open thread trump

Trumpocalypse, Week Two Open Thread

I ran a pic of Trump through a filter based on another pic of Trump and things got weird

An open thread for anyone who wants to talk Trump — to complain about his bullshit, make fun of his hair, strategize about ways to oppose him, whatever. No trolls or Trump fans.

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Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
7 years ago

Missed the edit window:

Is anyone else feeling the need to do something positive for the world in response to this?

I sure am! Me and some folks are trying to put together a crowdfunding proposal for a commune(s) not unlike some things that’ve been discussed here and elsewhere of late, to serve as shelters and incubators of change. It’s early days yet, and slow going on account of the organizer (me) is adapting to a heavy workload that frankly is sapping my energy something fierce, but many hands make light work and all that. Let me know if you’d like to sign up. Goes for the rest of y’all too.

7 years ago

Live coverage of the anti-Trump Stonewall protest today. Also, one hilariously whiney comment at the bottom.

7 years ago

I keep seeing right-wingers talk about how protesters are going to “wake a sleeping giant”. Wasn’t that supposed to have already happened because of “PC culture”? Wasn’t the alt-right supposed to be the sleeping giant we supposedly woke by asking people to be considerate towards others? Not our fault it’s so unimpressive you gotta act like it’s not even the real giant. Don’t pick a fuckin’ fight and then cry when you get hit back.

It’s cute how they think we’re radicalizing them, though.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
7 years ago

I updated my We Hunted The Mammoth Troll Bingo here. Enjoy!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@LindsayIrene, aaah, it just wouldn’t be a proper progressive article on the internet if there wasn’t a what about the mens! whine somewhere at the bottom, would it?

@reash, that’s why I’m optimistic about things – thanks @Axe for providing more context, too. Their “sleeping giant” was the Trump primary, and they figure that’s what’s been woken up. Now? Now the real giant is waking, and it ain’t wearing a red ballcap. His supporters are peeling off like onion skins. We’ve got the momentum and the people; now it’s time to push.

@Dalillama, that’s great to hear! I hope that you can get that organized and get vulnerable people safe. It’s great that you’re able to keep so organized in amidst all of this. Well done.

@rogue angel, happy to help 🙂 note that the Convention Refugee status may require the Minister of Immigration to declare the US applicable country-of-origin for convention refugees – doesn’t have to, but it makes it much easier. Otherwise you have to basically prove that those things apply to you, which may be tough. The Minister of Immigration is an immigrant himself, though – he immigrated from Somalia in ’93 as a teenager, so he’s personally aware of the plight of vulnerable people. His comments have been pretty encouraging at least!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
7 years ago

I’m doing my research to set up a little business making bath scrubs, lotions and, yes, scented fucking candles. I’ll take at least half of my proceeds and donate it to causes to help those who are disadvantaged by Prince Trumperdinck. Let me know if you want me to make t-shirts too. I have the idea of making one that says “The Cake Is An Alternative Fact”

7 years ago

I have the idea of making one that says “The Cake Is An Alternative Fact”


I don’t know how you’re staying optimistic, but bless you. I can’t. Impeaching Trump will leave us with President “Scare-em-straight” Pence (while the GOP pin the EOs on Trump and pretend they didn’t just shove their own policies under the pen of a useful idiot), and most of the country doesn’t even know what the alt-right is. Bills are being drafted in states with bad histories of police brutality legalizing homicide against peaceful protesters. It’s too much, and I’m far from the only one in my community feeling cornered.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
7 years ago

I have the idea of making one that says “The Cake Is An Alternative Fact”

What ryeash said.

7 years ago

Let me know if you want me to make t-shirts too. I have the idea of making one that says “The Cake Is An Alternative Fact”

OMG…that is awesome! I could probably finance my entire transition (and then some) if I did that.

(Not) Rick Sanchez
(Not) Rick Sanchez
7 years ago

U.S. reverses travel ban over court ruling as Drumpf fumes.

(If somebody else posted this already, I apologize.)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@reash, I know that Pence is a disaster all on his own, but – well. There are two (three?) major issues right now – Trump, Pence, Ryan. Trump brings with him Bannon and the Plutocrats, worst 70’s boy-band ever. Pence brings with him his own monstrosities wrapped up in a flag and a cross. Ryan’s a douchebro with his own terrors, too.

Right now all three are there. Pence is doing what he wants behind the scenes; even if there’s a struggle going on between Pence and Bannon for control over Trump, Pence still has his sticky hands on the levers of power.

This is a big problem, and one of the best ways to tackle a big problem is to reduce it down to the small parts. So, the first part is Trump. We get rid of him, then we can bulldoze Pence into the rubbish tip along with the crumbling GOP. Then we can glare meaningfully at Ryan, who will curl up into a ball and cry.

I think that’s the plan, at least.

7 years ago


When you put it that way, it does sound more doable. I feel less panicky now, thank you.

Also, LOL @ “Bannon and the Plutocrats, worst 70’s boy-band ever”. That should be a t-shirt, too.

7 years ago

OMG, I really want one of those shirts. Or even just illustration of a cake/slice of cake with the words “alternative fact” under it would be amazing.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

Beau Willimon Declares War On Donald Trump, Eviscerates White House Correspondents’ Dinner


When in the course of American history it becomes necessary for the people to save our Nation from a Tyrant…

7 years ago

Have you ever noticed how Trump supporters (and fascists in general) have a tendency of calling their oppressive ideas by laudable names and phrasing them in ways that makes you think they actually believe their schtick? It’s usually “make [insert dog whistle for your oppressive group] great again”.

I’ve seen some of the shit they’ve said about gassing autistic people and how my gender isn’t real. I’m terrified. I legitimately think it’s time I changed my views on gun control and bought a gun.

D. D. Webb
7 years ago


I’m unfortunately with you on the last point. I have never liked guns and I don’t want to be around one, but I’m coming to the conclusion that in Trump’s America, having one may be necessary for my basic safety.

7 years ago

@D.D. Webb

My anarchist friends have been trying to get me to go to their improvised gun range to get training. That, or I might just talk to Pink Pistols.

I feel like I’m the one going to get charged with shooting someone in Trump’s America.

7 years ago

@Scildfreya……Have I ever told you you’re my hero? grin. you’re wonderful. In addition, the facts that the internet is forever, evil grin, and that all the dRUMPf atrocities are common knowledge a nanosecond after they happen , are very much in our favor. Nazis had nothing like twitter and facebook, extremely mixed blessings though they are, lol, to contend with. I’d love to talk with you and pick your brain about the best Resistance strategies. would you be amenable to trading emails?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@tempusfugit, awww, thank you :3 I don’t really do email outside of work, but I’m happy to talk about that sort of thing here. Frankly, the sort of plan which needs to be kept secret is a fragile ( and probably very illegal ) one. The best plans in these circumstances can be made public, because they rely on things other than secrecy to work. You gotta have an especially advantageous position to be able to effect change on your own, anyways – best to rely on group action. That’s where our success so far has come from. Phoning and marching and mailing and knocking on congressional doors! What ideas do you have that you think would help?

Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
7 years ago

I am pretty damn sure that Trump could be diagnosed with a Cluster B personality disorder, but it doesn’t say in the Constitution that you can’t be president with a Cluster B personality disorder. (If the terminology has changed with the new DSM, cool, whatever, I’m not his doctor.)

He’s not insane by any legal definition. He was elected legally, at least as far as we can tell at the moment.

I think that trying to have him psychologically evaluated with an eye to disqualifying him is a slippery slope that goes nowhere. I think he’ll offer grounds for impeachment that will stick soon enough, and that’s a better tack.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
7 years ago

So yeah, this is a thing now. Not that anyone believed the fight was over by a long shot, but in case you need a little boost of outrage

7 years ago


H.R.861 – To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

For fuck’s sake we’re in a Captain Planet special with no Captain Planet.

7 years ago

Okay, so I just got back from that meeting hosted by my MP that I told you about. Here’s the course of action for the next few weeks that was put forth:

* Attend protests against the ban on the 18th and 25 of February, and the 8th of March. (The last, of course, is on International Women’s Day).

* Attend a phonebank to promote the protests.

* Put up posters decrying the ban.

Surprisingly, the tactic of calling politicians was not brought up, but I told him about this afterwards and he said he’d mention this at subsequent meetings. Again, if anyone’s got any suggestions for people other than the PM and their MP that Australians should ring, I’m all ears.

7 years ago

Oh hey, it’s been 70 years since Hitler chewed on that cyanide capsule, and it’s only now that I find out that he was completely misunderstood! By the world!

Hitler states his ‘moderation’ at press interview – archive, 1933

3 February 1933: ‘I have been represented as having made bloodthirsty and firebrand speeches against foreign countries, and now the world is surprised at my moderation’

7 years ago


Court denies initial request for emergency stay in Trump travel ban