
Terrible people celebrate Sessions confirmation with racism, gloating, more racism

From Occidental Dissent. Yes, that is Jeff Sessions’ head photoshopped onto the body of a confederate general. Which they think is a good thing.

Huh. I wonder what the internet’s worst people are saying about the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for Attorney General.

Let’s go to Twitter and look!

Here’s a reaction from one of the more “respectable” white supremacist sites:

And here’s the reaction from David Duke, the least likeable of the Duke brothers:

Let’s see what this Twitter rando who calls himself @DinduDingus has to say:

And here’s an assortment of other terrible people:

The “lock her up” crowd is pretty excited as well:

Yes, Connie, we knew you were referring to Hillary.

This “new era” doesn’t actually seem very new at all.

UPDATE: I added some more tweets from Mr. Duke that he tweetered after this post originally went up.

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Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
7 years ago

But they’re totally not racist, guys!

At least we get to enjoy the Trumpgrets when Sessions proceeds not to lock Clinton up. (Hey, if they can have Schadenfreude, so can I…)

7 years ago

I’m a Brit living in Oz looking at the US wondering – “what the hell America”?

I can just offer my commiserations.

7 years ago


At least for Wisconsin, it was due to the massive voter suppression efforts. It’s always been a problem – “vote Wednesday!” flyers and having to show IDs – but the gerrymandering is horrible. They don’t want the “wrong” people to vote.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Lord Pabu,

I think as white people, it’s important to push back against the revisionist history on MLK that so many other white people engage in. This is a case where we can use our privilege to be heard.

The letter from the Birmingham jail really makes it clear that King was not a wimpy moderate who thought the key to progress was being deferential to those who want to halt it. Unfortunately, most people only hear that little snippet from the “I have a dream” speech and think that sums him up entirely.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Hang on, what? His name actually is Jefferson Beauregarde Sessions? I thought people were mocking him when they said that.

What WWTH said.

7 years ago

Why the fuck is the first tweet using a picture of Bane to represent their victory? They do realize Bane was the villain of that movie right? Because that wasn’t exactly a subtle bit of background info people would need multiple viewings to figure out.

7 years ago


Given the obvious hatred of everything ‘other’ I guess they’re idolising.
Imagining the day they get to kill a bunch of people for no good reason.
It’s definitely not ‘the terrorists’ that scare me. It’s these guys. The glee they express is… *shudder*
And they’ve got the WH.


*goes to read up on history*
It was never my best class.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
7 years ago

@Zatar: Edgelords in a nutshell. Wasn’t it Steve Bannon who said that his role models were Satan and Darth Vader?

It’s extra funny in that Bane pretended to be an anarchist/communist force in the movie. Sure, he didn’t actually believe in anything he said, but it feels weird for far-right people to identify with him.

7 years ago

@Ru: Oh nooooo! I am going to have to choose something to put with my nym, I think!

Also, great choice in nyms haha. <3

Oh and also… I’m wondering if I want to torrent The Red Pill, just to see. I don’t want to give her any money, but I’m also trying really hard to pay for my media…


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Sporkey (+@Sirc)

As a person with high-functioning autism myself, I’m willing to bet it’s applied here solely as a meaningless slur. Some people with autism are nonverbal; others, such as I, are difficult to shut up once they’re on about something. (Then again, if I had a gag in my mouth, I would have some difficulty….)

Not like I don’t have those incredulous moments of “did you actually just fucking say that, really.” They’re just not immensely common. I’m more likely to drop some variant of “what,” or deliver a sharp slap if they’re in the flesh.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

When people on the internet (outside of present company and a few other actual-nice-people-groups) talk about autism or autistic people, they’re using it as a synonym for “Upset about something” or “angry” while also disparaging the thing that person’s angry about. It’s more channer garbage. ‘Cause if you express care for anything ever, it’s just nothing but an indication that you’re a screaming whiny crybaby.

But toxic masculinity’s just a feminist slur, guyse. Doesn’t actually exist.

7 years ago

@Sirc + @Sporkey + @Troubelle:

I’d guess they meant ‘apoplectic’. Meaning furious.
Also – apparently not so much now – relates to having a stroke.

Certainly fits better, but using completely the wrong word is good too.


I don’t get the apparent fury at people for actively not wanting to hurt other people. It never makes sense to me.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

During my time at Ponychan there was cultural overflow from 4chan that included use of autism as a noun to apply to things people felt negatively about. “There’s too much autism in this thread” and the like. The closest I could get to a meaning was “something social that I dislike/disprove of”. It was and is a vulnerability. They have little or no idea how to describe what they dislike or what is wrong with it.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

They have little or no idea how to describe what they dislike or what is wrong with it.

If I can babble a bit on that – thanks @Brony for saying it, ’cause I think that’s really the core of the problem we’re dealing with.

When I was a wee freja, barely capable of scilding at all, I had a guy as a roommate. We watched The Matrix at home with friends, and I really liked it. Afterwards, I started babbling about all of the cool biblical allegory and the metaphors of self-actualization that the movie was full of,and how well it portrayed the Hero’s Journey, because wow did it ever have a lot of that. (Also I to this day refuse to acknowledge that it is a trilogy.)

He stopped me and replied, loudly and angrily, that I was full of shit, and that it was about cool camera tricks and gunfights and robots and stuff. That there was no meaning to the fact that the ship was named Nebuchadnezzar, that Neo died and came back to life, claimed victory, then ascended to heaven. He was angry about the suggestion that there might be a meaning to the movie, that there might be themes and morals hidden within it that are worthy of discussion.

That’s what we’re facing. It isn’t that they want to troll us or make us angry, it’s that they have a deep rooted need to believe that things do not have deeper meanings. That’s just a hunch, really, but I think that this lurks beneath their need to troll and hurt – it’s a defense mechanism.

I have no idea why they would want to avoid deeper meanings of things – I have some hunches on that too but I don’t want to say them, ’cause I’m interested in what everyone else thinks on this. Why on Ymir’s green earth would they so desperately struggle against the thought that things have meanings?

7 years ago

Oh man I know that one all too well. You’d think that engineer hopefuls would be smart enough to appreciate the many wondeous things Mad Max: Fury Road did, but no “it’s all cgi” and “logistics say that there is totally enough rain in a desert wasteland to support a civiliazation” and “why doesn’t the eugenic villain not want milk women over his model wives who don’t suffer from debilitating genetic defects.”

My observation is the need to be right in any and all situations, that smug sense of knowing all there is to know is a very potent drug.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


I bet it blew his puny little dudebro mind when he found out that the whole series (ptth =P) is mostly an allegory for the Wachowskis’ internal struggles as trans women.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
7 years ago

They (channers?) would like to think that they are sterling examples of rationality (being STEM bros). Thus, they cannot abide that deeper meanings in literary works (or as we saw in GamerGate, video games) could escape their notice yet be plain to mere social scientists and literary critics, as this (they think) impugns their skill at logic.

7 years ago

When I see someone use autism as an insult, I usually violently berate them until they feel sorry enough to apologize. Most people who do this are, ironically, online white cishets.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I buy that. Also, found this interesting and germane:

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
7 years ago

Interestingly, I encountered exactly the same sort of thing amongst Stellaris players. They were happy to discuss trivial and obscure points of lore about Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000 for hours; and yet got extremely annoyed when I tried to discuss the cultural significance of it. I’m privileged enough – especially in that circle – that I never got directly attacked for asking such questions, but I definitely lost prestige as a result.

I have a hypothesis as to why it is, but I’d love to hear from people who know more.

(Unlike Scildfreja, I’ll share my hypothesis. It’s that our society encourages people – especially young white men – to seek self-abnegation in escapist media. When we analyse such media, we remind them that it exists within the context of the wider society that they’re trying to escape from, and we therefore ruin their self-abnegation. Because this self-abnegation is very important to them, the response is very visceral and immediate.)

7 years ago


I have no idea why they would want to avoid deeper meanings of things – I have some hunches on that too but I don’t want to say them, ’cause I’m interested in what everyone else thinks on this. Why on Ymir’s green earth would they so desperately struggle against the thought that things have meanings?

My view of it is. They desperately want everything to be simple and I suspect that it’s mainly due to abject terror. Their mental model of Life, the Universe and Everything is as simplistic as possible and they are simply and fundamentally incapable of (stepping out of their comfort zones) and dealing with the many complexities of life. Their mental model and the comfort they derive from it is so important that they would (and do) enthusiastically destroy the lives of other people to keep it intact.

7 years ago

I’m with Jesalin.

The impulse of how they react may manifest differently in young male populations than others. Certain people are just entirely resistant to any meaning below the most obvious surface of things. I see it plenty with older people too.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I have thoughts on that. Maybe I’ll have more after work. I remember you mentioning this before (maybe via the same topic).

Short version, themes as social tools. Men (in general, these patterns are elsewhere too) don’t get encouraged to to think about why we do what we do (I’m “blessed” with an overabundance of feeling) are resistant to the idea that society controls them in such a way (act without thinking). Conversely there is sensitivity to the idea that they are affecting/effecting others socially (examples like libertarians/buisness people and externalities in an economic sense). Your roommate’s danger sense was tingling and they overreacted.

7 years ago

I have no idea why they would want to avoid deeper meanings of things – I have some hunches on that too but I don’t want to say them, ’cause I’m interested in what everyone else thinks on this. Why on Ymir’s green earth would they so desperately struggle against the thought that things have meanings?

I find this really interesting, because I’ve always had a great deal of trouble figuring out themes and subtext, and at times it’s made me feel insecure, but at no point have I ever felt the need to argue against the idea of theme or subtext. Like, when people bring it up, I think “Oh that’s neat, I wish I could have figured that out on my own!”

Perhaps they are having similar feelings, but different outward reactions? They couldn’t see it for themselves, and instead of confronting that inability, they reject all other interpretations outright?

Another possibility that comes to mind is that they are offended that someone could enjoy a thing in a different way than them. They see it as a threat to their ability to enjoy the movie completely. Sort of a zero-sum view of media experience? “If there’s subtext, and I don’t like the movie because of it, then I’m not fully appreciating the movie, which is unacceptable, thus there is no subtext.”