alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Women: Resource-stealers or tools of the Satanic Jewish elite? A MGTOW debate

Women: Always climbing through your window to steal your resources

So today one regular commenter on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit posted what he must have thought would be an uncontroversial opinion — at least amongst his fellow MGTOWs.

“Feminism is propaganda tool to extract resources from men,” he declared, adding.

Everytime there is strong propaganda against any ‘privilleged’ group – it’s only to steal from them.

He provided three examples of this alleged law in action, one of them involving the alt-right of 20th century Europe:

“In Nazi Germany there was propaganda against the ‘privilled’ [sic] Jews,” he wrote. “Jews were looted.”

A bit of a simplification, sure, but, yes, Hitler presented himself as the savior of decent German workers crushed “under the yoke of Jewish world finance.” And yes, the Nazis confiscated a great deal of Jewish wealth, right down to the gold fillings from murdered Jews’ teeth.

But hold on a minute, demanded another Reddit MGTOW. What if the Jews basically deserved to have their life savings stolen by the Nazis?

“Jews were actively subverting Germany in WWI and afterwards,” declared YourAverageBloke2. “You should read Mein Kampf for the truth.”

Woah. I did Nazi that coming!

YourAverageBloke2 also had some thoughts on feminism he felt compelled to share.

And feminism is more than resource extraction. That’s just a side effect. The main goal of feminism is to create a divide between white men and white women. Thus, lowering white birth rates. Thus, the Satanic Jewish elite (normies call them the Illuminati) eliminates its biggest enemy by a stealth genocide. 

Huh. Because birth rates have fallen dramatically not only in mostly white developed countries but also in developed countries where, you know, the people aren’t generally white — like Japan and South Korea. Are the “Satanic Jewish elite” stealth-genociding Asians, too? If so, they’re doing a terrible job:, because outside of Japan and South Korea and other developed Asian countries, babies are still being born in large numbers; the population of Asia as a whole is expected to be up another billion by midcentury.

“White genocide” is very confusing.

It’s ultimate goal is to rule over a species of low-IQ brown people who are too dumb to question the Jewish aristocracy. It’s obvious to anyone who can see trends.

Another idiot who thinks of himself as part of the elite.

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8 years ago

Woah, I did Nazi that coming. Lol. See you can laugh about them.

Don’t worry soon America will be an under-developed country, too if the current administration has its way and birth rates will rocket. Infant and maternal mortality will, too but I assume that’s a small price to pay, right? The more I see of Bannon the more I see that the post-apocalyptic fantasy brigade has got itself in power. The fuckers.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

It’s obvious to anyone who can see trends.

And chemtrails. Don’t forget the chemtrails.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

normies call them the Illuminati

When your exposure to the world becomes so limited that your idea of “normies” is conspiracy theorists that are less overtly anti-Semitic than you.

8 years ago

Huh. So the purpose of Feminism is to undermine Nazism? And this is asserted as an immoral endeavor?
Oh, MGTOWs. You so cray.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Please. It’s only normies who worry about the evils of feminism and satanic Jewish elites.

Everyone knows the real enemy are the lizard people.

The manosphere is just a tool of the lizards from outer space. Watch Ancient Aliens for the truth. Wake up sheeple!!!

8 years ago

What a privill it must be to be able to spell things, and to string together more than two thoughts at a time, and to be coherent! Truly, my unprivilled mind boggles.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Jeeby-creeby. I can see that these guys weren’t overprivilled with literacy.

8 years ago

Does this mean the propaganda around Muslims means the Trump government wants to steal from them?

Oh wait.

Guys maybe they’re on to something here

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

A stopped watch is correct twice a day?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I know it’s sad for a grown ass woman to get excited about this, but I made my own red curry and it was actually good!

I don’t cook much, and when I do it’s spaghetti from a jar or something. So this is very exciting for me!

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I wonder if there’s a conspiracy theory out there that doesn’t have at least a minority of believers who are anti-Semites, and who blame Jews for it.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@wwth, ooooh, good for you! What did you make? There are so many good curries you can make :9 One of my favourites is extra simple. Mushroom soup can and chicken broth with yellow curry. In a casserole goes cauliflower, chicken breasts, and then the sauce overtop all of it. Bake it on up, then open the casserole dish for the last 15 minutes or so. Serve as-is or with rice. It’s fantastic and really easy to do. Well worth the little bit of effort it takes!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


It was this

The only hard part was dicing the onion which I always hate doing. It was sort of laborious but you don’t need any fancy skills or equipment.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee | February 7, 2017 at 6:23 pm
I know it’s sad for a grown ass woman to get excited about this, but I made my own red curry and it was actually good!

I don’t cook much, and when I do it’s spaghetti from a jar or something. So this is very exciting for me!

It’s not sad at all! You’re doing chemistry, fer fuck’s sake. CHEMISTRY!

Also, in other bad spelling news: The White House released a list of terror attacks that they believe the media under-reported. Not only is it poorly edited, but it doesn’t list any terror attacks that weren’t by non-Islamic people (i.e. Ones committed by white dudes), it has a bunch of attacks where no one was killed, and it has some of these on it:

– The Paris shootings
– The truck attack in Nice
– The Pulse nightclub shooting

Oh, but there’s more!

Spicer released this list as a bit of damage control from earlier today, backpedaling a tweet from The Cheeto Chickenshit where he claimed that the media didn’t report on these. Oh no, Spicer said, that’s not what he meant, he meant the media weren’t reporting enough on them!

Never mind that the ones I just listed were ALL OVER THE NEWS FOR DAYS after they happened.

But, then again, if it ain’t Fox, apparently it didn’t happen in Lord Dampnut’s reality.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@WWTH, keep dicin’ them onions! I love cooking with onions. Sautee them down slowly for hours and you get a delicious sweet base for all sorts of stews, curries, etc. Good for vegetarian as well. Basis of a lot of African cooking, I believe! I’ll have to give your recipe a try some time!

@PI, Conway is on CNN right now, defending the list. It’s… aheh, well. It’s Hellyann Conway. She’s embarrassing to listen to.

8 years ago

Everytime there is strong propaganda against any ‘privilleged’ group – it’s only to steal from them.

I guess we’ll just have to disagree about which groups are privileged, but now we know that by this definition – assault is stealing security, slavery is stealing labor, rape is stealing sex, murder is stealing life.


ETA – oops, forgot war!

joekster (bearded beta)
joekster (bearded beta)
8 years ago

@sillybill, nah, war is covered in ‘murder’.

8 years ago

I know it’s sad for a grown ass woman to get excited about this, but I made my own red curry and it was actually good!

I don’t cook much, and when I do it’s spaghetti from a jar or something. So this is very exciting for me!

Good for you! You can do it!

I remember when I was a teenager I saw some really crappy movie and I believe the male lead was Aidan Quinn and he went home with his single mother girlfriend and made her dinner (which was fabulous, according to the movie) out of the dregs she had in her pantry.

I made it my life’s mission to be able to do that.

Learn how to onion! Cooking is a skill! All skills need practice. And get a decent knife as soon as you can afford one. Victorinox makes some great affordable starter knives. It makes all the difference!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Oh, MGTOWs. You so cray.

Comments policy, please.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago

@tim gueguen

There may be, but not in the Northern hemisphere.
From Ukiah east to the Urals, all conspiracy theories boil down to THE JOOZ.

8 years ago

It’s not sad at all! You’re doing chemistry, fer fuck’s sake. CHEMISTRY!

And if anyone needs links to videos about the actual chemistry behind any cooking concepts, I can probably link one for you. Just let me know!

8 years ago

This is what happens when you have a bunch of misogynistic straight white cishet males with way too much time on their hands, are socially isolated, have an overblown intellectual superiority complex and have an internet connection.

8 years ago


…. Always.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

WWTH, high five!!!! I’m like you, I practically never cook. I actually cooked with raw meat today, which is a big source of anxiety for me, and it went well! We are a couple of badasses.

8 years ago


i don’t know, i kinda think wars are more than just adding up all the murders and property damage.

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