Vladimir Putin, lovely fellow that he is, recently put his signature on a bill that makes it no big deal for Russians to slap or punch their partners around, provided they don’t leave too many bruises behind.
Some of Putin’s most dedicated fans in the west are hailing the so-called “slapping law” as a bold and necessary step to rein in uppity females, and a sign “that Putin deeply cares about the mental and emotional health of Russian men.”
Andrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer and a big league fan of Putin, puts it this way:
Just as it is axiomatic that Jews belong in the oven, so is it that women deserve to be slapped.
Yes, that’s what political discourse in America has descended into in the year 2017.
You might find yourself wondering, “hey, I thought Nazis liked to think of themselves as protectors of white women. Why would they think slapping their presumably white whives or girlfriends would be a good thing?”
As Anglin sees it, a little bit of violence against women goes a long way in protecting our society from the evils of female domination.
Women are at a physical disadvantage to men, so their evolved field-leveler is the ability to emotionally abuse men manipulating and berating him. When you remove the ability of a man to lay down the law in response to emotional abuse by women with the back of his hand, you create a situation where women have total dominance over men.
If women run the world, they’re doing a pretty good job of keeping it on the down low. I mean, here’s our recently installed White House resident signing an Executive Order banning funding for international health organizations that even so much as say a word about abortion.

That is the weirdest fucking matriarchy I’ve ever seen.
Anyway, Anglin isn’t done typing out terrible justifications for violence against women yet, so let’s return to him.
We have all seen women on rampages. What they want in that situation – what is required – is physical discipline. This is how healthy families work – women who won’t shut their mouths get their mouths shut for them.
So I guess getting slapped or otherwise “physically disciplined” is “healthy” for women?
The Jewish system has told us that it is “wrong” to hit a woman, but has never made any comment on the ways women jab and poke at men. It is a recipe for matriarchy, and I’m very happy to see Putin clearing out this bit of liberal nonsense.
Oh, Anglin himself “would … never actually harm a woman physically,” he assures his more delicate-minded readers.
But, he adds, “simply slapping a woman is not harm, and it is usually necessary.”
You might want to take all this into consideration the next time you find yourself pondering the “is it ok to punch Nazis” question that has preoccupied much of the Internet of late.
@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
“Yes, it’s okay to punch Nazis; that’s all they’re really good for.”
No, when said Nazis are in the form of large organized armed forces, they’re good not just for punching but for blasting into kingdom come with large caliber weapons.
I recommend an army composed a troops of multiple ethicities (15th Army Group in Italy ca. 1944?) just to rub it in.
Another thing they’re good for is frustrating….an EXCELLENT way to do that is to hole yourselves up in a fortified building that they’re trying to capture and refuse to give up and keep shooting while they rage and throw tantrums that they’re unable to root you out of there.
Hmmmm…..I seem to remember some particularly inspirational instance of that somewhere. I think in some industrial town by a real big river….
I am curious as to why they think American women wouldn’t fight back, or give tit for tat. I don’t know about Russian women and won’t presume to speak for them, but apparently it never occurs to these men that American women, being born in this country, are every bit as individualistic as them ,and wouldn’t actually tolerate this.
When my sister had an abusive partner she often fought back which usually resulted in some serous knockdown fighting between the two. I mean does he really want to go through that every single time she aint got dinner on the table, at the time he wanted, or maybe looked to hard at the next door neighbor.
I mean does he think domestic abuse is like it is in the movies where the woman is so cowled, by his manliness, that she just stands around looking stunned? It doesn’t occur to them that if we even had a law like that, there’d be a lot less marriage, and a lot more mysterious widows.
And another thing if women are so manipulative and devious, why would you challenge her to be more devious, by abusing her?
I’ve developed my own totally scientific and über rational MRA-style evolutionary explanation for why it is natural to punch nazis in the face:
Nazis are so pathetic they can only procreate through pity sex. To maximize their pity, the need to be badly beaten up while maintaining the illusion that they don’t want to be beaten up. Therefore, when nazis say they don’t want to be punched in the face, they actually mean that they want to be punched in the face.
This totally indisputable alternative fact is constructed entirely from prejudice, arse-pulled assertions and deliberate misinterpretations of evolutionary theory, and was developed and refined over a period of several seconds, so it is at least as good at the best intellectual feats Anglin has ever made.
Just like Neo at the start of The Matrix, they’re living in a dream world.
Although where Neo was searching for truth, these guys are just looking to get their dicks wet.
Yeah, the commentariat here is correct. That’s what I said when I first heard of this “law” coming up for Putin’s endorsement.
Clearly the Russians have forgotten the good old days. Most of them aren’t living with gentle elevated fragile intellectual souls for a wife. It definitely will result in immediate escalation.
Most Russian women react to being physically pushed around with a cast-iron frying pan to the face. They don’t “give as good as they get,” they go straight for disproportionate response. With an ax.
This “law” is a terrible idea on SO many levels.
Nthing Lindsay Irene and Kupo. I’m certainly not opposed to women defending themselves but it’s not a solution that everyone is privileged to have.
I’m at work and don’t have time to look for a citation now, but I’ve read that once we started having no fault divorce, services to help abuse victims escape and legal consequences for abuse, the wife on husband murder rate went down because abused women didn’t have to resort to killing her husband to escape him as often.
Trigger warning for domestic abuse.
I have been a big fan of this site for years but have only left a comment once in solidarity just after the scumbag took office. But this thread brought something to mind. Three days ago I linked to return of the kings from this site and have spent the next two days reading it and just laughing. I mean it’s all so silly and poorly thought out, the ideas are cruel and awful but I just couldn’t stop laughing.
Then today I woke in a pretty crappy mood. The tab for ROK was still open and I read this “it’s never a woman’s fault if she is beaten by her husband or raped in a frathouse. It must be the man’s fault and only his fault. Woman bear no responsibility for the consequences of their choices…Jane housewife isn’t quietly knitting when her husband barges in and slaps her silly. Usually when a man hits a woman she has been provoking him…”. At this point all the funny went away to be replaced by sick rage.
They are feeding this garbage into the heads of men too young or too broken to parse the vile self serving nature of it. I thought it was funny because it’s all so stupid but now all I can think is like those lousy damn bastards. No other words, just those filthy bastards. Now I want to hit or break something myself and I know they put that in me too. I am struggling not to start crying in front of my roommate but I’m just so angry, I’m so sorry for venting.
Trigger warning for domestic abuse.
I have been a big fan of this site for years but have only left a comment once in solidarity just after the scumbag took office. But this thread brought something to mind. Three days ago I linked to return of the kings from this site and have spent the next two days reading it and just laughing. I mean it’s all so silly and poorly thought out, the ideas are cruel and awful but I just couldn’t stop laughing.
Then today I woke in a pretty crappy mood. The tab for ROK was still open and I read this “it’s never a woman’s fault if she is beaten by her husband or raped in a frathouse. It must be the man’s fault and only his fault. Woman bear no responsibility for the consequences of their choices…Jane housewife isn’t quietly knitting when her husband barges in and slaps her silly. Usually when a man hits a woman she has been provoking him…”. At this point all the funny went away to be replaced by sick rage.
They are feeding this garbage into the heads of men too young or too broken to parse the vile self serving nature of it. I thought it was funny because it’s all so stupid but now all I can think is like those lousy damn bastards. No other words, just those filthy bastards. Now I want to hit or break something myself and I know they put that in me too. I am struggling not to start crying in front of my roommate but I’m just so angry, I’m so sorry for venting.
Sorry I got confused when it said I already posted that and thought the problem was my name. I almost never post anywhere and screwed it up. Thank whatever you believe in for the people here.
No need to apologize, you’re always free to vent out your frustrations here.
You’re always welcome to speak up here. There’s no requirement for entry <3
Anger is an appropriate reaction to their hate. They didn't put that feeling in you. It's a good and natural response to the things they're saying. They don't want you angry – they want you silent.
Don’t let them convince you that you’re lesser for getting angry about what they do either. They want that, too. You’re greater for it.
Unnýðnes means “freedom from anger.” That doesn’t mean that I don’t feel angry – I do, often. It just means that I do my best to think clearly amidst my anger, and to use it justly and judiciously. I know that you’re capable of doing the same.
Don’t be afraid of getting angry. It’s the root of power, and the seed of change. Just don’t lose yourself to it. Cry if it helps, that’s okay. You can overcome this, too, and come out stronger and better afterwards.
You can do it! We’re all rootin’ for you.
It’s possible your interpretation is right. I would like to be a psychologist to be able to understand why those people are in need of conflicts most of their time. I noticed that neonazi are also often engaged in violent football supporter clubs, at least here in Europe; in such case, they need to hate supporters of other clubs.
I find that extremely stressful at the first place. I found myself strongly engaged in a number of activities, but they were usually based on relaxing or knowledge. That’s why I have it difficult to understand the driving force behind hate behaviors.
(I left a couple of comments here occasionaly, even if I read the blog on a regular basis. I don’t feel smart enough and my knowledge of English language isn’t sofisticated enough to write something at the same level of people here. Usually I enjoy a lot reading what you people write).
lot of hugs.
I can’t even get angry at this particular post after how many times over the years this exact same old sentiment has been repeated by douchebags like them. The “violence to control women” idea is older than any of us here, guys, you’re not being edgy, shocking or radical in any way.
And repeating anti-Semitic Nazi stuff is not new either. The only shock you ever get for it is from people who assumed by default you were at least a somewhat decent person and you turned out to be a hateful bigot.
I’ve seen many anti-feminists repeating this argument, desperate to “debunk” feminists by claiming that women are just as abusive as men. However, I fail to see how “emotional manipulation”, a field in which women are masters, supposedly, is better in dangerous situation than physical strength. Are they so immersed in their ridiculous theories that they are unable to realize that physical strength, in the context of domestic violence, is traumatizing to the victims? This could still be considered emotional abuse, and Andrew Anglin himself has proved it when he wrote this “””””article”””””.
In my opinion, most of these dudes consider “emotional abuse” whenever women refuse to engage in sexual relations with them, or whenever women stand up for themselves. It’s not uncommon to see them claiming that “men mastered physical strength, but women mastered emotional manipulation so they can put men in a emotional turmoil”, which means that, according to them, women are intelligent, but just to make men feel worthless.
I can’t fathom how absurd they all are.
Also, out-of-nowhere question, but what’s up with the PewDiePie banner in Anglin’s page? So weird. 😛
I grew up abused and Im really sorry if it makes you feel less safe to know this but guess what? Just having a gun or taking karate or whatever isnt a solution to problems like rape, really isnt. I was an 11 year old kid trying to fight back against adults in their 30s. Guess what? Sometimes fighting back is the stupid thing to do. Like Kupo pointed out, like the friend if a friend who successfully fought off a rapist only to have him come back w his literal gang and beat her bad enough to be hospitalized. Or every single male military member who got raped or killed, sometimes killed by a woman w/o a gun who got the drop on him. Im sick and tired of this idea that its on the victim to have a gun. Guess what? Im banned for life bc I sought treatment for my illness and it happened to be a mental illness; wouldnt matter how low my risk is of actually hurting anyone, simply admitting yourself to a hospital revokes that right in my state. Its ableist and wrong, Guess what else? I personally would choose not to own one anyway, and it’s expensive so its not accessible to everyone…. I could go on and on. Im all for yall feeling powerful w self defense training but please dont impose it on other victims
@dashapants “Most Russian women react to being physically pushed around with a cast-iron frying pan to the face. They don’t “give as good as they get,” they go straight for disproportionate response. With an ax.”
YES. YES. YES. (And beautifully put.)
Keep in mind they do this while the entire time continuing to look like a million bucks with perfect hair and make-up dressed to the nines.
(I have fortunately never seen Ms. Pavlov’s House fight off an attacker and in all seriousness, given that her workplace is in a rough part of town, I of course would never want her to be harassed or attacked BUT I have no doubt whatsoever that she would CLOBBER anyone who ever tried anything. And still look amazing. And, not that I wouldn’t defend her….of course I would. It’s just she would not, and does not need to, *depend solely on me* for defense. She, her friends and most Russian women I’ve known *do* appreciate chivalry….they just see enjoying it as perfectly consistent with their *own* strength.)
Fuuuuuck everything about this. I’ve had an emotionally abusive partner. These shitstains have no idea (other than maybe from their own shitty selves). You don’t balance it out with physical violence. Like, it’s not even part of the equation. You get help (hopefully) and you get the fuck away (hopefully). Using the specter of emotional abuse as an excuse to commit further abuse – and in a roundabout way blame victims for not having stopped it – is fucking disgusting.
Surprised nobody has translated the Russian. It says “Beat a woman: 5000 rubles. Slap a child, 7000 rubles” 5000 rubles is 85 dollars, probably a chunk of change for most Russians.
Bear in mind when punching Nazis: they’re happy if not eager to fight back. They have a much greater psychological willingness to inflict violence. And Stand Your Ground applies to them too. If you start it, they might just respond with extreme prejudice.
I’ve been in two situations in my life where having a gun might have been useful and justifiable. One involving an animal, one involving humans. Both times having a gun would have made things worse. Both times everyone got out alive.
The Russian “reform” brought to mind an old Cold War cartoon. A man and wife are dueling. One has a hammer and the other a sickle. A Party apparatchick happens on the scene and yells “Hold that pose!”
PewDiePie recently got two guys from a poor country kicked off of Fiverr.
The two men made their money by painting signs with whatever their customers wanted, and making a video of them dancing around with it. So, “as a joke” PewDiePie had them write “Death to all Jews” on the sign, and since that violated Fiverr’s policy they got their page taken down.
So, Pew was like “It was just a joke! I didn’t think they’d actually do it!”, and as far as I know has made no reparations to help these two out, who have now lost their livelihoods because of his bullshit. He made a video of his reaction to it, gets millions of views, and fucks them over in the process.
So, it doesn’t surprise me in the least that he’d be on Stormer at this point. He thinks Nazi war cries are “a joke”, and considering he’s got roughly 52 million subscribers on YouTube, many of them young fucking children…
@PI, ugh, oh god, that’s so horrible. I mean, I’ve never liked PewDiePie (because I mean seriously what a garbage pile) but that’s just stunningly awful.
Can we, like, bulldoze the internet? Or maybe put a gateway on it where you get thrown out for being an asshole? ‘Cause really.
@dashapants “Most Russian women react to being physically pushed around with a cast-iron frying pan to the face. They don’t “give as good as they get,” they go straight for disproportionate response. With an ax.”
YES. YES. YES. (And beautifully put.)
Keep in mind they do this while the entire time continuing to look like a million bucks with perfect hair and make-up dressed to the nines.
(I have fortunately never seen Ms. Pavlov’s House fight off an attacker and in all seriousness, given that her workplace is in a rough part of town, I of course would never want her to be harassed or attacked BUT I have no doubt whatsoever that she would CLOBBER anyone who ever tried anything. And still look amazing. And, not that I wouldn’t defend her….of course I would. It’s just she would not, and does not need to, *depend solely on me* for defense. She, her friends and most Russian women I’ve known *do* appreciate chivalry….they just see enjoying it as perfectly consistent with their *own* strength.)
Being part-Jewish, I am starting to wonder if I should just fucking annihlate these fucks. I’m reaching a boiling point. These are the kinds of fucks that would have apologized for my asshole step-dad beating my mother.