alpha asshole cock carousel alt-right antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies heartiste homophobia irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny projection PUA racism

The Women’s March was full of bitter, childless bitches, bitter childless dude complains

Non-existent child at the Women’s March in Charlotte

Were the Women’s Marches last Saturday an inspiring act of resistance to the incoming Trump regime, or just a collection of bitter, aging childless bitches looking for some drama in their lives?

It’s the latter, at least according to one bitter, aging, and I’m pretty sure childless bastard. The virulently racist, woman-hating, Trump-loving pickup artist Heartiste — real name James Weidmann — offers his take on the march in a blog post today.

His working hypothesis?

The … Bitter Bitch March can be explained, in part, as the mass hysteria of childless women seeking the drama in their lives that their childlessness denies them.

Huh. So apparently the assorted pictures floating around of children at the Women’s Marches in Washington and elsewhere are all just photoshop jobs? If so, kudos to the photoshoppers for making them look so realistic.

Meanwhile, a writer for Forbes either apparently hallucinated a whole little army of kids at the march. “Among the estimated 1.2 million people at the Women’s March on Washington were a staggering number of children,” Forbes’ Frances Bridges writes.

I was surprised by the myriad of babies swaddled to their parents, children marching, sitting in strollers or on the shoulders of their parents and grandparents. 

But let’s just set aside the photographic evidence and eyewitness reports. This is Trump’s America, and in this new reality, Heartiste is entitled to his own set of alternate facts.

So let’s just, for the sake of argument, assume that the marches were overflowing with bitter childless women. Why does that matter? Heartiste quotes one eminent expert on all things female, namely an anonymous commenter on his site called Days of Broken Arrows, who posits that

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

But if there are no kids, women still have the psychological need for drama. So they create it.

You can’t argue with this SCIENCE.

Heartiste goes on to wax poetic about the evils of childlessness and women and Ashley Judd.

American White women — and Western White women in general — have the easy life, all whims catered to, all conceptions thwarted, all egos stroked. Their abject sexual liberation and child-free lifestyles … has made them yearn for submission to a greater dramatic power. Now that God is gone and the patriarchy is prostrate and supplicating boringly drama-free beta males orbit them like cosmic dust, to whom do these placated women submit?

Islam. Leftoid equalism. The cock carousel. And finally, they submit to incoherent rage fueled by the dying eggs of their childless wombs.

Orbiting beta dust. Cock carousels. Dying egg fuel. I’m having a little trouble visualizing all of this. Could someone with better graphics ability than me construct a useful diagram?

Anyhoo, the worst example of bitter childless womanhood that Heartiste can imagine is actress and activist Ashley Judd, childless by choice, who apparently read some sort of poem before “a squealing crowd of whores and harpies” at the DC march.

Heartiste, who has apparently seen video of the recitation, is not impressed, declaring that Ms. Judd’s

“poem” was a psychotic, obscene fusillade of nonsense and man-hatred. A more iconic representative of the inchoate mentality and emotional infantilism of modern feminism would be hard to find. A literal crazy bag lady screeched like a loony toon as half a million sympatico spinsters and sluts metaphorically scissored her c**ty discharge.

Not only is scissoring not really a thing, that’s not even how it works.

After weighing all the scientific evidence, Heartiste concludes:

Childlessness and cresting sexual worthlessness are the two unspoken, subconscious psychological drivers impelling the scattershot and scatterbrained “protests” of the women who went to the Bitter Bitch March. …

Strip away the sound and nagging of the bitterbitches, signifying nothing, and you are left with the sad tragic realities of their lives. Childless Ashley Judd with the dead womb six feet under a mound of piling regret is Exhibit [vagina-related slur redacted]. 

Heartiste — himself childless, as far as I know — follows his attack on Judd with a passage that is perhaps a little more revealing than he intends it to be. Judd, he declares, is

a nasty woman because her heart is small and black, poisoned with envy and regret, with nothing but ugly feminist anthems to alleviate the pain of spinsterhood and cratering SMV that consumes her.

Projection, it’s not just a river in Egypt.

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Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Poor Heartiste. But then a truly happy fellow would not be raving about how embittered white men like himself will one day savor sweet vengeance over their enemies as he did a week or so ago.

8 years ago

Orbiting beta dust. Cock carousels. Dying egg fuel

Sounds like the awful breakfast menu at the worst cafe I ever had the misfortune to stumble into.

Seriously, this dude has no clue. I only skipped the march because my inferior woman foot decided to suffer serious injury the night before. I am sure I would be branded a childless bitch, because I am unable to drag my toddler along with me. That’s because my toddler is way in the past – about 32 years in the past.

It’s sad that he can’t envision any possible fulfilling life for a woman without a child…or with one, either, for that matter, since MGTOWs are usually quite critical of how determined women are to pop out children, and force the men to pay for them.

You’d think he’d be glad that all these ‘childless’ women are not tricking men into getting them pregnant so they can get a ring, or a large, superduper, immense, enormous paycheck from an unwilling Daddy – or from Big Daddy government, which would, of course, every bit of it come from his tax dollars. If it weren’t for women having children, would he have to pay taxes at all?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

This is perhaps an appropriate time to announce that I am opening the WHTM branch of the Bitter Bitch Bureau, and we are accepting all applications at this time. That is all.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

When these people (I use the term loosely) talk about women, it’s like “I’d feel sorry for you if I didn’t hate you so much”.

And yet they feel it’s the women who are bitter….

8 years ago

This is straight up denial. Heartiste has completely disconnected himself from reality.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

He does realize, doesn’t he, that the US birthrate is 1.88 per woman, so, um…

8 years ago
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

OoglyBoggles, you are the best effort chicken.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

The first part of OoglyBoggles’ diagram is spot-on.

Source: am a betaboy.

8 years ago

The kid in the picture is fucking adorable, though.

8 years ago

Effort chickens?

8 years ago


That is THE BEST. I am making this my screensaver until something else replaces it.

I can’t wait to groggily boot up the ol’ Windows machine every morning and then be “shocked” by this (until I get used to it 🙂 )

Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago

Cock carousels. I’m having a little trouble visualizing all of this.

Im picturing a carousel where all the animals have Sybians built in. The animals would be rosters, of course, although rabbits, goats, and unicorns would all be appropriate. I want to build one. I haven’t got a spare 50 grand though.

8 years ago

Thank you for the compliments. Sorry right now I’m not in a good place.


Budweiser + One time where I lay on a couch in a chiropracter (read; massage parlor + Fox News from 6 to god knows how long = A bad times for me. Eh you know what’s funny? Even after I apologized, explained myself, and said that you’re making a bit deal out of nothing, he still ends up saying all sorts of slippery slope things. You want to know something really funny?

Dad; what would you do if I kick you out your mom don’t want no one wants you. You’re a failure. You can’t do anything without someone pushing you to do so. If i acted like you when I was half your age I’d be dead. (Also comments contradicting how I’m apathetic/never try then get reprimanded for the times I tried til I had no options left.)

Ooglyboggles: I guess I’d have to die.

Dad; Good, I’ll gladly pay the uber. One less worthless shit in society. I don’t give a fuck if you die.

It was there I honestly really considered it. Really if it weren’t for the fact I had you all in my mind I’d probably go through with it.

Ooglyboggles; /proceeds to ride out this rant while he gets pissy on how I never acted like the son he never had, possibly because he knew from how my step brother doesn’t even contact him and my sister decided to live with someone else after living with him for a short period of time after a REALLY bad incident with my mom.

I wonder after my sister ran away to my mom how often she had to deal with this. She was the more cheery one, but I should know she didn’t fare much better. The way she tried to avoid my dad during his birthday party was proof enough that she regrets her choice.

Well at least I know why I always hated films that emphasize sticking with your family.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

In my experience, dealing with babies or toddlers isn’t dramatic. I suppose it would be if they were seriously ill or injured or something, but in general, dramatic is not the word I would use to describe child care. It’s time and energy consuming. But it’s also kind of mundane. Even when it’s fun. Parents of young children are pretty known for paring their social circles down to just the people they really care about, settling down, and going to bed early. Not living lives of major drama.

I know this is a silly thing to pick at. It’s a corn kernel in a steaming mound of bigot shit. It’s just that there really isn’t anything that manuresphrians don’t get completely wrong. Any day now I expect one of them to come out with the belief that the sun actually orbits the earth.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Oogly, I’m so sorry. Words…they escape me.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

aah, @Ooglyboggles, I understand. I’m glad you kept us in mind, and I hope that helps you get through the terrible things people say and do. You don’t deserve any of it.

Anyone who calls you apathetic or lazy is just complaining that you aren’t a sufficiently good mind reader, and is complaining that you aren’t more eager to take your abuse and denigration.

You’re worth more than that treatment. You can’t pick your family but you can pick your friends, and you have friends here. Never worry about being off-topic; if you have to say something, just go ahead and say it. We’re here to listen and help. <3

@wwth, iknorite? Babies are like the very opposite of drama. They’re not excitement, they’re work. Day-in, day-out, grinding, up-at-three-to-milk-the-cows work. Dude knows … well, he knows exactly what I expect him to know about children, really. Just like he knows about women – his knowledge about children comes from sitcoms and movies.

It’s funny, really. Men tend to be the more dramatic ones, overall – their worth is evaluated by their accomplishments, and the bigger, more star-spangled their accomplishments the better. By and large, women are just looking for some goddamn peace and quiet for a couple of hours.

Keep wearing your ignorance on your sleeve, Heartiste.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes,

What services does the BBB provide for its workers, and its clients?

*Reads horrible Ooglyboggles story*

*Goes and gets bunches of appropriate stuffed animals to dump on Ooglyboggles to give them something to hug when live people let them down*

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Ooglyboggles Feel free to post here when his ranting gets too much. <3

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy


What a horrid man! I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a father like that. I hope you can escape him.

Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago

*hugs* offered. I’m sorry your dad is scum.

8 years ago

@ Ooglyboggles

Hugs and sympathy. I’m sorry you’re going through that. I can relate more than I’d like. And I am right with you when it comes to any and all media/people who insist on the “stick by your family” bullshit. I maintain true family is chosen and proven, not born by blood.

8 years ago

He’s wrong. You deserve so much better than to be treated like that. I’m sorry. And I feel the same way about movies/shows/books that emphasize family over all else. They’re wrong. DNA is not a reason to put up with abuse. <3

Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.

OK, as others have pointed out, dude, dealing with babies and small children is pretty soul-crushingly boring much of the time, involving either basic bodily maintenance or shepherding skills. Even when not boring, it’s hardly dramatic. Children can be interesting little people, but they’re not soap opera characters. Also they tend to be demanding, and the company of even the most charming can be fatiguing.

the…eggs of their…wombs…

Dude. Take an anatomy class. Eggs form in ovaries. Which are located outside the uterus.

Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

The authoritative, science-y tone is so funny. I always wonder if these guys believe their own shit, or if they’re just hoping to convince others to credit the bafflegab.

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