Huh. I wonder what the internet’s worst people are saying about the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for Attorney General.
Let’s go to Twitter and look!
Here’s a reaction from one of the more “respectable” white supremacist sites:
He's in. Jeff Sessions as AG. A new era has begun. pic.twitter.com/Hgut7e0W03
— VDARE (@vdare) February 9, 2017
And here’s the reaction from David Duke, the least likeable of the Duke brothers:
Let’s see what this Twitter rando who calls himself @DinduDingus has to say:
#MAGA! https://t.co/1CiDujFlZl It's official!!! Jeff Sessions is Attorney General!!!!!
— Jamal Steeler (@DinduDingus) February 9, 2017
And here’s an assortment of other terrible people:
— ❌ AL WALKER ❌ (@American1st) February 9, 2017
Jeff Sessions confirmed
Now the real threat against illegals and radical muslims trying to get in the USA can proceed#Trump #ShePersisted
— No More Apologies (@apologiesnomore) February 9, 2017
Repeal The Disastrous IRCA! Reverse The Invasion! #Sessions #JeffSessions #Deport #Illegals #NoAmnesty #MAGA #Trump #POTUS #PraiseGod #USA pic.twitter.com/0BTaPPmR86
— American Patriot🎖✊ (@Take_USA_Back) February 9, 2017
"I, too, am a dreamer. I dream one day of sending all of those DREAMers back home!" – Attorney General Jeff Sessions. pic.twitter.com/BJboT8W4k3
— Comrade Stump (@GranTorinoDSA) February 9, 2017
yes yes Sessions is in count down to doomsday for Soros thugs
— John Phillips (@DaddyJohn20) February 9, 2017
The “lock her up” crowd is pretty excited as well:
Lynch is corrupt garbage. Sessions is real patriot that respects the law. LOCK THEM UP AG PLEASE LOCK THEM UP! #PIZZAGATEISREAL
— 🖕No-Spin Knife Thrower🌀 (@Nospinmaster) February 9, 2017
Ok Mr. Sessions- LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP, I know u weren't gonna get her on emails, but there r plenty of other crimes committed
— ScottyBoysDoll (@TheDonaldsDolls) February 9, 2017
Yes, Connie, we knew you were referring to Hillary.
This “new era” doesn’t actually seem very new at all.
UPDATE: I added some more tweets from Mr. Duke that he tweetered after this post originally went up.
All really good observations! @Axe, thank you for sharing that, by the way. I’ve never seen the GG thing talked about from that angle, and it was a great angle to take! Very informative.
@SFHC, I wish that were the case. His reaction to finding out about the Wachowski Sisters was along the lines of “Whatever, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” Never have I met a man with an ego so resilient to reality.
My tentative and abstract opinion on why they have such a hard time seeing depth is informed by “Brave New World,” really. Spectacle as a replacement for substance, appearance in lieu of content. A focus on the surface attributes of a thing to avoid thinking deeply – like @Jesalin said, out of fear of the things within them. Admitting that they may not be the shining beacon of goodness and truth and justice that they’re told they have to be. It’s much easier to just assert that fact that dig deep and ensure it, after all.
It’s a defense mechanism, protecting the individual from having to do any deep self-criticism. There’s no reason to question one’s own choices and ethics if there’s no meaningful substance within the things we interact with, after all.
(This is why I always say that rationality’s hard, and I often warn people to not pursue it too intensely. It’s easy to go off the other end of the scale and be too self critical, immobilizing yourself with doubt and guilt.)
This lack of ethical engagement is very informative when we look at MRA’s, GG’ers, and the Trump administration. Helps explain why reasoned argument doesn’t seem to ever penetrate; none of it matters if there’s nothing real beneath the surface.
We gotta make it real for them – protest is the only way to push it into their world of surface meaning. It’s a tragedy, but it seems to be the only level on which they operate.
Those are my thoughts on it, at least. I do like everyone else’s though – they all feel like they’re in the right direction at least.
I get the impression that it’s because if I say I avoid using slur x because it hurts group y, they take this as an accusation that when they use slur x they’re in the wrong for doing so. Even if I’m not saying anything about them, they make it about them.
But, yeah, what everyone has been saying.
To get kinda tangential, some people just need to have a black and white view because it’s simpler that way. You know what to like, what to hate, what’s good, what’s bad–no real need to think deeply about these things so you always know what to do, you always know what’s right, thus you are always right.
Same thing applies to power structures. “Might is right”. If you’re on the side that wins, you’re on the “right” side, thus will not be punished for being “wrong”.
To quote the musical Wicked:
But, on the other hand, that dude may also have been mad that they didn’t notice the biblical allegories while you did, so they may have just put their foot down to save their pride, even if they were, you know, fucking wrong as fuck. Some people are just stupidly stubborn because no one likes being wrong–this, of course, goes back to black and white thinking. Stripping or ignoring the complexities of situations makes things black and white, thus making it easier to pick the “right” side.
Either way, the dude was just being an ass.
EDIT: Ninja’d by…like…a lot of people.
Just to add to the ongoing discussion of deeper meanings, I get the sense that some people really want their fictional universes to be a total fantasy, without any connection to the complex and murky reality they occupy. Star Wars is just a Campbellian space opera with a bunch of cool ships and lasers. Lord of the Rings is just sword and sorcery tale that they can inhabit for a few hours and discard when they feel like it. Just zero appreciation for the creative choices made that reflect on our society.
Rogue One was actually one of the films that I appreciated from the standpoint of historical parallels, parallels that none of the reviews I read picked up on. Urban uprising. Espionage. Guerilla warfare. WMDs. Even the dark waters of assassination were touched on in that film. But nope, CGI Tarkin was creepy, so booo!
I gotta lay some blame for this attitude at the f00t of one Phil Mason, whose crowing about science over humanities is what gave rise to the “reals over feels” nonsense you see in so many of these shitlords. I’m an engineer and I recognized the value in my humanities courses. Hell, my course in Science Fiction and Fantasy introduced me to Neil Gaiman, Robert Heinlein and Nalo Hopkinson. New ideas and new ways of thinking about the world. Literature, art, music… it’s important to study these things, no matter what your major is.
Shit, hand these guys a copy of Harrison Bergeron (or any Vonnegut for that matter) and I guarantee they misunderstand the themes.
Even the 80s comedy Real Genius had a great exchange that illustrated the issue quite well:
@Axecalibur: Thank you for the link! I’m going through those videos now, they seem super interesting.
@Gussie Jives
I love that movie. :3
Ugh. A little preview of what we have in store for us if we continue down the alt right path in this country
@kupo Easily one of my favourites. It had a lightheartedness to it, even when it dealt with some serious subject matter, but it did it without insulting the intelligence of the audience. Even with a college comedy film from 1985, there’s plenty to analyze and examine.
@Gussie Jives No kidding. And the popcorn ending was brilliant! LOL!
@Gussie Jives
This. Very much so. Quite a few people I’ve encountered, both in video game spaces and in my engineering school had this ridiculously level of condescension towards the arts. Science was perfectly flawless and the arts are useless wastes of time. Even one of my friends who studied game design took a while to even admit that his department was part of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) at our school.
I think it shows up in gaming since video games are an art born from science (to a certain extent television/movies are too, although not as much).
Utterly disgusting in every single way. Domestic violence characterized as an act of ‘love’ is so vile.
EDIT: I kept reading. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK? It’s ok for women to get beaten because they are ‘pseudo-scientifically more likely’ to give birth to boys?
Yeah, that evopsych “scientist” who made that claim is the same one who argued that black women are ugly because science. So he’s pretty much the worst.
Funny how these guys find various ways to claim their opponents are losers, then they identify with actual losers, the Confederacy. Sort of like the Nazi fanboys who love Hitler so much, despite his ultimate failure.
Ok, so I decided to read but only got about as far as this part. It’s an advantage to have boys? How the fuck so? Please, explain to my ladybrain why I should find it to be an advantage to have a boy if I love in a world where men beat women regularly? And an advantage that only comes to be once one has already reproduced can’t influence selection, so…
My own example in the same set as Scildfreja’s, and that of several of the rest of you was (once again) from my experience in the brony community. Before the Ponychan schism there were many people famous for being passionate and wordy that had strong feelings about how an episode of My Little Pony should be interpreted. One example that comes to mind was the meaning of “Tanks for the Memories“.
In that episode Rainbow Dash’s pet Tank had to hibernate for the winter because he was a tortoise. Rainbow Dash could not accept that her friend had to go away for a really long time by burying himself in the ground. Post schism (which birthed mlpchan) my friend was a moderator of a descendent of Ponychan (ponyville) and he wanted to ask my opinion about the episode in skype. I don’t precisely remember the question that prompted the conversation but they were arguing with others about the meaning. They thought that the meaning was supposed to represent someone with a disability and a parent that wanted them be different than they were.
I could see that my friend found personal meaning in that interpretation but the way they discussed the situation to me suggested that they needed other people to see it that way too. I told them that there are no true meanings in entertainment and when they are vague and symbolic they are more interesting because more than one meaning is possible. Everyone is right, and “right” is a set of common experiences.
On the innocent end this relates to parents that have to go away for a while (parents in the military for example) and how can deal with temporary loss. In a more serious versionTank burying himself in the ground and the way Rainbow Dash was crying could easily make the story appropriate for metaphors related to death.
People need a story to mean something to them personally (fragments of the story actually). Having other people share your view reinforces that meaning with an ill-defined social component. As a related concept I’m going to appeal to the Symbolic Function (related because it’s objective nature is fuzzy and this is a casual conversation).
[Your meaning] + [Their meaning]
Don’t forget that the link is about a small range of human development where we gain an ability that is preceded by other cognitive stages that involve simpler and more basic cognition. An ability that is followed by more stages later where other abilities appear (leading to memories contextualized by what came before, there is a lot more than puberty). That is also neglecting what looks increasingly like intergenerational patterns to development (this dovetails with a conversation in another thread, culture and developmental biology)
There are parts that overlap (common circuitry, anatomy, overall purpose for the instincts and related feelings of emotion) because this is about human communication social psychology and cognition. I think of them as metaphorically as being like algebra equations. We are individual independent variables and there is a diversity of dependent variables generated from a common underlying structure.
I can’t say precisely what Scildfreja’s friend was reacting to, but anger suggests a feeling of threat. Something in those interpretations were threatening (I also miss a lot of the specific symbolism in The Matrix, not all, but some). His reasons can only be indirectly known but “robot fights” is a similar reaction to “just trolling/joking”. My friend’s value from their interpretation was clear. They or someone they know is considered disabled and a caregiver wishes they were different or is trying to change them. And they feel it as a strong negative. And they wanted social support. I’m sure there is a way to satisfy everyone but it requires figuring this out in a human race sense.
Children’s shows break up into simple chunks when it comes to lessons and meanings and I saw people dissect that show for meaning and transform it with memes, fanfics, role-playing, iconic representation in conversation, video games. An image board is a social community. One of the earliest uses of MLP image macros was to troll people on 4chan’s /b/ board (the “asshole of the internet” where the “internet hate machine” lives). There were many people that could not stand to see conversations about liking that show. So they trolled /b/ with pony memes. And it worked, you can piss in the ocean of piss (the furries learned this first).
“Objectification” goes very deep when it comes to media and meaning. I suspect there are neurodiversity angles in the resulting cultural evolution (since we do exist as percentages in the 0.5%-5% range that contains the most commonly mentioned neurodevelopmental condition numbers).
Eventually Moot banned the bronies. And then changed his mind and gave them their own board (/mlp/, NSFW and TW for many reasons as of my last visit, these people think that trying to ban sexually explicit content is enough). Ponychan was born before /mlp/ but after the ban forced the bronies to create an image board in order to continue existing social relationships (Ponychan was seeded by /co/ (cartoons/animation) and /b/).
We use people in our language as a matter of course. How we do it matters. The functional use of other people in a group sense is a shared meaning, and the individual feeling of it prompts action through personal motivation, motivation from experiences including shared meaning with family/childhood culture.
Painting “autism” like a thing that stinks and should be removed is dehumanizing and does multiple things at once when it comes to potential evolutionary explanations. It repeatedly negs a community (You are the insult if you have the diagnosis). It name-calls a general set of things people don’t like on image boards to encourage group disapproval. It’s a disgust related behavior because it is involved in treating something as if it is to be rejected by the group.
Scildfreja, if anything else comes to mind maybe we can shave into your friends behavior a little more. I’m sure everyone has lots more examples of this which is good because social normalization cures bias.
Did I say “these people think that trying to ban sexually explicit content is enough.”?
I meant just pictures and videos. They have no idea how many ways one can cause problems with sexual and other content. That’s more precise anyway.
There’s some angst in this thread. This scenario in the radical left stronghold of Salt Lake City should cheer you up:
GOP Congressman Jason Chaffetz Showered With Boos and Jeers in Roiling Town Hall Meeting
@varalys the dark
I’m sorry to hear that.
I hope that all went well in the hospital and that you get some refreshing sleep very soon.
To chip in on the subtext conversation:
From the guys like that (and yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s always been guys) that I’ve known, I think the aversion to deeper meaning is at least partially related to their desire to not be held accountable for their words/jokes/ etc. Using ableist, misogynist, racist, or all manner of other bigoted slurs is ok, because it’s “just a joke”. Sticks and stones and all that.
To them, it’s unreasonable and unfair to get on their case about it, because they don’t really MEAN anything by it. This is just the way they joke, man. If other people are offended by just words–which don’t really mean anything ofc–then that’s on those people for reading too much into it. And even worse, being asked to tone it down is horrifically unfair–this can’t be about showing consideration to others, because it’s not like people can legitimately be hurt by these words that don’t really mean anything–so this must just be a personal attack against the joker. How dare you tell me to change who I am when you can just stop reading into the things I’m saying. Etc.
So in order to buoy up the idea that saying *explicitly* awful things doesn’t really MEAN anything awful, then they of course can’t acknowledge that this piece of art/media, which is likely being somewhat more subtle or implicit in its message, can possibly mean anything. If dudebro can spout racist rhetoric just for teh lulz, then Neo can come back from the dead just for the special effects.
(And of course there’s also the thing of “I like this movie, therefore it can’t have a message that I don’t like because I don’t want to be challenged”, but I think that still kinda overlaps with “I should be able to say whatever I like without pushback”)
@tim gueguen:
Hah, well said!
The villains of this election will always be the voters who were taken in by bigotry and empty rhetoric, and the GOP who for decades worked tirelessly to increase the support for bigotry of all kinds among voters.
I also believe that the Democratic party has failed in getting a coherent message out. I’m not talking about the Brocialists who will never be happy with any serious candidate no matter what, but there are many good reasons to dislike the Obama/Clinton wing of the party on ideological grounds. To be clear, people who feel this way are still to blame for voting 3rd “party” when so much was at stake.
I also believe that Clinton’s campaign had absolutely terrible strategy from the beginning of the primaries and on. I think they could, and maybe should, have won this election despite the misogyny and racism of voters. In short, they fucked up, but that’s not to say they would’ve won if they hadn’t fucked up. The racists would’ve still been just as racist. The misogynists would’ve still been just as misogynist.
The campaign failed. The strategy was a disaster. The primary voters preferred Hillary over any other candidate. The electoral system favors racist and misogynists. Hillary had to battle rampant misogyny as well as her opponent in the general election.
None of these statements are mutually exclusive.
This was always an unlikely outcome. 18 months ago, almost nobody expected Trump to win. Many (including myself) treated this outcome as an impossibility. Such an unlikely event probably had several major and minor contributing causes. Most of us, on this blog, believe that the wave of bigotry sweeping over the world was the main contributing factor. I don’t think we should ignore other factors. We can focus on more than one thing at a time.
I know I’m a bit late, but for those confused by ‘autistic silence’, the new big thing among /channers is specifically ‘*autistic screeching*’. This particular ‘joke’ has actually started to really catch on even outside the chan boards, unlike most of the more general autism-as-an-insult uses.
So it looks to me like it’s basically a play on that. Because she has a gag in her mouth, so she can’t screech, see.
I think Kootiepatra’s on to it there. With a lot of the GamerGate meltdowns throughout the internet, the rank and file gamers who through their lot in with the movement were upset that somehow feminists and cultural critics like Anita Sarkeesian were making value judgments about them due to their enjoyment of particular games. After all, if God of War is sexist, what does it say about me that I like the game and identify with Kratos? So anybody doing any kind of deeper analysis of the medium had to be hounded into silence.
The irony to me was always that their protests said more about them than merely enjoying a game that had a sexist protagonist. I enjoy media with quote-unquote “problematic” elements to ’em… I just make sure I recognize ’em when I see ’em. But the average Gater didn’t want to think about the implications of anything they were seeing–which should have them greeting such critiques with a shrug rather than a temper tantrum–so Anita Sarkeesian must be mocked and ridiculed into oblivion.
To heap irony upon irony, the same people who were crowing about how awful game journalists and cultural critics are for maligning poor innocent gamers are the same ones telling women to stop talking about “feelings”.
In short… there’s a strategy in their disengagement with deeper literary and cultural analysis. It’s to spare them the feelings of cognitive dissonance they believe they don’t have, while projecting them onto everyone else.
I’m sort of worried now about the “justice democrats” shooting themselves in the foot. I basically am seeing a ton of white progressives with good intentions blatantly ignoring the fact that minorities don’t seem to be super enthused about The High Sanders. Seems like they’re so focused on bringing working class whites etc. into the fold that they forget that they(we!) can’t win elections without POC. And it’s bullshit to keep telling them to stfu and vote for whoever the white Dems decide on. It really worries me because bringing this shit up usually gets me the kind of defensiveness you get from white women when they are critiqued on their feminism not bwing intersectional. In general I’m all for the politics of the so called “justice democrats” as long as they can find a way to give people of color (women especially) a voice and stomp out the “identity politics are poison” folks.
Mostly I just worry very much about the left’s future. I see too many lefties on twitter and such that seem more pissed at Hillary supporters than they do Trump folks. These are generally the same folks who still don’t think Bernie Bros ever existed or that they were a few trolls similar to gamergate defenders.
And I second PreuxFox’s explanation of the autistic silence thing. I’ve seen memes with the same stick figure with “autistic screeching” next to it. They just swapped in silence because of Elizabeth Warren. These are truely creative minds we’re dealing with. ?
Remember, there are also people who are very literal-minded and it is possible to have no imagination at all.
Both my sister and I were completely blown away by her daughter when she was small. Sis is a great seamstress and made many of her kids’ clothes. However, deciding what to sew was a real trial. She’d show niece the pattern just to show the style. Then she’d say would you like it in this nice pink paisley fabric or this one with the pretty blue and yellow stripey pattern. Niece simply could not understand the question. The pattern showed the skirt-dress-shorts-shirt in green check, she couldn’t envisage it any other way. She really couldn’t.
Neither sis nor I were much at drawing but that was the only way we could try to show her what we meant about how it would look in certain fabrics or with or without a collar-decorative trim or whatever.