So our old “friend” Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie is apparently craving attention again. In a blog post a couple of days ago, the erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist (and former A Voice for Men “social media director”) announced to the world that “Yes, I’m a Nazi. And how are you?”
“I’m the daughter of a Lebensborn,” she writes, referring to a Nazi program to breed an Aryan master race. “Grand-daughter of an SS Officer. I’m Aryan by culture and by blood.”
After complaining that the word “Nazi” is thrown about too loosely these days, she sets out to define just what makes a real Nazi:
Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.
Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.
She follows this up a few paragraphs later by suggesting that she’s pretty much OK with Nazi-style genocide.
Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.
I am the authority.
And I do not fear making difficult, fraught decisions. Strength, after all, lies in attack, not defense. I am the daughter of a Lebensborn. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I have borne three children who also have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am the future. I claim my place by declaring proudly that I am a Nazi.
So this all seems pretty straightforward, right? She’s a Nazi. After all. Hardie, also known online under the pseudonym Janet Bloomfield, has been flirting with the alt-right for months.
And as far as I can tell she actually believes all of the ideas she attributes to Nazis in the paragraphs above. She’s attacked black women online in blatantly racist ways. She’s suggested that white skin is the genetic “gold standard.” She thinks it would be cool to literally nuke Mecca, killing as many as 6 million Muslims in the process, at least “if nuking Mecca stood a chance of being effective” in destroying Islam altogether.
But Hardie’s fans, or some of them anyway, are convinced that her post isn’t really an announcement that she’s taken the logical next step from her existing beliefs and become a literal Nazi; it’s all just some kind of “satire.”
You see, Hardie can’t really be a Nazi, because she’s a friend of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay dude who, while raised a Catholic, has Jewish blood on his mother’s side — two facts that have kept the longtime alt-right apologist from being accepted by the literal Nazis walking amongst us.
Hell, she’s so fond of Milo that she’s volunteered to be the Grant Selection Committee Chair for his so-called Privilege Grant, a scholarship program for white dudes that many are convinced is an out-and-out scam.
So maybe Hardie isn’t really a Nazi after all. Sure, she’s a white supremacist with a love of violence who would enthusiastically support the murder of millions of Muslims if she thought that would be an effective way to destroy Islam. But she has a Jewish friend.
Which makes her, if not a literal Nazi, at the very least a fascist.
We don’t need that.
Does she . . . or doesn’t she?
Opinions so loathsome only her SS kommandant knows for sure.
PS: She may have been blonde at one time, but her photos reveal that nowadays she is a bottle blonde.
And yet poor Judgy, for all her genetic superiority, just can’t catch a break. Her books don’t get published. Her PhD thesis gets dumped. Her media appearances are fleeting and don’t garner her invitations or book contracts. All she gets is a lousy offer to work for free for Milo.
Venerable, influential German magazine Der Spiegel has a different take on the Lebensborn
Nazi Program to Breed Master Race Lebensborn Children Break Silence
After decades of hushed shame, the children of the Lebensborn program to create a blond, blue-eyed master race have started to speak out. Topic number one is the painful search for their true parents. And then that nagging question: “Was my father a war criminal?
Hahahaa “settled science” says tall blonde people are superior. Science hasn’t said such a thing since the 19th century.
Nazis and fascists talk about how they only respect strength… so logically, when one of them gets punched, they should admit that the puncher was the superior one, shouldn’t they?
I’m one of those bait-and-switch kids, too. Blonde and blue-eyed up til the age of 7 or so, eyes started to turn and now my hair is very, very dark. Well, my natural colour is very, very dark. I’m blonde now because I have a lot of grey around my face and blonde means I can let the roots go a little longer. My boy however, looks like he’ll keep his blue eyes, not sure about the blond hair though.
But none of this matters… given that Hardie’s whole “I guess I’m a Nazi” thing is enough to make me say “Yep, you’re a Nazi, you scummy piece of shit.” I don’t even care about the labels. If you’re ok with other people being under the thumb of authoritarian regimes, you’re a scummy piece of shit. Even if you have scummy friends who don’t fit your definition of ubermensch. I hate that this is now ok to even play around with.
I think she was spouting satire, but it’s that kind of satire where you say what you actually think in a really over the top way and then claim satire when people get suitably offended. It’s Roosh Satire, basically.
Judgy is irrelevant, and Milo will leave her in the dust.
… so, Andrea… was this a warning directed to the trumplings?? ‘Cause it sure fits!!
I was wondering the same thing. Are children more superior and intelligent because they’re more blond? Or is that cancelled out by their shortness?
Also, I thought heightism was a men’s rights issue? How many manosphere whines have we seen about how women will only have sex with tall alpha guys? Now one of their special snowflake cool girls talks about how great tallness is and it’s okay?
Christ, what a sack of shit waste of oxygen. I hope her ancestor got shot to death by an Allied Forces soldier.
I have other words to describe that thing in a human costume but the other WHTM commenters will blow a gasket.
I’m no longer certain what manospherians mean when they say ‘satire’. I’m not sure they know what they mean, either.
It’s Schrodinger’s asshole. If someone objects to what you say, it’s a joke or satire. If no one objects, you were serious. Everything they say both is and isn’t satire
It’s not satire, it’s poison bait.
I’ve actually read a lot of her drivel over the years, so I have the measure of her.
There’s that drive-by comparison of Nazis to Muslims. She is waiting for the umbrage at her article to amass before she says that if you disagree with her “satirical” stance, then you must also hate Muslims as much as Nazis, since they are obviously the same thing. Ergo, you are just as racist as she is.
There’s an easy tell in there. Height and weight and blondness aside, she has had several screeds in the past about the wild ridiculousness of the racist notion that the amount of melanin in one’s skin has some bearing on intelligence, etc. She thinks that there is an IQ difference between the races, but this has more to do with childhood malnutrition among the poorer segments of population which happen to be black, than anything else.
She doesn’t even half believe that stupid nonsense she wrote. It’s just a poorly concealed trap.
I suspect the “point” was in the casual aside “much like being a Muslim”. It’s the “[victimized group that I don’t care about] are as bad as Nazis” comparison, hidden in the middle of a screed identifying *as* a Nazi. “You want to attack me and my beliefs, you have to attack Muslims too – checkmate!”
EDIT: ninja’d by dashapants
It’s impossible for Nazis to be “superior” because racism has been scientifically proven to be correlated with lower IQ and lack of openness to new ideas. Andrea proves this through her utter lack of knowledge on science, her lack of respect for life, and her idiotic support of gang-mentality groups at an age where she is far too old for such immaturity.
She’s actually throwing Milo (Rohm) under the bus here:
“The future has no room for gay Jews who may be charming and silly and great fun, but who will never father beautiful Aryan children”
Also, as others have noted re Lebensborn, the children born of that program did not benefit from it. My own mother was probably Lebensborn, and I say probably because of all the common sociological side effects.
The oldest entered kindergarten the year the war ended. Anti-Nazi sentiment was high, and knowledge of their fathers’ identity would get them abused in the schoolyard. Sensible mothers tried to hide it. This didn’t prevent some of these mothers from resenting children that were constant reminders of one of the weirdest forced-birth programs ever. Many of these kids were *never* told who their father was.
Lebensborn: How to create abandonment issues dialled up to 11.
I think the most impressive thing about racist ideologies like that is how neatly it removes any obligation to actually do anything to feel superior about.
It’s also the saddest. How awful do a person’s life and accomplishments have to be that their go-to for feeling superior is a conception that they had no active role in?
@Weird Eddie
I remember a situation like this coming up before, if we’re to take it as directed towards we librull ebil feminizts.
It’s victim-blaming. “Oh, you’re going to oppose our viewpoint (which doesn’t think of you as a real person)? Well, we were about to consider giving you some freedom, but since you’re kicking up such a ruckus, we haaaaaave to diminish your rights. Such a shame. If only you hadn’t been so willful.”
Guh. I may be late as usual, but this makes me sick.
Schrodinger’s asshole. Beautiful.
I’d love to see how her genetical superiority will allow her to happily survive a couple of hours on a Spanish beach. Without chemical help and during summer, of course.
Yes! Thank you! I do not get it how Nazi-lovers go on an on about the Nazi regimes supposed power when, as you say, the Nazis freakin LOST. They didn’t just lose, they were completely and totally defeated by (what I would argue anyway) was the most powerful coalition in the history of conflict.
(P.S. – I do realize that superlatives among a category in history are almost always legitimately debateable…..just trying to make the point that the Axis in WWII didn’t just lose, they lost completely)
Hardie pisses me off more than many of the others of her ilk. I think it’s the ahistorical arrogance that she elevates to preposterous levels (though Rushie and the ROK dweebs do that too).
“They don’t punch back. They exterminate”. What a crock. Yeah, well, how’d that work out for ’em at Kursk or Casino or [substitute your favorite Allied victory].
I liked that painted T-34 photo somebody put in the comments a few posts back.
I wish I had a Yevgeny Khaldei Flag over the Reichstag gif I could just use in response to Nazis-are-great drivel.
@Morgaine : she’s right. White skin being superior is like the gold standard : discredited, not based on actual sound science, actively problematic in practice, and used by a bunch of slimbag to sell their poisoned ideology.
Badly mastered metaphors often backfire on their used.
(note that white skin by itself is just an adaptation to where you live. What is actively stupid is to link it to anything other than a better ability to live where the sun don’t shine too much)
I never understood the whole “blonde hair, blue eyed” nonsense. I mean, i can see the bullshit reasoning for the weight thing (hello, bullshit societal standards), and I’m tall so I see how being tall is nice but really? You’re going to look at the Olympics, take a good hard look at the best athletes on the planet, and tell me blonde hair and blue eyes make you more “physically fit”? No, busting your ass at the gym makes you fit.
It’s that subset of victim-blaming used by abusers everywhere. “Look what you made me do!” is a favourite line of perpetrators of domestic violence, for example.
Hello all, I haven’t been here for a year or so, hello again.
@Alanrobertshaw Sven Hassel, ah! that’s a blast from the past for me, I was a 14 year old boy who read his “writings”, until the day, while on Thames cruise with my granny, she read some over my shoulder. All of a sudden she said very loudly “What the fuck are you reading – we’ll talk about this when we get home”. You see my granny had that stereotypical Shetl look, that the meme-bois are so fond of. I got a stern talking to.
It’s pretty obvious that Hardie and her ilk have no idea of what constitutes a person by their looks. I was born with white blond hair (which got dirty blond as I got older – until it fell out) and the piercing blue eyes… looks rather reminiscent of a Leni Riefenstahl Poster (I was a bit of a poseur when younger). So Yah Boo Sucks to Ms. Hardie.
Later in life I lived at the end of the Central Line in a place called Debden, which had the dubious pleasure of having BNP (early noughties pre alt-right dicks) council members. I’d often get stopped by the canversers and bell-ends encouraging me to join. One day a pair of them stopped me and said “you look like one of us – why not join?”. Ah! the looks on their faces, as I gently explained that I was very happily Jewish and not interested in their particular ideology. Actually that wasn’t the language I used (It would have been more like “Lads! I’m fourbee*, so fuck your luck and piss off”).
I guess, ultimately, we should feel sad for Ms. Hardie spewing this old cobblers for a smidge of attention. One would hope that she has better things to think about in this day an age, because its not new, it’s not interesting and I bet her conversion rate is non existent (non-belibers to belibers in her brand of ideology).
Cockerney Rhyming Slang; Four by Two or better yet Four by twoish
Anyway @Alan thanks for the memory