Let’s keep the momentum going!
You can find the contact info for your representative here, and for your senators here.
See what they’ve said or done about the Muslim ban here.
See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.
If you already left a message for your MoC’s this weekend, it’s perfectly fine to call again.
Or you can call about something else. 5Calls.org has suggestions.
Emails help as well, but calls are more effective.
Here’s a list of protests TODAY, posted by a reliable anti-Trump Twitter account.
Check Facebook before heading out to make sure there these are legit and to see if there have been any changes/cancellations.
Sorry I didn’t get this list up earlier!
Go HERE to register.
At that point, I have to ask : is there a list of such events in Paris or Lisbon ?
My state is suing. All of my representatives have spoken out, too.
1st call done. Taking a quick break and moving on to the next Senator
Can confirm, I tried to call my constituents but they’re all either in session or the line is too busy.
Every bit helps.
Thanks, fam! Call the 2nd is complete. That’s gonna be all for today, methinks. 5calls is awesome even if ya don’t do all 5 calls
Also, important:
I made 1 call on the Muslim ban and 1 on DeVos
I took a baby step today and snail-mailed my Republican congressman today about Orange Julius Caesar’s flouting of the U.S. Court’s stay of his Muslim ban. It was pretty short and I tried to stay on the one point because it’s fucking freaking me out.
Washington leading the way, thats great @kupo. I hope many, many more join the suit.
I took a baby step and dontated to the ACLU. I may make it a monthly event. I can’t go out and March or protest as I am dealing with family health issues (and the winter storms are killing us up here) .
But I am so proud of so many Americans today. They’re really standing for their Muslim brothers and sisters, and I’m so glad to see that. I don’t care about motivations either as long as they do it. Everyone is keeping up the momentum, and calling, and marching, and letting politicians know how displeased we all are with this situation.
And I’m proud of all you guys here for your dedication, and empathy, and compassion. After the election I was very disheartened. I had NO faith in humanity. I had none for white ppl at all, but lately I’ve been humbled by their activism. A lot of you are truly getting this!
Now! White ppl can seriously say with all truthiness: # Not all white people! (And I will not give the side-eye.)
Say, folks, remember how I said yesterday that I’d send Malcolm Turnbull an email stating that I wouldn’t vote for him again if he didn’t condemn the ban? Well, I’m gonna do it. Below is my draft. Unless anyone has criticisms or suggestions, I’m going to send it (go easy on me, I’ve never written a letter to a government official before):
“Dear Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,
On January the 27th, Donald Trump, President of the United States, issued an executive order that, among other things, prohibits citizens of 7 majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. Then, on the 30th of January, you elected not to condemn him for this order, stating: “It is not my job as Prime Minister of Australia to run commentary on the domestic policies of other countries.”
Shame on you! Donald Trump’s executive order is racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, unfair, heartless, callous, rash, haphazard, unconstitutional and a violation of everything that the United States of America supposedly stands for. It is alternately massively inconveniencing or outright endangering the lives of millions of innocent civilians throughout the world. It is creating bureaucratic nightmares for airlines, airports and immigration officials throughout the world. It is spurring the radicalization of disaffected Muslim youths and causing the ranks of ISIS to swell. It is encouraging and legitimizing anti-Muslim hate crimes, such as the recent shooting at the mosque in Quebec City. It is sullying international diplomatic relations. It is the target of massive public opposition, as evinced by the protests against it taking place throughout the United States. It is contributing nothing to the safety of the United States – Trump’s sole motivation for proposing and instigating it, I fear, is to attempt to pander to the portion of the United States’ electorate that is prejudiced against Muslims.
If Australia is uncritical of an act of such calibre, then Australia is complicit in an act of such calibre. I, as an Australian, do not condone this act, and neither, I am certain, do millions of other Australians. Donald Trump has made numerous statements critical of the United States’ allies. If it is acceptable for the leader of the United States to make statements critical of its allies, then surely it is acceptable for the leaders of its allies to make statements critical of the United States. Thus; if you do not reverse your stance and issue a statement condemning Trump for this act within the near future, I will not be voting for you, or the Liberal Party of Australia, again.
Yours sincerely, a concerned citizen.”
@Abars01 Nicely done. A+ 🙂
Can confirm that the Louisville event is real. It was actually organized by Mayor Fischer’s office. Louisville’s elected leadership is very pro-immigrant and I haven’t heard a peep out of even the Republicans to support the ban.
Remember that the standard you walk past is the standard you accept. Might be pertinent that it was an Australian who said that.
It looks good Abars! Only thing I would suggest is that you mail it as well, by regular post, if you are able. They often don’t read emails (at least not here) whereas a physical letter is somewhat more difficult to ignore.
Unrelated but awesome: They’re knocking down a barricade at Standing Rock! it’s prevented emergency vehicles from reaching the water guardians, and it’s prevented the water guardians from reaching the oil pad. It’s where the water spraying truck was parked. It’s coming down!
@lkeke35, I’ve read your posts for a long time now – years certainly. You’ve always been so eloquent at expressing your frustration, and you’ve taught me a lot. It brings tears to my eyes that you would say that. thank you.
Stirring, moving, but perhaps unconvincing. Maybe add a little something related to how this affects Australia or Australians. Were there any Aussies detained for example? Turnbull’s excuse is that it’s got nothing to do with him. Show him otherwise. Fantastic job, keep it up!
Looks like the justice department isn’t going to defend it. That’s good, right?
I’m back from a protest in Brighton (UK), which had a phenomenal number of attendees given 24 hours’ notice. It also spontaneously turned into a march (you need to give 6 days’ notice to agree a march with the police), which the police facilitated.
On the ACLU, I’m astounded and heartened to read that their annual online donations are $4m, and they received $24m this weekend.
We have a new hero!
Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General has instructed government lawyers not to defend the travel bans.
Go, Sally.
I marched today in Edinburgh. The crowds marching have only got bigger since last week, it was legitimately incredibly uplifting to see how many people of different ages, races and backgrounds were out tonight. Did a bit to revitalise my faith in humanity
Welp, edited and sent the email. Later, I’ll buy and send a letter as well. Plus, I’ll ask my parents to write ones as well. (They probably won’t – they don’t support him, but they seem to have a pretty blasé attitude to his antics – but remember that another thing that everyone needs to do is spread the word, recruit new members, and ask their families/friends/classmates/co-workers to join in too.) I’d also like to start a protest, for their doesn’t seem to be one in Melbourne, but I don’t really know how to go about doing that. I have no clout – I’m just an anonymous nobody – and I have no experience at such things. Plus, Melbourne’s airport is notoriously difficult to get to-and-from.
I’m living that protester life!
I’d like to thank everybody here who is marching in protest. I can’t. I’m physically incapable of that much exertion right now. (Stupid post-stroke fatigue.) I’m doing what I can on the cyberfront, but you’re doing so much more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’m sorry to say I’ve had to put my activism on hold for today. I have a wicked cold sapping my energy and giving me a frog in the throat and a cough.
I didn’t make it to the protest at Downing Street…. Because there were so many protesters they shut down the transport system (and I’m unable to walk much right now.) I’ve never been so pleased to miss a protest.
Also I know one of the organisers of the Edinburgh protest. Estimates are ~5000 people in what was organised in a day. We are all very proud, of her and of the people in both cities.
@Victorious Parasol
The support from you and the other international commenters is really, really helpful to me. You may not feel like you’re doing much, but having this level of support that I have here and don’t even have on my (recently trimmed) Facebook feed* helps give me strength I know I wouldn’t have otherwise. And knowing that support spans the globe gives me hope.
*Most of my FB friends are supportive, but there have been some anti-protest sentiments recently, especially after the airport protests.
I’m an Australian and I called my local Federal MP to express my thanks that his party (Labor) has condemned the ban.
Thanks Dave for linking to the cartoon for social phobics.