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The Women’s March was full of bitter, childless bitches, bitter childless dude complains

Non-existent child at the Women’s March in Charlotte

Were the Women’s Marches last Saturday an inspiring act of resistance to the incoming Trump regime, or just a collection of bitter, aging childless bitches looking for some drama in their lives?

It’s the latter, at least according to one bitter, aging, and I’m pretty sure childless bastard. The virulently racist, woman-hating, Trump-loving pickup artist Heartiste — real name James Weidmann — offers his take on the march in a blog post today.

His working hypothesis?

The … Bitter Bitch March can be explained, in part, as the mass hysteria of childless women seeking the drama in their lives that their childlessness denies them.

Huh. So apparently the assorted pictures floating around of children at the Women’s Marches in Washington and elsewhere are all just photoshop jobs? If so, kudos to the photoshoppers for making them look so realistic.

Meanwhile, a writer for Forbes either apparently hallucinated a whole little army of kids at the march. “Among the estimated 1.2 million people at the Women’s March on Washington were a staggering number of children,” Forbes’ Frances Bridges writes.

I was surprised by the myriad of babies swaddled to their parents, children marching, sitting in strollers or on the shoulders of their parents and grandparents. 

But let’s just set aside the photographic evidence and eyewitness reports. This is Trump’s America, and in this new reality, Heartiste is entitled to his own set of alternate facts.

So let’s just, for the sake of argument, assume that the marches were overflowing with bitter childless women. Why does that matter? Heartiste quotes one eminent expert on all things female, namely an anonymous commenter on his site called Days of Broken Arrows, who posits that

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

But if there are no kids, women still have the psychological need for drama. So they create it.

You can’t argue with this SCIENCE.

Heartiste goes on to wax poetic about the evils of childlessness and women and Ashley Judd.

American White women — and Western White women in general — have the easy life, all whims catered to, all conceptions thwarted, all egos stroked. Their abject sexual liberation and child-free lifestyles … has made them yearn for submission to a greater dramatic power. Now that God is gone and the patriarchy is prostrate and supplicating boringly drama-free beta males orbit them like cosmic dust, to whom do these placated women submit?

Islam. Leftoid equalism. The cock carousel. And finally, they submit to incoherent rage fueled by the dying eggs of their childless wombs.

Orbiting beta dust. Cock carousels. Dying egg fuel. I’m having a little trouble visualizing all of this. Could someone with better graphics ability than me construct a useful diagram?

Anyhoo, the worst example of bitter childless womanhood that Heartiste can imagine is actress and activist Ashley Judd, childless by choice, who apparently read some sort of poem before “a squealing crowd of whores and harpies” at the DC march.

Heartiste, who has apparently seen video of the recitation, is not impressed, declaring that Ms. Judd’s

“poem” was a psychotic, obscene fusillade of nonsense and man-hatred. A more iconic representative of the inchoate mentality and emotional infantilism of modern feminism would be hard to find. A literal crazy bag lady screeched like a loony toon as half a million sympatico spinsters and sluts metaphorically scissored her c**ty discharge.

Not only is scissoring not really a thing, that’s not even how it works.

After weighing all the scientific evidence, Heartiste concludes:

Childlessness and cresting sexual worthlessness are the two unspoken, subconscious psychological drivers impelling the scattershot and scatterbrained “protests” of the women who went to the Bitter Bitch March. …

Strip away the sound and nagging of the bitterbitches, signifying nothing, and you are left with the sad tragic realities of their lives. Childless Ashley Judd with the dead womb six feet under a mound of piling regret is Exhibit [vagina-related slur redacted]. 

Heartiste — himself childless, as far as I know — follows his attack on Judd with a passage that is perhaps a little more revealing than he intends it to be. Judd, he declares, is

a nasty woman because her heart is small and black, poisoned with envy and regret, with nothing but ugly feminist anthems to alleviate the pain of spinsterhood and cratering SMV that consumes her.

Projection, it’s not just a river in Egypt.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago


I’m adding to the pile of hugs we’re raising for you.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I hope you don’t mind if I shorten your name. Which I like, BTW. I’m watching Merlin on Netflix over these past few weeks and although it’s a fun show, it bugs me how they made Morgana such a one dimensional villain. I read Mists of Avalon in middle school after all.

But, back on topic. Yes, white women did contribute to Trump’s win, but without having the data in front of me, those voters were probably largely older than 30 or 40 and married. Younger single white women tend to vote democratic and that’s the demographic Fartiste cares about. By cares about, I of course mean wants to scare into submission. He wants them to be so scared of ending up a bitter old childless bitch that they agree to settle for an abusive and angry Nazi.

It won’t work.

8 years ago

@ Lea:

Does he sound particularly shaken and desperate to anyone else?

We must have scared him half to death.

He better get used to it.

Or he could resign. Yeah, I know Pence would be equally horrible (and in some ways even worse), but at least he wouldn’t be as likely to blunder his way into World War III (I hope).

@ Ooglyboggles:

You are already a better, stronger person than your father could ever hope to be. Maybe one reason he’s so horrible to you is that, on some subconscious level, he realizes it. Don’t let him tear you down. If we at WHTM can do anything for you, please let us know.

On the original post:

So, Heartiste, “God is gone and the patriarchy is prostrate”? Seriously? Dude, Gropey McGrabberson is in the Oval Office, and Claude Frollo is his veep. That’s why there were protests in the first place. Oh, and describing an eloquent, inspiring speech as a “c**ty discharge” is no way to win friends and influence people. Fortunately, you don’t seem to have much interest in being heard outside your rancid little subculture (which is definitely for the best).

8 years ago

The misogynists haven’t changed must since sufferage. I looked for it, but couldn’t find an old anti-suffrage print that shows a suffragette telling a woman with her head and arm bandaged as she sweeps, ” How horribly your husband has treated you.” The battered woman responds, ” It could be worse. I could have no husband, like you”.

Those are the good old days these men want back. They want women unable to survive, have a family or a community if they are not willing to be abused and owned by a man.

Misogynists claimed we were ugly, bitter, lazy, crazy, greedy man haters etc for wanting the vote. They’re making the same claims now. They will any time women won’t be mistreated or oppressed.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ lea

The misogynists haven’t changed must since sufferage.

I have a bit of a thing about those old Suffragist posters and leaflets (regulars know of my slight obsession about Edith Garrud) and it is quite eye opening how a lot of the anti suffrage material is identical to the MRA memes today.

I’ve think though that the cartoon you refer to was actually a pro suffragette one. ‘You’ll never find a husband” was a common anti suffrage argument. I interpreted the cartoon as trying to make the point that, until women’s rights were respected, that might not have been such a great loss.

I could well be wrong though. It’s ages since I’ve seen it. But it was with a collection of pro suffragist material.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I was trying to put together some examples of anti suffrage stuff pre-dating the MRA memes; but annoyingly work has intruded.

In lieu, here’s an Edwardian MGTOW:

8 years ago

Childlessness and cresting sexual worthlessness are the two unspoken, subconscious psychological drivers impelling the scattershot and scatterbrained “protests” of the women who went to the Bitter Bitch March. …

So I went to the Women’s March in my state capital and … hey, wait a minute, who are these two strange teenagers in my house who bear some resemblance to my husband and me?

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

What will they ever gripe about when Trump strip women of their rights little by little? I mean, what is their purpose other than to whine that women no longer need men and won’t be owned anymore?

8 years ago


Is this the cartoon?

When I looked at a bunch of these vintage anti suffrage cartoons online, I had to laugh at how many of them depicted fathers left caring for twin infants while their suffragette wives headed out the door. Mr. Ginormica took a very active role in caring for our twin sons when they were babies, because frankly, the more hands the better when you have multiples. Eventually he opted to stay home with them while I went back to work full time. Neither he nor I knew how much this was apparently supposed to be emasculating him and defeminizing me!

8 years ago


Im picturing a carousel where all the animals have Sybians built in. The animals would be rosters, of course, although rabbits, goats, and unicorns would all be appropriate. I want to build one. I haven’t got a spare 50 grand though.

OMG, I love your imagination!

8 years ago

Heartiste is sad he can’t get his thesaurus pregnant.

Seriously, who writes like that?

8 years ago

That’s the one. I didn’t know it was pro-suffrage. I saw it with a collection of anti-suffrage propaganda.

The fathers at home trope was also done recently.

8 years ago


Heartiste is sad he can’t get his thesaurus pregnant.

Seriously, who writes like that?

A guy who knows his looks are running out, and who holds less attraction for women by the day. So he has to impress the menz instead. Luckily, right-wing men are dumber than bean straw (as evidenced by the heap they voted for), so that’s an easy-peasy task.

Unfortunately for Jimmy-boy, though, the ladies are all just looking, laughing and pointing at him. Even us “bitter” old unmarried ones.

Honestly, guys like him make the single life look good…to WOMEN.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

American White women — and Western White women in general — have the easy life, all whims catered to, all conceptions thwarted, all egos stroked.

Does Heartiste know that 53% of WW voted for Trump? Funny how he lumps them all into the anti-Trump crowd.

Also, what were the Tea Bagger protesters so bitter about? Why were White men protesting a President who did nothing to them except be Black? Funny how it’s okay for their side to protest but somehow diabolical when the other side does the same.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


I bestow upon you whatever manner of affection you desire, and a reminder that at this point, you are worth more than your father could ever be.


…and Claude Frollo is his veep.

Except without the hat. Or the excellent singing voice.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Lea

I saw it with a collection of anti-suffrage propaganda.

Heh, I saw it with some pro Suffrage stuff. But maybe it’s like an early example of Poe’s Law? Or even that thing now when MRAs complain about something that’s actually a good thing (like the recent “people want sex to be about consent” thing)

How you’ll interpet it may be coloured by your pre existing expectations and the general context it appears in maybe? Like that trick in cinema.

8 years ago


I’m biased by my own writing style but the first quote in my stickie of quotes is about writing.

A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: 1. What am I trying to say? 2. What words will express it? 3. What image or idiom will make it clearer? 4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? And he will probably ask himself two more: 1. Could I put it more shortly? 2. Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?
-George Orwell

/Orwell was a homophobe
//heros always disapoint

8 years ago



You deserve so much better than that!

As far as family goes. The way I see it there are two kinds of family. One you are born into, the other you seek out on your own. One demands your love, respect and compliance, while with the other love and respect flow naturally. In short, I think the whole thing about owing love, respect or loyalty to one’s biological family to be a huge load of bullshit.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Kids can be quite dramatic in their ability to blow tiny setbacks wayyyyy out of proportion. You tell them “no”, and it sets them off on a half-hour tirade about the unfairness of the world and how mommies are the worst ever.

Remind you of anyone?

abject sexual liberation

Now there’s an Orwellian turn of phrase, if he’s using “abject” in the sense of “without pride or dignity”. It’s degrading for women to have freedom?

@Oogly – wow, that’s awful. I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. You’re a good person and deserve love and support. *hugs*

@Falconer – yay, twin update!

It’s true, the hard work doesn’t go away once they’re out of diapers. It just morphs into a different form. I’m in the stage right now where everything, from pouring milk to putting on shoes, is a straight-up hostage negotiation (the hostage being my ability to get to work on time). Kindergarten is going to be interesting.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

ooglyboggles – Adding to the pile of hugs and good wishes. I’m so glad you’re here with us at the best place on the internets!

I have come to the conclusion that I won the birth-family lottery. We may not have ever been the touchy-feeliest or most demonstrative, but every one of us has everyone else’s back; even when they’re scattered thousands of miles away.

I realize that I have had the great good fortune to bask in the unconditional love of that family for 56 years. Because of this, my life has been smooth and easy compared to that of many others and I am humbled.

Were we perfect? Hell, no! My parents, uncles, and aunts were all pretty bigoted, but mostly because they were raised that way, much as any other white family in the Midwest was. I like to think that most of them learned better, because none of us cousins have turned out bigoted because our parents never required us to be bigots. (If that makes any sense.)

If all the friends and acquaintances I’ve ever had make me see myself as something of a unicorn (especially where fathers are concerned) then this place has made me realize that the patriarchy makes for some bad family dynamics (especially where fathers are concerned.)

To bring this round to the OT, heartless Heartiste (and the rest of the manosphere) don’t seem to believe in unconditional love and they are dead WRONG. Unconditional love is one of the building blocks that make strong, healthy, happy people.

I hope every one of you get to experience that, no matter where you have to find it.

My unconditional love to you all!

8 years ago

@Buttercup: Mine love to run away, giggling, whenever Beloved or I appear with an article of clothing and propose to pop them into it.

8 years ago

I went to the march in Los Angeles and it was awesome, the people were great. The signs were awesome and just (to me) an overall positive message for inclusiveness and intolerance of hate.

If that’s what bitterness and hysteria looks like, I’m all for it! Whoop whoop!

> Ooglyboggles
I am really sorry for you.

8 years ago

We recently talked about Insane Clown Posse and Juggalos on here, so I thought people would find it interesting that they’re planning a march of their own. It’s not about rights or politics or anything, but because they’re upset that they’re considered a loose gang by the FBI. They think it’s unfair that being part of a group known for violent outbursts is affecting their ability to get a job.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That’s almost as good as when the MRM planned to do the sink misandry march protesting women getting lifeboats on the titanic.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Oogly: You didn’t deserve that. Your dad’s a shithead. >: (

To the article:

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

It’s only “drama-inducing” if you’re a complete jackass and you don’t want to deal with kids at all.

Granted, I don’t like being around kids for any long period of time. I’m really introverted and it takes a lot of energy for me to be around kids because I’m being super careful not to say any swear words, or I’m being careful to make sure they’re okay.

However, even I know that kids aren’t fucking “drama”. They can be loud and annoying, but that’s just what being a kid is.

And even I will be around kids if I have to be and not treat them like shit because I’m not a complete jackass.

What a way to justify being an asshole to women. “Women love drama, so they make it, and that’s why they’re all cr*zy!”

Especially considering how much these used spittoons are getting all riled up about a fucking women’s march and are trying to extrapolate what the women’s lives must be like. In other words, they’re creating drama where there is none.

But, of fucking course, when they do it, it’s fine. It’s not “creating drama” it’s “stating (alternative) facts”.

Bull. Shit.