#ResistTrump actual activism Islamophobia trump

#ResistTrump! A list of 30+ #MuslimBan protests TODAY (Sunday)

Protests at JFK airport last night

Last night was just the beginning. Here’s a list of the dozens of protests scheduled for TODAY, from Birmingham, Alabama to Seattle Washington.

This info in this list comes from, and only includes protests taking place today; there are some scheduled for the days ahead that I have not listed.

The list at GetGroundGame will be updated throughout the day; my list here will not. So check there for the latest info and to see what protests have been added, as well as for protests scheduled in the coming days. If you have a protest to add to the list, contact  @JessLivMo. on Twitter, not me.

If your city isn’t listed, see @JessLivMo‘s Twitter feed, which has info on it that hasn’t yet made it onto her big list.














New York

North Carolina





Washington (state)

United Kingdom

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rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

I’m off to the Seattle one after work today.

8 years ago

I’m off to one tomorrow morning.
For the second time in two weeks, people are in the streets.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

Yeesh, and here I’ve been in Taiwan all month missing all the fun. Maybe there’ll still be a protest or two in which I can participate when I get back to Central Texas. Of course, I’ll have to check if I’m allowed to actually be in a protest given my someone more limited 1st Amendment rights compared to the average citizen.

8 years ago
Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

UK residents can Resist Trump by also signing this here petition.
The rest of us can watch the numbers just rolling up in record speed.

“Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.

Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.”

Christopher Petroni
Christopher Petroni
8 years ago

To the list of Washington protests you can add a rally at the Northwest Detention Center at 2 pm in Tacoma. The organizers claim that detainees have been transferred there from the airport. If true, the detainees are likely the two whose removal is subject to a temporary stay, and whose case will be heard by a federal judge in Seattle on Friday.

Edited to add link.

8 years ago

@Leda Atomica
Hey there! I hadn’t seen you for a while and was wondering how you were doing. 🙂

Justin Trudeau continues to be amazing.

8 years ago

And quite a lot of other Canadian politicos:

Also, although slightly OT, this will make you smile: Silly happy multiculturalism.

8 years ago

I am sure that there is a legal procedure for turning an executive order into federal regulations. IDK what those procedures are. I wonder if that is being followed? If not, then the individual security personnel (and not the federal govt.) would be legally responsible for following an illegal order. IOW, when the lawsduits start the individual security guards are the ones being sued. Oops, maybe being fired for failure to follow orders is the smart move for these PDBs.

Christopher Petroni
Christopher Petroni
8 years ago

Mark, executive orders stand on their own. They are not subject to the elaborate rule making procedures that agency regulations are. Still, executive orders are subject to the Constitution.

8 years ago

Another rally was added in Blaine, WA.

8 years ago
Denver airport protest

Don’t have much to say these days. I can’t make it to protest today but will be donating on payday. It’s almost too much to even know where donation money will go furthest.

Remember to self care everyone. We need endurance for the months ahead.

Someone Cool
Someone Cool
8 years ago

My brain hurts. They are literally ignoring federal court orders. God dammit. This has got to stop.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

Waves @kupo

comment image

I have not abandoned you all, I’ve just been a super active lurker. The last year took all my mental energy with a breakup and personal crisis so I felt I don’t have a lot of input. But y’all kept me in the loop and sufficiently angry and entertained enough to speed the healing process. My gratefulness will be reflected in rambling comments and furry animal gifs!

8 years ago

Here’s a list of planned protests in Britain, in addition to tomorrow’s in London.‬

8 years ago

Dammit, I was just up by the airport.

Going back. Dammit. Going back.

Y’know Asshole Pastor this morning had to read a letter from the bishop. It’s the second week in a row he had to read one and he’s clearly had enough. The letter was all about the charity of Christ and the responsibility of all of us to stand up against these injustices being committed in our names, in violation of Christ’s teachings. I mean, this morning the gospel was the beatitudes (Blest are they, the poor, the hungry, etc.). The letter was beautiful and meaningful.

But before he read the letter, AP told the congregation that the bishop needed to get over the election already. He said the bishop left out the “fact” that there are very dangerous people who want to come into this country to do us harm.

I’m going back. AP’s so out of touch with a lot of the congregation. All the conversations I heard this morning agreed with the bishop. I even overheard my drummer and singer saying we’re more at risk of having another Tim McVeigh than any refugee causing harm.

I’m glad I stayed at the church (I printed and signed a resignation, but stood and said no, not playing with those dudes) I made an enemy of the pastor, but I’m employed by the church, not him and I’ve met some amazing people.

See you later!

John Strycharz
John Strycharz
8 years ago

Justin Trudeau has spent months telling Canadians he and Trump are “a lot alike.” This man has serious daddy issues, which have and will continue to have terrible real-world consequences for our country. For years he collaborated with the hideous Conservative government of Stephen Harper, supporting extreme right-wing legislation that helped uphold corporatist rule while stopping the real progress we so desperately need. Anyone who would vote him back into office has gone beyond partisanship into outright cultism. 🙁

No Clever Pseudonym :(
No Clever Pseudonym :(
8 years ago

Longtime lurker here:

For anyone in the DFW area, there’s a protest (still) ongoing from yesterday at DFW International Airport, Terminal D International Arrivals.

I am headed there shortly.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, is the site going to be all Trump stuff all the time now?

I know it’s obnoxious to complain in the comments about the content of a blog. I’ve tried to keep my mouth shut but I’m just worried this community is dying off. The comments used to be active just about 24/7 and now sometimes it can be hours between comments. Lots of regulars have disappeared and those who are still here (including myself) don’t comment as much. We don’t seem to be acquiring any new regulars either. So maybe I’m the only one who feels like this, but I kind of doubt it. I’m even starting to miss the trolls.

I can’t tell you what to write, David, but what POM called outrage fatigue definitely seems like a thing that’s happening here. I know I’m feeling burnt out already and could use some comic relief. I think making fun of the worst people is actually important in delegitimizing their ideas and no other site ever did it as well as this one used to.

Sorry if I’m out of line here. I just miss how there used to be such a dynamic community where we discussed serious topics but still had fun all while sharpening our teeth on troll chew toys. If I’m the only one who feels this way, I’ll try to stop bringing up. I’m really not trying to whine or order anyone around. I’ve just been seriously depressed about feeling like I’m losing a space that I value so much.

8 years ago

Seconding Weatherwax! – and also, I don’t know if this is the same list as that one or if there may be more protests to add: fellow Brits might like to check for details of anti-Trump pro-immigrant protests planned for tomorrow in different cities up and down the country (there’s a London one at Downing St., 6pm, but plenty of other cities are planning their own).

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago

There’s one in PDX

8 years ago

Yeah I kind of feel the same way too. Don’t get me wrong resisting Trump on all fronts IS important and no one is going to argue otherwise, but some levity by mocking some MGTOW/PUA/MRA’s would be greatly appreciated. Politics is inherently draining, politics that involve resisting a tyrant backed by oligarchs, theocrats and bigots is soul crushing. It’s Week 2 and already it feels like “fractured democracy” is an understatement.

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