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Men’s Rights Activists respond thoughtfully to the upcoming “World Without A Woman” strike

Women: On strike or just lazy, amirite fellas high five

So the people who brought us the Women’s March on Washington have another big idea: A general strike of all American women. So far the idea looks to be just that, an idea; they haven’t even picked a date yet.

But if they pull it off, this act of collective resistance could have huge consequences. Ask the people of Iceland, or at least the older ones: That county had its own day-long women’s strike in 1975 which basically rocked the country to its core as a generation of men learned that women play an essential role in the economy, a fact that many of the world’s misogynists still refuse to believe.

Speaking of which, you may wonder what the misogynists of today think of the idea of a Woman’s Strike.

I took a peek into the Men’s Rights subreddit and found that the fellows there are mostly supportive of the idea, though for reasons far different than the strike’s organizers: MRAs, many of whom seem to think that women don’t do anything but gobble bon-bons while watching The View, are fairly confident that no one would even notice if each and every women vanished from the workplace and/or stopped doing unpaid work at home.

In the Men’s Right subreddit, our old friend ImnotMRAbut posted about the proposed ban under a headline written in the form of a question:

A Day Without A Women? One Has To Ask, Why Do These Misandric Idiots Think Men Won’t Cope Or Enjoy The Peace And Quiet?

Someone called liquid_j asked “is there room for negotiation? Can we call it like a week? Maybe two?”

Another old friend, ThePigmanAgain, offered a similar take, suggesting that

They should make it a whole year, in my view. Let’s face it, apart from the nurses, we really don’t need women for anything.

Meanwhile, factspissyouoff found himself feeling pretty pissed off at all those women who think their lives amount to anything:

These bitches are so ignorant and delusional it’s beyond retarded, beyond the pale. I look around me and I don’t see one thing or situation created solely by a woman that improves my life one iota.

The land, the infrastructure, the landscaping, the roof, the walls, the wires, the pipes, the power, the water, the internet, etc, ad nauseum…all built and created by men with the exceptions to that rule so fucking rare it’s dishonest to even bring it up.

My clothes were probably manufactured by women who make up 65% of the garment industry workforce, but shit, doesn’t that just also serve to prove my fucking point?

A few commenters acknowledged that women do some minimally useful work outside of the nursing profession. Like cleaning. Notacrackheadofficer predicted that

Hotels are going to be filthy, and no one will complain at the front desk more than women about it.

Maybe rich women from wealthy backgrounds can go out and see what having a job is like for a day, and the hotel maids can have a day off.

ThePigmanAgain returned to lament “all the sandwiches that will go un-made when women go on strike!”

Someone called Butt_Puncher420 worried about the effects of the strike on our nation’s penises. “I don’t know about you,” he wrote, “but my dick doesn’t suck it’s self.”

I imagine that no human being does either.

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8 years ago


> Go ahead and strike, extend it for 1 year or more for all I care. In fact go do just that, tell your gynocentric collective to extend the strike. But you are all fucking cowards by biological nature and won’t obviously, those few medical or nursing positions would be filled in and done 100x better by the gentlemen of soft nature in our society the women here in the west along with their “Alpha male” macho bullies/jerks hate and despise so much. We don’t need you and never will for our civilization to function, so fuck off.

You’re an absolute fucking moron if you think that that’s the only positions women hold. I’m a Metis (descendant of French settlers and Prairie Natives) and most of our political positions are held by women. Do you think if they went on strike our little government could continue? No, of course not.

One thing I’ve noticed about MGTOWs is that they tend to be either privileged white men who never get out of the house or black men with Uncle Tom complexes the size of the moon. Neither are particularly useful nor particularly intelligent. Nikola Tesla, your ideological guru, would probably spit on your movement for it’s disrespect of women (given he had several sisters and was raised by a woman).

> You are going to find that one day these same men you have persecuted for so long, and treated like shit will all come to our side. Men are more logical by nature, everything was made by us.

Not having your dick sucked and having to occasionally give up a position in the name of affirmative action is not persecution. You know what is persecution? My female Native relatives being pimped out by the tens of thousands to feed their families. My ancestors being stuffed into residential schools and punished if they dared speak their Native tongue or practice their ancient customs. That’s persecution.

> The MGTOW Revolution is on the horizon. You watch what happens when someday all men will unite, strike and refuse to keep being exploited for their money by their wives. Donald Trump has been elected. We are the resistance!

Most of MGTOW “arguments” surrounding the divorce court forget to mention that most men don’t want custody of their kids. They also seem to forget that most places in the Western world (except for the US) tend to be quite egalitarian in this regard.

> I’m sorry but I cannot call you one of us anymore Debbie. You are a cuck to the highest degree. You are beyond pathetic from deserving to be called a man. After your response last time I’ve lost all respect for you. Just like with all the others someday you will find that whatever partner or wife it is you have cheats on you for an alpha male caveman, and tricks you into raising his kids for her then someday files a divorce in court to take all your money. It always happens to everybody, and the day your turn comes maybe you will learn to be a man again.

As opposed to you, who can’t attract a mate at all.

Have you maybe though of, you know, becoming an alpha male? TRP at least tries to improve themselves (albeit for the wrong reasons). MGTOW just bitches and moans and is basically a cult.

8 years ago


Men are more logical by nature, everything was made by us.

I just made myself a lovely avocado sandwich on sprouted whole wheat.

So the first part of your (runon) sentence is illogical.

Just a small sample of other things I’ve made:

Half of a book
Two skirts
Someone’s day

All that said, please don’t interpret anything I’ve said as encouraging you not to go your own way. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Have fun!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

That was quite possibly the most pathetic, desperate, substance-less, fuck-off I’ve ever seen. I’m something of an aggressive man and I see nothing in your assertions to worry about. It’s just typical of what I’ve seen out of a group of men with poor character.

You appeal to men having superior logic and leave out the logic that supports your claims. Is that performance anxiety or impotence? You are all feeling and no object that feelings operate on. Coward. You can change that.

I doubt you’ve personally made anything of value. I often see people with little to be proud of grab onto race or sex while acting like sports fans in order to vicariously feel accomplished. As a man it frankly feels like you are trying to exploit the rest of us for personal gain. You can change that too.

And finally at the end you list a bunch of things that are supposed to be scary, but aren’t given the personal characteristics of the one saying them. I hope you fix your personal problems. You appear to be a poor person and political ally.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

I’m sorry but I cannot call you one of us anymore Debbie. You are a cuck to the highest degree. You are beyond pathetic from deserving to be called a man.


No misandrist like a misogynist.

8 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if MGTOW are just a very dark and prescient psychological analysis into what happens when you socially isolate sexually frustrated entitled straight cishet males with intellectual superiority complexes and make them meet each other.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I like how Atom Ant went from negging us about how our silly little feminism movement was good for him because it made women easy to pick up at bars and clubs to going his own way because he never even leaves the house or interacts with anyone except to buy groceries.

Even setting aside the ridiculous notion that telecommuting is complete self sufficiency as though you don’t need a whole economic infrastructure to make that possible, he’s clearly lying about his life story.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The 329 year old engineer barely needs addressing. I just wanted to point out that Trump is one of those alpha male assholes MGTOW claim to resent so much. I guess misogyny is all you need in common to respect someone.

Also, Trump is pretty clearly the establishment. You can’t claim to be the resistance when you’re fighting for the empire.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

Hey, we have a real badass over here! I heard MGTOWRevolutionary is a Navy SEAL and trained in gorilla warfare.

8 years ago


Who the hell is Debbie?

And why haven’t you gone your own way already?

8 years ago

@WWTH: Ohhhhhhhhhh, Atom Ant is THAT person! Right, I had forgotten just who was the 329 year old engineer. Gotta say, as someone who has needed to co-ordinate with people working off site (and also being of the lady persuasion) they would have been SOL if I hadn’t uploaded their files to the FTP.

@Kat: I ugly snorted with laughter at this part

Someone’s day

Just as an fyi.

8 years ago

Just reporting in to say I have not left the house today (am now having a serious debate with myself about putting on clothes to go out and find food, or just ordering online; the latter is winning). And yet I’m still well aware that women hold up (more than) half the sky.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


MGTOW Revolutionary is the undead engineer. I don’t believe Atom is one of his socks. Although you never know!

8 years ago

Poglodyte, Debbie works for Katie.

8 years ago

@ MGTOWRevolutionary

Instead of waiting for us ladies to strike, how about you go on a ladystrike? Like, if all the people behind the counter at McDonald’s are women, leave. If all the local hair stylists are women, get a Flowbee. If the doc in the ER is female, crawl back home untreated. Also, don’t ever talk to any women anywhere. Including the internet.

Atom is the guy who said he gets laid regularly, but is a MGTOW because he thinks he should get laid even more without putting any actual effort into it. As far as I can tell, he wants getting sex to be easier than ordering a pizza.

8 years ago

Crooster yet again proving my point of the gynocentrism. We men are equal to gods and cannot ever be defeated by women on equal level. Make all women go on strike for a year and my point would be proven. We are the Zeta male, and have transcended our biology unlike pussy cravers such as yourself. Japan has already been taken by the mgtow revolution:

We look after the men who don’t conform to “alpha male” chad gynocentric expectations whom you still spit on, and will continue to bring them over to MGTOW against you.

Poglodyte, its a more appropriate name I have decided for the mangina who owns this blog.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Exactly what’s so revolutionary about being Man Going Straight To The Nearest Feminist Blog #98271236532?

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


Satire is dead. The election of the Orangutan-in-chief made this clear. This fact used to make me sad. But then i encounter individuals like you and it brightens my day. Don’t stop believing. One day you shall all transcend your mortal shells and perhaps on that day you shall finally go your own way. But probably not.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago


Anyone else think “Operation: Ladystrike” would be a great title for an all female straight-to-DVD action movie? Nope, just me? Cool, won’t have to share the royalties then.

(Does anyone have Rhonda Rousey’s email address?)

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

Also, @Devolutionary, don’t try to compare the MenStewingInTheirOwnHatred bowel movement to herbivore men. They are very much different. For one, they actually went their own way.

Here’s more info:

8 years ago

‘Trump is elected. We are the resistance’

So… You’re actively resisting the tango menace?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

We men are equal to gods

And they say the Hindus have a lotta deities…

We are the Zeta male, and have transcended our biology

So, like… are we talking a ‘Lucy’ style, 100% of the brain thing? Or are you a being of pure energy existing on the interwebs? Or do you just mean celibacy? Cos that last one isn’t nearly as cool

unlike pussy cravers such as yourself

There’s a joke about a pregnant lesbian couple in there, but I’m too classy to make it

We look after the men who don’t conform to “alpha male” chad gynocentric expectations whom you still spit on

This is why we use commas
Also, there are commenters here who call themselves ‘pansy ass’ and ‘mincing betaboy’. We don’t need you to look after us. We’re fine here, thanks

its a more appropriate name I have decided for the mangina who owns this blog

Claims to look after non alpha men. Calls non alpha man a mangina and a girl’s name

Seriously tho, Your Own Way is waiting for you. You have my permission to go. Toodles

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ MGTOWRevolutionary

I’m a little confused as to how beings with god-like powers need protecting from women; what with women being so useless and all?

Perhaps you’d be kind enough to explain it to me, in a few bullet points?

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

But women aren’t very relevant to my life, overall

The conversation has well moved on, but I can’t get over how odd a statement this is. It would never occur to me to assign a relevancy value to other human beings. Like, it’s really not important if other people are relevant to me. They are, presumably, relevant to themselves?

I’m not at all into sports, so I definitely might say something like “sports are not very relevant to my life.” But I would never say “professional athletes are not very relevant to my life,” because that’s not a way I measure human beings.

8 years ago

> Crooster yet again proving my point of the gynocentrism. We men are equal to gods and cannot ever be defeated by women on equal level. Make all women go on strike for a year and my point would be proven. We are the Zeta male, and have transcended our biology unlike pussy cravers such as yourself. Japan has already been taken by the mgtow revolution:

I’m bisexual. I’m also a genderqueer. Interesting how MGTOW is so heteronormative.

Herbivore men aren’t MGTOW’s. They avoid marriage but not because they despise women. They despise the heavily regimented, quasi-militaristic job market.

> We look after the men who don’t conform to “alpha male” chad gynocentric expectations whom you still spit on, and will continue to bring them over to MGTOW against you.

You’d be great friends with feminism if you didn’t think it was a movement that hates men. Feminism also hates irrealistic expectations of masculinity.

> Poglodyte, its a more appropriate name I have decided for the mangina who owns this blog.

David Futrelle has done more to help men than all of you combined. He’s devoted a significant portion of his time, money and effort to show how misogynistic, toxic and dangerous movements like yours are, helping men avoid them while directing them towards more productive purposes.

The only thing you really do is take vulnerable men and fill their heads with hatred. Every MGTOW video I’ve ever seen makes some of the most heinous assumptions about women. There’s a reason people don’t like you. It’s not because of “gynocentrism”.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago


Even in countries with high divorce rates, most marriages don’t end in divorce.

But suppose people lived into their 300s!

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