So today one regular commenter on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit posted what he must have thought would be an uncontroversial opinion — at least amongst his fellow MGTOWs.
“Feminism is propaganda tool to extract resources from men,” he declared, adding.
Everytime there is strong propaganda against any ‘privilleged’ group – it’s only to steal from them.
He provided three examples of this alleged law in action, one of them involving the alt-right of 20th century Europe:
“In Nazi Germany there was propaganda against the ‘privilled’ [sic] Jews,” he wrote. “Jews were looted.”
A bit of a simplification, sure, but, yes, Hitler presented himself as the savior of decent German workers crushed “under the yoke of Jewish world finance.” And yes, the Nazis confiscated a great deal of Jewish wealth, right down to the gold fillings from murdered Jews’ teeth.
But hold on a minute, demanded another Reddit MGTOW. What if the Jews basically deserved to have their life savings stolen by the Nazis?
“Jews were actively subverting Germany in WWI and afterwards,” declared YourAverageBloke2. “You should read Mein Kampf for the truth.”
Woah. I did Nazi that coming!
YourAverageBloke2 also had some thoughts on feminism he felt compelled to share.
And feminism is more than resource extraction. That’s just a side effect. The main goal of feminism is to create a divide between white men and white women. Thus, lowering white birth rates. Thus, the Satanic Jewish elite (normies call them the Illuminati) eliminates its biggest enemy by a stealth genocide.
Huh. Because birth rates have fallen dramatically not only in mostly white developed countries but also in developed countries where, you know, the people aren’t generally white — like Japan and South Korea. Are the “Satanic Jewish elite” stealth-genociding Asians, too? If so, they’re doing a terrible job:, because outside of Japan and South Korea and other developed Asian countries, babies are still being born in large numbers; the population of Asia as a whole is expected to be up another billion by midcentury.
“White genocide” is very confusing.
It’s ultimate goal is to rule over a species of low-IQ brown people who are too dumb to question the Jewish aristocracy. It’s obvious to anyone who can see trends.
Another idiot who thinks of himself as part of the elite.
Out of topic :
Meanwhile, in Roumania…
A Prosecutor, a woman (so much for “useless”/”not willing to work” woman), is going down on many corrupt politicians, and her actions are supported by hundred of thousand demonstrators (demos which initially began to oppose the “smoothering” of anti-corruption laws).
Too bad for eastern europe lover PUAs and machos, she is not the kind to stay mute in the kitchen nor a mail-order bride. Would they believe it ? No, she is surely part of a conspiracy to allow old vampires to take the world over !
They been causing trouble since the start of America!! Hell, in 1798, they hadda pass a LAW against ’em… called the “Alien and Sedition Act”… passed to try and keep ’em from… *huh?*… oh, not that kinda alien?… sorry… heh, heh, I’ll show myself out….
occasional reader, I think the phrase you want is “cracking down”, “going down” implies she was performing oral sex on them. 🙂
and today’s lesson comes from “How To Reason With A trump Voter”….
have a good day
@occasional reader
I think it’s a worldview problem. They genuinely think their lives would be better without Jewish people, women’s rights, etc. The beliefs they hold are a byproduct of that central goal.
Sure dude. A global conspiracy is why you can’t get laid and no one wants to have babies with you. It couldn’t be because you’re a repellent, bigoted asshat.
> Zenobia Augusta
Oh my, i am sorry !
Yes, cracking the corrupt ones down. Even the one who has given her the job (maybe he was thinking she would be easily manipulable), which is both funny and delightful.
> PreuxFox
So, maybe there should be some kind of universal educational basis ? Difficult, sure, but if that could cut off some ludicrous beliefs, that may worth it ?
Both of those should work well as they’re both fat soluble. And yummy.
#NotAllMen doesn’t work, #NotAllWhiteWomen shouldn’t work either.
Because it doesn’t matter if some of us aren’t bigoted in some way (though PROTIP: We very likely are because we’re white and don’t understand the lived experiences of PoC). It doesn’t matter if some of us didn’t vote for Trump.
The problem with your argument is the same as it is with #NotAllMen.
Just like enough men are violent or sexist towards women to make women wary of them, enough white women voted for Trump to make everyone else wary of us. Enough white women voted for a bigoted fascist nazi to make everyone side eye us hella hard.
You said it yourself, more than half of white women in the US voted for Trump. That’s a fucking problem. It’s a problem we white women need to address because it’s our problem.
And you think I didn’t do the same? You think I didn’t work my ass off to try and keep that Cheeto Chungus out of office?
Ya damn right it sucks knowing that white women helped cause this fuckery. But we have a chance to fix it, and going “but I didn’t do that!” and trying to shift the blame isn’t going to fucking help.
First of all, drop the scare quotes around “us”. I’m a white woman. The white women who voted for Trump are also white women.
And, again, if it were a man saying this to a woman, saying that he’s “not part of a monolith” and that means we can let our guard down around him and he’s not a sexist asshole like other men, I’d be giving that dude the side-eye and a wide berth.
Because that smacks of “I’m not like those other [privileged people]”, which will immediately be followed by being exactly like those other people because you’re convinced you’re not like those other people so you’ve put up blinders to your own actions. “I can’t do/say those things. I’m a good person. Good people don’t do/say these things.”
White women helped cause this problem. White women need to help fix it. And it isn’t going to be fixed unless we own up to the fact that our demographic caused some of this. We need to use our privilege to reach out to other white women and try to make this better.
But to do that, we need to own the problem. It’s like Axe said: Part of social justice is owning up to your privileged group’s fuckery. Because once you do that, you can take steps to fix it, instead of wasting time trying to distance yourself from it and convincing yourself you’re not like that and overlooking your own missteps.
Where did I say that none of those factors were to blame?
What I said was that white women also had a hand in it, and we need to own that problem and work towards fixing it.
I count ~10 regulars or semiregulars of color off the top of my head. So… too brown for Toby Keith. White as a Macklemore concert?
Especially this:
I have the same question for you as I have for the #NotAllMenners: If you’re innocent of the behaviour in question and nobody’s accusing you specifically of it anyway, then why are you knee-jerkily offended?
Part real question, part rhetorical.
You know that quote about socialism not taking hold in the US because workers see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires rather than the proletariat?
I think it’s the same kind of thing with white women. Too many of us are willing to overlook the marginalization we experience based on gender because we want to identify with the privileged. So we identify as white before we identify as women.
Thing is, white people are kinda temporarily embarrassed… not millionaires, that’d be ridiculous. Temporarily embarrassed rich people
Most Muricans (ie, the vast majority of white people), will get a taste of the high life at some point. And, even if they don’t, they’ll see their neighbors pull it off for a little while. Get em hooked on the good stuff, and sell em crap thereafter. They’ll aspire to affluence, and, once they’ve lost it, they’ll remember it fondly and accept their lot
(Sorry for continued derail.) I should add that I’ve never tried adding cinnamon to butter, so I don’t know for sure it won’t clump up like it does in water, but my hypothesis is that, since that clumping behavior is due to its hydrophobic properties (IOW, it doesn’t mix with water), that behavior probably wouldn’t happen in butter or other fats.
Oh, wow, ten? That’s, like, three Chuck Lorre sitcoms worth of PoC! Alright!
(more on the derail, sorry!) I wanted to address avocados: I usually cut ’em in half, and when I’ve hollowed out one half of the skin, I’ll put it back over so it looks like I have a full avocado, and keep ’em together in a ziplock in the fridge. It seems to keep it from browning quite so much.
I also use the side without the pit in it first, and keep the pit in the other. All the avocado underneath the pit stays nice and green!
If it looks terrible though, I’ll just scrape off a little bit of it. I think I’m at a place where I would do that if I was serving someone else the avocado, but if I’m just smushing it together to put it on toast or a sandwich, I’ll just leave it.
I have been known to eat an avocado over four days, a quarter on a sandwich a day.
Freezing is a very interesting option. I’m hoping we’ll get to organise the damned freezer, and I can actually start buying things that need to be frozen. Though I did just freeze a cup and a bit of buttermilk, so now I can make scones WHENEVER I want!!!
From WWTH:
This is a good assessment of what happened when I realized that pretty much all the men I work with (at this point in time- that’s everyone-and they are all white) voted to marginalize me. I realized they didn’t think of me as an equal, they don’t think of women as equal, only white men are equal to them. Part of my privilege was that I expected to be equal. I’ve worked here 20 years, I’m an optical physicist, and my work is respected. I now know they would be much more comfortable if it were all men behind these doors. Too bad. I’m still here, and more aware than before.
Sometimes I think the whole safe space complaint is just because we won’t let them have their safe space away from having to work with icky girl cooties.
Either that, or they’re mad that women get to have space where men aren’t allowed to harass them.
It’s either “men need safe spaces from women’s bullshit!” or “women aren’t around me and I can’t harass them wah!”
Indeed! It’s not enough to steal manganese from your property, it also needs to be processed and sold.
@Hashtag Ravenclaw
You can get a lot more units for turning your Mordite into lubricant or your Coryzagen into glass, after all. *plays too much No Man’s Sky*
Thanks! I’ll try putting cinnamon in butter next time I have butter. Hopefully it comes out well.
A lot of times when (usually) white guys complain about diversity in a work or medium, they may argue with something along the lines of, “Why not have a mixed Hispanic-Asian autistic diabetic trans gay woman in a wheelchair while we’re at it?” Adding on a long list of not-them traits as if to make an point thru exaggeration. Never mind that a person exactly like that would exist in reality. They pretty much only think of themselves as fully human, and everyone else as props on their story.
There’s got to be more than that, the Mr., MexicanHotChocolate, and I are two. . .
We’re up to 12!
Also, I didn’t know y’all were… <3 <3 <3 ewe gaiiize!