#ResistTrump abortion actual activism trump

#ResistTrump locally, with Flippable, Town Hall Project, Planned Parenthood

Don’t you know I’m LOCAL?

Most of the political activism that makes up The Resistance takes place on the local level. While perhaps a million people made it to the Women’s March in Washington, most of those who marched that day did so in their own cities.

Those following the Indivisible model of activism focus relentlessly on local politicians — flooding the phone lines of their own Senators and congresspeople, showing up en masse at their town halls.

We talk about resisting Trump, but really what we’re doing is resisting those politicians who have been enabling Trump — the Republicans who go along with our erratic unpresident out of fear or expediency, the Democrats who are only now just realizing that any and all compromise with Trump is worse than useless.

So today, inspired by the conversation in the last #ResistTrump thread, I thought I’d mention a couple of political initiatives I haven;t mentioned before that are all about fighting Trump and the Republicans on a local level.


First is Flippable, a group working to, as their slogan has it, “flip seats, win states, rebuild our country.” Flippable focuses on state races in Republican-controlled states that could potentially be won for Democrats and other progressives. These races matter in themselves; they also make a difference in national politics.

In order to combat “Republican-engineered gerrymandering and voter suppression,” the organizers argue,

we must gain control of state legislatures. State legislators, in conjunction with governors, have an awesome power to shape the norms of our democracy. We need to put this power in the hands of trusted progressive leaders.  

See here for a more detailed explanation of the strategy, and here to see which states look flippable in 2017 and 2018.


Want to go yell at your member of congress (or applaud them if they’ve been standing up to Trump)? The Town Hall Project has compiled a nice spreadsheet of upcoming town halls across the country. (And if you can’t make it, I’m sure the THP would appreciate help in compiling their list.)


With abortion rights and Planned Parenthood itself under attack, the organization has planned a bunch of events this weekend across the country. Find a local event by going to PP’s big interactive map here.

And here are a few other impending abortion-rights rallies I found listed in the RESISTABLE newsletter:

Friday, February 10
5PM CSTRally for Reproductive Rights, Chicago, IL

Reproductive rights, including abortion, are under attack everywhere in this nation. Illinois, and the Chicago area in particular, have long been known as a safe haven for abortion care in the midwest region. We’re holding this rally to defend the rights we already have, and to demand their protection and expansion.

Saturday, February 11

11AM ETProtest PP Counter-Rally, Manhattan, NY

Protest PP is holding country-wide rallies to defund Planned Parenthood. If you think Planned Parenthood is vital and necessary and should receive government funding, then join others who stand with Planned Parenthood in Washington Square Park to peacefully support them.

12PM ET —  Support Planned Parenthood, Portland, ME

Join organizers on the steps of City Hall to show support for Planned Parenthood and their mission, which is to provide, promote, and protect access to reproductive health care and sexuality education so that all people can make voluntary choices about their reproductive and sexual health. **This event is in support of Planned Parenthood, but not representative of or affiliated with the organization.

Please post any local politics resources you’ve run across in the comments below!

And don’t forget to make some calls, if you can! As always, 5Calls has a bunch of suggestions. Planned Parenthood has scripts if you want to urge your elected reps to stand up for abortion rights.

See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety. But emails are also fine.


Give yourself some credit! And remember it’s ok to take a day off (or however much time you need). Don’t burn yourself out; we need you for the long term.

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7 years ago

I got a text yesterday from PP that they were expecting protestors on 2/11 and they were asking for messages of support for their staff. I’m sure they’re also fishing for email addresses etc. to bug for donations but hey, can’t blame em. So I found the page below to leave messages of support and thanks for the staff of PP and I thought that was nice. I know sometimes when my job is really getting to me a simple thanks or “I see the hard work you’re doing and appreciate it” goes a long way.

God I hope that long ass link works correctly. ?

7 years ago

From a PP affiliate employee in Colorado, THANK YOU for the support for PP! We turned 100 years old last year, and we are determined to be there for our communities and our patients for another century, or until we are no longer needed.

7 years ago

Thank you for all that you do, Jenn.

7 years ago

Just signed up to Flippable. It sounds similar to Swing Left, though that’s focused on the U.S. House rather than state races.

7 years ago

who we are
We are a team of organizers, politics junkies, strategists, and engineers who met each other working on the Hillary Clinton campaign in Columbus, Ohio and Brooklyn, New York. We come from a variety of worlds – international development, consulting, tech, and social enterprise. But we were united by the profoundly moving experience of working on the campaign, and a resolve never to let November 9, 2016 happen again.

Eh. More fauxgressive neoliberal dead-enders. PP is waaaay better than these republican-lite DLC’ers.

7 years ago

Who could have predicted this?!

Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government
The new president’s allies say he has been surprised that government can’t be run like his business.

I think this photo is meant to show that he’s determined, resolute. Not that he’s a two-year-old.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Kat

The president and his allies believe career NSC staff assigned from other agencies are out to get them. In turn, some NSC staff believe Trump does not possess the capacity for detail and nuance required to handle the sensitive issues discussed on the calls, and that he has politicized their agency by appointing chief strategist Bannon to the council.

Stop the presses! (」゜ロ゜)」

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
7 years ago

@US folks

Do any of you know whether someone living permanently outside the US is able to vote for Congress and Senate? My aunt is from Atlanta, but has lived here for 35 years and holds dual citizenship. She voted for Hillary, and is so ashamed that Trump is president that she’s making moves to renounce her US citizenship. I’d like to encourage her to keep it in order to help the Democrats in the midterms, but I dunno if she can even vote in the midterms.

7 years ago

@Ray of Rays
Yeah, I’m still waiting for that “presidential pivot.”

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
7 years ago


If she holds US citizenship as of the time of the election, she should be able to vote. I know armed forces stationed outside the country have the means. I don’t know for absolutely sure the details or how to do it, but it should be possible. Hopefully someone else knows more.

I’m ashamed and embarrassed about this fiasco of an administration too, but I’d urge her to NOT renounce her US citizenship so’s as to be able to still influence by voting. Every set of boots on the ground helps. *wry grin*

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
7 years ago


EVERY photo I’ve seen of him recently makes him look like a giant, constipated toddler throwing an epic sulk. Gaw damn, the man(go) is redefining the term ‘pout’.

7 years ago

Allen Smithee, flippable is a good idea. It is miles better than whining about purity in comments sections for little to no reason, which is sure to flip…absolutely nothing. ?

7 years ago

Eager to win over POC and women, our new president turns on the charm:

Trump to Dems: ‘Pocahontas is now the face of your party’

7 years ago

I’m hoping that everyone stays safe. And I’m hoping that humanity scores a win.

Dakota Access pipeline
Army veterans return to Standing Rock to form a human shield against police
A growing group of military veterans are willing to put their bodies between Native American activists and the police trying to remove them

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

“Pocahontas” is Devilman Tromp’s nickname for Elizabeth Warren, by the way.

Army veterans return to Standing Rock to form a human shield against police
A growing group of military veterans are willing to put their bodies between Native American activists and the police trying to remove them

Good on them.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Kat

So…does that mean Trump is Ratcliffe?

From the Wikia:

Like most Disney villains, Ratcliffe is very power-hungry. He is unbelievably greedy, as evidenced by his insatiable craving for gold, which would make him a very wealthy man. He is also highly xenophobic (even for the period in which he lives), ruthless and incredibly manipulative. While he exudes great confidence and gives the impression of being rather vain, Ratcliffe in fact seems to take a rather dim view of himself, admitting in a sad voice that he has never been a popular man. This, in addition to the fact that his peers at court consider him a “pathetic social climber”, make him a somewhat sympathetic character in spite of his villainous nature.

Not quite, I suppose. Ratcliffe is more humble.

7 years ago

@Ray of Rays

Ha, ha! I kept an open mind until I read “somewhat sympathetic character.”

Short answer: No.

Long answer: No effin’ way.