alt-right andrea hardie anti-Semitism antifeminst women irony alert literal nazis misogynoir misogyny racism

Lady MRA Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie goes full Nazi. Or does she?

Andrea Hardie: To Nazi, or not to Nazi?

So our old “friend” Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie is apparently craving attention again. In a blog post a couple of days ago, the erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist (and former A Voice for Men “social media director”) announced to the world that “Yes, I’m a Nazi. And how are you?”

“I’m the daughter of a Lebensborn,” she writes, referring to a Nazi program to breed an Aryan master race. “Grand-daughter of an SS Officer. I’m Aryan by culture and by blood.”

After complaining that the word “Nazi” is thrown about too loosely these days, she sets out to define just what makes a real Nazi:

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.

She follows this up a few paragraphs later by suggesting that she’s pretty much OK with Nazi-style genocide.

Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.

I am the authority.

And I do not fear making difficult, fraught decisions. Strength, after all, lies in attack, not defense. I am the daughter of a Lebensborn. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I have borne three children who also have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am the future. I claim my place by declaring proudly that I am a Nazi.

So this all seems pretty straightforward, right? She’s a Nazi. After all. Hardie, also known online under the pseudonym Janet Bloomfield, has been flirting with the alt-right for months.

And as far as I can tell she actually believes all of the ideas she attributes to Nazis in the paragraphs above. She’s attacked black women online in blatantly racist ways. She’s suggested that white skin is the genetic “gold standard.” She thinks it would be cool to literally nuke Mecca, killing as many as 6 million Muslims in the process, at least “if nuking Mecca stood a chance of being effective” in destroying Islam altogether.

But Hardie’s fans, or some of them anyway, are convinced that her post isn’t really an announcement that she’s taken the logical next step from her existing beliefs and become a literal Nazi; it’s all just some kind of “satire.”

You see, Hardie can’t really be a Nazi, because she’s a friend of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay dude who, while raised a Catholic, has Jewish blood on his mother’s side — two facts that have kept the longtime alt-right apologist from being accepted by the literal Nazis walking amongst us.

Hell, she’s so fond of Milo that she’s volunteered to be the Grant Selection Committee Chair for his so-called Privilege Grant, a scholarship program for white dudes that many are convinced is an out-and-out scam.

So maybe Hardie isn’t really a Nazi after all. Sure, she’s a white supremacist with a love of violence who would enthusiastically support the murder of millions of Muslims if she thought that would be an effective way to destroy Islam. But she has a Jewish friend. 

Which makes her, if not a literal Nazi, at the very least a fascist.

We don’t need that.

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Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

But Hardie’s fans, or some of them anyway, are convinced that her post isn’t really an announcement that she’s taken the logical next step from her existing beliefs and become a literal Nazi; it’s all just some kind of “satire.”

And as always, I must ask:
1) What is she satirizing?
2) What actual point is her satire intended to illustrate?

7 years ago

If history is anything to go by then Nazis tend to be summarily executed when captured by allied forces or hung from the next at the gallows.

7 years ago

Um, she does know that weight is mutable, right?? I lost about 4 pounds this week, and I don’t think that means I got smarter.

I’m too short and green eyed with native americans in my family tree, so I guess I’m not good enough, despite being blond and light skinned, lmao.

Nazis are picky and like… you know whenever there is a breeding operation, inbreeding is inevitable, right? Why do they want everyone to look the same so badly? Do they know how creepy and off-putting that looks?

Light skin is not the best thing to have at all latitudes, either. It makes you vulnerable to sunburn and cancer. Genetic diversity is important because it might save us from a changing climate.

7 years ago

Um, she does know that weight is mutable, right?? I lost about 4 pounds this week, and I don’t think that means I got smarter.

I’m too short and green eyed with native americans in my family tree, so I guess I’m not good enough, despite being blond and light skinned, lmao.

Nazis are picky and like… you know whenever there is a breeding operation, inbreeding is inevitable, right? Why do they want everyone to look the same so badly? Do they know how creepy and off-putting that looks?

Light skin is not the best thing to have at all latitudes, either. It makes you vulnerable to sunburn and cancer. Genetic diversity is important because it might save us from a changing climate..

7 years ago

“Most of Nazi leaders in World War II fit the Nazi physical ideal.”

I think this was intended to be “did not fit” but I got the right idea and no doubt everybody else did too.

“Hitler was a pudgy brunette. Himmler was balding and had poor eyesight. Goring was fat.”

And just for the record, Joseph Goebbels had a clubfoot and a slightly humped back. The hunch was negligible but the clubfoot was not; Goebbels was lame. He had had polio as a youngster and never fully recovered from it physically: he went through most of his life wasted and twisted in body. Whatever one thinks of the relationship between what’s-inside and what’s-outside, Goebbels’s physical deficiencies can’t have helped but have had an effect on his state of mind. He was the propaganda minister of the Third Reich and filled a position more or less analogous to the spot Steve Bannon occupies in the Trump White House. When Hardie repeats Nazi propaganda, she’s repeating the Goebbels line, which was a line cooked up by a man beset by physical deformities which affected his morale.

(If we’re going to talk about the importance of physiological facts, we’d better acknowledge them all.)

Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen and ladies.

7 years ago

Ok, first she is obviously a bottle blonde.
Second, if Nazis are so superior how did their great leader end up disgraced, defeated, in a ditch, on fire?

Nazis didn’t manage to exterminate the Jews. They did manage to get hung for trying, though.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


Somebody is sliding into irrelevance, so it’s time get break out the “Nazi” card.

Hot damn, she’s transparent.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Nazis are picky and like… you know whenever there is a breeding operation, inbreeding is inevitable, right? Why do they want everyone to look the same so badly? Do they know how creepy and off-putting that looks?

Inbreeding and blondeness. Is this guy the alt-right ideal?

comment image

I had to select this picture just because of that time JB fantasized about killing hordes of invading feminists with crossbows.

7 years ago

Still have a catpic

Oh wow. I had never parsed Oogly’s pic before — it had always just been a pack of lines in my mind. But with this comment, I suddenly can see nothing but the cat. Weird.

7 years ago

Why do they want everyone to look the same so badly? Do they know how creepy and off-putting that looks?

Oh, bite your tongue!

comment image

See? No creepitude there at all. No sirree!

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Why do they want everyone to look the same so badly? Do they know how creepy and off-putting that looks?

Let me contribute to this.
comment image

Pic is from the Giovanni Clan Book from VTM. (They like their incest.)

7 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility

yeah, define Tall, please.

I’m 5′ 6″ ish. Sometimes I’m the tallest woman in the room. Sometimes I’m the shortest. Blonde (-ish, dingy with age and going white), blue, not fit. I hate being in any way associated with this type however.

Notice our old friend “That Susan” in the comments, whining about evil Facebook suspending the poor innocent Nazi Hardie.

Oooh! Nostalgia!

I wonder if “That_Susan” still considers me some hypersensitive female asian tumblrite.

meh, we wasted so much time treating her like she was reasonable.

7 years ago


I think the funniest thing for me is the fact that one of the responses is 21:05 minutes long to a 1:00 minute video. I wish I had as much time on my hands as these MRA’s seem to.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

There’s a response video? To a commercial?

7 years ago

It’s kind of like a crack in your windshield, as soon as you notice it you can’t stop noticing it.

7 years ago

Michael Brew:

There was apparently a “pro-Trump protest” in New York, today, consisting of a handful of people protesting the fact that people are protesting Trump, I guess.

I hope they get paid eventually, and don’t have to sue this time. Say what you like about Soros, at least he pays promptly.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

She’s gone full Tila Tequila. You never go full Tila Tequila.

7 years ago

@ Eli I feel you. Nazis always make me feel goddamn ashamed of my blonde hair and blue eyes. I want none of their supposed “superiority”.

7 years ago

People who proclaim their membership of the master race are usually so damned mediocre.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
7 years ago

“It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.”

OK, I’m tall, fit, blue-eyed and while only a charitable liar would call my hair blonde, it is red-blonde so still Nordic… And I’m just going to call bullshit on the whole “better” thing. For one thing, my darker-skinned friends have never gotten sunburned on overcast days. Someone pass me the aloe vera gel, I’ll be over here, looking like a lobster.

This also disproves the intelligence aspect, because I was actually offered sunscreen, but I said “Nah, I’m okay, it’s overcast!” You’d think I would have learned.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


I am the authority.

Well, Judge Dredd is the Law, so i suppose Judge Bitch can be the Authority…

Have a nice day.

7 years ago

I’m 5′ 6″ ish. Sometimes I’m the tallest woman in the room. Sometimes I’m the shortest.

I’m 6’2″, which you’d have thought more than qualified me into the “tall” camp). But my grandfather was 6’5″, and I know someone who’s 6’8″.

So is there a cut-off point, or should I just invariably regard them as my genetic superiors?

(Granted, one of them’s dead, but since I look up to the other one literally I daresay I can assume that position in other ways. Although as he’s one of the nicest men imaginable I’m not sure he’d even notice.)

7 years ago

I wonder if good nazis like her have to disown their children if they bait-and-switch like I did. As a toddler I had (dark) blue eyes was as blond as they get. Now, my eyes are green-grey, and my hair is only blond in the hight of summer and even then for only about the first two hours right after I step out of a sauna.

Then again, if my parents were nazis, I think they might have bigger complaints about me. Heck, they’d probably complain about the sibling too, even though they retained their blue-grey eyes and (mostly) blond hair into adulthood.

… or is blue-grey horribly inferior to real blue? I think I’m thinking this too genetically to nazi right.

7 years ago

Isn’t petulantly demanding respect for your “authority” a South Park thing? Hardie makes a pretty crap cartoon character.