4chan alt-right entitled babies gross incompetence irony alert literal nazis trump

These two videos capture Trumpism in all its surreal, let’s say, glory?

Milk does a Nazi good?

Two videos have been making the rounds lately that I think capture the surreality that is live in Trumpmerica, and can’t help make you wonder (as many of us have been wondering since November 8) if perhaps we’ve slipped into the wrong timeline.

Let’s start with the Milk Nazis.

Milk Nazis, you ask? I’ll let Mic explain, because I’m lazy:

At the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City on a Friday night, neo-Nazis and other trolls danced shirtless in front of a camera. The livestream setup had originally been established by actor Shia LaBeouf as an anti-Trump art installation. But the project has since become a broadcast outlet for white nationalism.

Amid all the tattoos of Third Reich iconography bouncing around, one thing stood out: The neo-Nazis were all drinking milk. They spat it out as they danced, letting it dribble down their chins. 

Milk, the longtime staple for growing children, is now the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in President Donald Trump‘s America.

See, the idea is that pure-blooded white people have the lactase enzyme that allows them to drink milk without having to run the bathroom afterwards. Or at least are more likely to be lactose-tolerant than most people of color. Or something. In any case, internet Nazis on sites like 4chan and the Daily Stormer have decided, with varying degrees of seriousness, that milk does a Nazi good.

Hmm. I could tolerate lactose (and drink milk) all I wanted as a kid. Now I can’t. So I guess I’ve gotten less Aryan with age?

Anyway, here’s the video. It’s 12 minutes long, though you don’t have to watch the whole thing to get the basic idea. I watched the whole thing because what in holy hell is going on in this word? Also I kind of liked that one of the Milk Nazis looked like he had been teleported to NYC straight from a Skinny Puppy concert in 1989.

Milk Nazis, I hate these guys! (And also can’t drink them.)

The other video in question is a much more low key affair, and everyone in it keeps their shirt on.

It’s a Breitbart interview with White House Spokesman Sean Spicer, and for once Spicer is not the embarrassing one here. Let’s just say that the video has the production values of a high school video class project, and that the Breitbart interviewer has all the smooth professionalism of that “boom goes the dynamite” guy.

Wow. I mean, I was in fact involved in a high school public access “news” show (I think maybe it was part of a class?) and for all of our incompetence (which was massive) I think we did better than this. My most vivid memory of the experience was watching the technician for the public access channels putting his hand down the back of his pants to scratch his butt.

I can only hope that is not something that any of the Breitbarters involved in this production does, as it is kind of grody.

PS: Note to Beryl, if you’re reading this: Your now-husband was in the video class with me. After witnessing the butt-scratching incident, he quipped to me that he wasn’t going to be shaking that guy’s hand any time soon.

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7 years ago

@Handsome Jack
That is an important thing to keep in mind. Until social media sites make an actual effort to curbstomp fascism and bigotry the real root of the problem won’t go away.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Troubelle & Jack

He’s a fucking millionaire and the one things millionaires will never let go of is the cash cow they’re milking.

‘specially now that “the President does it too”.

By the way, I wouldn’t be so quick to expect someone Jewish to not turn into a nazi. See French author (or maybe speechwriter or speaker or… actually, I’m not sure what the fuck he actually does) Jacob Cohen, one of the closest allies of our national embarassment Alain Soral, the anti-semitic “thinker” and proto-PUA.

Collaboration can come from the most unexpected places.

7 years ago

Lysistrata: “bananas aren’t native to the arctic”

My dad for many years assigned a joke paper to his students in an economy class: it was pushing the founding of a new company called Bananacan, which would grow bananas in the arctic, because of [laughably bad economic analysis]. The authors of the paper wrote it to mock laughably bad economic analyses that often get touted in policy circles.

Every year he’d laugh at his students studiously taking notes and carefully working through the arguments in the paper.

But yeah, everything I hear about Nutrition North is that it totally misses the boat when it comes to feeding beneficiaries living in Arctic Bay or wherever — which is its stated purpose. It feeds southerners eating a North American diet in Iqaluit pretty well, but southerners in Iqaluit are not food-insecure.

All that said, flying bananas to the North really is pretty crazy. It’s almost as crazy as flying blueberries to Montreal in the middle of winter. Blueberries are native to this area, we can pick them in August/September and freeze them or make jam — no need to fly them in from the southern hemisphere!

7 years ago

Minor rant follows:

What’s with these idiots calling things “Fake News” just because the news headline happens to be extra sensational, even if the article is almost strictly true.

I suspect some people took that T-Shirt Adam Savage once wore way too seriously.

7 years ago


You mean the one with his now famous “I reject your reality and substitute my own” quote? yeah that was funny when he said it after he was caught contradicting himself but not so funny when people actually try and apply it

7 years ago

@Fabe: Yep. Great as a joke, terrible as a lifestyle.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

RE: GameGrumps

You know, I change my mind about subscribing to GameGrumps. I decided to try their playthrough of Shattered Memories and, like, not as good as TheSw1tcher’s, just saying. They’re better in montages and animated shorts for me.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Troubelle

Oh, Danny is absolutely Jewish (so is Barry, for that matter). Though he’s oddly enough the one I was most worried about, since at least in the earlier videos I’ve seen, he’d every so often drop a playgroundy racist joke (oftentimes catching himself immediately, but still). I’m still in the middle of a massive archive catchup, so I don’t know for certain if anything specific happened, or if (hopefully) they’re growing up over time.

@ Jack

Agreed. I do subscribe to them, because I’m trying to catch up, they’re one of my favorite things to have as background noise while working, and to see things montage-makers miss, but yeah, I like them even more when I can skip to the actual jokes.

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