artistry trump

“Donald Trump in Bathrobe,” by Hieronymus Bosch

Donald Trump in Bathrobe 1, by Hieronymus Bosch

When visionary painter Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516) began his “Donald Trump in Bathrobe” series in the last decade of his life, his contemporaries were baffled, if fascinated. Who was this mysterious yet horrifying “Donald Trump?”

Bosch couldn’t tell them. He didn’t know. The images of “Trump” had first come to him in a dream, then began to haunt his waking hours. He had hoped to exorcise the horror by painting these images, which he returned to again and again. But no matter how many Trump paintings he painted, he could not free himself from the terrifying visions.

In August 1516, after six years of painting nothing but “Trumps” he died screaming

Donald Trump is de antichrist, berouw nu! En vergeet niet de demon dame Kellyanne Conway. Er is niet zoiets als de Bowling Green bloedbad.

In English: “Donald Trump is the antichrist, repent now! And do not forget the demon lady Kellyanne Conway. There is no such thing as the Bowling Green massacre.”

At the time, no one knew what he was talking about. It is only now that we can grasp the true significance of his warning.

Here are several other paintings in the haunting and mysterious “Trump in Bathrobe” series.

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Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

Ooh, art history humor. Love it!

Spicer is all like: Bath…robe? No, no bathrobes here. What even IS a bathrobe?

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago

I’m just amazed he picked the bathrobe of all things to complain about. I own a bathrobe (or as I’d call it, a dressing gown.) Everyone in this household (two men, two women, and two teens) owns a bathrobe.

What is so damning about owning a bathrobe?

8 years ago

@Zephkiel – Feminist MGTOW
It’s not the bathrobe we’re damning. It’s the person in that bathrobe that earns ire.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago


Oh, I know that. I was meaning Trump and his mouthpieces – they specifically go out of the way to spell out that he doesn’t have a bathrobe. Why? Owning a bathrobe is a normal occurrence – even to spend time wandering about in it. Why deny the bathrobe, of all things?

I join you in cursing the obnoxious orange. /ragefist

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ zephkiel


Ooh, can I steal that for if I ever need a martial arts superhero name?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Probably the only thing they felt they could address. It’s not exactly gonna be easy for them to keep saying that things haven’t gone to hell in a fake-gold-plated lunchbox, so instead they’re going the “Nah it’s not a total fiasco, he doesn’t even own a bathrobe !” route.

Re : hotel owners and serial adulterers

Rapists too, if you’ll remember Strauss-Kahn. I kinda hate that the best article of clothing ever created by humanity is always associated with the worst sleazebags.


8 years ago

@ Concerned Very Transparent

Oh, give it a rest already! David has literally posted several thousand posts about all kinds of sexist and racist shit, that you are more than welcome to read. Some of which have discussions underneath about making sure we do not centre on an opponents appearance.

Both articles you’ve whined about didn’t actually mock Trump’s appearance directly anyway- they were pictures put through filters, nothing more.

Your act is quite transparent- you don’t really care about this blog- you simply want to feel superior.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

@Concerned parent

Ok kids, when you grow up, dont forget what your mother and I taught you. Its perfectly fine to make another mans appearance a butt of your jokes and immature behaviour.

Is that really what you got from this? That Dave is mocking Trump for occassionally wearing a bathrobe (as tons of people do) and possibly looking a bit silly in it? Not for Trump’s insistence on treating his preferred versions of events as fact, and insisting that his staff do so as well? Not for his number 1 priority being his brittle, shattering ego?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I guess the image of Trump wearing bathrobe could weaken his strongman public image.

Anyway, he apparently constantly needs something to argue over with the reality-based media, to distract from his other disagreements with reality. Something relatively small and innocent, but stupid enough to draw attention. Something his loyal followers can easily ignore or deny, and dismiss as irrelevant.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I just recently heard that the Finnish foreign minister was invited to Trump’s prayer breakfast. He’s a socially conservative racist-lite populist, but nevertheless looks decent and highly professional in comparison. I noticed he started getting slightly squirmy when commenting on Trump administration after the first week.

I’d have wanted to see his face when the Apprentice comment came out.

8 years ago

Ha ha, ace post David. Must compliment Bosch on his painting of DJT’s legs in the last one. I’ve never found him the least bit attractive, but in that rendering I though “Hey, not bad legs.”

But I am a ‘leg woman’.

I’m not a bathrobe wearer, but even I own a bathrobe. I wear it when I dye my hair.

As for work at home days, I never wear pjs or bathrobes, I wear raggedy sweats.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Concerned Parent is concerned.