kitties trump

Even a kitten filter can’t make Donald Trump cute

No one knows what it’s like, to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue kitten eyes

As you may have noticed, I like playing around with graphics software that allows you to create unique filters for images that are based on other images. I don’t quite understand how exactly it works, but the results can be pretty, well, interesting.

While I was playing around on DreamsopeApp over the weekend, I wondered what would happen if I ran some pics of our grotesque so-called president through filters based on pics of kittens. Would they turn Trump from a deplorable to an adorable?

The answer, of course, was no, as the pic above makes clear. Here are some more of the results of my experiment.

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8 years ago

I like the one where his mouth is an eye.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Poor Nigel. Which is the greater outrage? Who suffered more? Him? Or Roosh when he got a beer shampoo?

8 years ago

My big orange cat just gave me a look that says: Trump is ruining the good reputations of gingers everywhere.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m going to take RosieLa’s post as an invitation to post cute ginger kitten gifs.

Here’s one who can rock a hairpiece way better than Pol Pot Pie ever could.

Here’s one with nommable feet

and one with a nommable tail

comment image

and one who is way better than Trump for many reasons including cuteness and not hating kittens with darker fur color

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Aheh. So, two newcomers show up out of the blue; the first one is all

Anti Men’s Gripes Movement/Anti Men-Gone-Astray/Anti-misogynist blog?


there seems to be a anti-sexist article here every now and then

and the second one is all like

Not a Trump supporter. But im not going to start insulting his appearance, its petty, immature and pointless.


Great blog, but this was in bad taste, and just a lazy photo editing copy paste and sign off job


Anyone who has read this blog a) knows that David mocks and ridicules the MRM fastidiously and b) does so by, generally, quoting the words they say. Anyone who reads this blog will also know that David doesn’t make fun of appearances all that much, and prefers to keep it above board.

Our two “guests” clearly have too much knowledge of what David does ’round here to be new, but don’t seem to know a) and b) from above. Hm. Selective memories, I guess.

David’s addressed this before, and it’s his damn blog. Assholes and chanlords love to point out hypocrisy in others, and will twist reality into knots to try to make accusations first appear, then stick. Lying about their identities and experiences, exaggerating their perceptions and conveniently forgetting facts; it’s all fair game in their quest to make themselves feel superior. Or, sorry, “both sides are equally bad.”

Push off, trolls.

8 years ago

Dave, what made you think it was okay to do this to poor, sweet, innocent, little kittens?

8 years ago

If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.

-Mark Twain

This post proves Mark Twain’s comment perfectly.

8 years ago


I get that I’m basically pointlessly howling into the ether if that was a troll post, but…

One can easily, with much evidence, draw a straight line from the manosphere to gamergate to the rise of the “alt-right” and tr*mpism. Right after the election, I can’t even count how many people referred to gaming as “the canary in the coal mine.” Tr*mp and his fuckery are hardly irrelevant to the original purpose of WHTM.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

Wow, disturbing, lol.

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Yeah, I was reminded of the little cyclops cat while looking at these, too.

8 years ago

For anyone who needs a laugh at Trumps expense you should check out the ‘every second counts’ collab of european late night shows. n More are still coming and some of them are really funny.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

@cnogel Ha, that’s great, almost spewed water across the table laughing!

Am I the only one who thinks Drumpf’s rumored discomfort over Melissa McCarthy’s SNL portrayal of Spicer is hilarious? Even though the likely reasons for his discomfort (misogyny and probably also transphobia) are gross.

8 years ago

We trust you, David.

The trolls can fuck off.