abortion advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Daily Stormer: “Just as Jews belong in the oven, so women deserve to be slapped”

Anti-Domestic Violence activist Aleksandra Voskresenskaya

Vladimir Putin, lovely fellow that he is, recently put his signature on a bill that makes it no big deal for Russians to slap or punch their partners around, provided they don’t leave too many bruises behind.

Some of Putin’s most dedicated fans in the west are hailing the so-called “slapping law” as a bold and necessary step to rein in uppity females, and a sign “that Putin deeply cares about the mental and emotional health of Russian men.”

Andrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer and a big league fan of Putin, puts it this way:

Just as it is axiomatic that Jews belong in the oven, so is it that women deserve to be slapped.

Yes, that’s what political discourse in America has descended into in the year 2017.

You might find yourself wondering, “hey, I thought Nazis liked to think of themselves as protectors of white women. Why would they think slapping their presumably white whives or girlfriends would be a good thing?”

As Anglin sees it, a little bit of violence against women goes a long way in protecting our society from the evils of female domination.

Women are at a physical disadvantage to men, so their evolved field-leveler is the ability to emotionally abuse men manipulating and berating him. When you remove the ability of a man to lay down the law in response to emotional abuse by women with the back of his hand, you create a situation where women have total dominance over men.

If women run the world, they’re doing a pretty good job of keeping it on the down low. I mean, here’s our recently installed White House resident signing an Executive Order banning funding for international health organizations that even so much as say a word about abortion.

You go, girls!

That is the weirdest fucking matriarchy I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, Anglin isn’t done typing out terrible justifications for violence against women yet, so let’s return to him.

We have all seen women on rampages. What they want in that situation – what is required – is physical discipline. This is how healthy families work – women who won’t shut their mouths get their mouths shut for them.

So I guess getting slapped or otherwise “physically disciplined” is “healthy” for women?

The Jewish system has told us that it is “wrong” to hit a woman, but has never made any comment on the ways women jab and poke at men. It is a recipe for matriarchy, and I’m very happy to see Putin clearing out this bit of liberal nonsense.

Oh, Anglin himself “would … never actually harm a woman physically,” he assures his more delicate-minded readers.

But, he adds, “simply slapping a woman is not harm, and it is usually necessary.”

You might want to take all this into consideration the next time you find yourself pondering the “is it ok to punch Nazis” question that has preoccupied much of the Internet of late.

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8 years ago

I already knew Pewdiepie was a dudebro, but wow. He’s even worse!

8 years ago

How does this rationale work, exactly? Since men are physically stronger and can/could physically abuse women, then women figured out a way to abuse men that involves other kinds of abuse, specifically emotional abuse, to level the ability-to-abuse field.

That’s the theory? And we evolved to be this way??? Were the men NOT physically stronger at one point, or something?

Because if men are physically stronger, and women have only been protected from physical violence from them for a few decades and only in certain places… since some archaic laws still “on the books” in the U.S. and other First World places that regulate just HOW to beat a women (only once per month, stick no bigger than thumb, etc…)…

How did humans evolve SO FAST that men physically abusing a “nagging woman” was never a thing??? There has been such a lengthy time period where women are protected from physical abuse, so much so that they were able to run their mouths at will and develop emotional abusive tools as an EFFECTIVE way to counteract physical violence…? Because I’m pretty sure that a wife running her mouth (aka having the freedom to express her own mind) would’ve brought ON the physical blows from a man in the past, before battery/physical abuse was made unlawful/illegal. So women evolved and honed their emotional abuse skills, were beat down by any husband/partner who wanted to engage in that (then legal) behavior, and kept doing this field-leveling behavior (that would cause them to be hit further…) because Evolving? This theory is especially dumb, even for that dumb crowd of dumb dummies.

Someone please say what I’m trying to say in better words. It’s Friday night and my brain is fried from a crushing workweek, the full moon, and… I don’t know how to say it succinctly enough. It makes NO SENSE. I know “their” theories don’t ever make sense to a rational person, but this one’s actually so backwards that it surprises me that a human being – equipped with basic logic – thought this was a good theory to propose… much less attempt to state it as fact…

8 years ago

Were people really that surprised that a person who uses sexual assault as a verbal tick turns out to be a terrible person? I also have to remind everyone that this person makes Youtube (read: google) oodles of cash for Google. Google isn’t going to do a damn thing about it.

EDIT: Something to joke about.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

re: PewDiePie being a fuck

I’ve never exactly been a fan of him either. When it comes to Swedish YouTubers, I much prefer Joel of Vinesauce….though PDP is subscribed to Joel. (Can’t exactly stop him.)

re: inability to defend oneself

I don’t think this is being repeated loudly enough. If one can defend oneself from attackers, that’s all well and good, but for the love of God, y’all: Remember there are many people that CAN’T.

And that, ladies, gentlemen, and respected individuals of neither title, is why merely proposing potential retribution will not stop the ones that most need to be halted.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@AliBoBali, I think the one you’re looking for is “Men and women aren’t different species.”

These shit-gibbons (hee) don’t seem to understand that “We evolved that way” is actually really, really hard to figure out. Like, even a basic physical trait is super-hard to determine whether it’s evolved as an advantage, or if it’s a neutral thing that just happened that way, or if it’s some sort of plasticity thing goin on – it’s not easy at all!

And that’s just base physical traits! You want to get into behavioural stuff and it becomes a swamp!

Just like we were talking about elsewhere, they think that their shitty, terrible ideas are gold, though, so if they can imagine “hey, maybe we evolved this way, that sounds sciencey!” then it must be true – even if the people who actually study evolution just roll their eyes and mutter.

8 years ago


Fascism is basically the cult of traditionalism and is more often than not a front for the bigwigs in a given society to manipulate the working class after an economic disaster of their own creation.

The reason it worships violence is that it keeps the rank-and-file distracted.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja (continued)

The reason fascism has the approval of the higher-ups even though they have an anti-capitalist agenda is because that’s a front in order to get the workers to hurt people.

Franco didn’t abolish capitalism after he got power for this reason. Hitler didn’t go after the military elite who actually caused the war to be lost. Trump won’t for a second go after the “swamp-rats” because he is one.

8 years ago


so if they can imagine “hey, maybe we evolved this way, that sounds sciencey!” then it must be true – even if the people who actually study evolution just roll their eyes and mutter.

I think it’s got much more to do with justifying their rancid views and vile behaviors than with sounding sciencey.

8 years ago


I imagine “sounding sciency” is a step in their justification process. They feel it gives their views and behaviors legitimacy when they can vaguely back it up with what they think is science.

Andy 707
Andy 707
8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention whoa, I didn’t know PewDiePie was involved in that! I haven’t watched his videos in years (I started watching him when he was still playing Amnesia: TDD), but I’m still subscribed to his channel. Guess I’ll reconsider that. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

8 years ago

Cruz just used an easily debunked argument in attempt to prove the democrats are the real racists. The internet needs to stop bleeding into reality. I actually expected smarter rhetoric from the snake who was originally supposed to bring ruin to the US.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

*Sigh* oh Cruz. For the betterment of my state, I would wish him back to Canada, but then I would feel sorry for Canada. Perhaps he can go live in that crack in the Antarctic that global warming certainly did not cause, or Mordor, or something.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Unrelated to the article, but related to Putin, so: I know that if Hairpiece Hitler is impeached/imprisoned for his Russian ties, Pence is next in line… But what happens if Pence is also impeached/imprisoned (or whatever the VP equivalent of impeachment is)? Since it’s looking more and more like he’s in on it too.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago
8 years ago

If Pence gets the boot House Speaker Paul Ryan comes next, then pro sempore Orrin Hatch, then Secretary of State Tom Shannon, then every other secretary from the other departments.

EDIT: Ninja’d.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

@SFHC: If both Pence and Devilman Tromp go, then we get Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House). After that are Senator Orrin G Hatch (President pro tempore of the Senate), Rexxon Tillerson (Sec. of State), Jefferson (Davis) Beauregard Sessions III (Attorney General), and Michael Scuse (Sec. of Agriculture).

EDIT: Twice ninjaed by reason of my nicknames!

@Faerie Bard: Maybe we can send him to the MGTOWs’ undead, seagull-eating utopia?

8 years ago

If Trump is removed via impeachment/imprisionment, then Pence would become President, and if he turned out to be involved, then he would be impeached as well. Unless it was revealed that he was complicit before being sworn in, in which case it would go to the next in the Line of Presidental Selection.
I think the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become President if both Trump and Pence are successfully impeached. So, right now it would be Paul Ryan.
ETA: ninja’d.
ETA(2): I just realized that DeVos could possibly become president if enough people die/are impeached/resign.

8 years ago

Nope nope nope I’m not even going to entertain that no. Just because Trump and co. brought forth every bad thing we’ve all predicted does not mean that we’re going to witness a series of events that would somehow lead to Devos getting sworn in. Such a thing is unprecedented in US history.

8 years ago

The anti-Laura Roslin!

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago


It’d be like the situation in Y: The Last Man, only somehow even more devastating.

8 years ago

@Zephkiel – Feminist MGTOW
At that point if Devos gets sworn in I’d imagine the US Congress pointing their Catos at each other’s throats, because by then if that many people got the boot in such a short amount of time I don’t imagine the US being that stable.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

re: succession of Presidency

If memory serves, there’s always a Designated Survivor: a member of that chain of command who stays out of proceedings in case something goes horribly wrong and kills everyone (else).

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

Mike Pence would be a horror show of a president, but I would be surprised if he did anything impeachable. He seems to know how to spread evil in the conventional political way, unlike Trump. Am I off-base?

8 years ago

Secretary of Education is really far down on the list, if that helps you feel better.