
Some creepy pics of Jeff Sessions because why not?

Jeff Sessions … in hell!

Some more Dreamscope goofiness, featuring Jeff Sessions. Big up to Hieronymus Bosch, who provided the basis of a couple of the creepiest filters I used for these.

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Cynical Optimist, Agent of the Globohomo Conspiracy
Cynical Optimist, Agent of the Globohomo Conspiracy
8 years ago


On a side note, how does the fruit filter manage to be creepier than all the others?

Jessa S.
Jessa S.
8 years ago

Hey everyone. I saw this article on the Daily Beast and thought this might be a topic of conversation on a future open thread.

You really should go through the series of articles and read them for yourself. Quite enlightening and a bit scary, as these PUA’s (POS) are rather awful.

I do not see this story referenced on the site but I could be missing it. Hope it is OK that I post this.

Have a great evening everyone!

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
8 years ago

I used to loved Hieronymus Bosch – had his prints on my walls along with my band posters as a teenager.

Plz don’t mix him up with the malevolent goblin-baby. (Jeff Sessions is what baby Toby would’ve turned into if Jareth had gotten his way and Sarah hadn’t saved him.) Nightmare fuel.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

@Elizabeth Regina

FSM as my witness, the mainstays of this farce of an administration don’t need caricaturing. They’re already there. They’ve done all the work for the cartoonists.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago

OT: Just thought I’d share what could be the most egregious example of manspreading ever.

Content warning: MASSIVE SPIDER.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

So apparently there’s this creepy guy in Spokane who just got banned from Starbucks for hitting on a teenage barista. The guy’s 37 and she’s barely-legal (in Washington).

What makes the story more interesting (and got it national attention) is his bizarre, Time Cube-esque website, where he lays out his theory about how younger women and older men produce the best offspring. Some stuff about telomeres mixed in a whole lot of word salad. You have to see it to believe it. Sounds like a good topic for a WHTM post.

There’s also a creepy incel vibe about him, too; he’s posted memes comparing women to food and complaining he never gets to try the kind he likes (i.e., millennial women). Pharyngula did a piece about him:

He also makes the obligatory shout-out to r/k selection theory. Feel the biotroof!

Guys like this (and pretty much every neoreactionary) honestly make me ashamed to be a nerd. Why are so there so many (pseudo-)intellectual nutcases out there? They give science a bad name.

8 years ago

Remember how I said a senior member of Trump’s national security team (Michael Anton, Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategic Communications, basically Ben Rhodes former job) corresponded with Heartiste? It’s my fault entirely for not noticing, but it turns out that literally the very first tweet that Michael Anton put out as @PDeciusMus just so happened to be to the now suspended account of Le Chateau ( And I also didn’t know that he’s on Trump’s national security team at the recommendation of Peter Thiel, he of “capitalist democracy went to shit when women got the vote” and “freedom and democracy are not compatible” fame.

8 years ago

Also, given the great ones comments over at Le Chateau that “Some GOP operatives who shall remain unnamed have written here asking for ideas about reframing against the media-dominated leftism that rules the airwaves and the shit channels” back in 2012 (, what do you think the odds are that Anton might be a long time reader of Le Chateau?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

@Hu’s On First

That dude was discussed here in comments but David made a decision not to give him more attention. He’s kind of scary, not hilarious.

8 years ago

but why?

8 years ago

@Cynical Optimist – Probably a reaction to all the Orange in the picture.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago


Yikes! I think only reason why someone would go to a PUA for messaging advice is because he wanted to use PUA tactics (negging, NLP, gaslighting, dread game, etc.) on the American people.

I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I do believe pick-up artists are seducing their way into positions of power and authority and have been doing so for a long time. (PUA ideas existed as far back as the 70s). Originally they only did it to increase their chances of scoring, but eventually “seductionism” (my term for it) became a full-fledged worldview, much like Marxism except that it views everything through the lens of sexual dynamics and seduction rather than class. The worldview picked up steam by incorporating NLP, Skinnerian behaviorist, and EvPsych ideas (and it’s from EvPsych that they became more racist in their views, paving the way for the alt-right). There isn’t a single Seductionist Manifesto, although that Devlin essay comes pretty close. While it’s now an all-encompassing worldview, it does still ultimately revolve around sex which is why alt-rightists are so obsessed with cucking et al.

Heck, Donald Trump with his Access Hollywood comments sounded just like a PUA. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t been influenced by an early version of the movement himself. PUA/seductionism is really just the dark side of the sexual revolution. “Free Love” resulted in some people embracing a “Free Lust” mindset instead.

8 years ago

At this point, it seems the only hope is for the cabinet to fail so incredibly horribly that Dems can flip everything at the next election (I’ve heard that even the midterms would be very tough for the dems to gain senate majority, this crisis has taught me a shit ton about how our democracy works in this country).

At least the protests seem to be having their affect. Walking pile of garbage Jason Chaffetz had a town hall meeting with 1000 furious constituents calling him out for being the shamelessly partisan hack that he is, chanting “do your job” and “your last term”.

Also, Zoe Quinn’s new twitter name is Antifa Lockheart, well played on her part!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Yeah, Telo-Guy is… well, one of a kind, as far as I know. Somehow I’d completely forgotten about him until you mentionned him.

He’s like that perfect mix of a Nice Guy and a broscientist, and he’d be hilarious if he weren’t dangerous.

8 years ago


Frankly, if my worst case vision of the future comes to pass, it’ll kind of be embarrassing that historians will have to write seriously about guys wearing big, fluffy hats. Overall, I’m not sure how much it’s a matter of there is an “ideology” around PUA’s and how much it’s an evolution. The ideas and attitudes are, frankly, nothing terribly new in many ways, a number of methods would be taught in a sales class (i.e. assume the sale), but they do also serve as a gateway to other far-right/reactionary beliefs. Trump for example, in the Access Hollywood tape was probably do nothing more than talking about pussy in terms that he had heard from older men and relatives throughout his life. The important thing in my mind as it comes to an overall ideology is how PUA crap has interacted with a broader melange of far right ideas and ended up becoming integrated into a coherent ideology. By the way, in talking sources, don’t forget Libertarianism (or whatever you’d call an ideology that turns the market into a fetish). As Heartise is fond of saying, the sexual market is the ur-market. Also remember, that as this shit merges with pure racism more and more, the sexual aspect becomes subordinate to securing the purity of the Aryan Stuperman.

Also, if anyone in the future feels the need to try to figure out the identity of the Great Heartiste, likely there are several authors over there. There was an AMA on r/theredpill with Rollo Tomassi a while back, where it got mentioned by Tomassi that the original author (who has been previously identified as a man named James C. Weidmann) had moved on from writing there around 2009 and it had been handed over to a collection of 3-4 writers. As additional evidence of multiple authors, at times the blog has stressed the need for men to lift weights, and there are several articles up encouraging this. However, at one point last year, the Heartiste twitter account mentioned starting a program called Stronglifts and praising it. The problem with this is that Stronglifts is explicitly a program for beginning weight lifters and is useless for someone who would have any significant amount of prior experience with weight lifiting. Point is this indicates at least two different writers being involved (one encouraging men to weight lift themselves and who would seem to have experience and one who was just starting a training program within the past year).

8 years ago


I don’t think anyone around here is interested in revealing “true” identities.

The ideas themselves are repellant enough.

It always boils down to treating people like things, I think.

8 years ago


I only made that comment in the event that anyone in the future is concerned on the basis of historical curiosity. And if that’s the case, let’s just say we are in for some real interesting times.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Also, if anyone in the future feels the need to try to figure out the identity of the Great Heartiste, likely there are several authors over there.

Hmm – my theory is it’s the supernatural lovechild of Ayn Rand and Ezra Pound, haunted by a rogue thesaurus.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago


The ideas and attitudes are, frankly, nothing terribly new in many ways, a number of methods would be taught in a sales class (i.e. assume the sale)

And that’s actually a huge problem. A large body of people, mostly men, going to classes to learn how to ignore people’s boundaries and get your way by being a pushy jerk. And being applauded for their dedication to being bigger, louder, pushier jerks.

8 years ago

@ Dalillama

The trouble is that that’s not a case of some morons sinking $1000 into a weekend seminar with a dude in a fluffy hat. Those are classes taught at actual, honest to go Universities which are aimed at people studying everything from business to engineering (I bring up engineering since, at least at my University, the department that holds responsibility for teaching sales engineering probably has the most favorable male:female ratio). The point I’m trying to make is that a whole lot of PUA material is stuff that has existed long before people with fluffy hats started pushing it and/or material that exists as best practices in how to sell stuff to people that has gotten re-purposed into “how best to get laid”.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago

@ Carters
That’s my point, yes. PUAs are a tiny subset of the people ( mostly men) who spend a lot of time learning to be pushy assholes more effectively. These men (the ones who take sales classes) are generally applauded by society because they’re developing their careers, by being better pushy assholes.This is a major problem in our society.

8 years ago

@ Dalillama

Fair enough then. I guess I got hung up on the distinction between something that would be accepted socially (class/major offered at a University) and not accepted (forking over thousands of bucks to take a weekend class from a dude in a fluffy hat). Were this to be a problem, I would argue it to be a symptom of larger problems, but I’d disagree with saying that all of those people, or anywhere near a majority, are assholes.

8 years ago

It’s not that ‘they are all arseholes’; it’s that a patriarchal-capitalist society in which classes like this are unexceptionable is actively encouraging them (us) all to become pushier and aresholier and praising/rewarding greater arseholiness.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
8 years ago

@ Carters
That’s my point, yes. PUAs are a tiny subset of the people ( mostly men) who spend a lot of time learning to be pushy assholes more effectively. These men (the ones who take sales classes) are generally applauded by society because they’re developing their careers, by being better pushy assholes.This is a major problem in our society.

Exactly this. I’ve been trying to find words for this for a while now. PUA culture is not distinct from the rest of our culture; rather, it’s the consequence of the ideas that permeate the rest of our culture.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago

To the extent they practice what they are taught in these courses, they are assholes. All of the instructors for such courses I’ve ever had the misfortune to have try to teach me have been colossal assholes.

The primary thing those courses teach is to deliberately, knowingly, run roughshod over other people’s boundaries. This is one of the principal characteristics of someone people describe as an ‘asshole’. Hence, sales courses are courses in how to be a pushy asshole. See how that works? If I had a say, they’d probably be banned, frankly.

Exactly this. It’s another manifestation of asshole culture, which is the second civic religion of the US. White supremacy being the main one.