4chan alt-right entitled babies gross incompetence irony alert literal nazis trump

These two videos capture Trumpism in all its surreal, let’s say, glory?

Milk does a Nazi good?

Two videos have been making the rounds lately that I think capture the surreality that is live in Trumpmerica, and can’t help make you wonder (as many of us have been wondering since November 8) if perhaps we’ve slipped into the wrong timeline.

Let’s start with the Milk Nazis.

Milk Nazis, you ask? I’ll let Mic explain, because I’m lazy:

At the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City on a Friday night, neo-Nazis and other trolls danced shirtless in front of a camera. The livestream setup had originally been established by actor Shia LaBeouf as an anti-Trump art installation. But the project has since become a broadcast outlet for white nationalism.

Amid all the tattoos of Third Reich iconography bouncing around, one thing stood out: The neo-Nazis were all drinking milk. They spat it out as they danced, letting it dribble down their chins. 

Milk, the longtime staple for growing children, is now the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in President Donald Trump‘s America.

See, the idea is that pure-blooded white people have the lactase enzyme that allows them to drink milk without having to run the bathroom afterwards. Or at least are more likely to be lactose-tolerant than most people of color. Or something. In any case, internet Nazis on sites like 4chan and the Daily Stormer have decided, with varying degrees of seriousness, that milk does a Nazi good.

Hmm. I could tolerate lactose (and drink milk) all I wanted as a kid. Now I can’t. So I guess I’ve gotten less Aryan with age?

Anyway, here’s the video. It’s 12 minutes long, though you don’t have to watch the whole thing to get the basic idea. I watched the whole thing because what in holy hell is going on in this word? Also I kind of liked that one of the Milk Nazis looked like he had been teleported to NYC straight from a Skinny Puppy concert in 1989.

Milk Nazis, I hate these guys! (And also can’t drink them.)

The other video in question is a much more low key affair, and everyone in it keeps their shirt on.

It’s a Breitbart interview with White House Spokesman Sean Spicer, and for once Spicer is not the embarrassing one here. Let’s just say that the video has the production values of a high school video class project, and that the Breitbart interviewer has all the smooth professionalism of that “boom goes the dynamite” guy.

Wow. I mean, I was in fact involved in a high school public access “news” show (I think maybe it was part of a class?) and for all of our incompetence (which was massive) I think we did better than this. My most vivid memory of the experience was watching the technician for the public access channels putting his hand down the back of his pants to scratch his butt.

I can only hope that is not something that any of the Breitbarters involved in this production does, as it is kind of grody.

PS: Note to Beryl, if you’re reading this: Your now-husband was in the video class with me. After witnessing the butt-scratching incident, he quipped to me that he wasn’t going to be shaking that guy’s hand any time soon.

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Austin Loomis
7 years ago

Ledasmom skrev:

Lactose intolerance: the only sort of intolerance they don’t approve of.

Bruce Tinsley occasionally does “lactose intolerance” gags in Mallard Fillmore*, and I can’t tell whether his intended punchline is “ha ha, silly liberals think there’s no difference between lactose intolerance and racial intolerance” or “ha ha, silly liberals don’t realize racial intolerance is just as inborn as lactose intolerance”. I also can’t tell which one would be stupider, or whether instead each somehow manages to be stupider than the other.

* Or did, anyway; I haven’t seen one in a while, and they were mostly in the Sunday strips anyway. It’s lucky for him that the Herald-Mail doesn’t run those Sundays; if enough Hagerstonians got to see what he’s like when he really takes his PC filter off, they might actually call on the paper to drop him altogether.

7 years ago

Phytoestrogens you eat are extremely unlikely to cause problems, given that populations that eat large amounts do fine.

Singling out soy milk in particular makes me suspect it’s a FUD campaign against soy-latte-sipping coastal elites: nobody talks about the imminent threat of yam boobs and infertility, to pick a random other staple food with high phytoestrogen content.

Fortified milk is heavily pushed because milk plus vitamins (which is what you can buy in the store) provides you enough calcium. But a vegan diet also provides plenty of calcium via certain leafy greens, among other options.

My sweetheart struggles with this: official guidance says to push milk, but the population she works with is largely lactose intolerant. That’s because Inuit and their ancestors don’t milk walrus and narwhal. The Nutrition North program, based on those same recommendations, subsidizes cows’ milk heavily — but not soy milk, which is also typically fortified, and which the population ostensibly being helped could digest much better on average.

According to my understanding of lactate persistence, it’s not heavily selected against in non-dairy populations, so 10-20% of people can digest it; and it’s heavily selected *for* in populations that eat dairy. So it takes over fast in subsistence economies: introduce dairy in a population’s diet, and the 10-20% of adults who can digest lactose just through dumb luck have access to more calories, which means more successful pregnancies.

Lack of calories doesn’t really drive a modern population’s growth though. We have 0-3 kids because of social choices, not because we’re starving and can’t have more.

7 years ago

A slender trans friend of mine who can’t afford sex realignment surgery specifically drinks milk daily in order to help boost some budding B-cups.

*envy level increases*

If I go by my proper band size I’m somewhere around a AAAA and AAA cup, if that even exists (a month short of 3 years on hrt, please put me out of my misery someone!). The only thing milk does is keep my vitamin B12 level healthy (which took me a while to figure out, I forgot that a side effect of Androcur is a B12 deficiency).

7 years ago

TrumpShia La Boeuf wanted unity against Trump, and whilst he is obviously unhappy about the Nazi chumps (he punched one in the face, getting himself arrested) one thing that a group of Nazi thugs do is unite those who oppose them. And even in these horrible ‘alt right’ days there are still more of us.

And when are the Nazi’s going to wake up to the fact that Trump (for all else he is – believe me I am not defending him) is not anti Semitic?

7 years ago

I mean, this pigeon article definitely reads like a joke. 99% sure. It’s hyperbolic in a very lol kek way, and also midway through devolves into DEFINITE JOKES wrt ‘the god Peck’ and ‘the roll represents Christianity’. My money is on a alt-right adjacent anti-sjw type Very Humorously Pastiching* the ‘hysteria’ of people who are upset by the rise of the alt right. you know. a sort of ‘oh people will believe ANYTHING is Nazis at this point lol’ deal. Like when people go on Twitter and try to start pretend social justice movements. That is very strongly the vibe I get from this article.

*not really, b- at best

** just finished reading the article. “Quincy Frey is an author, philosopher, scientist, musician and investigative meme war journalist that graduated with a PHD from the University of LMGTFY.” YES THIS IS 100% A SERIOUS ARTICLE MAN

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I have way more breast tissue than I want. If only I could give some away to trans women I would happily do so!

7 years ago


The Nutrition North program, based on those same recommendations, subsidizes cows’ milk heavily — but not soy milk, which is also typically fortified, and which the population ostensibly being helped could digest much better on average.

The dairy lobby in Canada is ferocious, and has all kinds of impacts on public policy.

Also, and this is OT, but Nutrition North is wrong in so many ways. It was put together by a council of reps from the two of the three duopolies in the arctic: the airlines and the food retailers. I spoke socially with the Government of Canada lawyer to that group and he was as racist as all get out (“It’s insane to fly bananas to Inuit”, he told me. On further inquiry he could not defend this except that “bananas aren’t native to the arctic,” and when I pointed out they aren’t native to Ottawa either, he just walked away from me.) The Auditor-General has pointed out that the program is completely unaccountable: nobody knows if it is reducing food costs and Nunavummiut are pretty sure it isn’t. And food insecurity in Nunavut is now over 60%.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

<3 love to the north! It makes me sad to see how tightly the food lobbies grip you guys up there, you don't deserve it. Any time I see a "Nutrition Guide" or similar, I basically consider it a ranked ordering of the amount of money the various lobbies have poured into the government, and not much else. Certainly not actual nutrition or sense.

I myself am quite lactose intolerant despite being lily-white. Runs along my Quebeçois side. Probably a bit of Metis in there. I guess I'm out of the cool milk drinking kids club!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


And when are the Nazi’s going to wake up to the fact that Trump (for all else he is – believe me I am not defending him) is not anti Semitic?

Like fuck he’s not. Just cos they’re low on his hate list, and he allowed one of the ‘good ones’ to marry in, don’t mean he ain’t an antisemite. Remember when he made an ass of himself in front of the Republican Jewish Coalition? Or when he talked up Jewish accountants (cos he doesn’t want black people counting his money)? He sees Jews as cunning, shady businesstypes with dirty money. Not unlike the way he sees Asians* actually. And yes, he seems to admire that in the Jewish people, but that dont make it remotely less bigoted

*Asian people, and the Japanese specifically, were huge villains in the 80s, cos rich dudes came in from the East and tuk er herbs. Trump made his name in real estate, an industry with a lotta Asian influx, around that time, so you can see where he gets that from

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ lysistrata

“bananas aren’t native to the arctic,”

I was a bit disappointed to find out that Iceland being the biggest exporter of bananas to Europe was a myth.

(Although Iceland did produce bananas which is still pretty cool)

7 years ago

Soy has definitely been discussed in various trans circles as an alternative for trans women who can’t afford/get approved for hormones. Soy milk, soy beans, etc. I have never looked into anything medical to back that up since I’m a trans guy so it’s not something I would be using.

I do suspect that it is not super effective or else the FDA would have had something to say about it, but the placebo effect could provide benefits on its own.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ scildfreja

I myself am quite lactose intolerant

As my vegan friends would put it “You’re not lactose intolerant; you’re just not a baby cow ?” 🙂

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Does that mean I am a baby cow or goat if I eat a lot of dairy?

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

occasional reader said

So pollution is misandry ? MRAs, your target should not be women but pollution ! (yes, i know, there is a fat 0% chance of being heard, but well…)

But you just know that if they *did* pick up on this little fact, they’d find a way to make it women’s fault and pronto. [whine]Women and all the extra trash they produce are causing men to get feminized!!1![/whine]

Not at all lactose-intolerant, but I find drinking milk gross. Chocolate milk makes my tummy upset 🙁 Milkshakes and malteds are fine, though, and I love me some cheese, ice cream, whipped cream and yogurt!

ETA – Scildfreya, babby goats are the cutest! I have a friend who’s raised a bunch.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Ray of Rays

Markiplier I’m unsure about–and anyone who’s connected to Pewdiepie in some way or another is going to have to make a choice here. (Especially Jacksepticeye–if memory serves, it’s a shout-out from Pewdiepie that got him his initial sub burst.)

However, I’m not overly worried about the Grumps. Assuming I’m not somehow sorely mistaken, Danny Sexbang is Jewish, so I assume that would steer him away from most groups of concern out of self-preservation at the minimum. (And the other guys at least manage to work with him.)

Correct me if I’ve made any errors; Handsome Jack, I feel this might be something you’re adjacent to.

7 years ago


bananas aren’t native to the arctic

See, you’re better than me. I would probably have started misquoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail at that point.


Not at all lactose-intolerant, but I find drinking milk gross. Chocolate milk makes my tummy upset ? Milkshakes and malteds are fine, though, and I love me some cheese, ice cream, whipped cream and yogurt!

Me too, minus the milkshakes (there are plenty of milk substitutes which make decent shakes). I don’t know how much of this is due to the free school milk we had when I was a kid. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if it had been cold, but they invariably left the bottles sitting on a warm window-sill for ages before we got to it, and the memory makes me feel ill. But you know what’s worse? Unpasteurised milk, fresh from the cow. Had that on a farm once, and that was one time too many.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

From which was linked from the article about Disney dropping him:

Update: Kjellberg did kind of fulfill his promise—he uploaded a video to his PewDiePie channel about 45 minutes ago of him deleting his second channel, Jack septiceye2. The PewDiePie channel remains on YouTube with just over 50 million subscribers.

I’m not a follower, and don’t really know the relationship between PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, and the Jacksepticeye2 account, but the relationship may be a bit closer than a ‘shout out’.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Finnish dairy industry is quite big on developing and exporting lactose-free/low lactose products. We traditionally have a strong culture of drinking milk, despite not being quite as universally lactose tolerant as Northwestern Europeans.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


If I’m honest, I don’t really watch any of those YouTubers. The only big LP YouTuber I watch with regularity is Cryaotic and sometimes I watch a few of the Yogs (Hannah, Kim, Duncan, and Zoey) and on rare occasions GameGrumps. And, honestly, I once tried to watch a PewDiePie LP. Got a few seconds into it before having to turn it off. Not really a fan of the LPers who overreact for gags.

But, yeah, Dan is super Jewish. I think his dad is Israeli or something IDK his dad is from someplace where he has an accent he can mimic that’s all I remember. Also Brian has a degree in physics. And Arin and a few others are Monster High fans.

The very few videos I’ve seen of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye they seem like sweethearts but honestly there’s probably gonna be some big YouTuber that’s gonna defend PewDiePie saying it’s “not that bad” or whatever.

But considering that article is from the 9th this month and if none of them had said anything by now, maybe no one is going to defend him? I mean, PewDiePie is one of the biggest YouTube channels, he should have known better, annnd with him being dropped by Disney, other people might fear their advertisers dropped too if they defend him.

I mean, this isn’t a beef between channels, it’s between a YouTube channel and its huge, corporate sponsor that they may share. There’s no winning for PewDiePie here nor anyone who’ll defend him.

Also, fucking PewDiePie was never gonna delete his fucking channel for fuck sakes. He fucking made, like, $4 million in fucking 2013. He’s a fucking millionaire and the one things millionaires will never let go of is the cash cow they’re milking.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

I think we definitely need to be careful about getting so used to literal Nazis that we start narrowly defining anti-Semitism by their standard, just like we need to be careful about defining misogyny by the standard of the MRM. Most anti-Semitism falls short of that extreme, but it is still harmful.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Handsome Jack

Well, at least you got some of the logistics worked out for me. Cheers.

I’m aware of Cryaotic, though at least in the past he was Pewdiepie adjacent. I do not know the more recent link between the two.

And I’ve seen Danny wearing….certain ridiculous outfits, but I was somewhat doubtful of my own ability to judge kayfabe and in-jokes from reality for a moment there.

7 years ago

YouTube Cancels Pewdiepie’s Show, Removes Him From Premium Advertising

A month after YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video containing the phrase “Death To All Jews,” the service that once hosted that very content is distancing itself a bit from Felix Kjellberg.

Variety reports that YouTube has cancelled the second season of Scare Pewdiepie, the premium $10-a-month show that sought to scare Kjellberg IRL in elaborate, video-game inspired ways. Additionally, YouTube will also remove Pewdiepie from “Google Preferred,” which is an advertising service for “brand-safe” content (which Pewdiepie is most certainly not, even discounting the nazi jokes.)

It keeps getting better and better.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Well, I can’t say GameGrumps have had, like, 100% great track record but they have gotten better. I think I remember on the Bloodborne LP that they’ve grown out of being “assholes for fun”, to paraphrase. It’s really nice. I may actually subscribe to them for real rather than just pop in and watch LPs when I’m bored.

Cryotic hasn’t said anything about PewDiePie, at least on YouTube.


Okay, so, they aren’t gonna renew PewDiePie”s one note show because he did something anti-Semitic.

Cool cool.

I mean they let “white nationalist on paper” and shit still upload videos so, I mean, yeah if you hate PewDiePie, sucks if you care about not having anti-Semitism on YouTube. Like, they’re literally just dropping him because he’s gonna be bad for ad revenue, it’s not real action. If they really care, they get rid of all the hate speech channels, regardless if they’re monotized or not.

EDIT: Also sorry if anything sounds weird or is misspelled. I’m on my phone and sometimes I don’t catch the autocorrect.
7 years ago

This strikes me more as a joke *about* anti-semitism rather than an anti-semitic joke, though.