So Trump’s Muslim-ban-that-he-says-isn’t-a-Muslim-ban is already creating chaos at airports across the country, as refugees and others (including green card holders) who were literally in the air when Trump’s plan went into effect have been detained for, well, whatever they are being detained for, as Trump’s executive order was a bit vague. Because he likes signing things and getting his picture taken and doesn’t really give a shit about the details.
This is something straight out of Nazi Germany, and that’s no hyperbole. It’s an offensive and unconstitutional act, opposed to everything this county should and sometimes even does stand for. It will make the world a more dangerous place for Americans, especially those serving overseas. It will be a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS.
CALL YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS! Yes, it’s Saturday, but leave a message if you can, and follow up by writing an email. Call their local offices if you can’t leave a message at their DC offices.
You can find the name and contact info for your representative here, and for your senators here. You can find email forms on their official websites.
See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.
JOIN A LOCAL PROTEST IF YOU CAN! A spontaneous protest has started at New York’s JFK airport; it’s drawn several hundred protesters so far. Al Jazeera is reporting that “other protests [are] expected to take place at airports in San Francisco and Washington, DC, among other US cities,” but unfortunately I don’t have any info about them or contact info for the organizers.
UPDATE: Here’s a frequently updated list of dozens of protests with links to more info on each.
If you know of protests being planned, post what you know in the comments below. Thanks!
If you’re in Chicago, there’s a protest planned at O’Hare tonight:
Chicago O’Hare Airport, Terminal 5 at 6pm today, Jan 28
I don’t know who is planning this so be careful if you decide to go.
I found out about this in an email from Avazz, You might want to sign up with them to find out about protests near you.
Anyone else know of anything?
Click through the Tweet below to see a Twitter thread with info on dozens of protests around the country either happening now or planned for the next few days. I’ve copied the info from the thread below, but the Twitter thread itself will have the most complete and up-to-date info and any changes in plans. Not to mention links that actually work.
1. Thread of protests happening against the #MuslimBan:
— Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani (@AdrienneMahsa) January 28, 2017
Happening now
https://twitter.com/MaketheRoadNY/status/825468794621530114 …
If you live in NJ, join @MaketheRoadNJ at Newark Airport NOW #TerminalB
Today, January 28, 7 p.m.
IAH Terminal E
Tomorrow, January 29, 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office
https://www.facebook.com/events/175651122918583/ …
Tomorrow, January 29, 1-4 p.m.
Discovery Green
https://www.facebook.com/events/386770058353091/# …
Tomorrow, January 29, 4-5 p.m.
Court House Lawn
https://www.facebook.com/events/141181763054369/ …
Tomorrow, January 29, 3-4:30 p.m.
Sen. Bob Corker’s office
https://www.facebook.com/events/1782511105404931/ …
Today, January 28, 5 pm-midnight
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac)
https://www.facebook.com/events/1152820661482173/ …
Today, January 28, ongoing
Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport
https://www.facebook.com/events/1626807780957019/ …
Today, January 28, 6-9 p.m.
Reno-Tahoe International Airport
https://www.facebook.com/events/253898505050158/ …
Today, January 28, 7 p.m.
PHL Airport, Terminal A
https://twitter.com/HelenGymAtLarge/status/825481846981066752 …
San Diego
Today, January 28, 5-8 p.m.
San Diego International Airport
https://www.facebook.com/events/1197079300405276/ …
Salt Lake City
Today, January 28, 8-10 p.m.
Salt Lake City International Airport
Tomrrow, January 29, 4-6 p.m.
DTW- Macnamara Termial- Intl Arrivals
Tomorrow, January 29, 3 p.m.
Hamtramck City City Hall
https://www.facebook.com/events/1754583231524900/ …
Tomorrow, January 29, 4-6 p.m.
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport
https://www.facebook.com/events/370576413312630/?active_tab=about … …
New York, New York
January 28, happening now
John F. Kennedy International Airport
https://www.facebook.com/WorkingFamilies/videos/10154733903016418/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE …
Tomorrow, January 29, 1:30 – 3 p.m.
Turner Park
https://www.facebook.com/events/1468682563144607/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1485643779835043 …
Los Angeles,
Today, January 28, 5-8 p.m.
LAX – Tom Bradley International Terminal
https://www.facebook.com/events/1655523898074718/ …
Today, January 28, happening now
O’Hare International Airport
https://twitter.com/Tropophobe/status/825469641673830401 …
Today, January 28, 3 p.m.
Portland Airport, MAX Terminal=
Today, January 28, 5-7 p.m.
Denver International Airport
https://www.facebook.com/events/1416101161753999/ …
Los Angeles
Today, January 28, 1–5 pm
Federal Immigration Office, 300 N. Los Angeles St.
https://www.facebook.com/events/390044374684230/ …
Tomorrow, January 29, 5-8 p.m.
Westlake Park
https://www.facebook.com/events/581941758669291/ …
Los Angeles
Tomorrow, January 29, 1-4 p.m.
LAX, Tom Bradley International Teminal
https://www.facebook.com/events/1876148372629363/ …
San Francisco
Today, January 28th, 3-5 p.m.
SFO International Terminal
https://www.facebook.com/events/1851001951851194 …
Tomorrow, January 29th, 2-4 pm
PHL International Terminal A West (Arrivals) https://www.facebook.com/events/252451231859979/ …
San Francisco
February 4th, 4–7 p.m.
UN Plaza
https://www.facebook.com/events/1860032590936254/ …
Tuesday, Jan 31, 4:30–6 p.m.
Minneapolis Federal Building
https://www.facebook.com/events/294911630924576/ …
Tomorrow, Jan 29, 1–3 p.m.
Copley Square
https://www.facebook.com/events/1808560036070492/ …
Washington, D.C.
Tomorrow, Jan 29, 1–3 p.m.
White House
https://www.facebook.com/events/1252785808141697/1254651654621779/?notif_t=admin_plan_mall_activity¬if_id=1485550421938754 …
Washington, D.C.
Happening now!
Dulles Airport
Greeting refugees and immigrants: https://www.facebook.com/events/1241814585910234/ …
I have, at the very least both of their messages said that this voicemail is for when there are too many people calling. That gives me comfort that there are quite a lot of people who aren’t fascists/fascist sympathizers/enablers.
Can we take the refugees and deport Trump and his people instead?
Who could we possibly, in all good conscience, inflict them on?
I don’t know if this is exactly on point but some of the British press pack have been stranded outside the White House because the secret service has run an ID check and it’s flagged up the journalists ‘fake’ dates of birth.
According to their tweets the British Embassy is now on the phone explaining how we do ‘day/month/year’.
@ Ray of Rays
Snake Island!
I left messages for my congressman and one of my Senators and emailed the other Senator. Also trying to see if I can get my sister on board to protest in person at LAX.
ETA: We may have been unfairly maligning the secret service. They’re now saying they do understand about the date format thing but people’s DOBs have been entered inconsistently on the various systems and that’s what’s thrown up the red flags.
@Ray of rays
I’m sure there’s some lovely uninhabited islands on Venus
So now we know he’s gone and purged the secret service as well and replaced them with idiots of the same caliber as the rest of his administration. I guess it’s not surprising since he’ll only surround himself with sycophants.
That sort of stuff is gonna be the stuff of endless jokes for Europeans, isn’t it ?
ETA : Point sorta still stands. That never was a problem before, why is it becoming one now ?
@Ray of Rays
I hear that the Russian government is very welcoming to fascists.
@ sinkable john
I’m speculating, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump had some “just who are these people?’ strop after the recent awkward questioning (especially from the BBC at the joint press conference) and that’s triggered the checking. The press pack is well known to the white house security so this might be the first time this has actually cropped up.
Or Bannon is behind it. Throwing his weight around. The Brit press have been pretty critical of him.
Otter and I are seriously considering cancelling our upcoming trip. I’ve been to the US almost a dozen times, but this is the first time I don’t feel safe going there. Even though I’m obviously not the main target for this fascist executive order, I have no idea what fucking stupid idea they’ll come up with tomorrow. I do charity work with Muslim immigrants from the countries on this list. I’ve worked in integration, language training, etc, with mostly Muslim immigrants from these countries.
We’re scheduled to stay in the US for more than a month. I might be paranoid, but I do NOT have a guarantee that my work experience won’t suddenly become grounds for arrest while I’m visiting family.
Our news outlets are trying to get more specific info from the US embassy in Stockholm, but all they can say is we’re all waiting for clarification from Washington.
Whether we go on this trip or not, we’ve decided this is the only time we’ll come visit as long as the fascists are occupying the White House. If it’s 4 years or even 8, that’s how long they’ll be waiting to see their daughter/sister again. They voted for this, after all. Now face the consequences.
Homegrown radicalization is more of an issue than people coming from other countries. You’re increasing the risk if young moderate Muslims don’t feel like they belong here.
We don’t know how many radicalized extremist Muslims are in the US.
The people I know who voted for Trump are very scared of ISIL spreading to the United States. The problem is that radical jihadist salafi Islam is a global phenomenon that uses anger against the United States to convince people to join its cause. Americans in Muslim countries will also be at greater risk of violence and discrimination.
@alanrobertshaw it’s quite easy to be inconsistent about it – you think “oh yeah, this is an American form so I should do it this way…” but then you go back to your normal way. I had to apply for a new passport in person at the Embassy and I ran back up to the window to say I’d accidentally done my birthdate British style. They smiled and had already whited it out and done it American style and were quite nice about it.
But if you’re trying to be a jerk- like Bannon – you can make a big deal about the date thing.
@Imaginary Petal – as an American citizen, I’d like to reassure you but I can’t reassure you. Although I think the chances are you wouldn’t be arrested, why take the risk?
David, Thank you for sharing the link for people with Social Anxiety!
The ACLU is suing on behalf of some of the people detained because of this order. So if you haven’t given to them and you can afford to do so, that’s definitely something to consider.
Once, I had quite a scary experience when arriving at Newark airport.
While standing in line for border control I was approached three times by three separate guards, asking me questions right there. They wanted to know where I was from, if I had been to the US before, the purpose of my visit, what I did for a living, how long I’m staying, how I paid for the trip, etc etc etc.
When I finally reached the border control station they did the usual stuff, check passport, get fingerprints, take picture, and so on. They also asked me how much money I make, and how I could afford to buy plane tickets with a salary like that. They wanted to know how much cash I brought. When I said I brought almost none they got very suspicious. I tried to say I had my Visa card and didn’t see much point in bringing a wad of cash, but they wouldn’t listen.
My interrogator then called for back-up. Another man appeared and told me to come with him, separating me from my wife. After walking with him through a few corridors and taking a ride in an elevator, I ended up in a room with a long desk and some chairs. By the desk, there were 7 or 8 security people discussing me in hushed tones, while I was seated outside of hearing range for a good 20 minutes. At one point I tried to ask how long this thing would take, but I was only told to sit down and stay quiet.
Eventually they called me up to the desk and they all grilled me with all kinds of weird questions, down to challenging my choice to wear a short sleeved shirt on the plane. After the questioning I was told to sit back down and wait, indefinitely.
After a while I said they would have to let me use my cell phone to call my wife and tell her what’s going on. That led to a new barrage of questions about my wife.
Once they figured out that my wife was an American citizen, they were instantly more relaxed. I had to give them my wife’s name and her family’s address, and then they finally let me go pick up my luggage.
Weird, right? Well, during this trip I had an unusually long beard. Almost a Muslim-like beard, some would say. I don’t think that was a coincidence.
History Nerd: I noticed that as soon as I read the list. Pakistan and Egypt would surely be on a list that really was about reducing the chance of Islamic extremists going to the US.
The fact that they are not instantly makes me think that this is a strong gesture, but no more than that – Trump shows everyone he means business, whilst not really doing anything to reduce the chances of terrorism.
If you want to show support for the airport protests, there are several live feeds of them. I’ve seen JFK and Dulles. The feed shows how many people are watching.
Slightly worryingly, the JFK ones don’t appear to be live any more. But the Dulles one was, 5 mins ago.
#thentheycameforme – best hashtag I’ve seen in the last 24 hours
@IP after that I don’t know why you’d even try to go back to the US. Uh, I guess shave your beard??? WTF.
A friend was going to have an operation, and I told her I could come back to the US to take care of her for a couple of weeks during recovery. But now there’s a minuscule but nonzero chance that I’d be detained, and I just can’t risk it. She totally understands–and the operation’s been delayed anyway, so I don’t actually have to make the decision yet…but I really can’t imagine any situation right now that would make me want to take the risk of going back.
Have people seen this twitter account? They’re tweeting out the manifest of Jewish refugees turned away from the US. The ones who died, that is.
The ACLU court case has a hearing at 730.
Tweet from Cecelia Wang>
So, in about five minutes.
The ACLU made an improntu lawyer’s office in JFK Terminal 4.
For the Brits here, there’s a letter you can co-sign online, calling for Theresa May to speak out.
If you need any further incentive, it’s from the organisation Farage called “extremist” when attempting to smear Jo Cox’s widower. (Spoiler for those yet to catch up, it’s not an extremist organisation – the clue is in its name: Hope Not Hate.)
@IP: I second RugbyYogi. I very much doubt you’d have a problem, but why take the chance? This saddens me. I never believed anyone from Europe would be feeling paranoid about coming here. Also, why should you spend your money here?
@ Weatherwax–done.