4chan alt-right entitled babies gross incompetence irony alert literal nazis trump

These two videos capture Trumpism in all its surreal, let’s say, glory?

Milk does a Nazi good?

Two videos have been making the rounds lately that I think capture the surreality that is live in Trumpmerica, and can’t help make you wonder (as many of us have been wondering since November 8) if perhaps we’ve slipped into the wrong timeline.

Let’s start with the Milk Nazis.

Milk Nazis, you ask? I’ll let Mic explain, because I’m lazy:

At the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City on a Friday night, neo-Nazis and other trolls danced shirtless in front of a camera. The livestream setup had originally been established by actor Shia LaBeouf as an anti-Trump art installation. But the project has since become a broadcast outlet for white nationalism.

Amid all the tattoos of Third Reich iconography bouncing around, one thing stood out: The neo-Nazis were all drinking milk. They spat it out as they danced, letting it dribble down their chins. 

Milk, the longtime staple for growing children, is now the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in President Donald Trump‘s America.

See, the idea is that pure-blooded white people have the lactase enzyme that allows them to drink milk without having to run the bathroom afterwards. Or at least are more likely to be lactose-tolerant than most people of color. Or something. In any case, internet Nazis on sites like 4chan and the Daily Stormer have decided, with varying degrees of seriousness, that milk does a Nazi good.

Hmm. I could tolerate lactose (and drink milk) all I wanted as a kid. Now I can’t. So I guess I’ve gotten less Aryan with age?

Anyway, here’s the video. It’s 12 minutes long, though you don’t have to watch the whole thing to get the basic idea. I watched the whole thing because what in holy hell is going on in this word? Also I kind of liked that one of the Milk Nazis looked like he had been teleported to NYC straight from a Skinny Puppy concert in 1989.

Milk Nazis, I hate these guys! (And also can’t drink them.)

The other video in question is a much more low key affair, and everyone in it keeps their shirt on.

It’s a Breitbart interview with White House Spokesman Sean Spicer, and for once Spicer is not the embarrassing one here. Let’s just say that the video has the production values of a high school video class project, and that the Breitbart interviewer has all the smooth professionalism of that “boom goes the dynamite” guy.

Wow. I mean, I was in fact involved in a high school public access “news” show (I think maybe it was part of a class?) and for all of our incompetence (which was massive) I think we did better than this. My most vivid memory of the experience was watching the technician for the public access channels putting his hand down the back of his pants to scratch his butt.

I can only hope that is not something that any of the Breitbarters involved in this production does, as it is kind of grody.

PS: Note to Beryl, if you’re reading this: Your now-husband was in the video class with me. After witnessing the butt-scratching incident, he quipped to me that he wasn’t going to be shaking that guy’s hand any time soon.

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7 years ago

That resignation letter! Ugh.

…this team will go down in history as one of the greatest presidencies in history…


Paulie D
7 years ago

Too much of the Nazis, not enough Brittany Venti.

7 years ago

eli, perhaps that’s written from the Russian perspective?

Also, “I inadvertently briefed the Vice President-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador”? Suuuure, that’s an easy mistake to make.

7 years ago

konyechno, Moggie

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

Oh what did we do to deserve such a good pair of presents?

I prefer to think of it as the karmic scales being ever-so-slowly righted.

Sigh…gotta admit, I’ve never watched PewDiePie, but I was going to look and see what all the hype (positive and negative) was about. Hearing this, and after JonTron appearing on a friggin’ Sargon video, I’m starting to worry who on my Youtube watchlist is next going to suddenly revealed as disappointingly awful. These things usually come in threes.

7 years ago

Well, if we’re having presents, maybe a song? I found this one today:

7 years ago

Wow, what refreshing news.

“Although [PewDiePie] has created a following by being provocative and irreverent, he clearly went too far in this case and the resulting videos are inappropriate,”

‘Provocative and irreverent’ describes quite a few terrible people who have far too big a following.

@Ray of Rays

There’s a way to stop that! Click on user (yeah, this step is rough), click on “About”, then click on the flag button (next to “send message”) to bring up a dropdown menu, then click “block user”.

You’ll never get their videos ‘recommended by youtube’ or whatever

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


So, neo-nazis going all milk bukkake is the new trend ? Are they gonna be called Lactaryans ?

> AthVeg34F
I am not sure drinking milk can give you breast. When you are young, it is supposed to help you make your bones more resistant and maybe give you some height (though this point is still subject to debate). And for adults, i do not see any particular effect, neither on my father (he drinks milk when he have insomnia, which means almost every night) nor me (breakfast, mainly). Or is it a matter of quantity ? Have your friend found approved studies about that ?

Have a nice day.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Every night, before she went to sleep, Arya Stark recited a list of names: Antonin Scalia, Michael Flynn, Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg, Milo Yiannopoulos, Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin, Martin Shkreli, Betsy DeVos, Geert Wilders, Alexander “Boris” Johnson, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin.

7 years ago

Lactose intolerance: the only sort of intolerance they don’t approve of.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@occasional reader


So, neo-nazis going all milk bukkake is the new trend ? Are they gonna be called Lactaryans ?

Through some twist of fate, I happened to be drinking coffee with some milk in it while reading that comment. I dunno that it was nazi milk, or even that the milk alone did it, but now I’m left with burning pain in my throat and nasal area.

7 years ago

@occasional reader

I am not sure drinking milk can give you breast.

It is not the natural milk itself, but the hormones given to cows (in the U.S. specifically, but possibly also other places) to make them continually lactate, which is supposed to persist in the milk and make breast tissue swell.

I’m not sure that it’s true, though. I think it may just be PETA propaganda. There certainly were children who were overexposed to feminizing hormones and ended up with essentially non-prenatal hormonal intersex conditions, but AFAIK those were all from industrial dumping into watersheds, not from consuming an actual end-product like milk. I may be wrong.

7 years ago

I’ve read that there’s a folk belief in Japan that drinking soya milk promotes breast growth. Maybe something to do with phytoestrogen content? Regardless, it’s probably nonsense.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

re: Michael Flynn… awwwww… toooo bad….

This on CNN, protestors at Rebub town halls are being paid by “well-funded liberal groups”….

The yahoos just can’t believe that people would raise objection to injustice because they care. I guess when someone DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT, it becomes inconceivable that someone else DOES.

Also… ummmmm… not sure how to frame this… how do I go about getting paid…?? Do I turn in a time card?!?!?

7 years ago

Weird : do you know the mantra “IT’S ALWAY PROJECTION” ?

Because it sure seem to be them projecting how they aren’t able to do anything without direct gain to them on others.
7 years ago

So, neo-nazis going all milk bukkake is the new trend ? Are they gonna be called Lactaryans ?


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Weird Eddie, have you consider submitting an invoice?

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
7 years ago


Was that Vincent Price doing that laugh? He always had the best villian roles when he was alive.

7 years ago


I have experienced something similar. By the time I was in hospital for a procedure to basically cauterize my over achieving uterus lining, I was technically too anemic to be permitted surgery. But since the procedure itself did not involve blood loss and it was to correct the anemia, they went ahead. So, yes, get it checked out! No need to suffer the slithers. I’ve got horror stories…

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Moocow

Thanks! I didn’t realize there was an actual low-tech way to do that now (once I started getting thunderf00t and Amazing Asshole videos in my recommended list, for god knows what reason, I had to resort to a Greasemonkey script and an extension called “Block Annoying Youtubers”…which has PewDiePie as a default setting, oddly).

It’s not the blocking that’s my worry, though, it’s that I might have to do it. In retrospect, with JonTron I somehow missed the signs, now I’m worried I’ve been missing something with Markiplier or the Game Grumps.

@ Eddie

Huh. Now I want to track down that Cracked article about 9/11 truthers again. I’m sure a lot of the same arguments apply (how much would it cost to pay several million protesters and guarantee silence?).

7 years ago

So today I’m reading FB comments on an article because I’m a masochist or something, and a bunch of people are posting nothing but this sticker:

Others are warning everyone that this sticker is a new neo-Nazi symbol, so I Googled it. Not sure how accurate this article is, but if it’s true, 4chan nazis have taken a meme from 0 to Hitler in like 2 weeks.

7 years ago


I’d have thought they’d consider it ‘a bit gay’ and refuse to use it, so I’m doubtful.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago
occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago

> Sinkable John
Well, take care because getting burns (even minor) in the mouth and or the throat where there are mucous membranes is not a pleasant experience, especially since you can not really tend them the same way you tend external burns.

> PreuxFox
Oh, ok, thank you for the explanation. Maybe they do not use the same medecines here.
Is it linked to the problem of endocrinian disruptors which have caused the “feminisation” of fishs in rivers polluted by some specific EP (combination of oestrogen and antiadrogen ones) ?

Do i say antiandrogen ? This sounds like misandry ! So pollution is misandry ? MRAs, your target should not be women but pollution ! (yes, i know, there is a fat 0% chance of being heard, but well…)

> Moggie
Well, according to the basic wikipedia, the phytoestrogen have no clear influence on adult men (though researchs are still done to see if there is a link with the decreasing fertility), and on children and adult women, there are dissension on whether or not they increase the risk of breast cancer.
So, i guess it is the same kind of urban legend that the “massaging your breast makes it bigger”.