This just showed up in the moderation queue for an old post, and it is too important to keep to myself. Take it away, Zay!
I find it quite fd up that a female can sit and laugh joke and disrespect a male for being small something he has no control of but when a guy be honest what he think of the smell of cooty its harmful he’s disrespectful he’s gay or he don’t like women look I’m straight I like eating cooty and like the smell of cooty if we being honest here cooty stink if it smell like cooty if it didn’t why try so hard too wash it off simple as this don’t disrespect male sex organs and you want get yours disrespected just like you have a choice of ick size we have a choice on how we like cooty to smell # all cooty dnt stink like cooty # she smells like nothing yummy
Ironically, given the subject matter, Zay’s comment has no periods.
EDITED TO ADD: Â And now, a dramatic reading!
IP: OMG! Better not show this one to my 78 year old mom! (In Florida, right now.). Nipple clamps freaked her out, more than enough. God (or whatever) bless her, tho’
“Cooty”? Seriously?!
I’d think this was supposed to be the singular form of ‘cooties’, but your usage clearly demonstrates otherwise. Are you nine years old, allergic to the term vagina or just too immature to use it?
Vaginas do not normally smell fishy, only ones that are infected ( idk if this happens to anyone else, but also if you eat a lot of shrimp). I think this guy has put his face on an undouched vulva, but he expected it to smell like fish.
Hardly anyone douches anymore.
I don’t see one feminist here disrespecting Zay for his ick size. Or even his dick size.
But I do recall being an insecure teenage girl and insisting on buying
genital deodorant spray (aka feminine deodorant spray) because our patriarchal culture had convinced me that I needed it desperately.
Later I started reading feminist literature and became aware that the stuff was harmful. Out it went.
Long story short, Zay: You think feminists are mocking you. They aren’t. Patriarchal culture, on the other hand, is trying desperately to convince me that I’m worthless and need to spend a lot of money on junk that will harm me.
Every time he says “cooty” imagine he is talking abut one of those plastic bugs from the board game.
I am stunned by Zay’s eloquence and his gift of being able to paint a picture with words.
Jackson Pollack-esque, one might say.
A Study In Cooty On A Sweltering Day -Zay, 2017
They can be a bit whiffy if you’ve been bleeding every day for a month because menopause likes to find ways to fuck up your life before it actually closes down the baby machinery. Not that I know anything about that.
@Scildfreja Sam is the queen Bee!
Why would I want my genitals disrespected? I use those, sometimes. Besides, I already have tonnes of people who can disrespect them for me. Thanks for instructing me on how it’s done, Zay!
Is.. is he aware that ‘cooties’ was originally a slang term for head lice?
Like, dude, I ain’t judging you (much), but wikipedia is right there.
From the ‘fifties right through the seventies, there were multiple head louse panics in public schools. (Concurrent with desegregation; racism surely had a lot to do with it. )The term ‘cooties’ was misused by small children as a way to be mean to other children (“he’s got cooties! stay away from him!”) and since girls and feminine boys got teased the most, it became associated with femininity.
‘Cooties’ has literally nothing to do with genitalia, female or otherwise.
I’ve done a silly reading of this.
Oh lord, Boogerghost, are you Tammy Waits? That was beautiful. *tears* *finger snaps of approval*
@Poglodyte Thanks kindly 😀
OMG…Boogerghost…that was *sniff* beautiful!
Seriously, that’s the most awesome thing I’ve seen in a long time and it has made my day so much brighter. 🙂
Thank you Boogerghost! A lovely reading. I’m going to add it to the post number sign.
Aw shucks, thank you!! 😀 @eli @David
omg Zay is channeling James Joyce! And I bet he doesn’t even know it.
The longest grammatically correct sentence is contained in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! (1936). The sentence is composed of 60 words (In the 1951 Random House version). Another sentence that is often claimed to be the longest sentence ever written is Molly Bloom’s soliloquy in the James Joyce novel Ulysses (1922), which contains a sentence of 100 words. However, this sentence is simply many sentences without punctuation. Jonathan Coe’s The Rotters’ Club appears to hold the record at 101 words. It was inspired by Bohumil Hrabal’s Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age: a Czech language novel written in one long sentence.
@Boogerghost: that was fantastic.
Boogerghost: *fingersnaps*
Number sign!
I once translated a 178 word sentence from Spanish. It was grammatically correct (the statue of saint A in church A and the statue of saint B in church B and … practically to Z) but I split it up in the English version. I’ve had native Spanish speakers tell me the English was easier to read.