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Men’s Rights Activists respond thoughtfully to the upcoming “World Without A Woman” strike

Women: On strike or just lazy, amirite fellas high five

So the people who brought us the Women’s March on Washington have another big idea: A general strike of all American women. So far the idea looks to be just that, an idea; they haven’t even picked a date yet.

But if they pull it off, this act of collective resistance could have huge consequences. Ask the people of Iceland, or at least the older ones: That county had its own day-long women’s strike in 1975 which basically rocked the country to its core as a generation of men learned that women play an essential role in the economy, a fact that many of the world’s misogynists still refuse to believe.

Speaking of which, you may wonder what the misogynists of today think of the idea of a Woman’s Strike.

I took a peek into the Men’s Rights subreddit and found that the fellows there are mostly supportive of the idea, though for reasons far different than the strike’s organizers: MRAs, many of whom seem to think that women don’t do anything but gobble bon-bons while watching The View, are fairly confident that no one would even notice if each and every women vanished from the workplace and/or stopped doing unpaid work at home.

In the Men’s Right subreddit, our old friend ImnotMRAbut posted about the proposed ban under a headline written in the form of a question:

A Day Without A Women? One Has To Ask, Why Do These Misandric Idiots Think Men Won’t Cope Or Enjoy The Peace And Quiet?

Someone called liquid_j asked “is there room for negotiation? Can we call it like a week? Maybe two?”

Another old friend, ThePigmanAgain, offered a similar take, suggesting that

They should make it a whole year, in my view. Let’s face it, apart from the nurses, we really don’t need women for anything.

Meanwhile, factspissyouoff found himself feeling pretty pissed off at all those women who think their lives amount to anything:

These bitches are so ignorant and delusional it’s beyond retarded, beyond the pale. I look around me and I don’t see one thing or situation created solely by a woman that improves my life one iota.

The land, the infrastructure, the landscaping, the roof, the walls, the wires, the pipes, the power, the water, the internet, etc, ad nauseum…all built and created by men with the exceptions to that rule so fucking rare it’s dishonest to even bring it up.

My clothes were probably manufactured by women who make up 65% of the garment industry workforce, but shit, doesn’t that just also serve to prove my fucking point?

A few commenters acknowledged that women do some minimally useful work outside of the nursing profession. Like cleaning. Notacrackheadofficer predicted that

Hotels are going to be filthy, and no one will complain at the front desk more than women about it.

Maybe rich women from wealthy backgrounds can go out and see what having a job is like for a day, and the hotel maids can have a day off.

ThePigmanAgain returned to lament “all the sandwiches that will go un-made when women go on strike!”

Someone called Butt_Puncher420 worried about the effects of the strike on our nation’s penises. “I don’t know about you,” he wrote, “but my dick doesn’t suck it’s self.”

I imagine that no human being does either.

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Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@kupo and @Scildfreja
I’m sorry I forgot the @kupo and @Scildfreja on my last comment. It’s been one of those days.

8 years ago

No worries! I forgot the @Brony with my last comment, too. 🙂

8 years ago

Convenient how the dudes who set up strength measurement metrics decided to emphasize upper body strength, huh?

What do you mean?? The amount you can bench-press is the only truly relevant fitness metric! But if you want to get really fine-grained, there’s also pushups, pull-ups, arm wrestling, club/bat/stick swinging, ball/disc/spear/log/weight throwing, as well as generic thing-lifting.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Is that even a strong thing at WHTM? It’s not an explicit rule here but I can be sloppy with referential parts of text when I do lazy edits.

8 years ago

Not that I’ve noticed. I mean, it helps to make it clear sometimes but if it’s obvious from context it’s not necessary. That’s just my opinion though.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

That’s what I figured. That one gets more important in specific circumstances and occasionally I get odd “is that rude?” vibes. Thanks!

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Yes, Revolutionary is Seagull Boy.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve pointed it out a million times before, but whenever misogynists (or honestly, most men or even most people in general) talk about athletic prowess, flexibility is hardly ever mentioned. I’m pretty sure it’s because women are far superior to men.

Even male elite gymnasts tend not to be able to do this

or this

or this

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

The whole fitness thing is a really complex subject. It’s a term that covers so many things: speed, endurance, strength, agility etc. Even strength can mean many things. Ballet dancers and weight lifters are both strong, just in different ways. Everything is a trade off. Like that thing in role playing games when you do a character sheet. One obvious division is between the ‘low weight/multiple reps’ and ‘high weight/low reps’ approaches to lifting. It all depends on what you’re seeking to achieve.

(There’s also the whole thing about functional fitness versus aesthetics. That’s a separate issue, but compare bodybuilders to the people in ‘worlds strongest man’ competitions or MMA fighters with male ‘fitness’ models showing off their abs. It’s well known though that both bodybuilders and fitness models are weak as kittens on photoshoot or competition days. That’s the same for both women and men)

It is true that on average there are certain physiological and biomechanical advantages for men in pure strength terms. For a man and woman of similar size and weight following the same regime the man will probably peak slightly higher in terms of strength. Testosterone levels play quite a part in that. Hence the use of testosterone or emulators when people are cheating. But of course that’s just an average thing. I bet there is no field or ability that multiple women couldn’t out perform any MGTOW.

And there’s no ‘moral’ component to any of this. Men on average are taller than women. But if anyone wants to argue that that makes men superior somehow then they should be willing to let the Watusi run the world.

(It might also be worth noting that the median height for cro magnons was 6’6″ for men and 6’2″ for women and neanderthals were probably inherently stronger than modern powerlifters, so what do MGTOWs say about that in terms of their prowess?)

8 years ago


I have a female friend who’s a Ph D physiologist and personnel selection bureaucrat for the Israeli Defense Force. She talked about how yes, upper body strength is an absolute must, but how AFAB fitness people rarely focus on it for many reason, one being aesthetics (a lot of girls worry they won’t be hot if they gain muscle) and the other being female fitness culture in general (which emphasizes core rather than strength).



@Alan Robertshaw

And then there’s the issue of race. Women of certain races are better than men of other races at certain things. Inuit women tend to be exceptionally husky and ideal for powerlifting whereas Swedish men tend to be skinnier and better at core fitness.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ croosters

Inuit women tend to be exceptionally husky and ideal for powerlifting

Funnily enough inuits are the closest analogue to neanderthal build in terms of skeleton. That seems to be a consequence of convergent evolution though to adapt to the same sort of cold weather environment niche. But I’m not surprised they’re good powerlifters. That’s a great frame for that sort of thing.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Developmental biology and culture is fascinating. Fraught with bias risks but fascinating nevertheless. The women I’ve seen compete in the caber toss are awesome.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ brony

Fraught with bias risks but fascinating nevertheless

Yeah, it’s an area unfortunately tainted by ‘scientific’ racism and evo psych, but humans are amazing. Especially how we’ve managed to adapt to fit any ecological niche.

“But there’s no oxygen up that mountain!”

“Give us a few generations and we’ll be running a tourist industry up there. Now hold my pint.”

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago

@Alan and Brony

I remember reading about how the majority of Kenyan long-distance runners (who are extremely successful) came from a single tribe. The tribe had traditionally lived at high altitude, meaning more red blood cells, and tended to have longer legs and lower body weight for their height.

Of course, because of white people fucking everything up via colonialism, studying why these particular people from a particular area have proven to be such exceptional runners has been problematic, to say the least.

8 years ago

It is true that on average there are certain physiological and biomechanical advantages for men in pure strength terms. For a man and woman of similar size and weight following the same regime the man will probably peak slightly higher in terms of strength.

But isn’t that still only counting for strength in specific muscle groups? I remember learning at some point that women have stronger leg muscles, for example, than men, on average. And then there’s the societal pressure for women to not look too bulky, but rather toned and curvy at the same time.

Funny, I know a guy from Kenya and he told me about how his home team won at soccer more because of training at high altitudes but that they weren’t as good at the sport as the other teams, it’s just because of the altitude. Apparently some athletes train in Denver for similar reasons.

8 years ago

Men don’t go into those industries because you women won’t accept them, and also treat them like shit. You would most probably find a way to get them sacked. Why are more men in STEM also?

Men are the closest thing to gods that exist I’m saying because we built everything and nobody has achieved near our level of superiority in nature

Japanese men still don’t conform to your gynocentric gender expectations of being the provider, protector, ‘leader’ and exercising themselves to be “muscular” in order to become chads

If you want proof of gynocentrism look at this youtube channel:

LISTEN to what she says. This woman is an honest feminist and gynocentrist

Also I was saying that Debbie who you call “Dave” is a traitor to men. You will still demand that men become the “Alpha Male Bad Boys”. Manginas are Beta Males who white knight and crave pussy, betraying all of us the other men in order to do so

8 years ago


Gods like this one, you mean?

Pronunciation : Coming soon
Location : Italy and Roman Europe
Gender : Male
Type : deity
In charge of : Manure and Muck Spreading
God of : Manure, Fertilizer, Poop, Muck-Spreading, Shit, Farming, Agriculture, Muck-Spreading

Celebration or Feast Day : Unknown at present
Good/Evil Rating : NEUTRAL, may not care
Popularity index : 45056

I can see that, somehow…

8 years ago

@MGTOW Revolutionary

Men don’t go into those industries because you women won’t accept them, and also treat them like shit.

While ‘token’ women can be severely disadvantaged by their minority status, positive career outcomes may well accrue for ‘token’ men. Men working in non-traditional
occupations have been found to benefit from their token status through the assumption of
enhanced leadership and other skills and by being associated with a more careerist attitude to work (Heikes, 1992; Floge and Merril, 1989). Male nurses often ascend the
hierarchy more quickly than female counterparts (Bradley, 1993). Men therefore tend to monopolise positions of power and are rewarded for their difference from women in
terms of higher pay and other benefits (Williams, 1993).

Much of men’s resistance to pink-collar jobs is tied up in the culture of masculinity, say people who study the issue. Women are assumed to be empathetic and caring; men are supposed to be strong, tough and able to support a family.

“Traditional masculinity is standing in the way of working-class men’s employment, and I think it’s a problem,” said Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist and public policy professor at Johns Hopkins and author of “Labor’s Love Lost: The Rise and Fall of the Working-Class Family in America.”

“We have a cultural lag where our views of masculinity have not caught up to the change in the job market,” he said.

You would most probably find a way to get them sacked. Why are more men in STEM also?

Men are the closest thing to gods that exist I’m saying because we built everything and nobody has achieved near our level of superiority in nature

Marie Curie – Theory of Radioactivity
Ann Tsukamoto – Stem cell isolation
Grace Hopper – The Computer that you are using
Rosalind Franklin – DNA double helix
Maria Beasley – The life raft
Stephanie Kwolek – Kevlar
Dr. Shirley Jackson – Research that lead to the invention of all things telecommunication aka literally the only reason you are able to post things right now

Last time I checked a person with a penis is not mightier than the following:comment image

This little bugger and her millions upon millions are more successful than humans in existingcomment image?height=266&width=400

Thermococcus gammatolerans can survive 30,000 (Gy) in a short amount of time is quite amazing. Especially when compared to the measly radio-resistance of 4-10 (Gy) in humans.

Japanese men still don’t conform to your gynocentric gender expectations of being the provider, protector, ‘leader’ and exercising themselves to be “muscular” in order to become chads
Newsflash herbivore men are going against the toxic masculinity of conservative Japanese culture that demands them to work like a dog and die off like a bee. Oh wait that would mean that they aren’t doing it because they hate feeeeeemales.

Surprising. This isn’t an hour long steam of bulshittery.

Her intro video is about objectifying yourself and seeing people only as how much their material worth can bring you. That’s not good dating advice. I’m perfectly fine being single and even I can tell that’s a bad way to go about it.

You will still demand that men become the “Alpha Male Bad Boys”.

No, you say that. Your groups always says that. This blog, literally does not demand people to conform to your idea of what a person should be.

Manginas are Beta Males who white knight and crave pussy, betraying all of us the other men in order to do so

Who the fuck is “us.” Like time I checked I didn’t join you in your incel bitterness over people with vaginas.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
8 years ago


Colorado is very popular as a training location for endurance athletes for just that reason. Training where there’s less oxygen prompts (I think) the liver to create more ethropointine (Aka EPO, aka The stuff cyclists inject themselves with to cheat on the Tour de France) which in turn creates more red blood cells.

That means when they get to sea level to compete they have lots of red blood cells to carry lots of oxygen.

Being from an ethnic group which has predominantly evolved at high altitude gives someone the ability to create more EPO than other groups, and thus even more red blood cells to carry oxygen. I believe the same thing is seen in the Sherpa people – living halfway up Everest they have developed bigger lungs and a genetic tendency to create lots of EPO.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kupo

I remember learning at some point that women have stronger leg muscles

Men have a higher ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch muscle fibres and slightly larger fast twitch fibres than women within the same muscle groups; and it’s that factor that’s associated with strength. Women also have a slightly greater ratio of intra muscular fat to muscle. So men have slightly stronger leg muscles. Again though that’s on average. There may well be individual women who are stronger than similar sized men; especially as those ratios can vary within different populations.

8 years ago

RE Fitness: I don’t do any organised sports but I have been caving (and more recently urbexing) since I was 14; at the time, I was quite slightly built – thin and not particularly tall – and this was pretty much the perfect size for the sort of caves we have locally. Tiny entrances, narrow passages (stop it with the double entendres…) – an example would be the Crabwalk in Giant’s Hole, which is 700 metres long and 40 cms wide, and is half-full of water.

It’s this sort of thing:

26 years of bad living since then have increased my girth and lowered the number of systems that I can get through, but one happy memory of taking a body-builder to a cave in Yorkshire, where he couldn’t get out due to his over-inflated upper torso, continues to make me feel better about myself.

There’s a great cave called Streaks Pot nearby, the entrance is so small I had to take off my helmet and my clothes to get in – upper body strength was much less of a factor than flexibility and stamina.

I think someone might have recently mentioned the group of female cavers who were used to explore a cave in South Africa full of hominid remains – that’s my standard of physical fitness.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ danholme

Heh, you’ve just reminded me of a rather surreal conversation from a few years back down gaping ghyll.

“…and you could put St Paul’s Cathedral in here.”

“But why would you do that?”

“No, just saying you could”

“Seems a heck of a job”


8 years ago


Just a small sample of other things I’ve made:

Half of a book
Two skirts
Someone’s day

@Kat: I ugly snorted with laughter at this part

Someone’s day

Just as an fyi.

Thanks! As a wannabe funny person, I appreciate it when I get a laugh. Or a snort.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I notice Miggs is carefully avoiding the question about what he, personally has accomplished. He’s still just taking credit for what other men have done.

Of course, if men built everything and get the credit for all of civilization, it’s only fair they get the blame for the shitty things. Miggs gets the blame for all the wars. For slavery and genocides. It’s his fault we live in a capitalist kyriarchy that privileges wealthy alpha assholes. Feminism, being comprised of women and manginas is simply too inferior and weak to have accomplished anything good or bad.

If you’re a white man and society in the west is not to your liking, look to yourself and your fellow white men. You’re the ones to blame.

Also, if making things means you are God like, than aren’t people who’ve given birth to children the most God like of all? They made a person with a wonderfully complex brain and nervous system inside one of their internal organs!

8 years ago

@ AlanRobertshaw

There’s a blast from the past. Good old Gaping Ghyll! A cave so big you could fit nearly a third of Trump’s ego in it!
(That could replace the old St Paul’s trope as the new standard measure of cavern biglyness.)