
Terrible people celebrate Sessions confirmation with racism, gloating, more racism

From Occidental Dissent. Yes, that is Jeff Sessions’ head photoshopped onto the body of a confederate general. Which they think is a good thing.

Huh. I wonder what the internet’s worst people are saying about the confirmation of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for Attorney General.

Let’s go to Twitter and look!

Here’s a reaction from one of the more “respectable” white supremacist sites:

And here’s the reaction from David Duke, the least likeable of the Duke brothers:

Let’s see what this Twitter rando who calls himself @DinduDingus has to say:

And here’s an assortment of other terrible people:

The “lock her up” crowd is pretty excited as well:

Yes, Connie, we knew you were referring to Hillary.

This “new era” doesn’t actually seem very new at all.

UPDATE: I added some more tweets from Mr. Duke that he tweetered after this post originally went up.

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7 years ago

“Autistic silence” is says in one of the pictures.

I’m sick and tired of these assclowns who don’t know what “autistic” means at all.

I notice that bigots tend to never be bigoted against one thing. They always hate a whole bunch of things. So yeah, they’ll lash out against brown people, women, autistics, gays, anything really…

varalys the dark
7 years ago

(having epic insomnia after getting home from three days in hospital) My goodness this is horrible, frightening stuff. I live in the UK and worry this stuff might take hold over here more than it already has done. I don’t know what else I can do as a Brit except offer commiserations.

7 years ago

Oh god, why did I read them all.

Why did I read any of them.

7 years ago

No wonder people hate this goddamned cesspit of a country. These Twitter freaks Dave F posted hate western civilization more than ISIS & other terrorist gangs do!

Evil ratfucking sacks of shit! They’re the fucking dregs of America! I wish Hell existed just so these fuckers can burn there forever!

I clicked on one bastard’s profile & he claimed to be an Air Force veteran. Bastard number 2 claimed to be a retired police detective & private investigator. Typical authoritarian thugs who get off on controlling other people.

7 years ago

They’re so precious, aren’t they? They’re not going to lock Hillary up, dears. Also, does anyone know what “autistic silence” is? I know autistic people and I’ve never noticed a particular silence from them? I thought that was just “silence”.

Unless those assholes are talking about the “baffled so speechless” silence that makes you accidentally experience Astral projection as a defence mechanism to protect your neurons? Because I’ve experienced it (with one of those times being right now from the above) and I’m not autistic.

7 years ago

When I first got online way back in the mid-1990s when the web was young, I remember thinking how great it was now that people across cultures and countries could communicate directly and better understand one another. I thought it was a definite step toward a unified, peaceful society like the kind you see in science fiction.

Boy was I naive.

7 years ago

You know it would really suck if we have to experience this switch between control of democrats and fascists every decade in the US.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This recalls our discussion from the other day. The right is all about wanting others to suffer. Whenever they have a victory, they always celebrate by fantasizing about how people they dislike will be harmed.

rogue angel
rogue angel
7 years ago

I made the same mistake Falconer did: reading those comments. And to think these fucksticks are actively drooling over the prospect of groups of people they don’t like ending up harmed or worse.


7 years ago

At least none of these people have used the N word.

In public.


PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I am reminded of this quote more than ever:

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

I know it’s attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but whoever said it was spot on.

This jubilation at the expense of another’s suffering makes me physically sick.

7 years ago

@ personalpest
When people can casually use racist slurs on TV without repercussions is the exact moment we’ve reverted back to pre civil rights. Though with how they act they’d settle for nothing less than reality itself bending to their every whim.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago


That’s why 2018 and 2020 are all-important, since they determine who will have control of redistricting.

I think the Democrats’ best chance at making it back into power involves:

1. Focus on tipping-point states/districts, not necessarily on close ones. The Clinton campaign made a key mistake in not doing this. See:

2. Try to win over groups of disaffected Republicans. These include Mormons (who didn’t like Trump to begin with, and are more internationalist than he is because of all the foreign missionary work they do).

Evangelicals are another example; they tend to be to the left of other Republicans on racial and economic issues and are more likely to sympathize with BLM, etc, and many are deeply concerned about Trump’s rhetoric, authoritarianism, and lifestyle. Alt-rightists and evangelicals deeply dislike each other. (In fact, a common trope used by Moldbug et al. is that modern progressivism stinks because it’s just secularized evangelicalism. The term “cuckservative” was perceived as an anti-evangelical slur by Erick Erickson, among others). Like Mormons, many evangelicals distrust Trump’s nationalism. There are a lot of disaffected evangelicals (particularly women, and those under 30) who believe the religious right, the GOP, and the mainstream evangelical establishment don’t represent them anymore (if they ever did).

In short, Donald Trump’s remaking of the GOP may have brought white working-class voters into the party, but it will also end up alienating a lot of long-time Republican voters who the Democrats should reach out to. Many of these voters are in the South and West, which have a lot of evangelicals and Mormons, respectively.

Arizona, Texas, and Georgia are already in the process of turning blue; if current trends continue they will go Democratic in 2020. South Carolina (whose economy would be adversely affected by a Trump trade war) is another possible pickup. Other Southern states might be flippable too. Southerners will bear the brunt of negative effects from climate change, and so in the coming years it will be easier to persuade them on that issue too. This is in contrast to many northerners who actually WANT the earth to get warmer because they think it’ll mean more moderate climates for them.

Lord Pabu
Lord Pabu
7 years ago

This is so disheartening. I didn’t read any of those tweets. I just don’t have it in me.

Probably because I spent a valuable hour of my life arguing with some stranger on an internet comment section over how Martin Luther King Jr. would support modern progressive protests, not condemn them, after they tried to prove that the great man would not support the behavior on the Left.

I mean, I know I’m white and my desire to educate people on this might be problematic, but since it’s mostly white people who are using his words as a cudgel against the very people he’d likely support, I sort of feel like they’re my problem to deal with. White people make me embarrassed to be white.

7 years ago

Another bumbling moron soon to be embroiled in a scandal they could have easily avoided if they had more intelligence/integrity/social skills.

7 years ago

Very disturbing indeed. But at least we do have a grand lady in Betsy DeVos in the cabinet. Yes I know y’ll hate her and she ain’t no Socrates, but I have seen signs that she is secretly a feminist who will totally change her views and cause major headaches for the Trump administration.

7 years ago

Aint gonna let no Sessions
Turn me ’round
Turn me ’round
Aint gonna let no Sessions
Turn me round
I’m gonna keep on walkin’
Keep on talkin
Marchin up to freedom land

7 years ago

On another note, Cassie’s movie ‘the red pill’ is now torrenting. What is interesting is the executive director has asked people to buy the movie (normal) because they haven’t made a penny from the film.

Didn’t they get 200+k for it?

Also with all of the screenings and flagging crap?

7 years ago

Damn. . .just yesterday work was starting to restore my faith in humanity and now this shit.

It’s starting to feel unending.

7 years ago

@Hu’s On First
Yeah I really, really didn’t like how Clinton’s team kept doing stupid things like “hmm should we start winning over union voters in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania nah let’s not until 6 weeks before the election. We should focus more on a no win state like Iowa” I just can’t find the words that expresses how disappointed I am in how a team that had the support of 3 million more people failed so hard, with so much incompetence and hubris. They lost, to the least popular presidential candidate in history. I will never forgive them for that.

Now the Dems provided they start pushing harder for progressive stuffs that would appeal to those changing states alongside other groups that are increasingly more detached from the GOP may stand a chance in permanently changing the landscape in their favor. Now as long as they don’t start caving in because “wait a minute we like money, if we go along with the GOP on certain things we get alot of money, and we aren’t harmed by it. So uh, laters people of the US.” they can manage to do even more to harm Trump’s term than the tea party ever had.
Give me a single proof
That refutes all that is wrong
With this candidate.

7 years ago

Reading this shit is a lot less funny now than it was during the election.

Here’s to a long 4 years of pointing out hypocrisy. In this case the freeze peach worshipers celebrating that a Senate minority leader was censored.

7 years ago


But at least we do have a grand lady in Betsy DeVos in the cabinet. Yes I know y’ll hate her and she ain’t no Socrates, but I have seen signs that she is secretly a feminist who will totally change her views and cause major headaches for the Trump administration.

She’s a billionaire creationist who has bought her way into a position of power, enthusiastically supports and endorses terrible, awful education policies and pseudoscientific medical treatments, her charitable foundation makes massive donations to regressive causes (Big Homophobia!), lied through her teeth to the senate and to top it all off is someone Donald Trump wants in his cabinet.

She’s a horrible human being and a terrible person to be secretary of education, and that isn’t going to change regardless of whatever signs you have apparently seen.

7 years ago

Bo, Daisy and Luke Duke were cousins. A sad family where people produced one offspring and then disappeared. Death, desertion, detention? Who knows? But Uncle Jesse was the only Duke of that generation who survived and he had no offspring.

And I know all the words to the theme tune.

Why, yes, I did grow up in the South in the 70s. Why do you ask?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Oh for the love of fucking. I thought you were over this “Everything ever is Hillary’s fault!” misogynistic BernieBro bullshit.

We know the real reasons for the outcome: Russian meddling, media bias, racist voter suppression and a whole lot of sexist assholes terrified of Hillary’s cooties. And yet, despite all that, she still won and the EC had to step in and hand it to the candidate with a cishet white penis against the country’s wishes. Blaming her is blaming the victim.

7 years ago

I didn’t say it was Hillary’s fault. I just said “I am mad her team for losing.” That’s it. Nothing else. I said Clinton’s team, not her. Her having significant percentage wins in the debates proved that she had the people that were not white supremacists on her side. The fact that she had 3 million + votes shows that the vast majority of voters were on her side. I’m pissed that the people who were supposed to translate that majority appeal did not manage to make a victory happen. Please, don’t try to make this a “well I can’t talk bad things about Hillary now I’ll just make it about her team, big difference.”

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