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Friday Night Non-Trump Dance Party 1/27/17 Edition

Take a break from Trump in this Non-Trump Open Thread! No trolls, no Trump fans, no talking about Trump.

If you want to talk about Trump, go here!

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eli's got a clean pair of heels
eli's got a clean pair of heels
8 years ago

My tiny iPod shuffle delivered this one the other night and I’m still all danced out!

8 years ago

On a (hopefully) amusing note, there was a twenty-minute period today when I thought I would have special effects fangs stuck to my teeth forever.
They were the kind that you customize to your teeth, and I accidentally left them for just a little too long and couldn’t get them off. Thankfully, I thought to google to see if this happens to anyone else and got some tips for getting them unstuck and was fangless once more.
The worst moment was when I got one off, and couldn’t get the other, and just thought “now I’m going to be half a vampire forever”.
They do look nice and fit very well now though.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ jayne

I once painted myself red for a party (don’t ask) and it took four frikkin days of showering, and a nailbrush, before it finally all came off. I had to go to work looking like Hellboy.

8 years ago

Apparently this sort of incident runs in my family. When my dad was a kid, he dressed up as Eddie Munster for halloween. He used vaseline to do his hair . . . it turns out that vaseline doesn’t really wash out. At all. A barber had to use the most foul-smelling grease remover to get it out.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Anyone have a recommendation for a site that has really easy to make vegetarian recipes? They don’t have to be vegan but I don’t mind vegan food either.

eli's got a clean pair of heels
eli's got a clean pair of heels
8 years ago

RIP Sir John Hurt


These were really easy and super tasty. I’ve made them twice and I just bought more potatoes. Everything on this site is phenomenal, but not necessarily easy. I’m a total Kenji fangirl. It’s not a vegetarian site, but has lots of vegetarian and vegan recipes.

8 years ago

RIP Sir John Hurt


These were really easy and super tasty. I’ve made them twice and I just bought more potatoes. Everything on this site is phenomenal, but not necessarily easy. I’m a total Kenji fangirl. It’s not a vegetarian site, but has lots of vegetarian and vegan recipes.

8 years ago


this site is full of simple recipes, many of which are vegetarian or vegan

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

confirming that eli’s roast potato recipe is the best ever. Rosemary and garlic, a little salt, some oil or fat. It’s super easy to do – boil’em, toss them, roast’em until they have a nice golden crust. Only thing I’d suggest you try is to squash the potatoes a bit when you put them on the pan. Increases surface area against the pan, and creates little cracks in the potato that helps steam circulate.

Do that recipe, for serious. You’ll never do roast potatoes any other way again, and you’ll give french fries the side eye.

8 years ago

I was blasting this at work while I was cleaning up after a middle school dance:

The Queen of Pain is Invulnerable Till Death And Beyond
The Queen of Pain is Invulnerable Till Death And Beyond
8 years ago

ISA Chandra Moskowitz.

Google her for her website and books and restaurants

Her sometimes partner Terry Hope Romero too

And Christina Ccoks on PBS can’t spell her last name right it starts with P

And Chloe something

Just put vegan cookbooks and you will get a ton of names and cuisines and tools and price ranges. How to eat on$4 a day. Maybe $5 or $6 with inflation!!!

You can look up vegetarian ones too BUT some old time vegetarians have added fish to their diets.

That’s NOT vegetarian

Fish are dead unless you eat raw oysters or clams etc while they are still living

Pescaterian exists to make people feel less guilty about eating animals, and that would be OK EXCEPT meat eaters then sometimes think REAL vegetarians/vegans eat fish too and most of us don’t appreciate that ASSumption

End of lecture

Have fun!

One of the Moskowitz/Romero collaborations I think (might be just Isa) is Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World

I’ve had several of the varieties and now I want CUPCAKES!!!!!!


Also the new PC term for vegan is Plant Based so look under that term too.

8 years ago

A couple of years ago I did the Live Below the Line challenge (spending five days eating for £1 a day), and the reason I was able to do it is they had some fabulous recipe books on their site (all vegan of course–who can afford meat or dairy on £1 a day?) (Edit: nope, some are not vegan, they include eggs and yogurt). Unfortunately I just went to the site and they’re no longer available–disappointing! But–I did find some of their resources elsewhere:

8 years ago

I made a big batch of dinner, very easy:
Buttercup squash (aka kabocha).

2 lbs tofu

2-3 onion

Bit of garlic and ginger, to taste.

About 2 tbl Penang curry paste from a box (I use “a taste of Thai” brand, which is vegetarian) — to taste, make sure it’s ok for your spice tolerance.

2 cans coconut milk

Wash the squash, take off the annoying stickers and slice off hard woody bits if any. Chop the squash in half, scoop the seeds. Then chop the flesh (including the skin), the tofu, and onion into about 1cm to 1in cubes. Dice the garlic and ginger.

Dump the ingredients willy-nilly in a slow cooker, cook for a couple hours, serve over rice.

Really easy, if you have a slow-cooker. It’s not too hard in a big pot, you just have to keep more careful watch.

Also works with butternut and other squash, kabocha is just my favourite.

Pretty cheap too.

8 years ago

Queen of Pain: “plant-based” at least in the nutrition community doesn’t mean vegan or even vegetarian, it just means you get a predominance of vegetables. If you sprinkle some fish sauce or cook in butter, it’s still plant-based.

I don’t know that there’s a precise limit to how much meat/egg/dairy you can have until your dish stops being plant-based.

8 years ago

Maru is adventurous!

8 years ago

re: disguise-type things you fondly imagined were temporary –

I was once required to have a pair of black shoes to be allowed to sit an exam (historical hold-over dress code; I had some kind of approximation of all the other required elements, but no black shoes at the time). I didn’t want to spend money on black shoes just for that, so I took some leftover black paint and painted shoes on my feet, and went to the exams barefoot (it was summer).

I failed to take note of the fact that the paint was emulsion, for walls, and I did not know that emulsion has some serious staying power. I later discovered that it laughs long, loud and mockingly in the face of soap, scrubbing brushes and even swarfega, and I spent the entire summer with black feet – complete with painted shoelaces – until many multiple months later.

8 years ago

@opposablethumbs That is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while. I hope you saw the humour in it at the time….

8 years ago

I was inspired by the “pussy hat” protest, so on Thursday I was browsing for knitting patterns to represent vulvas. Hence this conversation:

Me: Oooh! I’ve found a pattern to knit a vulva.

My husband: I used to have one of those.

Me: (suddenly seeing a new angle on our 13-year relationship) Eh?

Him: I used to drive a Volvo.

So… the pattern wasn’t much good so I’ve made my own. It’s lovely. Clitoris represented by one of my pretty handmade beads.

Head buzzing with ideas: I’m now planning a wall-hanging in rainbow colours, various embellishments – cowrie shells, sequins… and all shades. I’m an inveterate buyer of wool scraps from Charity shops and am always making beads and beading, so it looks like a new project.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Now imagine being stuck with painted feet AND vampire teeth. :p

This inspires me to tell an embarrassing story, even though it doesn’t follow the theme of unruly disguises.

In the summer of 2000, I went to a confirmation camp with lots of other people my age. Since I’m from a small town, all the other kids were from the same school and we all sort of knew each other. In other words, the regular school dynamics followed us to camp. This camp coincided with the 2000 European Football (Soccer) Championships, and Sweden had qualified to play in a group with Belgium, Italy and Turkey. The game against Turkey took place during camp week, so the church leaders had set up a big screen for us all to watch the game.

The room chosen for the event was on the second floor, only accessible through an outdoors spiral staircase. Camp leaders had furnished the room with a few rows of chairs, as well as a number of comfier armchairs in the front row. At this time I was a fairly extreme football geek, especially when it came to international tournaments, so I went to the room early in order to grab a comfortable chair. The room then quickly filled up with other kids and adults, most of them bringing snacks, candy, soda, etc.

Not that it’s very relevant to this story, but this particular game was a historically boring 0-0 draw. To make it worse, about halfway through the first half I noticed I was sitting in chocolate. I saw a few pieces of chocolate in the seat by my thigh, and when I discretely peeked down it became clear there was quite a lot more chocolate in the chair. In this situation, with people all around me, I couldn’t quite assess the extent of the damage, but I was wearing khaki pants. In other words, if I got up from my chair it would almost certainly look as if I had pooped my pants.

Not willing to risk such disastrous humiliaton, and almost certainly be teased for the next few months, I didn’t even get up at half time. After all, I could use the excuse that I didn’t want anyone to steal my comfy chair. The next hour or so was pretty excruciating. I could just feel the melting chocolate eating into my pants, making stains that I imagined would never be washed out. I was irrationally worried someone would smell melted chocolate and draw attention to me. When the game was finally over, I stayed in my chair with the motivation that I wanted to watch the aftershow as well.

Luckily, all the other kids eventually left the room to be outside in the sunny summer evening. Even the camp leaders let me stay in the room to watch the studio talk on my own. So, once everyone was out of the room I could finally get up to check out the chocolatey mess. It was just as bad as I had imagined. The seat was covered with gooey, melted chocolate, and by twisting my body I could see in the wall mirror that my ass was straight up brown, with stains going down the back of my thighs. Yup, it looked like poop.

Now, my mission was to make it back to our bedroom without being spotted. I would have to exit the TV room, run down the spiral staircase outside, cross a small patch of grass, down a slope, and turn the corner of a different building. I peeked out the door to see if anyone was closeby. While I saw no one, people were wandering around the ground freely. Anyone could show up at any second, from any direction. People could see me through the windows of 4 or 5 buildings.

In a possibly somewhat hasty decision, I decided to take my pants off. My calculation was this: being seen in just my underwear would be embarrassing, but I could argue it’s no worse than being seen in swimwear or shorts. Being seen with suspected poop-pants was a potentially camp-ending event. Thus, I folded up the pants so that no stains could be directly seen, put them over my arm, and then peeked out the door while gathering up the courage to make a run for it. I should also mention that I had been barefoot in sandals for the game. I didn’t feel comfortable trying to run in sandals, so I took those off as well. All in all, I was carrying my pants, my sandals, and one bottle of soda.

Once out the door I sprinted down the spiral stairs (almost fell a few times), and ran across the grass which was damp and slippery from a short summer rainfall during the game. Just as I got to the downward slope, I heard girls’ voices from around the corner, about to happen upon me in my distress. I had to speed up and race down the slope in order not to be seen. Being barefoot in the steep, slippery slope, my feet lost contact with the ground and I slid on my side down the little hill. Halfway down the slope, the grass was split by a small path of gravel. I zoomed right across the gravel and scraped up my shin and thigh all the way up to my hip, and also ripped my underwear, before finally slowing down and being able to stand up.

After the fall, I only needed to run full speed to the door of my room and I could finally rest. Once inside, I inspected my injuries and found quite severe bleading mixed with dirt, gravel, grass stains, and chocolate stripes along the entire right side of my body. I went to the bathroom and tried to clean up, since we had mandatory church service coming up just a few minutes later. I ruined a towel, but managed to stop the bleading enough so that I could put on clean clothes and look reasonably presentable.

During service, however, the priest called attention to me as my wounds bled through my light blue pants and were forming a small puddle of blood on the floor. He sent me to the nurse immediately, so I had to get up from my chair and walk out of the room with a blood soaked pants leg while all the other kids watched me in shock and terror.

Long story short, I had to strip for the camp nurse and explain what happened while she patched me up and cleaned me with a sponge. The moral of the story is, if you’re 15 and you sit in chocolate, you’re fucked.

8 years ago

All this talk of staining. Had a paint spillage incident yesterday. Teal emulsion on my beautiful hand-knotted Persian rug I picked up from ebay. BTW, tears do nothing to remove teal emulsion. Spending the afternoon scrubbing. I’m so sad.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I’m an omnivore, but I love the recipes in this vegetarian cookbook by Deborah Madison.

8 years ago

Madison is super, in all the various editions. I still mostly cook out of cookbooks. I used to purchase them rather indiscriminately and was never really happy with them.

Now I check them out of the library. It lets me know better than a browse if it is poorly indexed or uses odd, difficult to source ingredients.

I’m a very messy cook and find both electronics and library books a hassle to cook from. If I have some random thing, like extra zucchini, I love sitting with a pile of cookbooks and scouting all the possibilities even if I’m so hungry by the time I’m done, I just steam it with a little lemon (or even munch it down raw).








I think I know what I’m doing with the rest of that butternut squash I got for that other thing….

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
8 years ago

Oh no, rugbyyogi. That’s a nightmare.

8 years ago

Ow, IP, painfully unforgettable!

@guest, yeah, I was laughing at myself even at the time (though I did feel a bit of an idiot) and it was almost nice to have some dumb little thing like that happen amidst all the stress of exams. (The morning after the last one, I woke up from a vivid stress-dream that I was just about to start the first one. I have not often felt more intensely relieved than when I realised I’d been dreaming).

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The day I realized I reacted badly to shrimp was also the day I sliced open my shin/knee. Bled all thru the right hem of my shorts. Not a good day…

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