alt-right andrea hardie anti-Semitism antifeminst women irony alert literal nazis misogynoir misogyny racism

Lady MRA Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie goes full Nazi. Or does she?

Andrea Hardie: To Nazi, or not to Nazi?

So our old “friend” Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie is apparently craving attention again. In a blog post a couple of days ago, the erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist (and former A Voice for Men “social media director”) announced to the world that “Yes, I’m a Nazi. And how are you?”

“I’m the daughter of a Lebensborn,” she writes, referring to a Nazi program to breed an Aryan master race. “Grand-daughter of an SS Officer. I’m Aryan by culture and by blood.”

After complaining that the word “Nazi” is thrown about too loosely these days, she sets out to define just what makes a real Nazi:

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.

She follows this up a few paragraphs later by suggesting that she’s pretty much OK with Nazi-style genocide.

Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.

I am the authority.

And I do not fear making difficult, fraught decisions. Strength, after all, lies in attack, not defense. I am the daughter of a Lebensborn. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I have borne three children who also have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am the future. I claim my place by declaring proudly that I am a Nazi.

So this all seems pretty straightforward, right? She’s a Nazi. After all. Hardie, also known online under the pseudonym Janet Bloomfield, has been flirting with the alt-right for months.

And as far as I can tell she actually believes all of the ideas she attributes to Nazis in the paragraphs above. She’s attacked black women online in blatantly racist ways. She’s suggested that white skin is the genetic “gold standard.” She thinks it would be cool to literally nuke Mecca, killing as many as 6 million Muslims in the process, at least “if nuking Mecca stood a chance of being effective” in destroying Islam altogether.

But Hardie’s fans, or some of them anyway, are convinced that her post isn’t really an announcement that she’s taken the logical next step from her existing beliefs and become a literal Nazi; it’s all just some kind of “satire.”

You see, Hardie can’t really be a Nazi, because she’s a friend of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay dude who, while raised a Catholic, has Jewish blood on his mother’s side — two facts that have kept the longtime alt-right apologist from being accepted by the literal Nazis walking amongst us.

Hell, she’s so fond of Milo that she’s volunteered to be the Grant Selection Committee Chair for his so-called Privilege Grant, a scholarship program for white dudes that many are convinced is an out-and-out scam.

So maybe Hardie isn’t really a Nazi after all. Sure, she’s a white supremacist with a love of violence who would enthusiastically support the murder of millions of Muslims if she thought that would be an effective way to destroy Islam. But she has a Jewish friend. 

Which makes her, if not a literal Nazi, at the very least a fascist.

We don’t need that.

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8 years ago

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Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism. Yes, your eye color matters. Yes, the shade of your hair matters. Your height matters. Your weight matters. This is not based on some sort of preference derived purely from aesthetics. That’s nonsense. It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

What is “profound science”, exactly? Is it the “scientific” equivalent of “alternative facts”? I do believe it is!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What a pathetic try hard.

I’m curious to know what this “settled science” is though. I’m guessing the Bell Curve?

8 years ago

[NOTE FROM DF: The Andrea Hardie with the terrible ideas is NOT an employee of the Canadian government; she’s a stay-at-home mom. There’s another Andrea Hardie who IS a government employee but she is very definitely a different person. Please do not contact her or her employers.]

As she is a federal government employee, perhaps the Canadian government would like to know? (Also she probably hasn’t been paid in months, Mr. Flora is also a federal employee, it’s ridiculous.)

I don’t normally advocate for people’s livelihood to be at stake because they’ve got shitty views, but I think in the context of an employee of the government of Canada, they are not allowed to express any preference for any political party or advocate for them. And given that Nazis are a political party… well maybe it’s worth letting the people in charge know that Andrea Hardie’s behaviour is both partisan political and in direct opposition to the Value & Ethics code that they make everyone sign. If we had to agonize over putting up a lawn sign during the last federal election (because I’m not a federal employee, it was okay because it could be *my* sign), I can’t imagine that her branch would be totally fine with her spending her free time advocating for literal Nazis.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago

Being a Nazi, much like being a Muslim, is far more than just a set of ideas about how to structure society. It’s ultimately about annihilation. The complete and utter destruction of the weak, the inferior, the non-believers. There is a profound science based on biological fact that underwrites real Nazism.

Let none say anymore, that we are in the wrong to punch Nazis.

8 years ago

Most of Nazi leaders in World War II fit the Nazi physical ideal. Hitler was a pudgy brunette. Himmler was balding and had poor eyesight. Goring was fat. The leaders of the Aryan supermen were not themselves Aryan supermen.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Notice our old friend “That Susan” in the comments, whining about evil Facebook suspending the poor innocent Nazi Hardie.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

You see, Hardie can’t really be a Nazi, because she’s a friend of Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay dude who, while raised a Catholic, has Jewish blood on his mother’s side…

Ernst Rohm, the head of Hitler’s Brownshirts, was an openly gay man, as were many of his top lieutenants. And there were plenty of Nazi collaborators in Germany and occupied countries with Jewish blood.

Milo is a Nazi.

8 years ago

I wonder if “That_Susan” still considers me some hypersensitive female asian tumblrite.

EDIT: They really like to ignore Krystallnacht and those involved with that incident.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

Things that you’re liable to read in Mein Kampf ain’t necessarily so.

8 years ago

It was just a matter of time really.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Nazis don’t punch back. They exterminate. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful you do not give rise to what you are protesting. I’m happy with a police state. I have no fear. I have no need to fear the authority.

I am the authority.

This sounds like the sort of thing you see on ‘i am very badass’ from 14 year old boys who’ve read too many Sven Hassel books.

Austin Loomis
8 years ago

I think “profound science” is like “human biodiversity”: a hijacking of science-sounding words to cover un-, sub-, or anti-scientific racism. (See also “living in harmony with biological and psychological realities” or Nick Land’s “sane, pragmatic, and fact-based negotiation of human differences”.)

8 years ago

I’m sure she’s just an ironic Nazi. That she is just joking when she says she wants to annihilate the inferior races.

Because otherwise this runs afoul of hate speech laws. And for some reason that involves a half-dozen dead people, the police are a bit twitchy about hate speech these days.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Notice our old friend “That Susan” in the comments, whining about evil Facebook suspending the poor innocent Nazi Hardie

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Well, she isn’t exactly playing against type, is she?

Still on a feminist blog. Check
Still have a catpic. Check
Still care about stuff. Check
Yep, you’re a girl. Them’s the rules

8 years ago

Oh, how she misses the heyday of the manosphere. Was it really just two short years ago? For a brief, shining moment she was The Cool Girl to some of the nastiest human shit-smears on the Internet, and she managed to ride it out all the way to the end without them turning on her. Now she’s trying to recapture her glory days with the alt-right, and they don’t seem all that into her, so she’s trying harder and harder. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
8 years ago

I always gotta ask these peoples: if Nazis are about the “superior” and exterminating the “weak”, why the fuck did they allow you into their sekrit clubhouse? Is whining on the internet the determining factor for an ubermensch now?

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

Reminds me of how Trump supporters swear Trump can’t be a Nazi, be affiliated with Nazis, or have Nazi supporters because his daughter is married to a Jewish guy and converted to Judaism. I mean, I imagine that’s a bit of a grumbling point for the Nazis, but as said the actual Nazis accepted Jews who were useful to them, and Kushner seems to be one of Trump’s useful idiots.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Let none say anymore, that we are in the wrong to punch Nazis.

Hey, you know, I will say you shouldn’t make fun of people’s weight or looks or whatever because of their views, but any nazi’s face would look better rearranged by a lego knuckle duster IMO. Decorum goes out the door when genocide is involved.

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Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.

8 years ago

Midway through, I started hearing the screed read in the voice of a dalek. It’s not really surprising, as the daleks were deliberately based on the Nazis, but once she got to the word “exterminate” I couldn’t think of anything else.

8 years ago

Hark! I hear the sound of someone trying hard to stay relevant.

Sorry, I would try to rebut her silly, unscientific bombast, but I’m too busy laughing. And loving life. And kitties.

Especially kitties who can’t abide the sound of Epic Fail.

epitome of incomprehensibility

It is settled science that height and weight and the amount of melanin in your body is correlated with intelligence, accomplishment, leadership ability and just general superiority.

Tall, fit blondes are better than everyone else.

Ooooh, I see. So tell, me, Ms. Hardie, since I’m light-skinned, blond, blue-eyed, and thin, how come I’m not an “Aryan” superwoman? Last time I checked, I was a disorganized weakling who was too scared to learn how to drive.

Oh wait… I see. Tall, fit blondes. That’s the problem: I’m short. I guess I’ll just have to leave the Nazi-ness to people like you, and go on believing in justice, diversity, and actual science.

C’est dommage (not).

HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
8 years ago

One thing to remember about the Nazi relationship with Milo, of course, is that while some of them hate him because of his claimed Jewish heritage, others absolutely adore him because he uses that to spout anti-Semitic drivel that they can then repeat while claiming it isn’t hate speech because (paraphrased from actual arguments I’ve seen) “it’s a Jew telling the truth about Jews”.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

There was apparently a “pro-Trump protest” in New York, today, consisting of a handful of people protesting the fact that people are protesting Trump, I guess. Saw the video of it on FOX News’ Twitter and, sure enough, they had one person from each demographic Trump is known to be bigoted against lined up front with professionally printed signs declaring “Jews for Trump” and “Women for Trump,” etc. Naturally in the comments section people were going on about how Trump couldn’t be anti-Semitic because there’s a Jewish dude who likes him, couldn’t be misogynist because there are women who like him, etc. Like apparently a person’s bigoted behavior is excused if any victims of it like him. I guess it’s a form of the “I have friends who are X” argument.

8 years ago

One thing to remember about the Nazi relationship with Milo, of course, is that while some of them hate him because of his claimed Jewish heritage, others absolutely adore him because he uses that to spout anti-Semitic drivel that they can then repeat while claiming it isn’t hate speech because (paraphrased from actual arguments I’ve seen) “it’s a Jew telling the truth about Jews”.

Well, Hitler was part-Jewish, too, but that didn’t make HIM any less antisemitic…so I’m not buying any of the excuses they concoct for Milo.

Besides, we all know that he’ll end up like Ernst Röhm as soon as he oversteps his line. Purged, and possibly quite literally.

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