alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Women: Resource-stealers or tools of the Satanic Jewish elite? A MGTOW debate

Women: Always climbing through your window to steal your resources

So today one regular commenter on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit posted what he must have thought would be an uncontroversial opinion — at least amongst his fellow MGTOWs.

“Feminism is propaganda tool to extract resources from men,” he declared, adding.

Everytime there is strong propaganda against any ‘privilleged’ group – it’s only to steal from them.

He provided three examples of this alleged law in action, one of them involving the alt-right of 20th century Europe:

“In Nazi Germany there was propaganda against the ‘privilled’ [sic] Jews,” he wrote. “Jews were looted.”

A bit of a simplification, sure, but, yes, Hitler presented himself as the savior of decent German workers crushed “under the yoke of Jewish world finance.” And yes, the Nazis confiscated a great deal of Jewish wealth, right down to the gold fillings from murdered Jews’ teeth.

But hold on a minute, demanded another Reddit MGTOW. What if the Jews basically deserved to have their life savings stolen by the Nazis?

“Jews were actively subverting Germany in WWI and afterwards,” declared YourAverageBloke2. “You should read Mein Kampf for the truth.”

Woah. I did Nazi that coming!

YourAverageBloke2 also had some thoughts on feminism he felt compelled to share.

And feminism is more than resource extraction. That’s just a side effect. The main goal of feminism is to create a divide between white men and white women. Thus, lowering white birth rates. Thus, the Satanic Jewish elite (normies call them the Illuminati) eliminates its biggest enemy by a stealth genocide. 

Huh. Because birth rates have fallen dramatically not only in mostly white developed countries but also in developed countries where, you know, the people aren’t generally white — like Japan and South Korea. Are the “Satanic Jewish elite” stealth-genociding Asians, too? If so, they’re doing a terrible job:, because outside of Japan and South Korea and other developed Asian countries, babies are still being born in large numbers; the population of Asia as a whole is expected to be up another billion by midcentury.

“White genocide” is very confusing.

It’s ultimate goal is to rule over a species of low-IQ brown people who are too dumb to question the Jewish aristocracy. It’s obvious to anyone who can see trends.

Another idiot who thinks of himself as part of the elite.

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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I like watching this cooking show!

8 years ago

(normies call them the Illuminati)

Well, there’s something I never thought I’d read.
@WWTH: chief manatee
There is absolutely no shame in learning new skills. You made a new food, and it came out good! Be proud!

And if anyone needs links to videos about the actual chemistry behind any cooking concepts, I can probably link one for you. Just let me know!

Yes, please. I want to make crossiants with flavored butter instead of regular. Do you know of any videos showing/explaining what exactly I can use in the butter?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The main goal of feminism is to create a divide between white men and white women

If the sacred bond between white men and women could be broken by some Laci Green YouTube vids, it prolly wasn’t that strong to begin with

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Re: Trump’s focus on the media: if you ask me, he’s pissed because they didn’t spend enough time on his self-aggrandizing tweets.

No mention how his stupid ban would have prevented San Bernardino, Orlando, or Ft Hood, since those were committed by US citizens…and so many people get very angry when I point that out.

8 years ago


Do you know of any videos showing/explaining what exactly I can use in the butter?

Short answer is that spicy flavors tend to be fat soluble. I’m out at a show tonight but I’ll take a look at what I have on that topic tomorrow. I know I have one on melting points of various fats, which would probably be helpful to this end as well.

I’ll find an interesting random one for you. <3

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Thanks, all for indulging my boasting.

Cooking is sometimes a weird insecurity for me and I always think of myself as bad at it. But it’s really not that I can’t do it, it’s just that I don’t do it. After how shitty this winter has been for me, it’s nice to have even a minor accomplishment and remind myself that sometimes I can do things if I actually get off my ass and try!

I’ll take what I can get.

8 years ago


I didn’t see boasting. This is boasting!

I made the rosemary-garlic roasted potatoes tonight and they were the total bomb! Last time I used Yukon Golds and this time I went for the russets and the russets are the way to go. The Yukons are too tender and soak up too much of the oil at too early of a stage.

So much yum! So much yum! 4 pounds of potatoes demolished in minutes by two women. YEAH!

This time they were f***ing perfect!

Although the Yukon golds are also totally awesome in a completely different way.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger | February 7, 2017 at 9:15 pm

The main goal of feminism is to create a divide between white men and white women

If the sacred bond between white men and women could be broken by some Laci Green YouTube vids, it prolly wasn’t that strong to begin with

No kidding. It seems like even “Hey, this douchebag who’s running for the highest office in the US is a sexual assaulter, talks about women like things, and he’s a shitbag.” could break the bonds.

Us white women got a lot to answer for this election, lemme tell ya. And not just for Trump, but also for Kelly “alternative facts” Conway and Betsy “Actual Dolores Umbridge” DeVos.

There’s a lot of us white women who apparently will throw everyone else under the fucking bus if it means we get to stay close to the top and be The Cool Girls™.

And then those of us who are actually are a bit woke and realize that these people are literally the worst can still be bigoted as fuck. There were accounts of First Nations women at the women’s marches and how they got pretty much ignored and used as props by white women protesters, and then there’s all the cissexism and White Feminism™.

We got a lot of work to do, that’s for damn sure.

8 years ago

Us white women got a lot to answer for this election,

Please, do not generalize. While 53% of white women voted for Trump, that means nearly as many didn’t. I am getting tired of people blaming me for the election of someone I didn’t vote for, didn’t send money to, didn’t talk up to anyone, and in fact worked my ass off trying to keep from being elected.

“Us” white women are not a monolithic group, any more than any other group of women or men. Do not blame the people who did nothing to feel guilty about; put the blame where it belongs. On Trump voters, Trump supporters, Trump promoters, and Trump.

8 years ago

Tonight in cheap eats: stir-fry.

Start some rice, then do the rest of the prep.

About a cup of chopped onion; that took me two small onions (at the grocer I can get 10lb bags of small onions for $2, or big onions at $1.49/lb… for some reason I keep choosing the small onions).
1 lb tofu (one package); chop into 1″ cubes
1 green pepper, chopped into 1″ squares
1 red pepper, also chopped
Soy sauce to taste.
Black bean garlic sauce to taste.
Sesame oil to taste.
Cayenne pepper flakes to taste (or ground).
Fresh ginger to taste.

Ten minutes after you started the rice, start sautéing the onion in a bit of oil (e.g. Peanut oil).

After a couple minutes, add the tofu and sauces — but keep the sesame oil for later, and bring up the heat to max.

Add the veggies.

Stir a little, but not too much — you’d smear the tofu.

After about three minutes on high, you should be done; turn off the heat. Drizzle on the sesame oil.

Serve over the rice which will be done at the same time as the rest.

8 years ago

Jeff Potter is an old friend, so I can’t fairly judge his book — plus I haven’t read it because a lot is about meat, which doesn’t interest me — but on the chemistry thing, you might be interested in:

8 years ago

I was thinking cinnamon, or maybe scrapings of vanilla beans (I think that’s called vanilla bean caviar? Those little black specks.) Would that work?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

You can always tell that vanilla ice cream will actually taste like real vanilla when it has the black specks.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

I know it’s sad for a grown ass woman to get excited about this, but I made my own red curry and it was actually good!

Ooo! I love curry! I hope it came out good. The recipes looks really yummy, and in fact I have most of the ingredients for it at home, minus the kale and red curry paste. (Costco had, like, five huge pieces of ginger for $3! THREE MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS! Can you believe it?? FOR GINGER.) Maybe I can make this curry soon.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Betsy “Actual Dolores Umbridge” DeVos


There’s a lot of us white women who apparently will throw everyone else under the fucking bus if it means we get to stay close to the top and be The Cool Girls™ya

Yep! This election legit made me give up on white people. Obvs #notall. I mean, it’s whiter than a Toby Keith concert in these threads, and you’re awesome! But y’all and white folks as woke as y’all… I don’t see that ever being most of you, so long as oppression of brown people is on the ballot


While 53% of white women voted for Trump, that means nearly as many didn’t

Well, that depends on your philosophical stance re: 3rd parties

I am getting tired of people blaming me for the election of someone I didn’t vote for, didn’t send money to, didn’t talk up to anyone, and in fact worked my ass off trying to keep from being elected

1)sounds like a personal problem to me
2)last I checked, it’s pretty standard operating procedure in social justice circles for people in privileged groups to own said group’s fuckery
3)as far as ‘x demographic is bad, lookit these stats’ type things go, at least this one is accurate (tho, I’d specify ‘x’ as cis het, white women, it works either way)

“Us” white women are not a monolithic group

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Those women, always stealing resources. Last night, I had three resources, two ore and a grain, when a woman rolled a seven and stole my resources!

She went on to win, too.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

it’s whiter than a Toby Keith concert in these threads

Aww, give us some credit. There’s at least five non-white people here!

If I’m generous in my calculations.

8 years ago

Here’s some tried and true flavoured butters from the BBC site. and

(I cheat. I just use mixed herbs from the packet even though they say you should limit yourself to two flavours. When I do that, very rarely, it’s usually parsley and chives or rosemary and garlic.)

And this list includes some sweet flavours as well … salted caramel anyone?

Must say I never thought of mixing butter and jam or jelly – ready-made. Looking at the raspberry butter I instantly thought of “failed” jam that refuses to set properly. Just go and buy some butter, mix it up and freeze it into rolls ready for spreading later. Soooooo much less trouble than recooking it with more pectin or whatever.

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
8 years ago


If you don’t mind it being in Spanish, here is a nice video about how to dice onion, garlic and pepper – which has the basis of a lot of Spanish food covered.

8 years ago

Come to think of it, I might start doing some of those prepared butter+jam or jelly mixes myself.

Saw the super-duper physician bloke yesterday. Preliminary diagnosis of my hands problem – temporarily raging initial stages of forever rheumatoid arthritis. I’d suggested that, while I was in hospital with the (seriously) infected skin on my legs, the more constant and severe pain in my hands and shoulders and sundry other joints and muscles made me feel that my pre-existing auto-immune conditions-syndromes-diseases had got a bit of a kick into higher gear by the rampaging infection. He said that it’s pretty likely – a super-stimulated immune system looking for something else to do now that I’m here I might as well do as much damage as I can.

It’s now more than a fortnight since leaving hospital and I was crying every morning trying to get out of bed because the pain in my hands from trying to lift the sheet off (remember it’s summer here) was excruciating. Took my first dose of prenisolone this morning, went to lie down for a midday nananap and – a mere four hours later – getting up was a bit painful but not tears-worthy.

It’s all very well being able to buy cutlery and kitchen tools with those nice big comfy handles to make things a bit easier. How much easier would it be to simply cut off a slice of premixed butter and apricot jam and put it aside to soften while the bread toasts? Dump it on the hot toast to soften even more, spread with very little further effort.

Being Australian, I’d probably start out with ready-made Vegemite spread and the, always essential, bitter marmalade. Probably do an ordinary grated cheese one as well. (Though I don’t fancy avocado – does it go as black in the freezer as I fear it might?)

8 years ago

@wwth re: Onions – I love dicing onions, I can dice all your onions! (And send them by e-mail, and then you print them out with a 3-D-printer, I guess?)


This is what happens when you have a bunch of misogynistic straight white cishet males with way too much time on their hands, are socially isolated, have an overblown intellectual superiority complex and have an internet connection.

So which of these can we change? Maybe we can make someone visit them, accidentally pour some drink in their computers and make them clean up the mess? (Some of the uglier tasks for the Secret Agents of the Feminist Conspiracy.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ axe

it’s whiter than a Toby Keith concert

In my roadie days I used to work at the African Proms. That’s a concert at the Royal Albert Hall that, well as the name suggests, features mainly African musicians. We all wear headphones and mics so we can communicate with each other. That means you can also hear the producer speaking to the camera operators. One year we had this gem:

“I need to see more black faces in the audience people……No, they’re Asian!”

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Hmm, someone has forgotten his aluminium foil hat. It seems that he looks to complete many bingos at a time : antifeminist bingo, facist bingo, conspiracy bingo, racist bingo, anti-semitic bingo… Ah, he has forgotten to say something homophobic and transphobic. How sad.

I still wonder how some people can think like that. Is this an educational problem ? Are there other roots ? Is this just due to a lack of empathy and/or an “always choose the easiest and profitable way” ? Something like laziness and indulgence in parroting just to be part of a group ? Can this be overcame ? Hmm, i am not sure they even question themselves from time to time…

> weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Congratulations for the curry. Let you become an epicurryan !

Have a nice day.

8 years ago


It’s now more than a fortnight since leaving hospital and I was crying every morning trying to get out of bed because the pain in my hands from trying to lift the sheet off (remember it’s summer here) was excruciating. Took my first dose of prenisolone this morning, went to lie down for a midday nananap and – a mere four hours later – getting up was a bit painful but not tears-worthy.

What a challenging situation!

I’m glad that the medication is helping.

(Though I don’t fancy avocado – does it go as black in the freezer as I fear it might?)

I wouldn’t even try that. Once you cut open an avocado, squeeze a little lemon juice or pour a little vinegar on the cut part. It will keep overnight and even another day or two without browning. Or just mash it up and add lemon juice or vinegar and whatever else you like.

That said, “freeze avocado” returned a bunch of results. Shocked me.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago

Are people getting confused between freeze avocados and freeze peaches?