
“The Red Pill” documentary wins prestigious “World’s Greatest Grandpa” award

“Red Pill” star Paul Elam: Not actually the world’s greatest grandpa

Good news everyone! The Red Pill, director Cassie Jaye’s completely objective documentary about Men’s Rights Activists that was funded in part by these very same Men’s Rights Activists as well as by a guy best known for convincing a large number of voters in the final days of the last US presidential election that Hillary Clinton was so sick she could pretty much die any minute, and with the help of a right-wing celebrity “journalist” who was later thrown off Twitter for his role in a racist harassment campaign against comedian Leslie Jones, and … wait, let me start this sentence again.

The Red Pill, director Cassie Jaye’s completely objective documentary about Men’s Rights Activists, has won what I have been assured are “Some of the highest honours in the [motion picture] Industry.”

The film has won not one but three such awards: The highly coveted Chuck Washington Best of Festival Award at the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, as well as the Mary Austin Award for Excellence In Producing A Documentary at the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, and did I mention the Mary Austin Award in Excellence In Directing A Documentary which was also, in a remarkable coincidence, given out at the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema.

“The Whatsit Internatonal Whoosiwhatsis of Whatchmadangy?” you may ask. The Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema, silly, held every year for eight years now in Idyllwild, California. Despite being the smaller of the two annual film festivals in the Palm Springs area, it nonetheless is the film festival that shows us “that within the Film Industry ‘The Red Pill’ is being seen as the best film of the year.”

Or so says the noted film expert and anonymous Redditor who calls him or herself Imnotmrabut in a pinned post on the Men’s Rights subreddit that I just noticed today:

At the Idyllwild International Film Festival, a festival set up by film makers for film makers, the red pill has blown away the barriers. It is the first documentary film to win the prestigious Best In Festival Award.

The film also was recognised for “Excellence in Directing” and “Excellence in Producing”.

Apparently these three WORLD SHATTERINGLY IMPORTANT awards are going to be an absolute NIGHTMARE for whoever has to paste a mention of them into the DVD packaging for the film.

There is going to be a frenzy updating the artwork for the 07 March 2017 release of the film on DVD and BluRay. I’d hate to be the one having to wrangle that puppy with the current deadlines. The Print Bill is going to be high and nerves will be frayed.

Never before in cinematic history has a graphic designer ever had to tweak the DVD cover art several weeks before the release of a film on DVD!

It’s plain obvious that people need to start mentioning that within the Film Industry “The Red Pill” is being seen as the best film of the year.

All Tugg material for any and all events now needs to make it clear that this is not just as Film – It’s an Award Winner, and the people who make the films say so.

Well, not literally ALL the people who make the films. ALL the people who make the films AND WHO ARE ALSO the judges at the smaller of the two film festivals in the Palm Springs area.

As for the reference to Tugg, I don’t know what that is but frankly I’m not sure I want to know.

Don’t just tell folks that It’s a film about men’s issues – it’s now a certified Best Film, Awarded Some of the highest honours in the Industry, and it just happens to be about men’s issues.

While we’re talking awards, I’m going to award Imnotmrabut the prestigious Amanda Huggenkiss Memorial Award for Excellence In Inappropriate Capitalization at the world-renowned David Futrelle’s Apartment International Festival of Reddit Posts I Happened to Read.

Role on Friday 07 March 2017, and don’t forget that 08 March is International Women’s Day. I wonder what questions the media will be asking this year?

The question I would start with would be “er, what?”

Surprisingly, the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit are not quite as excited about the awards as Imnotmrabut is. “Let’s not get carried away,” one cynical soul who clearly does not understand the magic of International Cinema writes. “Most of use have never heard of these awards before.”

Naturally, Imnotmrabut offers a lengthy rebuttal to this poopyhead detractor.

So many think that things like the Oscars and Razzie are about excellence in film making, when in reality they are about money and power.

Er, I’m pretty sure no one but Imnotmrabut thinks that the Razzies ‘are about excellence in film making” given that they are in fact about the complete opposite of excellence in film making.

Sundance and Tribeca are all about political luvvies and virtue signalling …. and then some professionals decide that they want a festival of Film where it’s about the Films, the technique and art of making film. They don’t give a tinkers cuss for your politics, genitals, age or bank balance – just your skill and ability in the film genre.

Well, they care a little bit about your bank balance, in that they require all filmmakers to pay an entry fee.

In any industry and endeavour, having your peers telling you that you are the best generally beats all other external validation into a cocked hat. P¬))

Cassie knew she was good – now her peers are telling her she is – and all the others are wondering how they missed the Diamond in the Rough and how much it has cost them! If nothing else, one should be laughing at the Industrial Scale Prat Fall.

In a weird coincidence, Industrial Scale Prat Fall is also the name of my Nine Inch Nails cover band.

Another defender of The Red Pill argues, apparently seriously, that the relative obscurity of the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema actually proves that the award is worth more than one of those silly Oscars. Someone called StrixTechnica writes

If this is a ‘fest for fellow film-makers first and foremost, it’s unsurprising it garnered little press and it hints at a very high standard of both entries and judging, making the ‘best of festival’ award even more significant. It also lends some credibility to the claim that it’s an industry award rather than a politicised celeb-fest like the Oscars has become (or always was).

Also, did you ever consider that maybe all of those who vote for the Oscars actually really really like The Red Pill but were afraid to stand up and say so because the stormtroopers of political correctness might round them up and put them in some sort of Hollywood-based re-education camp?

It turns out that StrixTechnica has entertained a similar scenario.

I’d love to know what the Oscars’ judges privately thought of it. There is more support in Hollywood for this sort of thing than you might imagine, but nobody dares say anything publicly for fear of reprisals and risk to livelihood. You’re going to have to take my word for that, because my exact reasons for saying that were disclosed in confidence.

This is probably the same reason why my short film “The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer” didn’t win the Oscar for Best Picture, or even Best 43-second-long YouTube Video With a Cat in It.

Screw you, political correctness!!1!

Anyway, big congratulations to Cassie Jaye, for winning some awards from a festival that’s kind of small but that is not, as far as I can tell, widely considered to be a money-making scam!

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7 years ago

Nearly every “award” she’s won has been from the rinky-dink festivals set up opposite prestigious festivals for hacks looking for some turd-polishing. That includes all her prior work as well.

7 years ago

I suspect the judges were very receptive to her message as their pick for international short was called Unspoiled by Feminism.
“Frustrated by the dating scene, Nathan thinks he’s found the perfect match in Sonia, a Czech girl he’s met online, who claims she’s “unspoiled by feminism””

I thought maybe it would be a takedown of men who shop for adequately submissive women internationally. Facebook page strongly suggests otherwise.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
7 years ago

*reads post*


So that’s what my brain cells sound like when they’re self destructing.

I always wondered.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Running this supposed festival through Wiki turned up something rather amusing:

With heavy community and local business support, the IIFC opened its doors on January 11, and ran through January 16, 2010, with over 60 feature-length dramatic, documentary, and short films, including Rock Slyde by director Chris Dowling; Legacy by director Stephen Savage [the founder]; Daddy I Do by director Cassie Jaye

Yeah, she didn’t win on any meritorious grounds, she won because she’s friends with the founder and possibly a silent co-founder herself.


7 years ago

Those comments are definitely not written by her. No, siree bob!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

I only saw one of last year’s movies, and that was Moana. Certainly nothing you’d expect aired at a small film festival, but it’s still one hell of a lot better than The Red Pill.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee



Unspoiled? It sounds like the filmmakers see women as a dairy product or some other consumable.

Is it wrong of me to hope this Sonia turns out to be scamming Nathan for his money?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

They think women are consumables. Expiry date is the 25th birthday. You’re supposed to trade up then.

damn these mans, so hypergamous.

7 years ago

I would like to announce that your short film “The Sarkeesian Effect Trailer” is shortlisted in a category for the forthcoming Backyard Brighton Film Festival.

Please send the £100 entry fee to receive details of the winners, when they are announced on 1st April 2017.

ETA Forgot to Google first. Renamed Backwoods Brighton FF now!

7 years ago


Given it’s billed as a “romantic comedy short” obviously they fall in love after a wacky misunderstanding. It’s written by a man of course. Of course.

The name seems to be taken from a dating agency that advertises in the U.K. They explicitly advertise Czech women as “unspoiled by feminism.”

Or assholes think alike. Either way.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

or even Best 43-second-long YouTube Video With a Cat in It.

Judging by my Facebook feed that’s a pretty popular genre so you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself.

7 years ago

Cassie knew she was good – now her peers are telling her she is – and all the others are wondering how they missed the Diamond in the Rough and how much it has cost them! If nothing else, one should be laughing at the Industrial Scale Prat Fall.

Oh, trust me, one is, one IS.

Mostly, though, at the idea that someone whom most reputable filmmakers are referring to as “I’m sorry, WHO?” won an award from “I”m sorry, WHERE?”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Unspoiled By Feminism is a fictional romantic comedy? I don’t know if that’s better or worse than if it was a documentary.

Now I want someone to do a feminist horror movie about an MRA getting a mail order bride who turns out to be a monster or a serial killer or something.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
7 years ago

Now I want someone to do a feminist horror movie about an MRA getting a mail order bride who turns out to be a monster or a serial killer or something.

I legit want to see that. If we could get Jennifer Kent to direct then it would be amazing.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

“ – Your Delivery Has Arrived”

Zenobia Augusta
Zenobia Augusta
7 years ago

Is it just me, or does all that talk about tweaking the cover art make it sound like this person wants to sound like some sort of industry insider, but doesn’t know what their talking about? Especially the part about the print bill. I’m pretty sure that having to reprint DVD covers would be the distributors problem. Also, it seems like they should have a another week or two before they need to print them. Unless Cassie Jaye is running them off herself at Staples and assembling all the DVDs by hand in her living room.

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
7 years ago

… a win is a win… I guess….

07 March 2017 release of the film on DVD and BluRay

I am waiting with jaded breath for this… bated breath… BATED breath


7 years ago

Now I want someone to do a feminist horror movie about an MRA getting a mail order bride who turns out to be a monster or a serial killer or something.

I legit want to see that. If we could get Jennifer Kent to direct then it would be amazing.


And for a title, may I suggest “Murder by Male Order”?

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Well, at least it’s not like The So-Called Cannes Award That is Actually From a Festival That No One Has Heard of and Not THAT Cannes Festival That’s Prestigious and Famous and Respectable.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

I heard that Canned Film Festival has reasonably low entry requirements.

7 years ago

I’m awaiting the news that the film won an Oskar and a Golden Globule.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Speaking of movies and truth and ‘alternative facts’ and all that may I just give a heads up for the upcoming release of “Denial”.

That’s the film about the Irving -v- Lipstadt trial.

I’ve mentioned the case before but for those unfamiliar, historian David Irving sued academic Deborah Lipstadt for defamation when she called him a holocaust denier. The trial essentially became a case of proving the Holocaust happened (and that Irving knew it did but still pretended it hadn’t)

The judgment from the case is a fascinating read in its own right (it’s the only court judgement ever published as a book) so here’s a link:

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

With Cassie Jaye it appears we’ve seen a successful love bombing happen before our eyes. It works for cults, and it worked for MRAs in this instance.

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