Let’s keep the momentum going!
You can find the contact info for your representative here, and for your senators here.
See what they’ve said or done about the Muslim ban here.
See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.
If you already left a message for your MoC’s this weekend, it’s perfectly fine to call again.
Or you can call about something else. 5Calls.org has suggestions.
Emails help as well, but calls are more effective.
Here’s a list of protests TODAY, posted by a reliable anti-Trump Twitter account.
Check Facebook before heading out to make sure there these are legit and to see if there have been any changes/cancellations.
Sorry I didn’t get this list up earlier!
Go HERE to register.
Trump has fired Sally Yates. The official White House press release about the firing accused Yates of betraying the Justice Department.
Totes adorbs resistance fighters: https://www.twitter.com/ResistKitten
I suppose we should feel relieved that they’re not offering Yates a blindfold and a last cigarette.
Silly me, I thought her being the only one who could sign FISA warrants would protect her until Sessions was rubber-stamped and sworn in.
I tried to get through to Sens. Feinstein and Harris, but both their DC and LA offices were ringing off the hook. Embarassingly, I called a consignment store in Santa Monica by accident somewhere in there and blurted out my lines before I realized my mistake. *headdesk*
Also, a friend of mine reffed me this thing:
Let’s do this! I was able to get through, take the poll, and leave a message. You will have to sit thru some serious anti-ACA propaganda, worded to confuse people into voting “no.” Don’t fall for it. Follow the instructions below to the letter and you’ll be fine.
Paul Ryan’s office is conducting a phone poll, hoping to hear overwhelming opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Here’s how you can participate:
Call 202-225-3500. There will be a silence for about 30 sec-1 min- DO NOT HANG UP. There’s a menu of several choices. (You will think you called the wrong number. You didn’t.)
Press 2 and you’ll hear a recording about the bill to repeal it.
Then Press 1 when prompted to SUPPORT continuing the Affordable Healthcare Act
I just did this. Please do it and pass the word!
Copy and paste to share.
I did get through on this and supported the ACA. I had to resist a MASSIVE urge to leave a message on voicemail to tell him to get stuffed and where he wanted his thirty dimes sent. >:(
Resist Kitten is best kitten. <3
Forteign Policy Magazine has heard from a source that Bannon is running a ‘cabal,‘ and has started calling him President Bannon. s
It was two for one firing night in Trumpland, with Daniel Ragsdale, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) getting canned as well.
…and now I’ve sent a hardcopy version of my email. Also, I asked my parents if they’d write letters themselves, and they said they’d think about it. Tomorrow, I’ll ring my MP, Adam Bandt, to thank him for condemning the ban. Apparently, Bandt is hosting some emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss what citizens of the countries listed by the ban residing in Australia should do. I think I recall hearing at the protest I went to last week that there’d be a follow-up protest on Saturday two weeks hence, but I haven’t heard anything else about that yet. If the protest is on, I’ll go to it, but not the meeting. If the protest isn’t on, I’ll go to the meeting. I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to go to both. (I should mention that the meeting sounds more as if it’s for people effected by the ban than for protestors.)
I must say, these Trump shenanigans are certainly motivating me to do things I’d never otherwise have done. Until a few weeks ago, I’d never have dreamed I’d attend a 60/70s-style left-wing protest march, or write a letter to the Prime Minister. Here’s to hoping that more people are motivated to become more active as such, and that this is enough to both suppress Trump’s efforts, and to vote him out in 2020.
On phone calls and emails…. is it better to keep calling on the same subject, or switch them up?
I’ve got McCain as my Senator so thought it best to just keep hammering Immigration, but am worried same guy calling on same thing wouldn’t have an impact after a while.
I really wish there were international marches against this travesty. I would jump into the fray in a heartbeat. Fuck Trump & Co. and their collective xenophobic asses.
Just chiming in to give my support to all of you fighting the good fight. Whether you’re marching, calling, composing e-mails, something else or all of the above or just cheering on the people who do these things, you’re awesome and the work you do matters. Ignore the cries for silent acceptance. Keep undermining the Cheetotalitarian at every turn.
Speaking of resistance, has anyone heard of this? http://www.dailydot.com/irl/witch-is-back/?llid=X7rwV&ls=dd&type=cpc&campaign=X7rwV
“Originally founded in 1968, the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (the acronym was changed based on the protest, such as the Women’s International Troublemakers Conspiracy from Hell or Woman Imagining Theoretically Creative Happenings) is a group that argued women should fight not just to dismantle the patriarchy, but a number of left-wing causes. They dressed as witches, passed out leaflets and protested in the streets, “hexing” institutions of power.”
I sort of really love them. Now I’m thinking I should find a pattern for knitted witch hats to go along with my knitted pussyhats. And cats and witches totally belong together, so I’m lovin’ the over-arcing theme.
Let this be the year of unprecedented, undying activism. I am so inspired by everyone! Those of us who believe in compassion are throwing some serious wrenches in the gears of hate with this latest string of protests, and there are more already scheduled for the weeks ahead. This is a terrifying time to be alive, but I have never before seen such fire in my allies and it’s been a long time since I’ve felt so proud of my fellow citizens.
And now, to team up with Anarchonist with the cute dog memes.
Is this the modern equivalent of circular firing squad?
I sent off a letter to Turncoat as well, though mine was a lot less eloquent. =P Basically emphasising that, even if he’s a disgusting and/or spineless enough person to not care about the lives of refugees, he’s still playing the wise monkey to an incestuous child-raping neo-Nazi with a raging boner for nuking his own citizens, what the blithering ultrafuck. Just, y’know, not in those exact words.
There’s also a Change petition here, if any other Aussies want to sign it.
Wow! Glad to hear everyone’s tales of resistance. Amazing that there’s so much action outside the US!
MAWG, I think it’s considered fine to call again on the same subject; they don’t usually take down your name anyway and you’re not always going to be talking to the same person.
You might want to switch it up a little w/ emails, but you don’t have to change subjcts completely, just change the emphasis maybe?
Now I’ve got to figure out what’s going to happen tomorrow.
Also, it’s been leaked that Trump is preparing to sign another unconstitutional EO, this time doing to LGBT+ people what the first one did to Muslims.
Good news, though!? (small things)
It was something like 2 or 3 AM in DC when I was trying to call McCain. Couldn’t get thru, and when I finally did the tape said “Due to the high volume of calls”.
They start doing that directly to US Citizens, it WILL be civil war, literally.
And anyone see this? Lays out the worst nightmare, and makes clear how it really, really could happen: “How to Build an Autocracy”
Ha! And can’t leave a message w Flake, “that mailbox is full”.
@ lord pabu
This is Harry Dog. I’m sure someone can make a meme using him.
(We’d just been swimming, he doesn’t always dress like that)
For boycotting purposes (or rather, for trying to work out which companies to boycott):
I dunno, remember that the Hitlersturbating assholes who voted for this vaingloryhole don’t consider us to be US citizens. Or even human.
It doesn’t matter if you call multiple times with the same script. Staffers are only counting how many people call for vs. against a proposal, and check you out only if they suspect you are not a constituent. Unless you have a super unusual name, they won’t even remember you day to day.
I would advise against calling multiple times a day for the same issue, but for different issues it is fine, and calling multiple days is also fine.
Of course, as you’ve discovered, the hard part right now is actually getting through. I suspect the Republicans are just not picking up the phone right now and letting everything ring to voicemail, like a person with debt collectors calling them constantly might do.
Fax Zero will send free faxes to your senators and congresscritters:
They’re even blocking people who were adopted from these countries as infants. We have many Swedes who were born in Iran and adopted very early, who are now automatically sorted as TERRORISTS by the Trumpist regime. Bleh.
The caption reads:
My ship sank in the Mediterranean and I’m the only survivor. Woof!
@ IP
I was going to suggest that he should have sunk off the Grand Banks, because he’s a Labrador! But then I remembered he’s more of a retriever.
In other news, it’s weird that two of the best sources of anti Trump stuff are now Teen Vogue and Duffel Blog, but here’s DB’s latest: