Ironic rape-legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh would like his terrible followers to declare war on the evil media that has said so many not-very-nice things about him, often by simply quoting things he has said.
Reflecting on his own experience as a media darling last year, Roosh informs his readers in a blog post that
Being part of a dissident movement that wants to affect societal change will put you on the media’s radar, leading to the assignment of a team of journalists to marginalize your movement’s views. They’ll produce dozens of content pieces that make your movement appear more threatening than Hitler, all while advancing their globohomo agenda.
Yes, he did actually accuse the media of having a “globohomo agenda.”
He also misused the word “affect,” but I think we can let that slide.
While you may appreciate the work I’ve done, its malicious distortion strengthened myths such as “rape culture” and “toxic misogyny” for no concrete benefit except to make me infamous. I can accept that every time I am in the news, I help the enemy, because their false constructions and accusations help their side more than ours.
Darn those globohomos and their globohomoing ways!
Aside from not being an infamous reactionary “pickup artist,” how can you fight the evil globohomo media? By revealing “how the media has colluded with the establishment machine to present fake news to the public.”
And if you don’t have any proof that the evil globohomo media has actually done anything wrong? Talk about how ugly they are.
If you don’t have evidence that journalists are colluding with establishment forces, make fun of them. Make them appear as “uncool” salarymen in the eyes of the public. Mock their appearance, their mannerisms, and their weaknesses. Insult their intelligence as teleprompter-reading puppets. Bring to light their privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles that puts them out of touch to anyone who lives in but a handful of coastal cities.
I’ve done a little research and found this photo of some evil journalists living “privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles.”

Oh, wait, I am being told that those are not journalists. Never mind.
Can I be a globohomo? That would be fun on a business card.
I love how he thinks anyone outside the manosphere and the people who inspect it knows who he is. He’s still as much of a nobody as he always was.
@ Scildfreja Unnýðnes
I’m imagining that business card now! I’m thinking white with green accents would be a stand-out design. I’m calling Vistaprint…
@ David F
This might seem a bit nit-picky but might it be possible to trim the photo to remove Barron?
I have no problem with people having a dig at the Trump family members who’ve chosen to align themselves with his odious regime. They’re completely legitimate targets.
But somehow Barron feels like a ‘non combatant’ as it were. He can’t help who his family is, so it feels a bit not quite right that he’s featured.
(Just my view, I’m very much of the ‘your gaff, your rules’ approach and I know you’re not having a go at him, but just thought I’d mention)
I don’t see anything wrong with homo globes.
Sort of cute, actually.
Just how much does Roosh think the media is writing about him anyway? He’s known in feminist/social justice circles, obviously. Horror at his global rape meetup tour went viral for a few days. That’s…about it.
His use of “affect” caught my eye too, but he could have meant “affect the societal change that is happening” instead of “foment societal change”.
Or he could just be a big poopy-head whose first language is not English, but bullshit.
Or both, could be both.
Did Doosh forget that the Alt-Right roundly rejected him? Not white enough for them was the last I heard. You’re not going to pass their stupid Aryan purity tests any easier this time, Stinky-taint.
They’ve doubled down on the white supremacy, no longer dog-whistling, they’re blasting Nazi slogans through a bull-horn. You might even get accused of being part of that white genocide conspiracy with your careless unprotected ~~banging~~ raping your way through Europe.
Head under the parapet; rape apologist, they don’t currently have an opening for an “exceptional” member of an otherwise hated group. At least not until Milo turns out to have been straight all along or gets tired of his own bullshit.
I’d feel sorry for Roosh, except that he’s Roosh. It’s truly pathetic that he keeps dogging after white supremacists even after they rejected him as not white. Why do you want to be a Nazi so badly, Roosh? You’ll never be let into the clubhouse, no matter how badly you want it.
Sidenote: that family photo…
It looks like something phtoshopped together for some kind of forum contest. And 2/3rds of the family looks positively grim.
I feel deeply sorry for the kid.
“If you don’t have evidence that journalists are colluding with establishment forces, then get the evidence before you say anything. Better yet, rethink your association with a professional misogynist and rape advocate.” Fixed!
Given his dislike for the “globohomo agenda” I find myself wanting to see a pay per view cage match between Roosh and Milo the Y. I’m sure Roosh thinks Milo is a promoter of the agenda, despite his often self-hating behaviour.
Journalists are decadent and amoral, says guy who wrote a book series about how to travel somewhere and pressure (up to possible date rape) local women into one-night stands with no consequences.
Does the silly-haired despot (Homo trumpus) remind anybody else of Louis XIV?
I think ‘globohomo agenda’ would be a dandy name for a rock band.
That picture…I have a son, who was once 10. Looking at that picture, and comparing it with most kids I’ve known, those cars are obviously placed for impact. I’m guessing he probably isn’t allowed to play in that room.
And what kind of family picture is it when the kid is at the other side of the room? Shouldn’t he be on someone’s lap, or at least near one of the parents? My parents were extremely flawed, even abusive, but they could have put together a family grouping that looked much happier than that one.
So, is he planning on figuring out who’s part of this agenda by testing the homoglobin levels in their blood?
That’s the problem, you’ve got it, @SFHC! globohomos are caused by blood bourne homogoblins!
It makes perfect sense! Bring back leeching!
I think i am going to add member of the globohomo consipiracy to my online bios.
“Bring to light their privileged, decadent, and amoral lifestyles that puts them out of touch to anyone who lives in but a handful of coastal cities.”
That is rich, coming from a man who is basically just a sex tourist.
The only problem with that Blingee is that Roosh doesn’t understand satire at all. He really thinks he IS sexy, and that the globohomos can’t keep their globohomoerotic hands off him.
Anybody want to bust his bubble?
Oh yeah, I kind of remember this guy. He… uh… no don’t tell me… he had a band in the early 2000s? Gave evidence at the OJ trial? Villain of a short-lived cartoon in 1983? Aging manchild who thrived on saying outrageous shit in the days before every channel got clogged with outrageous shit 24/7 and now needs a real job?
Nope. Just don’t remember
Someone doesn’t read shounen manga…
David, I agree with Alan, please don’t show Barron. He is a child, and should not be included in satirical articles about Trump. I’m actually not comfortable about including Melania either. She seems to be separating herself from the publicity generated by the rest of the family as much as possible. Trump himself and his adult children are fair game; other family members not so much.
Says the man who thinks using toilet paper is onerous.
If I was making a TV show that was a parody of rich people, that Trump family picture is exactly the look I’d want for my advertising. It just looks like something someone mocking them would come up with. They all look like they’re trying to be in three different pictures.
Remember that time Doosh was interviewed on TV and he fell apart like a wet paper sack?
Remember that time a woman ripped off his super secret disguise (aka a cheap wig) and dumped a beer on his head and he ran away?
Remember that time he admitted he thinks wiping his own ass and nose is too much grooming?
Yeah, he doesn’t get to decide what’s “cool”.
Melanie is an adult who has made choices as an adult that involve her in some of the discussion about and around the Orange One. She’s fair game, however, no one in the media – that I’ve seen – has gone after her excessively, except for the bit about “once she took naughty pics where she was nekkid n stuff,” and she doesn’t seem to care one whit about that, thankfully and rightly so (in my projected opinion from afar, of what M Trump thinks and feels).
I think “affect” could technically work there. I also don’t grammar all that well.