#ResistTrump abortion actual activism trump

#ResistTrump by looking at all the tasty resistance out there, mmmm good!

Still life with yelling Trump

If you’re feeling a bit discouraged by the confirmations of DeVos and Sessions, don’t be, because the massive wave of resistance to Trump that you and I are part of has accomplished several things that will ultimately be crucial to bringing Trump down. And we’ve accomplished these things less than three weeks into the Trump regime.

We’ve helped to push Congressional Democrats into a solid anti-Trump bloc. Democratic Senators stood together in voting against DeVos; only one Democratic Senator, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, voted yes for Sessions — and I suspect he’s going to be getting a LOT of phone calls today, if not an office visit. (If you live in West Virginia, why not contact him yourself!)

We’ve alarmed Congressional Republicans, who’ve resorted to turning off their phones and sneaking out of town hall meetings through the back door. Literally. Yes, they’ve continued to support Trump and to vote for his nominees, but if we keep up our resistance (and I think we can) and Trump continues his erratic behavior (as I’m sure he will), some of them will break with Trump and then the whole equation changes.

Our resistance has also succeeded it taking the repeal of the Affordable Care Act off the immediate agenda. Trump, who not long ago was boasting he could fix everything wrong with healthcare in an instant, is now suggesting that, well, maybe we won’t get to it until 2018. Or maybe never? Never’s good with me.

The other big accomplishment?

Activists — old hands and newbies both — are taking the energy that propelled the Women’s March and all the other acts of resistance that have erupted in the last three weeks and creating a vast new infrastructure of resistance that will enable us to fight this fight as long as it takes to win. 

To see what I’m talking about, check out The Nation’s very handy Guide to the Sprawling New Anti-Trump Resistance Movement, which discusses a number of these new initiatives and suggests ways to get involved with them.

And if you are interested in doing some activism yourself, right now, call your senators and urge them to vote no on Tom Price for Health and Human Services. His confirmation vote could come tomorrow. See 5calls for more details on him and the number of a Senator to call.

And if you want to do more 5Calls has a bunch of suggestions for other calls you can make. See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety. But emails are also fine.

If you’re (rightfully) pissed off about DeVos, Upworthy has some suggestions of ways to defend students and schools and learning in general.

If you want to do some marching or otherwise get out of the house, here are some upcoming protests and other events, which I’ve pasted in from the RESISTABLE newsletter (sign up for it here).

Thursday, February 9
6:30PM ETCleveland Activist Bootcamp, Cleveland, OH
Freedom of Choice Cleveland Coalition (FOCC) is hosting “Roe Together,” an evening of education and activism on reproductive choice. The speakers will address the moral, legal, legislative, and practical consequences of recent attacks on reproductive rights, as well as providing insights on how to respond effectively through direct action.

Friday, February 10
5PM CSTRally for Reproductive Rights, Chicago, IL
Reproductive rights, including abortion, are under attack everywhere in this nation. Illinois, and the Chicago area in particular, have long been known as a safe haven for abortion care in the midwest region. We’re holding this rally to defend the rights we already have, and to demand their protection and expansion.

Saturday, February 11
11AM ETProtest PP Counter-Rally, Manhattan, NY

Protest PP is holding country-wide rallies to defund Planned Parenthood. If you think Planned Parenthood is vital and necessary and should receive government funding, then join others who stand with Planned Parenthood in Washington Square Park to peacefully support them.

8:30AM ET 11th Annual Moral March on Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
This annual mass mobilization brings together justice loving people from across the state and nation to stand against the legislative attacks on the people of North Carolina and to continue to fight for their moral agenda. Opening rally at 9:00 a.m., march and people’s assembly at 10:00 a.m. Will gather on South St. in downtown Raleigh.

12PM ET —  Support Planned Parenthood, Portland, ME
Join organizers on the steps of City Hall to show support for Planned Parenthood and their mission, which is to provide, promote, and protect access to reproductive health care and sexuality education so that all people can make voluntary choices about their reproductive and sexual health. **This event is in support of Planned Parenthood, but not representative of or affiliated with the organization.

That’s all I’ve got for today. KEEP ON PERSISTING!

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8 years ago

Another little bit of good news. And while it may seem little indeed, all politics is local. Building a bench is important, and most important of all, it’s an early indication that we’re turning all this energy and activism into vastly increased voter turn-out, which is how we win this thing in the long term.

8 years ago

@Seraph4377: That is indeed an excellent start!

8 years ago

There don’t seem to be any elections in Tennessee in 2017.

My heart says we need to maintain momentum but my brain says this is going to be a long haul. We need to build support from the ground up.

So good on New Mexico Dems for sweeping the school boards.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

We lost the battle, and will likely lose quite a few. But I will not give up, and I will not shut up. There is too much at stake.

“Nevertheless, she persisted…”

8 years ago

I’m an Australian, but I’ve got not one, not two, but three protests coming up. As long as there’s at least one protest on the horizon, I feel reassured, but hoo boy, the stipulation that this has to continue until 2020 – or, heaven forbid 2024 – really racks my nerves… It kind of makes me hope that Trump will continue to regularly do outrageous things so that people’s resolve remains fresh.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The fight has just begun. Let’s fuckin go!

8 years ago

I called Sen. Toomey. I got his voicemail and left a message. I think his staff is at lunch. At least he didn’t have his phone off the hook this time, like I’m pretty sure he did a few days ago.

8 years ago

Yes! That’ll certainly help in putting a wrench in Devos and her cronies’ schemes.
Thank you for that site. I’m looking up a few condidates and I’m liking what I see from them. What do you think of Jon Ossof or Stephanie Hansen for instance? I’m not really familiar with them but it looks like if they win their respective districts they may do quite a bit of change.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


What do you think of Jon Ossof or Stephanie Hansen for instance?

I don’t. They have Ds next to their names, and that’s the important thing. That said, Ossoff’s good looking, he’s got money, and he’s worked with and endorsed by both John Lewis and Hank Johnson. He’s kinda perfect, and a blue win in the 6th is a big deal. The environment and the drug war are the hills Hansen’s chosen to fight on, so that’s nice

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Marginally related. Eugh

Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump to meet Monday in Washington

Statement from Prime Minister’s Office confirms date for first face-to-face meeting

I mean, I get it – we have to have a relationship just to keep Trump from destroying our economy, but… eugh.

8 years ago

Thanks for sticking with this, David

FYI, here’s a site for WA State resistance actions.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

I’m not sure Mr. Trudeau disagrees with you. Hope Sophie stays at home.

8 years ago

I’m a lurker (I used to come to this blog to amuse myself with stories about stupid mra’s) but I just wanted to say: good luck, everyone! Protest the hell out of this “president”, because he’s affecting my part of the world too. I’m from the Netherlands, and yes, people have been protesting here too. By the thousands!
We also joke about him (a lot). You may have seen our little video introducing our country to Trump…it’s fantastic. Really great. The best 🙂

Good luck! We have the best good-luck wishes in the Netherlands 🙂

8 years ago

I’m counter protesting some anti-choice motherfuckers this Saturday.

Hopefully I can also talk to some cis women about trans inclusion in reproductive rights. I’m going to make a “my body, my choice” with trans and genderqueer flags on it.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


@Mara, much love from Canada! ?

Zenobia Augusta
Zenobia Augusta
8 years ago

I think Stephanie Hansen is a good choice. This area has a really bad heroin problem. And increasingly, a really bad homelessness problem, with people living in the woods. On New Year’s Day my brother got into a knife fight with a homeless man.

8 years ago

I have made phone calls every week now. One of my senator’s voicemail is full. I’m from NJ, and all my reps are dems, but I think it helps them to voice my opinion. It gives them more spine.

I’m also planning to march when I can – March for Science in April, for example. I’m looking for other protests too.

Keep on persisting and resisting!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Don’t just give’m spine, @ScarlettAthena; your calls also let them know that you’re paying attention to them. It’ll keep them from being tempted by the siren song of compromise.

“Just vote with me on this thing,” slithers The Republican, “Just this one thing – you’ll get a few thousand kicked into your campaign funds, and I’ll owe you. It’s how politics is supposed to be,” his siblant voice warbles, “compromise and co-operation. You like those things. You’re reasonable…”

Democrats want to compromise, they recognize that that’s how a functional two-party democracy has to work. Your calls are a stern reminder that we don’t compromise with fascists. They’re a reminder that they will be primaried into oblivion if they give Trump an inch.

Calls to Democrats are just as important, if not moreso. It helps keep them grounded to their voters. Keep it up!

8 years ago

In your phone calls, don’t be afraid to call Trump a fascist, or at least highlight how destructive he and his cabinet are.

The claim that Trump and Bannon are fascist is not unfounded. I feel like someone with political power and influence needs to call him what he is.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

And in Canada, there are Electoral Reform actions all across Canada:

Join the movement for proportional representation in Canada

8 years ago

Wait, you mean that isn’t a screaming orange in the picture?

8 years ago

I hadn’t been making my calls lately (bad girl!) but I called my senators about Tom Price and my Congress rep about Gorsuch today. The Congress rep’s phone went to voicemail, but the Senate staffers I talked to sounded upbeat and pleasant. (All my reps are Democrats, so I expect the staffers were happy to take supportive calls.) Let’s all keep calling!

8 years ago

@Fishy Goat: Thank you for the link!

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

It’s standard practice for the Senate to near-unanimously confirm judicial and cabinet nominees. The fact that the Democrats aren’t voting to confirm is a big deal.

8 years ago

It looks like there mght be one in Knox County (May 1st) and one in the City of Knoxville (August 29th) and then there’s a state/federal/town of Farragut Municipal Election on August 2nd (primary) and November 6th (general). I don’t know where you live in Tennessee or what will be on the ballot, though. Hopefully that helps.
I know Pennsylvania’s this year is Municipal.

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