Today’s POST-VALENTINE’S DAY 50% OFF SALE ON BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY POSTS continues with a little peek into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, where the locals have declared war on flowers, men who give women flowers, and of course the women who have flowers given to them.
In the waning hours of Valentine’s Day, a MGTOW calling himself davisyoung posted a photo of a man buying flowers at a supermarket — traditionally the most romantic place to buy last-minute Valentine’s day flowers because you forgot it was Valentine’s day.
“Suckers!!!!!” davisyoung crowed. “And Happy Int’l MGTOW Day to everyone.”
International MGTOW Day is the alternate holiday that MGTOWs celebrate every Valentine’s day. Traditional International MGTOW Day activities include posting bitter misogynistic tirades on Reddit, posting bitter misogynistic tirades on places other than Reddit, and muttering bitter misogynistic tirades under one’s breath.
Naturally, the MGTOW subreddit regulars were happy to share their holiday spirit.
Someone called dot_dot_beep won dozens of upvotes for this lovely sentiment:
Women and consumerism are complementary parasites on the backs of the beasts of burden that are men. Look at those simps–psychologically broken there hoping some flowers will gain their master’s approval.
Andreas-mgtow agreed, declaring that these pathetic flower-buying men only “do it [so as] not to elicit the wrath of their live-in she monsters.”
Really? My live-in she-monsters prefer catnip, or even just a fresh can of cat food. (Note for extremely literal-minded readers: That’s because they are cats. That’s the joke. Not because I live with a group of women who demand I feed them Friskies.)
TheCommentMutilator offered a little field report:
This year was my first in 17 years of not going through these motions. Went to the grocery this evening to grab some things for dinner and it felt so good to not have to search for the obligatory Valentine’s Day gift.
No ring on my finger, no chocolates or flowers in the cart. Just me and my steaks and vegetables. The vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at my cart bolstered my pride in being a single man on this day.
The “vacant, hollow eyes that gazed at your cart?!” Where the hell are you shopping anyway?
I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s day myself, but jeez guys, get a fucking grip.
I just now worked at a grocery store on St Valentine’s Day. Literally nobody cares whether or not you have flowers or chocolates in your cart. Literally nobody. MGTOW: so far from their own way they can’t even shop for food without overclocking their complexes
Side note: I really like sunflowers and sad sunflower makes me sad…
But it’s also hilarious…
I bought my wife flowers for Valentine’s Day. She was happy. She made me a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner. I was happy. How is this troubling to anyone?
You and your SO being happy is the problem for them.
Yeah, they think that because they obsessively judge everyone, everyone must be doing it to them. It does not occur to them that other people can go through the day without deciding that every little thing they see is a sign that western civilization is collapsing.
It’s like they have to constantly reaffirm their beliefs to themselves or else…what, exactly? They’ll melt?
@Oogly. Yeah, I know.
I was asking rhetorically because I simply don’t understand the mindset of people who publicly dedicate themselves to self-improvement and self-sufficiency, yet get so worked up about other people’s lives.
Mine MGTOW doth protest too much, I guess
International MGTOW Day = No woman is willing to spend even five minutes in the same room with me, on this or any other day
Speaking seriously for a moment, these MGTOW dudes show all the sighs of extremely high anxiety. It’s not surprising, honestly – our society generates anxiety better’n it does carbon emissions – but the constant hammering of their fear response couldn’t be more apparent. These guys are mortified, and have just learned to express it as anger. Which only makes it worse, of course.
Speaking less seriously, lol, holy shit, dudes. dial back the holier-than-thou bullshit a notch, would ya? No one gives a hot damn, or a cold one, whether you buy flowers on a manufactured, commercial holiday. The only one judging you is yourself. Which is why you feel like that judgement is omnipresent. The call is coming from inside the house, assholes.
Edit: Thank you so much for this string of Valentines’ day posts, David. Just what the doctor ordered. Best Valentines’ Day gift I could ask for, ya sweetie <3
@Iseult: That comment wins the thread!
Also (re: the OP): Parasites, live-in she-monsters? Katie on a cracker! Talk about the radical notion that women are people!
That said I’ve got a band name and album name:
The Live-in She-Monsters present their hit album Complementary Parasites
I worked at a pizza place yesterday. I had a few couples come in for a lunch or something, and one woman called to see if we sold heart-shaped pizzas (I asked my coworker about it, and he said that they used to a few years back, but since they hand-make all of their whole pizzas to order and they didn’t have many people order them, it’s a pain in the ass they never wanted to really do again).
I do have to admit, I do get a little depressed around this holiday. In previous years it was because I was alone and seeing so many other people happy and in love made me a bit envious of them. This year, it was mostly because Jackie is all the way on the Pacific coast and I had to see so many other people happy and in love and with their SOs.
But, Jackie brought my spirits up by sending me silly little valentines, and I did the same for them. I was a bit sad, but also roommates are going to get some half-priced (and employee discounted) chocolates today, and they said I could have some too, so yay!
We literally spent zero dollars on one another this year. Hell, I didn’t even pay for any of my food yesterday because I skipped breakfast (I can’t eat for a few hours after I get up or else I just get violently ill) and my pizza job gives me two (HUGE) slices of pizza for free for my lunch break if I want them. I ate one, took the other home and had it for dinner. (NY style pepperoni, with oregano and parmesan, and a side of made in-house ranch dressing for the crusts. So good.)
And today, my Internship has leftover food from a meeting they had yesterday, so I got free bacon and donuts to go with my homemade mac n cheese. Score!
In other news: Puzder has withdrawn. There were already 4-12 GOP no votes, making it impossible to confirm him.
Oh, wow! How bitter do you have to be to see EVERYTHING in the world as a slight against you? Or be angry at any form of other people’s happiness? Flowers! Really?
These people really can’t see ANY kind of relationship dynamic outside of one where someone is either dominant or submissive.
I don’t understand this mindset at all. When I get grumpy and start thinking bad thoughts about total strangers, I know I’m being out of bounds. I take myself off somewhere, figure out why I’m upset, have a snack and a nap, until I’ve calmed down, and then I’m okay.
What kind of life do you have where even people being happy is antagonizing to you?
Envy is a toxin that affects higher brain functions.
As that well-known bitter man Jim Morrison put it:
People are strange when you’re a stranger
Faces look ugly when you’re alone
Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted
Streets are uneven when you’re down
Not to sound like a bitter asshole, but one Valentine’s Day is already far more than enough, do we really need overtime on the 15th ?
Okay, joke aside. DUDES, I don’t even know why you care about Valentine’s Day. Aren’t you supposed to not give a fuck about romantic and/or sexual relationships ?
No, don’t answer that question.
I always find it fascinating that people can look at random strangers and *just know* everything about their lives.
I mean, there are days that are just terrible, horrible, no good days, and you still have errands to run or something. Maybe the hollow eyes are because that person was tired or just lost a contract or a customer or got yelled at by a boss/manager or in terrible traffic.
It is too easy to project whatever you want onto others.
As for the old Valentine’s Day, my husband gives me the same card every year. It is literally the same card he bought and signed something like 10 years ago. He keeps it in a sock drawer with other cards he keeps for those occasions. He gets it out every year and hides it.
Then we had dinner with friends. I had bought chocolates for everybody, including the waitstaff. Valentines day love can be spread around, ya know.
I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s Day, but I don’t think that should affect other people. I mean, I guess it’s too much to ask for them to *communicate* with their partners about this being an issue (assuming partners are a thing, which may be a faulty assumption).
I really don’t get thinking like this. “I don’t like it so nobody else should and I’m going judge people for it if they do.” When does that get fun?
So, a regular Tuesday for them.
Next up: Bees declare war on MGTOWS in retaliation.
Um, my partner was straight up like “Hey don’t get flowers.” Because she thinks the floral industry is kinda awful and isn’t really all that down with rampant consumerism. But she’s been having a pretty sad time lately so I got her some knee-high socks with seals wearing bowties on them, and a little metal “pocket box” that says “World’s Best Bitch” on it, and it brightened her day. And that’s something worth doing any day.
Do you not have filling stations in the US?
Socks are so much better than cut flowers. And who DOESN’T want to be the world’s best bitch?
@Alan – had you not heard? We get our gasoline delivered, because we’re spoiled.
Mr. Parasol and I don’t really exchange cards as much as we used to, but we had a special smoochies moment where we wished each other a Happy Valentine’s Day. No special dinner, but we usually can’t do that on a work day anyhow thanks to schedules. We’re more into special dinners for anniversaries and birthdays – without telling the waitstaff, I might add, ‘cos we don’t want a public fuss.
My partner and I had a cute day sending our favourite Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal strips back and forth to one another. In the evening we made a superb vegan soup, then curled up and watched a film. It was fun.
I love flowers. Husbeast isn’t a flower guy (he’s an enthusiastic card-giver, though) so I buy myself flowers when the mood hits. No tantrums, no recriminations, no fuss, no muss.
Trader Joe’s has wonderful bouquets for reasonable prices but my favorite treat tends to be when they have bunches of daffodils or irises in buckets at the checkouts.
Valentine’s Day is pretty bogus, though, if you don’t have a SO around. A ‘holiday’ that makes lots of people feel bad for not having an ideal relationship isn’t a great thing, IMO. We’ve all been there, so why do we keep it going?