abortion advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Daily Stormer: “Just as Jews belong in the oven, so women deserve to be slapped”

Anti-Domestic Violence activist Aleksandra Voskresenskaya

Vladimir Putin, lovely fellow that he is, recently put his signature on a bill that makes it no big deal for Russians to slap or punch their partners around, provided they don’t leave too many bruises behind.

Some of Putin’s most dedicated fans in the west are hailing the so-called “slapping law” as a bold and necessary step to rein in uppity females, and a sign “that Putin deeply cares about the mental and emotional health of Russian men.”

Andrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer and a big league fan of Putin, puts it this way:

Just as it is axiomatic that Jews belong in the oven, so is it that women deserve to be slapped.

Yes, that’s what political discourse in America has descended into in the year 2017.

You might find yourself wondering, “hey, I thought Nazis liked to think of themselves as protectors of white women. Why would they think slapping their presumably white whives or girlfriends would be a good thing?”

As Anglin sees it, a little bit of violence against women goes a long way in protecting our society from the evils of female domination.

Women are at a physical disadvantage to men, so their evolved field-leveler is the ability to emotionally abuse men manipulating and berating him. When you remove the ability of a man to lay down the law in response to emotional abuse by women with the back of his hand, you create a situation where women have total dominance over men.

If women run the world, they’re doing a pretty good job of keeping it on the down low. I mean, here’s our recently installed White House resident signing an Executive Order banning funding for international health organizations that even so much as say a word about abortion.

You go, girls!

That is the weirdest fucking matriarchy I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, Anglin isn’t done typing out terrible justifications for violence against women yet, so let’s return to him.

We have all seen women on rampages. What they want in that situation – what is required – is physical discipline. This is how healthy families work – women who won’t shut their mouths get their mouths shut for them.

So I guess getting slapped or otherwise “physically disciplined” is “healthy” for women?

The Jewish system has told us that it is “wrong” to hit a woman, but has never made any comment on the ways women jab and poke at men. It is a recipe for matriarchy, and I’m very happy to see Putin clearing out this bit of liberal nonsense.

Oh, Anglin himself “would … never actually harm a woman physically,” he assures his more delicate-minded readers.

But, he adds, “simply slapping a woman is not harm, and it is usually necessary.”

You might want to take all this into consideration the next time you find yourself pondering the “is it ok to punch Nazis” question that has preoccupied much of the Internet of late.

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Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

My original thoughts probably fell foul of the comments policy, so instead here’s a woman with her field-leveler…

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

the ability to emotionally abuse men manipulating and berating him

This is why we use commas

8 years ago

By manipulating & berating them of course they mean, make my penis hard by walking around & breathing & then refuse to sleep with me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Not female on male emotional abuse doesn’t exist, but I’m guessing Anglin considers not being 100% deferential all the time as abuse.

If the “slapping law” were actually about protecting men from abuse, the Russian government would be funding resources to help men escape abusive relationships. But I guess just the manosphere, alt-right/Nazi version of equality is mutual abuse and violence rather than ending all abuse, no matter the genders involved.


8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Gosh, that field-levelling looks like hard work. Hats off to that woman.

8 years ago

I think the Second Amendment, the NRA, and all the Stand-Your-Ground laws will take care of this issue in this country (I’m a female from Texas and have a LTC). The NRA is right, women should carry guns at all times; I have since January 21, 2017. And if a male human tries to slap, punch, rape, or otherwise physically assault a woman, she has the absolute right to defend herself by shooting his genitals into next week. End of problem, end of testosterone-fueled violence, end of rape threat. Just be sure to buy shooting-incident coverage when you get licensed so you can deal with the self-defense issues in court (if you were generous enough to leave him alive after whatever he tried/did to you).

There is nothing more dangerous than a well-armed liberal. Carry on!

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

We have all seen women on rampages.

Éowyn, Princess of Ithilien disagrees with your assessment of the situation.

8 years ago

So a country with a shrinking population just made marriage less attractive to women. In a few generations, scientists will be trying to get Russians to mate, like they do with pandas.

8 years ago

simply slapping a woman is not harm

…but berating a man is. Gotcha, snowflake.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

I think more women need to be aware that they are in fact perfectly physically capable. You CAN defend yourself, and you should. Take no shit from anybody.

8 years ago

Could we take a minute to remember that there are women with disabilities who can’t just go all Buffy Summers on men?

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
8 years ago

I still do not understand how neo-Nazis can like Putin. He’s an authoritarian like them but he’s still a Slav. I thought in their minds “race” is supposed to be the ultimate determinant of worthiness.

Then again, it is true that the original Nazis had plenty of people on their side who were ethnically Slavic but happened to agree with them regarding the particular types of horrible things they wanted to do to other people.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ David F

Alan… your comments…trash folder

Heh, sounds like the trash folder is working just fine 🙂

(Actually I deleted them myself because they went a bit beyond playful Nazi punching)

Morgaine le Fée
Morgaine le Fée
8 years ago

What a miserable life those nazi seem to have.
It sounds like they cannot imagine any human relationship without putting in conflicts, hierarchies, abuse and violence. They aren’t able to take it easy at any time, always that need to seek conflicts with every possible human group (women, Jews, Muslims, etc).

Geez so stressful.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Although I thought some of the peeps here might like this one…

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

What LindsayIrene said. We don’t need to beat our own chests, they’re doing plenty of that. As much as I’d like to go Éowyn on their asses!

Also, lol! Making a man feel bad, that’s something so terrible that masculine retribution needs to be enshrined into law! But actual physical violence against a woman, well, that’s just natural! She wants it, you see. Secretly. She’ll say she doesn’t – she’ll even cry and bleed a little probably – but she actually wants it. For real, guys.

These assholes deserve nothing but contempt and derision. Bullies and deplorables, the whole fuckin’ lot.

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
8 years ago


Many Russian women have shown by their actions that they don’t believe themselves limited to the men of their own country for potential life partners.

And more power to ’em for that….many a happy couple has thereby been brought together.

(I don’t know the actual numbers of couples in the U.S. consisting of a Russian-born woman and U.S.-born man but the data is probably available somewhere.)

None of this should mean, of course, that it’s ok for Russia to continue to institutionalize sexism.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Morgaine (hello! Have I seen you before?)

It sounds like they cannot imagine any human relationship without putting in conflicts, hierarchies, abuse and violence. They aren’t able to take it easy at any time, always that need to seek conflicts with every possible human group (women, Jews, Muslims, etc).

Kinda makes me wonder, really. These guys are very obsessed with social stratification and the male social hierarchy (as a subset of human social hierarchies). It feels like they have a need to exert the influence of their personal group over everything as a dominance display, really. They’ve got their personal hierarchy sorted – they know where their friends and family fit. So with that they then have to see where everyone else fits, and naturally they want everyone else to fit beneath them.

Cyclical violence. The repeated recurrence of fascist/authoritarian ideology and the widespread support for tyranny. Is it just a case of the hierarchy-driven elements of society needing to figure out where they stand with the rest of the world? They get beaten (e.g. WW2) and then they know their place – the hierarchy is sorted, taking the wind out of their sails. Time goes on and things get fuzzy again, as leader elements (agitators, neo-nazis, etc) make headway and the general society starts changing. Finally, they start feeling the urge to test themselves again.

Is that what’s going on here?

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
8 years ago

Yes, it’s okay to punch Nazis; that’s all they’re really good for.

I mean, I’m not sure if I’m into the whole face melting thing, because I can’t breathe fire that’s capable of that… yet…

8 years ago

Of course they consider emotional abuse things like, saying “No” to sex, disagreeing with them or finding any fault with them.

They forget that when men could beat and rape their wives and wives could not leave their abusive husbands, women resorted to killing the nasty assholes outright.

CW: fire
I know one woman who in the 70’s watched her abuser turn the stove to fry and egg, then pass out drunk. She simply loaded up the kids and went to visit Grandma. He died in a trailer fire.
CW: shooting
I know the son of another woman who in the early 80’s, when her abuser threatened to kill her while she was making dinner, shot him dead in the kitchen.

They did what they had to do because the law would not protect them. I don’t think these men want to go back to the bad old days. Men like them didn’t always get to live a long life of woman beating. Sometimes, they ended up underground.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
8 years ago

And if a male human tries to slap, punch, rape, or otherwise physically assault a woman, she has the absolute right to defend herself by shooting his genitals into next week.

It would be nice if Stand Your Ground applied to anyone but white men, but a black woman can’t even fire a warning shot without doing time.

8 years ago

Well I certainly hope that current circumstances doesn’t cause an uptick in the sale of Road Dahl’s Lamb to the Slaughter.

8 years ago

Yea, what kupo said. I’ve seen a lot of changing opinions on guns since the election and I can understand the sentiment. It doesn’t make statistics fly out of the window, though. Just don’t forget that gun can very easily be turned on you and in a lot of cases is exactly what ends up happening unfortunately.

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