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The Women’s March was full of bitter, childless bitches, bitter childless dude complains

Non-existent child at the Women’s March in Charlotte

Were the Women’s Marches last Saturday an inspiring act of resistance to the incoming Trump regime, or just a collection of bitter, aging childless bitches looking for some drama in their lives?

It’s the latter, at least according to one bitter, aging, and I’m pretty sure childless bastard. The virulently racist, woman-hating, Trump-loving pickup artist Heartiste — real name James Weidmann — offers his take on the march in a blog post today.

His working hypothesis?

The … Bitter Bitch March can be explained, in part, as the mass hysteria of childless women seeking the drama in their lives that their childlessness denies them.

Huh. So apparently the assorted pictures floating around of children at the Women’s Marches in Washington and elsewhere are all just photoshop jobs? If so, kudos to the photoshoppers for making them look so realistic.

Meanwhile, a writer for Forbes either apparently hallucinated a whole little army of kids at the march. “Among the estimated 1.2 million people at the Women’s March on Washington were a staggering number of children,” Forbes’ Frances Bridges writes.

I was surprised by the myriad of babies swaddled to their parents, children marching, sitting in strollers or on the shoulders of their parents and grandparents. 

But let’s just set aside the photographic evidence and eyewitness reports. This is Trump’s America, and in this new reality, Heartiste is entitled to his own set of alternate facts.

So let’s just, for the sake of argument, assume that the marches were overflowing with bitter childless women. Why does that matter? Heartiste quotes one eminent expert on all things female, namely an anonymous commenter on his site called Days of Broken Arrows, who posits that

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

But if there are no kids, women still have the psychological need for drama. So they create it.

You can’t argue with this SCIENCE.

Heartiste goes on to wax poetic about the evils of childlessness and women and Ashley Judd.

American White women — and Western White women in general — have the easy life, all whims catered to, all conceptions thwarted, all egos stroked. Their abject sexual liberation and child-free lifestyles … has made them yearn for submission to a greater dramatic power. Now that God is gone and the patriarchy is prostrate and supplicating boringly drama-free beta males orbit them like cosmic dust, to whom do these placated women submit?

Islam. Leftoid equalism. The cock carousel. And finally, they submit to incoherent rage fueled by the dying eggs of their childless wombs.

Orbiting beta dust. Cock carousels. Dying egg fuel. I’m having a little trouble visualizing all of this. Could someone with better graphics ability than me construct a useful diagram?

Anyhoo, the worst example of bitter childless womanhood that Heartiste can imagine is actress and activist Ashley Judd, childless by choice, who apparently read some sort of poem before “a squealing crowd of whores and harpies” at the DC march.

Heartiste, who has apparently seen video of the recitation, is not impressed, declaring that Ms. Judd’s

“poem” was a psychotic, obscene fusillade of nonsense and man-hatred. A more iconic representative of the inchoate mentality and emotional infantilism of modern feminism would be hard to find. A literal crazy bag lady screeched like a loony toon as half a million sympatico spinsters and sluts metaphorically scissored her c**ty discharge.

Not only is scissoring not really a thing, that’s not even how it works.

After weighing all the scientific evidence, Heartiste concludes:

Childlessness and cresting sexual worthlessness are the two unspoken, subconscious psychological drivers impelling the scattershot and scatterbrained “protests” of the women who went to the Bitter Bitch March. …

Strip away the sound and nagging of the bitterbitches, signifying nothing, and you are left with the sad tragic realities of their lives. Childless Ashley Judd with the dead womb six feet under a mound of piling regret is Exhibit [vagina-related slur redacted]. 

Heartiste — himself childless, as far as I know — follows his attack on Judd with a passage that is perhaps a little more revealing than he intends it to be. Judd, he declares, is

a nasty woman because her heart is small and black, poisoned with envy and regret, with nothing but ugly feminist anthems to alleviate the pain of spinsterhood and cratering SMV that consumes her.

Projection, it’s not just a river in Egypt.

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Sarah Jessica
Sarah Jessica
8 years ago

“We’re here to support women’s rights,” anti-Trump inspired, feminist symbol shirt!
Join the resistance!
For requested people, we recently relaunch our inspiration

8 years ago

Nobody wants your liquid fucking gold, Jimmy.

Little wonder you’re bitter.

Chris the Geek
Chris the Geek
8 years ago

Off topic, but, just a head’s up: 4chan is actively trying to co-opt the #UndocumentedUnafraid hashtag in order to out and report undocumented immigrants. If you see the hashtag, don’t engage with it and encourage others not to as well.


8 years ago

Also, @Oogly: Damn, what a rat’s nest your dad has for brains. Fuck that guy.

8 years ago

Well, Heartiste has outdone himself this time. A finer collection of nonsense and word salad I have not seen.

8 years ago

Ktoryx: trump would be very jealous to hear that. Trump has the finest collection of nonsense and word salad. Really.

8 years ago


I’m speechless. And so, so sorry.

I agree with you (and others who have said so): the emphasis that much of our social mythology puts on “family” is just another layer of control that abusive shits use to extend their control over their victims through guilt and empty ideals. It’s just another abuser tactic masquerading as something noble. The only family that matters are the people you feel safe and comfortable with, DNA and “blood” be damned.

Seriously though, may all your dad’s footwear spontaneously turn into Legos.

Morgaine le Fée
Morgaine le Fée
8 years ago

I don’t understand why Weidmann is so bitter to white women.
A majority of them helped Trump to win (as white women myself, that isn’t something that makes me happy), so he should be grateful to them instead of vomiting such rant.

Whit that lack of logic, I’m not surprised they’re such antiscience.

8 years ago

Nobody who writes like Weidmann should ever accuse others of being drama queens. I suspect he can’t write even a shopping list without making it swollen with portent.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


“poem” was a psychotic, obscene fusillade of nonsense and man-hatred.

Write the man who delights in poor and alembicated description porn, wanking his brain to ejaculate his fears and insecurities. See, Mr Bayle ? Anybody can write sexual-toned stuff, but that does not make the writing more factual, relevant or true. And in your case, that even makes it quite indigest.

> Ooglyboggles
I am really sorry for you. To see that some parents are so hatefull to their own child(ren) while some sorrow at their inability to have some is also painfull.

Have a nice day.

eli's got a clean pair of heels
eli's got a clean pair of heels
8 years ago

Well at least I know why I always hated films that emphasize sticking with your family.

Umteenthing agreement here. So much socially enforced pain and misery.

So sorry Oogly. You don’t deserve any of that crap.

8 years ago

“Woken are better built for… drama…”
Ah, so your logic is folding in on itself
“So they CREATE IT!”

Oh, you’ve taken your circular reasoning back round to justify your prejudice. Damn

8 years ago

W O W.

Your dad was unbelievably harsh. I’m so sorry to hear about that.

If you’re not in therapy, you might consider walking into your student health center tomorrow. Maybe someone can talk to you right away.

You’re young and your own father just tried to crush your spirit. You’ve got to resist both Trump and your dad. In a way, they’re the same patriarch.

Good luck!

8 years ago

Even if women WERE better built for drama (and even if childcare was inherently dramatic), it does not logically follow that women enjoy, need, or seek out drama.

I’m pretty good at fielding drama. I can keep a cool head and can usually maintain both objectivity and empathy in heated situations. But *it stresses me out like whoa.*

When drama enters my life, it’s always “not again” and never “yay”. Shoot, if my nerves are frazzled, sometimes I don’t even like *watching* drama and will instead put on a low-key feel-good flick that I’ve already seen a bazillion times.

I like kids a lot. I currently don’t especially want my own. That may eventually change, but you can bet it’s not the drama that’s going to be the decider.

@Ooglyboggles – I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. I wish I had some profound make-it-better words.

8 years ago

I saw lots of children at the San Francisco Women’s March. But thanks to Heartiste (his name is incredibly apt — what a loving guy!), I now understand that they were all kidnapped.

Damn, this makes everyone involved in these marches look really bad!

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

All my hugs, Ooglyboggles.

Also, you inspired me to start up Kerbal Space Program and build a Beta Orbiter.

8 years ago

All my hugs to Oogly and to other mammotheers with shitty relatives (especially if that includes parents. I can hardly get my head round how anyone could behave like that to their own children). Oogly, I hope one day in the not too distant future you are able to get away – and hopefully live surrounded by decent people instead.

8 years ago

Zephyr Teachout lost her bid for Congress, but now she’s suing Trump

Trump is getting payments from foreign governments. We have no idea what they are.
I’ve studied the emoluments clause for years. Now I’m part of a lawsuit alleging that President Trump is violating it.

8 years ago

Donald Trump Just Gave an Hourlong Interview With a Guy Who Made This Face the Whole Time

Yeah, I see what they mean about “this face” — but because I’m not a powerful person, if somebody made that face while talking to me, I’d know it meant, I don’t believe a word you say. I’m going to indulge you right now ’cause I can’t be bothered confronting you. But then I’m going to talk to your boss. Clean out your desk.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

@Ooglyboggles: holy fuck. I hope you can get out of there as soon as you can. He doesn’t deserve a modicum of respect if that’s how he treats you.

Re the article:

I like how women protesting against the government is a sign of how submissive we are.

And women really are whatever the MRAs decide we are, aren’t we? This week, we’re built for drama, because we’re meant to take care of children (of course), and toddlers throwing tantrums = drama. This doesn’t make us better able to cope with stressful situations or anything, of course. It just means we have to seek out drama when we can’t get it the normal way.

Same way Aristotle managed to argue that women were somehow simultaneously more easily frightened and less alert than men.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Sounds like the awful breakfast menu at the worst cafe I ever had the misfortune to stumble into.

OTOH, “Fusillade of nonsense” sounds like it belongs to a fine dining menu. Not your usual word salad bar.

8 years ago

Does he sound particularly shaken and desperate to anyone else?

We must have scared him half to death.

He better get used to it.

Btw, my kids and I really enjoyed the small town march in solidarity with the DC march we attended. Hundreds showed up. It was awesome.

Afterward my friend showed us a new to us Mexican restaurant that is now my favorite place to eat. Then we went back to her place and my kids played with her cats while her husband and I discussed the pros and cons of punching Nazis. It was a beautiful day, despite the rain early on.

We will march again. This was only the beginning.

8 years ago

I’m so sorry your dad is abusive, Oogly. You deserve so much better.

8 years ago

Holy cow, are babies hard work.

We’ve finally gotten ours going in the big toilet. The diapers we left far behind, but replaced them with training potties.

They still want to be sat with while they’re going to sleep. It takes my boy the better part of an hour, even after lights-out, to settle down and drift off.

And every night this week, my girl has got up about 1 a.m. and come and crawled into bed with me, so I wake up all sore from contorting around her. This morning, I had a big ol’ cramp in my calf.

Getting them dressed makes me sweat profusely, and I’m not sure why.

@Oogly, I am so sorry. I wish I had magic words that would make all the hurt go away. All I’ve got is my barrel full of internet hugs.

EDIT: Holy cow, I think Trump might have lost Hannity. I don’t believe for one minute that Hannity will admit it, though.

joekster- (betas bearded)
joekster- (betas bearded)
8 years ago

@oogly: I’m so sorry about your father. Nobody deserves that, and (from what I’ve seen on here), you definitely don’t deserve it. That’s terrible.

Good luck.