#ResistTrump actual activism Islamophobia trump

#ResistTrump! A list of 30+ #MuslimBan protests TODAY (Sunday)

Protests at JFK airport last night

Last night was just the beginning. Here’s a list of the dozens of protests scheduled for TODAY, from Birmingham, Alabama to Seattle Washington.

This info in this list comes from, and only includes protests taking place today; there are some scheduled for the days ahead that I have not listed.

The list at GetGroundGame will be updated throughout the day; my list here will not. So check there for the latest info and to see what protests have been added, as well as for protests scheduled in the coming days. If you have a protest to add to the list, contact  @JessLivMo. on Twitter, not me.

If your city isn’t listed, see @JessLivMo‘s Twitter feed, which has info on it that hasn’t yet made it onto her big list.














New York

North Carolina





Washington (state)

United Kingdom

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Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

Trump is an existential threat to American democracy and a threat to the safety of the entire world. – David Futrelle

QFT. And I don’t agree with AnnaB thatt here’s nothing non-Americans can do to make a difference. Pressure your own politicians and media to reject Trump and Trumpism in whatever way they can – the proto-fascist regime that has come to power in the USA must not be normalised! Demonstrate to show solidarity with those resisting Trump in the USA – decent Americans must know they are not alone, and that those in other countries don’t think Trump and his cronies represent them.

8 years ago

I don’t think there is a female or male brain. People want so badly to categorize by gender that they take data that clearly shows certain brain activity exists in both men and women, go looking for some difference in the way it appears between the genders, and then declare that difference to be due to gender. People can’t handle not knowing a gender for a person. Just try responding to someone asking if a baby is a boy or a girl with, “why do you want to know?” They don’t know how to interact with a child unless they know its assigned gender.

8 years ago
8 years ago

@Lord Pabu you are missing some important context when you assert that people on either side of that debate are really in agreement.

Both of those arguments have been used in the past (and are still used in the present) to both attack AND support trans people.

There are transphobes out there going ‘you can’t be trans unless your brain is masculinized/feminized’. There are also transphobes saying ‘you can’t be trans because gender is a construct; you’re reinforcing the patriarchy’.

There are also trans allies and trans people who fall on both sides of these debates – and people who have only ever been exposed to one variety of thinking.

So yes, there are people on both sides of the debate who support trans people. Speaking for myself, though (of course I can’t speak for all trans people) it’s exhausting because my very existence seems to spur people to give me their opinions on this debate. I have to hear about it constantly. And personally, I don’t really care about anybody’s personal theories on gender. I tend to view them as a reflection of that individual’s relationship with their own gender. I’m just tired of hearing about it.

8 years ago

For an example of what I mean, see in @GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina’s comment –

“but we have trouble with the idea that you can be born into the wrong body, because we believe you are what you are and anatomy doesn’t rule over everything you are.”

(Sorry, I’m still pretty newbie and I have no idea how to do block quotes)

I can’t convey the degree to which I am tired of hearing how any one particular person perceives gender and therefor how they think I should relate to my own gender. Everyone has a right to their own opinions on gender and identity because everyone /does/ have a relationship to their gender and absolutely should put in the time to think about that if they care to.

But when you’re trans, it’s like your very identity becomes a topic for philosophical debate constantly. You’re not allowed to just exist without having to hear about how buddy over here has a problem with such-and-such trans terminology. And 90% of these ideas people take issue with didn’t come out of the trans community in the first place – they came from cis therapists who were ‘studying’ or ‘curing’ us.

I’m going to stop here because I’m sure nobody was really looking for my opinion anyway, and I apologize for derailing.

8 years ago

OT: update on the terrorist attack in Quebec:

* Six victims died, 5 are still in critical condition, 14 wounded have been released from hospital.

* Two shooters arrested, they’re believed to be the only shooters. Mohammed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette. Motivations currently unknown. Khadir is a muslim name, Bissonnette is as quebecois “pure laine” as you can get. So people are jumping to contradictory conclusions.

* All political levels are united in calling this terrorism, and the press is following along (the francophone press did it before the politicians spoke; the anglo press waited until it had permission from the premier and prime minister).

8 years ago

re non-USAians–I’ll be demonstrating in Bristol tonight. There is a lot going on here. And of course there’s The Petition, at 1342415 signatures and counting. Someone pointed out that apparently to May some things are ‘the will of the people’, and are sacrosanct, while others are ‘just populism’, and can be ignored.

In the time it took me to type that it’s gone up to 1348930.

8 years ago

About the convergence of blogs that I noted, here’s a climate science blog I follow: Climate Denial Crock of the Week (which posts much more often than weekly these days):

While tying themselves into knots to support Donald Trump’s aggressively racist campaign, Republicans continue to demonstrate what I’ve been noting for years. Racism and climate denial are joined at the hip.

There could be no clearer demonstration of this than Climate Denier and racist Donald Trump’s current campaign. Mr Trump has managed to convincingly bring White Supremacists, Neo Nazis, homophobes, misogynists and anti-science zealots all happily together in the same big tent. We can at least thank him for making the associations so vivid.

8 years ago


Sorry for the double post, but back on topic:

Now that’s interesting:

Finally, I want to highlight a story that many people haven’t noticed. On Wednesday, Reuters reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown. This was done through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money “paying” for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (the government’s official bank), even though it’s highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies.

Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions. The reason this is so interesting is that the dossier said this in July, and the sale didn’t happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like “19% plus a brokerage commission.”

I wouldn’t say I respect Putin, but if he’s really pulled this off, it’s one of the most audacious pieces of statecraft ever. Machiavelli wishes to subscribe to his newsletter.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago


I was actually looking for your opinion.
I don’t want to get into too much detail but recently there was a dispute over trans issues in a feminist group I am in and I don’t think anybody on any “side” voiced things the way you did. That was incredibly lucid from my perspective. Thank you.

ETA: I know you don’t want anyone to take it as gospel but the argument in that group just got very odd and b&w. This was just a fresh topic on my mind.

8 years ago

Thank you for sharing your perspective.

Here’s a quick lesson on how to do blockquotes. If you see a quote button, you can either click it, enter the text you wish to quote, then click it again or you can highlight the text and click the button.

If you don’t see the button, you can use the blockquote html tag like this:

<blockquote>Text you want quoted goes here.</blockquote>

The above would look like this:

Text you want quoted goes here.

On topic:

THIS IS ILLEGAL.My God. This is wrong. It's dead wrong. The judge RULED he could stay and ruled deportations to be halted.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) January 30, 2017

8 years ago

@PreuxFox: Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.

@kupo: that article is terrifying. Legit terrifying. I’ve been reading paragraphs a little at a time, because it’s too much to take in all at once.

@numerobis: I am glad that they are referring to it as a terrorist attack. I am very very not glad that it happened, though that seems inadequate to say.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

jeeby creeby. I mean, par for the course, but really?

My heart goes out to all the victims of the terror attack in QC. At least they’re calling it what it is. I hope they continue to get loud, and louder still. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Thank you for everyone’s contribution. I appreciated your comment, @PreusFox. Don’t ever be afraid to say what you’re feeling!

8 years ago

I sent an email to my local MHR the other day, prompted by a circulating GetUp petition. I’m in the process of redrafting it to deal with Turnbull’s newest spineless effort. But it’s now 3am so I’m leaving that for tomorrow.
NOTE: I actually know Amanda so you might want to think about how casual or formal you want to be in writing to whoever your MHR is. Of course, if it’s one of the leeches or lackwits on the government side, this will be no use to you at all.

Dear Amanda,
That dreadful man in America has just derailed the barely acceptable “plans” of our own dreadful government to resettle some of those poor unfortunates on Manus and Nauru in the USA.

I know it’s yet another nightmarish Groundhog Day to try and nag these awful people to grow a conscience and do something recognisably, even vaguely, moral about these particular refugees, but that seems to be the job you’ve signed up for.

Whether you do it alone or in concert with other MPs, other parties or other groups matters little to me. You’re the one who knows how things work in Canberra. Please do whatever you can to keep their feet to the fire on this.

Regards, stay strong,

You also might want to check out GetUp or some of the other activist sites who may already have petitions or sample emails drafted ready for use.

8 years ago

Quebec terrorist attack: there’s only one shooter, it’s Bissonnette. His friends claim he wasn’t an extremist, just a quiet guy. Studied anthropology and political science.

The guy they called Khadir is a witness (I assume a victim of the attack? Unclear) and it’s not even his actual name.

Of course someone unrelated by that name in Montreal is now having his image spread on social media. And my MNA has that name; I’m sure some asshats will assume he’s related and somehow is to blame.

Lord Pabu
Lord Pabu
8 years ago


I actually do agree that there aren’t things that are innately feminine or innately masculine, for the exact reasons you describe. Those categories change across cultures and time. That said, society does categorize things as either masculine or feminine, and that’s what I was trying to reference. Badly. :/


I do agree! The fixation we have on gender as a society is really weird. I go on whole tirades about how disturbing I find it that we gender segregate toys while people look at me like I’ve grown a third head. I’m just really not okay with that attitude. The studies I’ve seen about ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains seem plausible to me only because they are studies done on adults, and it makes sense to me that a lifetime of socialization would have an impact on how a brain behaves. What I disagree with when I see those articles is the lack of acknowledgement that it’s socialization that causes this, and the vast majority of the cishet people these studies focused on weren’t actually born that way.

What I meant when I was talking about inborn traits is how even babies have distinct personalities before they reach six months of age. I took a psychology course on human development that quoted four distinct personality types (not at all defined by gender). So if people who are trans believe they were definitively born into the wrong body, I can give them the benefit of the doubt that there’s something in the early hardwiring of our brain that can lead to that feeling under some circumstances. I don’t know exactly how that would work, and the science doesn’t seem to be all that conclusive at this point. We know so little about the human brain in some respects. I just want to err on the side of validating people, but I’m pretty sure I’m just being convoluted in my approach at this point.


I can definitely imagine how exhausting it is to have to hear people debate the nature of your identity all the time. It wears me out just trying to imagine it. I didn’t mean to diminish the way people have used this issue as a bludgeon when it should be anything but that. I do agree that our relationship with gender should be personal, and not at all up for debate.

So I’m going to drop it now, because I’m making myself uncomfortable at this point. (I’m awkward. So very awkward. I’m sorry.)

8 years ago

Scildfreja, I followed through on other parts of that thread.

The charming POTUS mocked Chuck Schumer for his tears when talking about the Democrats drafting a reversal of the travel bans.

You’ll notice that Schumer’s people refused to dignify that with a response. I haven’t had a chance to check further but I found this when following up on this entry.

erica orden Retweeted
Jennifer Mendelsohn ‏@CleverTitleTK 52m52 minutes ago
Jennifer Mendelsohn Retweeted Bradd Jaffy
Repeat: Senator Schumer’s great-grandmother and 7 of her 9 children were murdered by the Nazis.

If that’s true then the POTUS claim to know Chuck Schumer “very well” looks just as shaky as every other statement he makes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I’ve tried a slightly different tack. Don’t know if it’ll do any good but for £2.25 in stamps (which I swiped from work anyway) possibly worth a shot.

(Please don’t point out any spelling mistakes, it’s too late now!)

Jim Mattis

Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000

Dear General Mattis


You will no doubt be aware of the current controversy surrounding the above mentioned order.

Putting aside the moral and legal considerations for a moment I would like to raise with you a practical matter.

The stated purpose of the order is to mitigate the risk from terrorism. I know this is a subject that concerns you greatly and in which you have a particular expertise. As such I am sure you are well aware of ISIS’ stated aim of ‘eliminating the gray zone’.

It does seem that this order plays very much into ISIS’ hands in that regard, and therefore is somewhat counterproductive.

I appreciate that you are unable to make any public comments in relation to this. However the President has expressed a willingness to defer to you in relation to matters of national security and policy.

I would therefore urge you to take whatever steps you can to dissuade him from continuing with this course of action.

Yours sincerely

Alan Robertshaw LLB (Hons), Barrister-at-law

8 years ago

My ground signal these days is just completely and totally,


At least we’re being plunged into a boiling pot and not simmered up from cold, because we are not taking all this lying down.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

In some good news, there are many marches in solidarity of Muslim communities all around Canada. I’ll be going to one locally tonight @ 5 in Whitehorse at the Shipyards docks.

8 years ago

I’ll be at Gare Jean-Talon tonight in Montreal, 18h-20h.

I’m expecting a large crowd. I’ve never quite seen so many friends mentioning a march, despite how often Montrealers march.

8 years ago

Hi Mammoths!

Just got back from a small but vocal protest against Trump outside the council offices in Derby, UK, which I found out about less than an hour and a half ago, but was glad to get to.

Also signed the petition to prevent Trump from making a State Visit, which apparently the government is going to ignore (only 1 and a half million signatures so far!). For any other British readers, the address is below – sorry, I don’t know how to do hyperlinks.

Also been looking at Trump products, and companies carrying Tump products, to boycott – (I was boycotting Amazon anyway because their working conditions are notoriously shit, and one of their big distribution centres is quite local to us, so it’s our local young people whose working lives are being ruined – but why blame a big company for lowered living standards, when you can blame immigrants, right?)

Basically, trying to do what I can. Of course we’ve got our own problems – Brexit, Theresa May cosying up to the likes of Erdogan, increasing intolerance – but it’s all part of the bigger picture.

I don’t really like writing posts like this because I’m aware of how minor all these actions are alone, and it all seems a bit ‘look-at-me-I’m-helping!’ but previous protests and campaigns have shown how small actions can add up, and I’m glad to be counted as Trump’s enemy. Which is easy for me to say all the way over here…

Keep up the good work! It’s back to lurking for me…


8 years ago

Holy fuck, this is despicable. From the Guardian, just now:

Sean Spicer starts off his press briefing by saying Trump has spoken with Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau to give his condolences over the shooting at a Quebec mosque where six people were killed.

Spicer notes that the “tragic” event is a reminder “why the president is taking steps to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to keeping citizens safe.”

Someone shoots up a mosque, and that’s justification for the muslim ban?

8 years ago

@Moggie: Not going to lie, I was waiting for it.

8 years ago

It was predictable.

I’m pissed Trudeau took the call.