if I ever do need to get some flowers – we don’t have any TJ’s around here, but there is a Costco.

8 years ago

Youall got me so excited for Cheap Chocolate Day that I actually made a special trip to my favourite discount store, which had had loads of leftover Xmas stuff…and they had zero Valentine’s chocolate. So disappointing. They already had Easter chocolate out–which was not on sale.

8 years ago

TW: plant genital removal, and flowers.

I would like to apologize for the following, which I believe I learned from a wonderfully weird science fiction novel…

“Forcibly removed vegetable hermaphrodite genitalia” AKA “Flower”

Oh, and now for my rant on flowers:

There’s some serious oddness about the flower industry. Floral roses can’t reproduce because we decided almost every part of the flower must be a petal. Diseased tulips were once considered more beautiful than the “regular” ones. Every standard yellow banana is a clone (no seeds, see?). Plant an apple seed from any variety of apple, and you get a tree with a different tasting apple. Production tulips get mown down to make sure the flower bud in the bulb gets more energy to build on for when they bloom them for sale. Poinsettias have to be treated to particular (and cold) temperatures so they bloom properly.

Anyone complaining about GMO foods, should consider also complaining about what we put the poor flowers through, just so we have something pretty to look at. If they were animals, we’d have PETA up in arms about almost every commonly sold flower.

Oh, and “Singles Awareness Day” should be a thing.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

I think I’m gonna cry. I just found out by chance that my ex has just made a new fb account (friend just became friend with X, X being a pseudonym which I know has to be hers) and, well… the cover pic is a pic of Milo standing in front of a murican flag.

For fuck’s sake it’s only been a year and a half, how can a feminist and antiracist fall so fucking low in such a short time ?

But hey, Fate was kind to me, making me learn about it the day after Valentine’s Day.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Me and Dali said nice things about each other in between her super long workday, my extra short workday, rather disparate timezones, and lotsa sleep. And I helped her a little bit to pay for something she was gonna buy anyway. Not specifically Valentine’s shit. If that’s gynocentrism, I can manage…


It does not occur to them that other people can go through the day without deciding that every little thing they see is a sign that western civilization is collapsing

It’s exhausting me just thinking about it

*hugs, hugs, hugs*

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Betcha dot_dot_beep doesn’t think spending money on stuff he’s really into is consumerism. A woman wants to buy a bunch of shoes? Consumerism! dot_dot_beep wants to buy a fancy 1/2 ton, or a bunch of guitars, or expensive fishing gear? Those are necessities.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

If I could, I’d offer ya a hug or a reasonable equivalent. Also a joint.

And now I’m suddenly reminded of a weird dream I had where Milo or a close lookalike was in something that looked like my Dad’s house except with more antique wood, doing coke and offering me an elaborate glass bottle of codeine (or was it laudanum?), which I declined.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Tim Gueguen,

That would be the correct assumption. We once had a troll here that was saying women are shallow because they want their homes to have furniture but he was also going on about how much time he spends on video games. Spending money on something practical like a sofa or table is shallow but spending money on a hobby isn’t?

Not saying it’s shallow to spend your disposable income on gaming, just pointing out the hypocrisy.

He also told us he’d kill himself if he didn’t get rich enough to marry a hot 20 something trophy wife by the time he was 40 and complained about he had to dump his cool, smart and not shallow GF because she wasn’t hot enough to be arm candy. So yeah, he was full of the usual logic and consistency one expects from an MGTOW.

Gods, I wish I remembered what thread that was so I could read it again. It was comedy gold.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Sinkable John – so sorry about your ex. ETA: I’d offer you some edibles if I could, since I don’t like to smoke.

JS – Singles Awareness Day is apparently a thing. It has a Wikipedia entry and everything. It seems that some people don’t approve of this, either.

How about plain old Appreciation Day? Celebrate someone, or as many someones as you like. Shouldn’t be too hard to get American Greetings and Hallmark on board. I’d favor this taking the place of Valentine’s Day, though.

tim gueguen – there’s a Chevy (I think) commercial where a guy gets down on his knees and kisses the bumper of a big-ass pickup truck and growls “Come home with me!” I actually feel embarrassed for him because it’s one of those commercials with ‘real people’ instead of actors and this is what the world is seeing of him. Yikes.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Axe, Troubelle, Hambeast


Thankfully I already happen to have the joint in my hand right now. Actually, two of them.

Lucky for me, I was just about done rolling them (’tis the sleeping ritual, roll two big ones, take as long as needed to smoke them and enjoy what’s left of the evening, then hit the hay) when I saw it but now I think I might have to roll more.

This has gotta be one of those cases where ignorance is indeed much better than knowing, and the worst part is I saw it by the sheerest fucking dumb bad luck. Computer froze for a second, I misclicked on the “friend became friends with” link, saw the Milo cover pic and went eww, how the hell did I get here, and then saw the pseudonym.

… when I first met her she was a 17 yr old who’d been bible-thumped her whole life and swallowed it whole (despite being pansexual). Two years and a half of heated disagreements about the usual things that her kind of person and mine would disagree on, she’d entirely shed that skin and learned to accept and embrace herself and others. After we broke up I looked back and figured that at least I’d done a good thing for the first and only time in my life.

And then it’s gone in even less time than it took to do. The fuck happened to you, America, that you had to do that to her.


About that dream, err… I’ve had the same one. If you figure out how to bleach that one out of your memory, you gotta tell me how. I’ll tell you if I come up with anything (I can already tell you, smoke don’t help with that).

8 years ago

I’m 40 and been single all my life but I’m thankful I’m not as bitter and hate filled as these guys. I’m sure any lurking trolls reading this are laughing at me and calling me a beta cuck or some other nonsense but I don’t care,at least I’m not blaming the entire universe for my situation.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I’m experimenting with “going all out” on a homophobe on a facebook debate group am part of. Would screenshots be anything anyone might be interested in? I’ll find a worthy LGBT related thread to bump with it if anyone is interested.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


I’m interested in seeing that, and not just ’cause I need the schadenfreude right now, heh.

8 years ago×413-.jpg

Based on that image we had friends over to eat fun size candy and watch horror movies projected against the fence. Can’t say I felt the urge to rant about our friends that had dates and flowers and such. . .

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

@Brony: I’m becoming less convinced about the utility of “internet debate”, as it seems to play directly to the behaviours of the very worst sort of people. If you enjoy it, though, by all means do it.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I fully agree. That’s why any debate is directed at potential audiences and I’m enjoying pointing out the deficits in behavior and reasoning ability. It’s a teaching moment and a guilty pleasure.

I can think of a lot of reasons why that might be unwelcome to some so I decided to ask everyone first. I can do things like linking and not letting it post the actual image or other things. This person is a nasty piece of work.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago


What kind of life do you have where even people being happy is antagonizing to you?

Not a life at all, just a hollow existence. I feel the strangest mixture of pity and disgust for people like that. Instead of seeking and finding ways to build themselves up, they seek and find ways to tear others (and themselves) down.

@John: Holy shit! My condolences! *hugs/hug alternatives*

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@John, <3. That's terrible. I'm sort of discovering that sort of stuff about a few close friends right now, so I totally sympathize.

You still did a good thing. Don't forget that.


(I can’t eat for a few hours after I get up or else I just get violently ill)

Sleep brings along a whole host of stress hormones; that shuts down your digestive system and makes you feel nauseous. Coffee/caffeine will make this worse, as it also reinforces the production of the same response. Needless to say, anxiety or stress will make this issue worse, but it’s often just poor sleeping habits that are disrupting your circadian rhythm.

Eating something may actually help your body realize that it’s wakey-wakey time. Toast, fruit (I think watermelon is a good choice), and light, non-sugary pastries can be a good choice. Just a little bit of something non-greasy and light encourages production of MAO-A, which is a metabolic agent that’s part of digestion – and it also breaks down adrenaline, serotonin, etc. So jamming some calories down the face-hole and getting your digestion system going, even if you’re nauseous, can actually help wake you up and reduce the feelings of nausea (As well as being a good de-stresser if you wake up anxious)

Sorry if this is pedantic! I don’t mean it to be. I actually suffer the same thing, often, and I’m pretty terrible for not eating breakfast. Bad at taking my own advice!

8 years ago

Ugh, watching people you care (or once cared) about journey into the asshole empires always rough. My condolences.

I had a few rough days leading up to VD, but decided to go see The Lego Batman Movie that night. Had a good time. 🙂

8 years ago

One Valentine’s Day my husband and I were walking about town and saw a huge line in front of a florist’s kiosk. All men. I’m sorry to say we laughed loudly enough to earn a score of dirty looks, but it’s not often you see a bad romcom sight gag brought to life.

As for flowers? Only once have I got them from my husband, but it was still grand– 13 (artificial) black roses, picked up the day after Halloween. (The clerk was apparently puzzled by this being a romantic gesture). For us, the 14th is Cheap Chocolate Eve, if anything, and we just let the day play out as it well. A day off because it coincides with my husband’s day off? Great! If not? Something else, maybe…

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
8 years ago

@Sinkable John: Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago

I bought myself ice cream for Valentines day. Actually I bought myself ice cream because I wanted an ice cream, and it happened to be Valentines day.

I did get a Valentine though! My friend’s seven year old made me the most lovely card, using approximately two tons of glitter.

8 years ago

Last night, I finally got around the watching ‘The Room.’ Yes, it totally lived up to its reputation of Ed Woodian-level ineptitude. But I noticed something else. Tommy Wiseau has made a movie for MGTOWs!

Tommy plays Johnny, a total beta. He can’t get a promotion at work, and he totally dotes on his girlfriend, whom he has been supporting for years, since she is unable to make a living on her own. He’s such a beta, he buys her flowers! In a flower shop!

His fiancee, Lisa, is an evil woman. Johnny is such a generous soul that he takes in an orphan, but she still accuses him of beating her, lies to him about being pregnant, and then has sex with his best friend, who is a total Chad Thundercock.

Johnny is so overtaken by beta feels that he kills himself. But–HA!!– literally over Johnny’s dead body, Chad rejects Lisa. The evil woman is sorry!

The movie has such a warped view of women, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tommy Wiseau actually haunted MGTOW message boards.