
Impoverished Filipina prostitutes have it easy, MGTOW explains

Couldn’t have said it better myself

So today’s object lesson in obliviousness comes, as it so often does, from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

The regulars there are discussing the important topic “Women are worse than a backyard full of cackling hens,” and one of the fellas pipes up with this, er, observation.

penisassociate 12 points 4 hours ago*  Whatever they do is pathetic. When they have it good, objectively speaking, they complain. When they have it really bad, objectively speaking, they get on their knees to suck cock. Go to third world countries and watch the women there. I was in the Philippines in a rather poor area. At every corner there was a woman looking for an easy way out. Grabbing at the cock. Trying to sell their pussy. My guide said these were not even prostitutes. Just women desperate for an easy way out. Being the MGTOW that I am, I made it a point to look around and sure enough at every place there was a man doing an honest day's work. I for instance overpaid a man in the thousands for some street food he was selling next to a whore of a woman who did nothing but try to sell her pussy. At no point do I ever think I've seen a woman do an honest day's work. It's just the diarrhea of the mouth and easy ways out.

MGTOW dudes, I don’t know if you know this, but men do sex work too. I recommend you take it up for a week and see how “easy” it is.

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EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

I’ll defer to you on the matter. Thanks for the correction.

7 years ago

Not to shill hard but good author/cause combo

Friday BandCamp is giving their cut of Neil Gaiman audiobooks to the ACLU. It’s pretty extensive. American Gods is my favorite work of fiction and I don’t say that lightly.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


Well, it is well known that the persons who have the financial power are the best to speak about those who have not it. Also, the ones who, as they say, avoid women at all cost are the best to speak about them.

Being something make you de facto the best at speaking and understanding the opposite.

Let us take an example : me (because it is also well know that to look scientific and provide arguments, the best thing is to use your own unscientific unproven anecdotes). Well, as a professional avoider of white bear (MGOOTWOWB – Man Going Out Of The Way Of White Bears) (I even have a super technologic device that repulse white bears in a 5 meter radius around me. And it works perfectly because no white bear ever has approach me !), can tell you with certainty, that white bears are lazy ball of fur and muscles (even more than cats, imagine !) who are smoking marijuana day long on the arctic ice while drinking cocacola, thus participating to the global warming. So, i suggest to hire as many white male hunters to hunt those bears and thus help to fight global warming.

And i will conclude with a quote from a movie : “The poors exist to be very poor, and the richs very rich”.

Thank you for your attention, and have a nice day.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
7 years ago

What a disgusting screed. Paradoxical Intention nailed it.

Regarding the autism discussion: for what it’s worth, I have ASD, and it causes me numerous problems in social situations, but I’ve never noticed myself acting particularly entitled (at least not once I hit age sixteen).

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Uh, yeah, one person with autism saying “this is how people with autism are” =/= fact. Lots of others with autism have a different experience, and those of us who know people with autism don’t recognize this stereotype.

And, like Axe said, there’s also a difference between saying “people in group A are likely to display X” and “if a person displays X they’re probably in group A”. The former is still BS, but the latter is even more BS than regular BS.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Men Growing Their Own Weed

…is a movement I would support.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ occasional reader

White Bears

Fun fact: Polar bears aren’t white. They do usually look white, but their fur is actually transparent. It scatters light though in a way that generally appears white (although they can look different colours in other environments).

If you shave a polar bear their skin is actually black. I would not recommend shaving polar bears though as it would be cruel, and I suspect you might not survive the process anyway.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

ETA: I went searching for some nice pictures of different coloured polar bears for you. I got distracted though by finding out that polar bears are invisible in the infra red.

Because of that though some reindeer have evolved the ability to see into the ultra violet. Like that scene in Predator 2.

Isn’t nature amazing?!

Here are some orange ones though.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Let me see if I can put this debate into formal syllogism form:

Some people with autism are people who have misogyny problems.
All people named penisassociate are people who have misogyny problems.
All people named penisassociate are people with autism.

This takes the form
Some P are M
All S are M
All S are P

This is invalid logic. Let me demonstrate why by switching out the terms:

Some cats are black
All black molly fish are black
All black molly fish are cats

Your premises are both true but your conclusion is absurd. This is a clear sign that there is a problem with your logic. You can even take it out of formal syllogistic form and say your conclusion is “This black molly fish is probably a cat” and your conclusion is still absurd.

This logic you’re using is simply bad, Croosters, and that’s why we don’t internet diagnose people. There is splash damage involved, and the logic is so incredibly bad that the splash damage isn’t worth it. Just stop digging and stop insisting that what you’re doing is okay. It’s not okay, and it’s not even good reasoning.

7 years ago

“WhiteBear” provokes mixed emotions bc that’s a fucked up but really interesting Black Mirror Episode.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Polar bears always look pale yellow to me.

7 years ago

Me too. Mainly I suspect because they’re so often photographed in a bluish white environment of snow-ice-water.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I went to some lectures once about colour perception (hooray colour museum!). It was explained that our brains generally interpret the lightest thing in our field of vision as white and the darkest as black, regardless of their actual colour.

My mind was a bit blown by the question “What colour is black on a cinema screen?” (or rather by the answer). It is of course white (well, silvery white). So if you put up a piece of actually black paper on the screen during the opening crawl of Star Wars space suddenly doesn’t look right.

ETA: that’s why cinema decor is never actually black.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Now I’m picturing a polar bear leaning back against an ice shelf, smoking a joint and drinking Coke. Oh, and wearing sunglasses.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I was a bit dissapointed to find out that when polar bears cover their noses with their paws, it isn’t to hide; it’s just to keep them warm.

That’s pretty cute though.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ epitome

This was a popular drink when I was a kid (basically sugar, food colouring and industrial strength foaming agent)

7 years ago


Polar bears always look pale yellow to me.

Oh fuck, here we go again.

comment image

7 years ago

Incidentally, any westerner who can say “I’ve never seen a woman do an honest day’s work” has never set foot in a hospital.

7 years ago


There’s a difference between saying “autism causes assholishness” and saying “A lot of autistic dudes are assholes, especially on the Internet.”

I have far more experience in autistic circles than most of you. Most are misogynistic either implicitly or explicitly. I’ve been sexually harassed by them far more often than by neurotypical men (I’m a female-presenting genderqueer). Many say “But you’re autistic! You can’t reject our poorly construed, borderline creepy advances like that!”

I think I have a much better view of what it is than you do. Than all of you do really. You need to realize that most of the gators you criticize tend to come from these circles. I have no compunction making that association.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

You need to realize that most of the gators you criticize tend to come from these circles.

“You,” not “We.” One little slip says so much.

7 years ago


I treat them more like shitty nuisances. I don’t engage them at all. Because that’s essentially what would’ve prevented them from getting that much attention.

7 years ago

Silence is agreement.

7 years ago

There’s a difference between saying “autism causes assholishness” and saying “A lot of autistic dudes are assholes, especially on the Internet.”

And it’s something entirely different to say, “he’s an asshole, so I think he might be autistic.” That’s the thing people are objecting to.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago


Fun fact: Polar bears aren’t white. They do usually look white, but their fur is actually transparent.

I’m taking this as “polar bears are invisible” and you absolutely cannot convince me otherwise. We see polar bears because we choose to.

Edit: A lot of dudes are assholes? Like, I don’t think I’ve ever walked into a room full of men and not felt a sense of entitlement rising from many of them.

7 years ago

Viscaria, you’re onto something there. I’ve seen polar bears, even in my part of town, but only in zoos. I conclude that polar bears are indeed invisible, but zoos dye them. This is why people say that zoos are cruel.