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Roosh V: Fight the media’s “globohomo” agenda by mocking journalists’ looks

I would never mock anything about Roosh

Ironic rape-legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh would like his terrible followers to declare war on the evil media that has said so many not-very-nice things about him, often by simply quoting things he has said.

Reflecting on his own experience as a media darling last year, Roosh informs his readers in a blog post that

Being part of a dissident movement that wants to affect societal change will put you on the media’s radar, leading to the assignment of a team of journalists to marginalize your movement’s views. They’ll produce dozens of content pieces that make your movement appear more threatening than Hitler, all while advancing their globohomo agenda.

Yes, he did actually accuse the media of having a “globohomo agenda.”

He also misused the word “affect,” but I think we can let that slide.

While you may appreciate the work I’ve done, its malicious distortion strengthened myths such as “rape culture” and “toxic misogyny” for no concrete benefit except to make me infamous. I can accept that every time I am in the news, I help the enemy, because their false constructions and accusations help their side more than ours.

Darn those globohomos and their globohomoing ways!

Aside from not being an infamous reactionary “pickup artist,” how can you fight the evil globohomo media? By revealing “how the media has colluded with the establishment machine to present fake news to the public.”

And if you don’t have any proof that the evil globohomo media has actually done anything wrong? Talk about how ugly they are.

If you don’t have evidence that journalists are colluding with establishment forces, make fun of them. Make them appear as “uncool” salarymen in the eyes of the public. Mock their appearance, their mannerisms, and their weaknesses. Insult their intelligence as teleprompter-reading puppets. Bring to light their privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles that puts them out of touch to anyone who lives in but a handful of coastal cities.

I’ve done a little research and found this photo of some evil journalists living “privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles.”

Decadent journalists at work?

Oh, wait, I am being told that those are not journalists. Never mind.

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Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

It should be “effect societal change”. To effect means to bring about; to affect means to alter or influence (or to put on an air).

8 years ago

Kind of OT, but prompted by the pic–does this family have pets? OK, they’re New Yorkers, and my mom from Brooklyn used to joke that of course they had pets when she was a kid, rats and pigeons–but do they not live with any animals? I mean, it’s kind of a rich people trope–all the rich people I know or know of, for example, have horses. I guess I was just sad to see Barron with his stuffed lion and think he may never have had the opportunity to interact with a real animal.

8 years ago


He also misused the word “affect,” but I think we can let that slide.

Oh hell, no. That’s not misuse; that’s abuse.

He abuses words.

He abuses women.

It’s no coincidence. I say we nip his abuse in the bud no matter what kind of abuse it is.

Bring to light their privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles that puts them out of touch to anyone who lives in but a handful of coastal cities.

Says the pickup artist who’s written a series of “Bang” books aimed at the international man. Oh, and he’s admitted to rape (Bang Finland).

But I guess when you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell (where Roosh lives) of putting together a coherent argument, then you’ve got to settle for gibberish.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

“Affect social change” is grammatically sound, I think, but doesn’t mean what he thinks it does. You can say “he affected a flowery scarf” or “she affected a Brooklyn accent.” A movement which affects social change would be one which does it deliberately for stylistic reasons.

Possibly that’s what he meant. Valizadeh’s entire schtick consists of milking his saps for whatever he can get out of them, so it’s not like any social change would be real and genuine.

8 years ago

Being part of a dissident movement that wants to affect societal change will put you on the media’s radar, leading to the assignment of a team of journalists to marginalize your movement’s views.

He thinks he’s part of a dissident movement? He’s a misogynist, racist, homophobic shitbag exactly like the current US regime.
He couldn’t possibly be any less dissident.

8 years ago

You know with these right wingnut’s obsession with “globalism” (meaning not being a warmongering isolationist) and sexual liberation I’m starting to think they might just be temporal agents sent to prevent the formation of the united federation of planets (they might be changelings or surgically altered Klingons or Romulans).

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Insult their intelligence

Beware, this is often a double-edge sword, and i am not even sure you know where the hilt is. And trying to invent new words like globohomo to begin a trend is not really convincing…

Make them appear as “uncool” salarymen in the eyes of the public

Do not worry, you have already make the PUAs appear as “uncool” asshole in the eyes of the public. Not that they had not already done it by themselves, but you have helped to hammer it even more. And i suggest someone writting harmful digital “books” (my fingers are bleeding just right now) not to mock those who are working unless you want to look evenmore ridiculous.

Have a nice day.

(Mr Futrelle, maybe you should open your columns to some of the commenters here ? Some really know how to write, and while you are doing a great job, you can not track everything, especially since Trump is here. So maybe from time to time, allowing a guest post or two could allevitate your charge of work ?)

8 years ago


State Senator Demands Release Of Melania Trump’s Immigration Documents

8 years ago


How Chuck Schumer Found His Spine
It took a lot of angry liberals getting up in his face.

8 years ago

Just checking in to see if Roosh, the disgusting rapist piece of shit, is still as irrelevant and angry about it as he was before.

Nope, even more irrelevant and angry about it than he was before.

Good. Keep fading into irrelevance, Roosh, you disgusting rapist piece of shit. Please implode as your irrelevance approaches zero and your anger about it approaches infinity. Less messy that way.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Thanks for that David. I think the picture looks even funnier now with the incongruous lion and his toy car collection.

(Of course one of the many reasons to hate the adult Trump kids is that they engage in trophy hunting; so here’s hoping they encounter a real lion down an alleyway one night).

8 years ago

Those toy cars – are they two stretch limos and one hideously-expensive sports-car-type dealio?
Er, is Barron allowed to play with anything so plebeian as a toy bus?
Also, Melania’s clothes appear to be blowing to one side, as if she were posing for a windy-day photo outside, despite their being inside and at a height where an open window is improbable. She gives the impression of being in a different picture, maybe from a fashion shoot.
It’s all so incongruous, and it fascinates me. I mean, it’s terribly minor stuff, but I find it both funny and sad.

8 years ago

How did Melania get her … cape (is that what that is?) to flare out like that? No piece of clothing that I own, regardless of how flared or drapey it is, acts like that. I almost wonder if it’s secretly tied to the floor with fishing line or dental floss.

Super-wonderful gif of Doosh! Good creation, Dave 😀

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago

Can I add “Agent of the Globohomo Conspiracy” to my nym? I just want it make sure I don’t steal it from anyone else.

8 years ago

Protip: journalists have all been mocked extensively by about a month in. For their appearance, age, gender, clothing and anything else anyone can possibly think of. We also get angry phone calls and have people shouting at us, cursing at us and threatening to sue us all the time. We also get our cars vandalized and tires slashed, even in small towns, and then some of us also walk into dangerous situations like fire scenes and active crime scenes all the time.

None of us are scared of turd balls like Roosh.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Homoglobes unite!

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago

@Cynical Optimist,

Go for it. There’s someone up above that also said they wanted to use it, but there’s no reason that both of you couldn’t use it. One of you could be Number Two (or whatever Number you want), like in The Prisoner or something to help differentiate between you.

If you wanted to, of course.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Isn’t “Globo Homo” a Devo song?

8 years ago

“Globohomo” is the best reactionary neologism since “homo nups global” in my humble opinion.

Can’t imagine that they’d use a fan to make Melania’s draperies billow like that. It would make Donald’s hairpiece flap.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


That’s… not Melania. 🙁

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

reimalebario | January 31, 2017 at 2:03 am
He thinks he’s part of a dissident movement? He’s a misogynist, racist, homophobic shitbag exactly like the current US regime.
He couldn’t possibly be any less dissident.

Ah, but see, he’s STILL a dissident because not everyone is bowing at The Orange One’s (or his) feet yet!

It’s only been about ten days since Mango Mussolini took office, and he’s already got a majority disapproval rating. For comparison, it took President Obama about 900 days to get that far. Over two years.

So, until (decent) people fully accept their new Tantrum in Chief, he’s still a dissident because he’s not 100% accepted yet. Hell, he and his ilk aren’t even 50% accepted anymore.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
8 years ago

I can’t possibly pass up a chance to change my moniker, now can I?

Also, Roosh cheats the earth with every breath he takes. (Thank you Drill Sergeant, I will remember that line from basic training until the end of my days.)

Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
8 years ago

Does any American here remember the trash TV program, ” Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”? Or any non-American, for that matter? Well, someone said, “You can’t satirize Hollywood”, or words to that effect, but this photo SURE AS HELL encapsulates that program.

BTW, this program was mocking rich people’s excesses, not celebrating them. I don’t think it was meant to be aspirational.

8 years ago

Well, “Life…of Rich and Famous” was not entirely mocking them from some points of view. I suspect the subjects of the show thought it wasn’t, or they wouldn’t have kept letting them on the property to film.

Also my dad’s still thinking trump is just great at “shaking things up”.