abortion advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Daily Stormer: “Just as Jews belong in the oven, so women deserve to be slapped”

Anti-Domestic Violence activist Aleksandra Voskresenskaya

Vladimir Putin, lovely fellow that he is, recently put his signature on a bill that makes it no big deal for Russians to slap or punch their partners around, provided they don’t leave too many bruises behind.

Some of Putin’s most dedicated fans in the west are hailing the so-called “slapping law” as a bold and necessary step to rein in uppity females, and a sign “that Putin deeply cares about the mental and emotional health of Russian men.”

Andrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer and a big league fan of Putin, puts it this way:

Just as it is axiomatic that Jews belong in the oven, so is it that women deserve to be slapped.

Yes, that’s what political discourse in America has descended into in the year 2017.

You might find yourself wondering, “hey, I thought Nazis liked to think of themselves as protectors of white women. Why would they think slapping their presumably white whives or girlfriends would be a good thing?”

As Anglin sees it, a little bit of violence against women goes a long way in protecting our society from the evils of female domination.

Women are at a physical disadvantage to men, so their evolved field-leveler is the ability to emotionally abuse men manipulating and berating him. When you remove the ability of a man to lay down the law in response to emotional abuse by women with the back of his hand, you create a situation where women have total dominance over men.

If women run the world, they’re doing a pretty good job of keeping it on the down low. I mean, here’s our recently installed White House resident signing an Executive Order banning funding for international health organizations that even so much as say a word about abortion.

You go, girls!

That is the weirdest fucking matriarchy I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, Anglin isn’t done typing out terrible justifications for violence against women yet, so let’s return to him.

We have all seen women on rampages. What they want in that situation – what is required – is physical discipline. This is how healthy families work – women who won’t shut their mouths get their mouths shut for them.

So I guess getting slapped or otherwise “physically disciplined” is “healthy” for women?

The Jewish system has told us that it is “wrong” to hit a woman, but has never made any comment on the ways women jab and poke at men. It is a recipe for matriarchy, and I’m very happy to see Putin clearing out this bit of liberal nonsense.

Oh, Anglin himself “would … never actually harm a woman physically,” he assures his more delicate-minded readers.

But, he adds, “simply slapping a woman is not harm, and it is usually necessary.”

You might want to take all this into consideration the next time you find yourself pondering the “is it ok to punch Nazis” question that has preoccupied much of the Internet of late.

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7 years ago


I imagine “sounding sciency” is a step in their justification process. They feel it gives their views and behaviors legitimacy when they can vaguely back it up with what they think is science.

Good point.

7 years ago

If enough Presidential Successors are incapacitated, Jack Bauer becomes President.

7 years ago

What the Daily Stormer seems to have missed is that when men pummel women, they usually are also releasing a barrage of verbal abuse upon them at the same time.

7 years ago

I understand that revenge fantasies on abusers can be cathartic, but I am in agreement with ‘we can’t all fight back’ and it has nothing to do with physical ability or gender.

I experienced dv, and for a while I DID fight back, and my abuser was slightly smaller than me, and did not use weapons, but because of the additional psychological abuse (and there was a child involved) it became heavily weighted in her favour.

There is no such thing as an ‘equal and fair’ fight in a domestic situation. One partner is usually much more prepared to cause harm than the other (physical and non physical).

In the case of men and women men will also perpetrate abuse that is almost unique to male to female abuse: during pregnancy, and sexual abuse (the latter is known in lesbian relationships, but I have never heard of sexual abuse by a woman to a man in a domestic situation, and I have never heard of physical abuse in a lesbian relationship when one of them is pregnant).

In fact, although men usually have the physical advantage they really do not need it. Most religious books condone and even encourage violence against women and girls. Rape in marriage has been illegal in the UK (just an example) since 1991, but I researched this a few years ago and I do not believe there has ever been a successful prosecution.

I would imagine that if a woman hits her violent partner with a frying pan she will pay for it at another time. Violent men do not accept a woman having got the better of them. If he has any brains at all he can easily get sympathy for having a nagging bitch of a wife – if he kills her he is often coddled by the courts and does very little time for manslaughter. This presumably happens already in Russia, and presumably will now increase.

It’s estimated 600 Russian women are killed in the home every month, Over 70% of dv incidents in Russia involve violence against a woman.
Alcohol is very often involved.

7 years ago


Kinda makes me wonder, really. These guys are very obsessed with social stratification and the male social hierarchy (as a subset of human social hierarchies). It feels like they have a need to exert the influence of their personal group over everything as a dominance display, really.

Is that what’s going on here?

It’s worth looking at the languages people speak. I remember my sister’s confusion trying to learn Czech. Verbs and adjectives and all kinds of things have to change depending on who you’re talking to or about. If you’re a woman talking to a man, or a child talking to an adult, then one form of a verb is used – but there are also variations depending on age and family relationships which do or don’t change the verb form depending on the circumstances. If hierarchy is built in to the very language you speak and think in, then it’s very much easier maintain or exaggerate power-based and hierarchical behaviours.

It’s “natural” – just listen to the words.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I understand that revenge fantasies on abusers can be cathartic, but I am in agreement with ‘we can’t all fight back’…

I agree largely with @Ellesar. I wouldn’t vilify someone for getting back at their abuser, but stressing that abused people can/will respond with physical force also causes problems – since sometimes they just can’t, and often it makes things worse.

And this was already covered somewhat, but there are also psychological reasons why a person would avoid violence.

Me, for instance, and it’s because of my history. *TW for violence, and me being the bad person*. From age 11-20, and less often 21-22, I used to hit my parents and brother when I was angry.

I resisted thinking of this as domestic violence until I was an adult, and I guess it’s a non-standard case since I was a girl and not in a position of power, but most other markers were there. For example, pretending to be, but not totally being, “out of control”. E.g., except for slapping a teacher when I was 13, I wasn’t physically aggressive with people outside the family, because I knew I couldn’t get away with it.

Anyway, things came back around when I was 23 (5 years ago) and moved away for graduate school. Near the end of my course work, I was at a bar with some TA colleagues, and I got into a fight and ended up hitting a then-friend. She was actually trying to stop the argument, but I reacted violently as I’d unwittingly trained myself to do: I had a wine glass in my left hand and I struck at her. When I saw that it’d hit her in the face and her nose was bleeding, I ran away in a panic, thinking she was seriously hurt and I’d go to jail.

Thank goodness she wasn’t – she’d gotten a cut, but no broken bones and nothing in her eyes. But I didn’t know that at the time, and it still scares me what could have happened.

Afterwards, besides being ostracized by my classmates who either saw or knew about it, I had anxiety symptoms for months. For a while I was afraid of seeing or hearing about blood, I couldn’t sleep well, I had frequent panic attacks, I lost weight, and my concentration was even worse than usual.

If it was PTSD, it was what I deserved, and probably not as bad as for people victimized. Also, it functioned as one hell of a deterrent. So while I wouldn’t hit Nazis or abusers – for my own sake – I’d kind of like them to wake up suddenly thinking they’re dying because their hearts are beating too fast.

epitome of incomprehensibility

…I don’t know why I’m all wordy and confessional. Apparently, having to work long hours has that effect on me.

But I’m okay now and I hope I’m a better person now too. My thoughts are with everyone in abusive situations and I hope you can get to a better place as soon as possible.


Rape in marriage has been illegal in the UK (just an example) since 1991

…Just 1991?! It’s shocking sometimes up until how recently laws were blatantly unequal. I’m not great at history, but one fact I remember is that women in my home province got the right to vote in 1940. IN 1940. Way to go, Quebec.

7 years ago

> …Just 1991?! It’s shocking sometimes up until how recently laws were blatantly unequal. I’m not great at history, but one fact I remember is that women in my home province got the right to vote in 1940. IN 1940. Way to go, Quebec.

That was because of our religious right. Kudos, Duplessis

7 years ago

I had not meant my comment to be taken as “russian women can totally hit back, so it’s ok and men will be sorry they tried it and lawmakers shall weep in their stupidity.”

I meant “in many cases this will lead to immediate hard escalation, so instead of battery cases, they will now have battery and murder cases and lawmakers shall weep in their stupidity.”

That’s why I said that this is a bad idea in SO many ways.

In my personal family history, there have been abused women (with kids) that retaliated with ax murder. And also pregnant women pushed out of moving vehicles (Ellesar is correct that men have additional tools in their abuse toolbox – sexual assault and assault on pregnant women) who later retaliated with household appliances (phone, clothes iron) in the face. Unless the abuser is actually murdered (or jailed or removed from the equation by running away and going into hiding), they don’t stop, and by allowing the abuser to perpetrate low level abuse with little consequence, the government has now opened the door for eventual murder.

7 years ago

Also, yes, not everyone can hit back. Very true.

Other true facts about Russian reality:

1) men have to sleep sometime
2) men too will die if they eat soup laced with poison mushrooms, especially in the many many rural areas rife with drunken abuse, but sadly too far from immediate medical assistance

This evidence is, yes, anecdotal, but these are not hypothetical scenarios, it’s what I’ve personally observed (and likely what these “lawmakers” are going to bring back into fashion).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

No worries, DashaPants. I think people were more responding to the other comment about carrying a gun.

Agreed that legalizing abuse is only going to result in more “battered wife syndrome” murders. It’s just shitty all around.

7 years ago


EDIT: Something to joke about.

An estimated 36% of city residents have already tested positive for politics, with authorities fearing that the actual number may be as high as 100%. Bottled water is being provided to the unaffected areas of the city in the hopes of slowing the infection.

“Everyone and everything is political now,” complained one detective assigned to the case. “I can’t even look at my fellow officers without wondering whether the police are really agents of justice, or simply unknowing enforcers of a broken system designed to protect the rich and powerful.”


Also, on that website:


Here at Point & Clickbait we are committed to ethics, and absolutely un-committed to not-ethics.

That’s our promise to you.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago

There’ll probably be a few Bobbitt cases in Russia, too.

7 years ago

So, Pew was like “It was just a joke! I didn’t think they’d actually do it!”, and as far as I know has made no reparations to help these two out, who have now lost their livelihoods because of his bullshit

He hasn’t, but what he has done is double down hard, evading multiple bans from fiverr to request more Nazi shit and get more people banned. He’s worn out the “I didn’t think they’d do it” excuse, he just thinks Nazi shit is funny enough to ruin people’s livelihood over.

7 years ago

This is how healthy families work – women who won’t shut their mouths get their mouths shut for them. –Andrew Anglin, PhD

Hmm. Developmental psychology was my major. Healthy individuals and healthy families were what I studied.

Never once did I read that women need to have their mouths shut for them.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
7 years ago

Content warning: sarcastic justification of domestic violence.

This guy seriously. (I think I’m all out of insults.) Emotional abuse is horrible, but why would the solution be to use physical violence?

I wonder whether he is aware that some men are emotionally abusive. Or how he feels about women who are physically abusive to their partners – surely they’re justified, right? I mean, he was probably emotionally abusing her and needed to have his mouth shut, right?