#ResistTrump actual activism Islamophobia racism trump

#ResistTrump today by calling about Sessions, DeVos, Russia, the Muslim ban

Old-school speakerphone

Your mission today? More calls!

I know we’re all sick of making calls, but they make a difference. Republican members of congress are feeling besieged, and Democrats are standing up to Trump more directly because of pressure from their base. That is, from us.

There are a lot of things to call about. Here are a couple of ideas:


Is your Senator on the Judiciary Committee? Find out here. If so, call as early as you can to tell them to vote against Jeff Sessions for Attorney General — the committee is scheduled to vote on him this morning!


Is your Senator on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee? See here for a list of members. If your Senator is a Republican, tell them to vote against Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. She’s also up for committee vote this morning. If your Senator is a Dem, thank them for pledging to vote against her, as all Dems on the committee have done.

Also consider calling or Tweeting these Republicans, even if they’re not your Senators.


Congresswoman Maxine Waters has a plan:

Ask your congressperson to support her!


Check out 5calls,org for a handy script to use when calling about the Muslim ban, as well as ideas for other issues to call about.


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8 years ago


Reading Donnie’s MLK Day speech made my brain cry.

Why is he so goddam lazy? The Frederick Douglass bit! He just bluffs his way through everything, doesn’t he? You can imagine him, before the event, asking an aide for ideas:

Trump: Hey, I gotta do this Black History Month thing, apparently. Give me the names of some blacks who aren’t MLK.
Aide: Well, there was Rosa Parks-
T: Yeah, the bus lady, I can use that. Anyone else?
A: What about Harriet Tubman? She was enormously-
T: Right, right, the $20 bill lady.
A: Well, that’s… never mind. And there’s Frederick Douglass. Very important. Without Douglass, we wouldn’t-
T: Yeah, yeah, don’t really care who he is, I’ll just throw him in there, they’ll know anyway.

It’s so transparent, and so fucking insulting.

Middle Aged White Guy
8 years ago

fucking love broccoli.

I KNEW there was a reason you opposed Bush.

8 years ago

Choppin’ broccoli

8 years ago

Boycott Orange!

I’m about to make West African ground nut soup with these guys. I’m hoping the color isn’t atrocious. Usually I’d use collards, but I don’t have any, but I do have some kale. So weird you guys are talking about this.

8 years ago

Speaking of broccoli: Tell me I’m not the only one who imagined being a dinosaur eating trees when eating broccoli as a kid.

8 years ago

gijoel , I clicked on the link fully expecting to see pics of trump eating babies!

8 years ago

And now Sean Spicer is just backing Trump up on Frederick Douglass.

I don’t know why I’m so shocked that this administration doesn’t know who Douglass is. I need to stop expecting them to know anything.

I think I might have to resort to emailing my representatives using the Senate and House web pages. 5calls wants me to call my Senators over and over on every issue and I just feel like I’d get chucked in the green-ink bin if I do that.

8 years ago

@Singerdog, me too. Spent too much time on Sadly, No! during the Bush years, I guess. They loved them this pic they’d shopped up of Pammy Atlas devouring a puppy.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ tovius

I still make mashed potato islands in an ocean of gravy and chomp the broccoli trees whilst roaring. I’d like to think everyone does that, but judging from some of the looks I get in restaurants it’s just me (bet everyone else secretly wants to though)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ moggie

That’s very funny. Unfortunately it’s also completely plausible. I’m just amazed he didn’t give an inspirational tale of a young black man who escaped the mean streets of West Philadelphia and ended up living in a bell air mansion.

8 years ago

@Middle Aged White Guy:

Since you’re in AZ, you might try letting Senator McCain know you would like him to vote against Betsy DeVos’ confirmation as Secretary of Education. 2 other Republican moderates have changed their vote and we only need one more Republican to cross the line to stop her.

Betsy DeVos is a bona fide disaster when it comes to education. An uber-wealthy fundamentalist Christian who loves to steal money from public schools in order to fund charter schools – private Christian charter schools.

McCain has been identified as a Republican who might be swayed on this, so maybe give his office a call and let him know?

8 years ago

From an article on Vox

‘When senators described the response to DeVos’s nomination at a committee vote Tuesday, they didn’t mince words. “Bombarded,” said Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC). “Avalanche,” said Connecticut’s Murphy. “Inundated,” said Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA). “My wife gets calls,” said Richard Burr (R-NC). “My son gets calls on cellphones to deliver a message to me.”

So Democrats from even Trump-friendly states lined up against DeVos, including West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, who supports other Trump nominees, and North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp. ‘

So our calls and letters ARE working. Take heart.

Link to original Vox article.

8 years ago

I’m trying on Toomey. Two numbers are busy, the other has a full voicemail. I’ll call the two busy numbers again in a minute.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

Ugh, yeah like he couldn’t even be assed to take a few minutes to look Frederick Douglass up on Google, let alone read a book now and then. I feel brain cells melting away. I give him an F- for his lack of effort.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Well, we can safely say that Trump doesn’t watch Epic Rap Battles.

Middle Aged White Guy
8 years ago


Since you’re in AZ, you might try letting Senator McCain know you would like him to vote against Betsy DeVos’ confirmation

Did that literally first thing after seeing it was 50/50. LOL, have McCain and Flake on speed dial, cause I think I’m gonna be needing it.

Saw a new play about Malcom X today… wonderful line in it. Can’t remember the exact wording, but it was “Love, AMBITIOUSLY.”