alt-right andrea hardie anti-Semitism antifeminst women irony alert literal nazis misogynoir misogyny racism

Lady MRA Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie goes full Nazi. Or does she?

Andrea Hardie: To Nazi, or not to Nazi?

So our old “friend” Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie is apparently craving attention again. In a blog post a couple of days ago, the erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist (and former A Voice for Men “social media director”) announced to the world that “Yes, I’m a Nazi. And how are you?”

“I’m the daughter of a Lebensborn,” she writes, referring to a Nazi program to breed an Aryan master race. “Grand-daughter of an SS Officer. I’m Aryan by culture and by blood.”

After complaining that the word “Nazi” is thrown about too loosely these days, she sets out to define just what makes a real Nazi:

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.

She follows this up a few paragraphs later by suggesting that she’s pretty much OK with Nazi-style genocide.

Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.

I am the authority.

And I do not fear making difficult, fraught decisions. Strength, after all, lies in attack, not defense. I am the daughter of a Lebensborn. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I have borne three children who also have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am the future. I claim my place by declaring proudly that I am a Nazi.

So this all seems pretty straightforward, right? She’s a Nazi. After all. Hardie, also known online under the pseudonym Janet Bloomfield, has been flirting with the alt-right for months.

And as far as I can tell she actually believes all of the ideas she attributes to Nazis in the paragraphs above. She’s attacked black women online in blatantly racist ways. She’s suggested that white skin is the genetic “gold standard.” She thinks it would be cool to literally nuke Mecca, killing as many as 6 million Muslims in the process, at least “if nuking Mecca stood a chance of being effective” in destroying Islam altogether.

But Hardie’s fans, or some of them anyway, are convinced that her post isn’t really an announcement that she’s taken the logical next step from her existing beliefs and become a literal Nazi; it’s all just some kind of “satire.”

You see, Hardie can’t really be a Nazi, because she’s a friend of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay dude who, while raised a Catholic, has Jewish blood on his mother’s side — two facts that have kept the longtime alt-right apologist from being accepted by the literal Nazis walking amongst us.

Hell, she’s so fond of Milo that she’s volunteered to be the Grant Selection Committee Chair for his so-called Privilege Grant, a scholarship program for white dudes that many are convinced is an out-and-out scam.

So maybe Hardie isn’t really a Nazi after all. Sure, she’s a white supremacist with a love of violence who would enthusiastically support the murder of millions of Muslims if she thought that would be an effective way to destroy Islam. But she has a Jewish friend. 

Which makes her, if not a literal Nazi, at the very least a fascist.

We don’t need that.

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8 years ago

I hate this new trend of trying to normalize racism and white supremacy, and if you protest it in any way you’re “just as bad as them”?? Because fascists will totally stop if we just ask nicely. it’s The Left’s™ fault for being so mean towards inciting genocide (note: major sarcasm)

Yeah someone punched a nazi. a few decades ago it was ok to shoot a nazi. A lot of people took part in that, actually. And if things keep going like this we might have bring that back, though I’d rather pass on that whole world war thing. (still sarcasm)

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
8 years ago


Thanks for the youtube link, comments are hilarious. Think I’m gonna have to go poke that nest with a stick.

8 years ago

@DL it’s always been normalised, in the 1970’s my granny did the Rock Against Racism and Anti-Nazi league demo’s in London, she cried continuously through the Raygun/Thatcher years and ended up at Greenham, but I don’t remember anyone actually shooting a Nazi. I was only 10 in the mid 70’s.

Maybe, just maybe, under Trump/May regime, my 10 yo daughter will become politicised, as I did, and bring about the change we had in the 90’s/00’s because my generation learnt from previous generations. Her generation will learn from mine, that the trumpy mindset only makes things worse for everyone.

I feel so sorry for his voters, as they loose healthcare, have increased taxes, less foreigners to blame, little education, decreased wages, increased inflation and fewer opportunities because he and his ilk can never bring about improvement, only polish a turd of his own making until people see it for the shit it is. Sadly, it actually takes a really bad regime for people to realise that what they thought was bad was actually quite good.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Welcome back, Autosoma!

8 years ago

Nice to meet you!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ autosoma

Hey, nice to see you again!

You’ve got me all nostalgic now too. I’ll try to blot out memories of the central line, waiting for a train to Snaresbrook without the dreaded message ‘via grange hill’.

The most cockney thing I experienced was when my Belgian Shepherd decided to follow me by leaping out of a first floor window, narrowly missing my extremely East end neighbour who exclaimed: “Fucking ‘ell; it’s raining bleeding Alsations!”

As for normalisation, I remember people unashamedly walking round with NF badges (to the point where local music venues had to explicitly ‘no platform’ Nazi bands; although that was as much about the fighting as the mortality). I know racism never went away, but I did think people had learned at least to be embarrassed about it; like how the fascists started wearing suits and framing things in talk of ‘social integration’. That’s why I find the celebratory crowing of the alt-right so bemusing.

8 years ago

Nice to hear from you again! I hope that all is well with you and yours.

8 years ago

Can’t wait to see this list!

Spicer to provide list of terror attacks that the media didn’t cover

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Good to see you again, Autosoma.

East London Jews are a funny breed. I’ve got a few as friends and have dated a few others, and the prevalence of blonde hair amongst them is higher than among many actually ethnic German people I’ve encountered.

It must annoy Nazis enormously.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

A pretty big chunk of my ancestry is Germanic and Norse and I have brown hair and eyes. And I’m only 5’5″

Aryan fail!

My friend from childhood is part black (maybe an eighth IIRC?) and she’s a blue eyed natural blonde.

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
8 years ago

Plenty of people of Slavic heritage are tall, fit, blonde and blue-eyed (like Ms. Pavlov’s House for example). And, oh yeah, let’s see, I seem to remember there was this one army full of millions of Slavs (of all appearances) who seemed to…what was it…BEAT NAZIS.

(I actually don’t know the ethnic composition of the Red Army in World War II — obviously it had a lot of Central Asian people in it too….does anyone know and/or have the figures handy? I’d have to look it up…probably in one of the David Glantz books, etc.)

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
8 years ago

@ DL “Yeah someone punched a nazi. a few decades ago it was ok to shoot a nazi. A lot of people took part in that, actually.”

A lot did. I seem to recall it numbered in the tens of millions at one point in history. And some of the shooting involved some very large caliber weapons and did its job. I can’t quite decide on my favorite incident of shootings Nazis.

It’s either the naval bombardment for Operation Neptune or the opening artillery bombardment for the Vistula-Oder offensive.

Probably the latter.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Kat, Trump thinks the San Bernardino shooting didn’t get enough press coverage.

Truly, the man lives in an alternate universe.

8 years ago


Trump thinks the San Bernardino shooting didn’t get enough press coverage.


The list also includes multiple errors and spelling mistakes, including ‘San Bernadino’, and for no apparent reason excludes terror attacks in Israel. . . .

The document also includes spelling mistakes such as “attaker” instead of “attacker” and “Denmakr” instead of “Denmark”.


The president is speaking of the San Bernadino attakers, not the Denmakr attakers.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pavlov’s house

the naval bombardment for Operation Neptune

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen HMS Belfast in London, but supposedly she fired the first salvo on D-Day.

(That’s what they tell you on board anyway)

8 years ago

Andrea Hardie — birth name unknown — hasn’t, to the best of my knowledge, ever bragged about being a von (a member of German nobility).

So why should I listen to her!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ooh. I have German nobility in my ancestry despite being an icky brown eyed non blonde. We even have a (ruined) castle not far from Frankfort. Does that make me superior to JB?

8 years ago

Does that make me superior to JB?

Yes. Along with, you know, the whole being a decent human being thing, that is :-s

8 years ago

WWTH, a ruined castle sounds like an ideal setting for an evil lair, which I think makes you automatically superior. Please let us know if you have any openings for henchpersons.

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim…

Being a Nazi is nothing like being a Muslim. It’s a lot like being in ISIS. They both hate jews, gays, communists, any woman not barefoot and preganant in the kitchen, anyone who disagrees with them, anyone who points out facts they’d rather forget, anyone of a different religion.

The main difference is that the Nazi’s believed in a warped version of Christianity which makes most Christians feel ill, whereas ISIS believe in a warped version of Islam which makes most Muslims feel ill

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


As Chief Manatee, I’m always up for adding new henchmanatees.

The Truffle
The Truffle
8 years ago

She is absolutely revolting. And if anything, proof that the Nazis’ “master race” theories were complete bunk.

8 years ago

Trump thinks the San Bernardino shooting didn’t get enough press coverage

And then his list is all the most-covered attacks of the past two years.

I bet it’s all the attacks they could find in the media. Then write them down and claim the media didn’t cover them.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@numerobis, see, they didn’t say “militant islamic jihadist terrorism”. If you don’t say the magic words, it doesn’t count as reporting. Also, if you don’t report things in the frame that the asshole-in-chief wants, it also doesn’t count as reporting. It’s FAKE NEWS yanno.

8 years ago

henchmanateeing? Unlike many, it sounds like this kind of henching would be a pretty cool gig. Peace and quiet, all-you-can-eat aquatic plants … one question: does the ruined-castle-with-concealed-lair have broadband? For off-henching-duty hours, I mean.