#ResistTrump actual activism racism trump

#ResistTrump today by Standing with Standing Rock

Standing Rock Sioux: Defending the Sacred

So this morning Unpresident Trump signed executive orders that will move construction forward on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. Because of course he did.

But the fight is far from over. If you would like to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and others who have stood up against the pipelines, in the face of ferocious and sometimes frankly shocking police violence, there are many good options.

Go to Stand With Standing Rock, the official site of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, to donate money, to find opportunities for activism, or to simply learn more about the issue.

Go to the website of the Camp of the Sacred Stones, founded by the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and other Lakota, Nakota, & Dakota citizens, to offer donations or other kinds of help.

Go to to support an effort to get banks to divest from the pipeline projects.

You can find a number of other suggestions for activism at the end of this post.

The independent media website Unicorn Riot offers extensive coverage of the #NoDAPL movement.

Writer and activist Rebecca Solnit’s wrote a thoughtful and inspiring report on the #NoDAPL movement for The Guardian last September.

Follow Ruth Hopkins on Twitter to keep up with what’s going on.

H/T — 

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Heil Dworkin!
Heil Dworkin!
7 years ago

I got stuck in moderation. I’m trying this a third time, with this ‘nym.

@Kat: Thank you! The problem is that the Women’s March had her as a speaker. That combined with the talk about maybe making a movie about her, makes them think feminists are glorifying a violent criminal. They DON’T believe in second chances. I was just hoping for some kind of, I don’t know, more down-to-earth article that wasn’t in anyway glorifying what she’s done, but also not gratuitous [the word I got stuck in moderation for]. When the first thing people read about Donna Hylton is the picture I linked, it’s kind of hard to argue about compassion and second chances. That picture is damned well made to paint her in the worst possible light!

And, just for clarification purposes, I’m a FIRM believer in second chances. I believe that if you pay your debt to society and then spend the rest of your time being a productive member of society, that you absolutely deserve a second chance. People CAN change!

I’ll try linking what you listed, though, in the hope that it might help. Once again, thank you! Thank you for believing me, and thank you for helping. Thank you!

7 years ago

Heil Dworkin, do you think that a protest movement made up of millions of people can be summed up by a decision made by organisers at one march? Suppose, for the sake of argument, that those organisers were wrong to give a platform to an ex-criminal. Does that irrevocably taint the protest of countless marchers who were not involved in that decision?

Heil Dworkin!
Heil Dworkin!
7 years ago

@Moggie: I think it was important that they gave a platform to an ex-con. Ex-cons are people, and some of them are women. The Women’s March was about uniting American women under one banner. Finally. It was about healing and moving past a lot – A LOT – of past hurt. It couldn’t have been done if incarcerated women had been left out. And that manifesto! I cried when I read it! Especially the part about how no one is illegal. I’m European, and my country is treating our immigrants like… like they’re criminals, or something. Dragging people out of bed in the middle of the night. Deporting them without warning. It’s hideous. The only consolation is that it’s election year. I’m hoping we might get our own “No-of-course-we’re-not-racist” government out of, well, the government.

7 years ago

@Heil Dworkin!

No problem. I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions.

And seriously, go to the “Press” section of her website. Of course, if people want to slam the Women’s Marches by talking about her crimes — and saying nothing about her change of heart — they’re not interested in a real discussion.

Also, what Moggie said about the march.

7 years ago

Nova Scotia village with 65 residents holds one of smallest Women’s Marches

Two women of Sandy Cove recruited 15 people to walk along major highway in Canada in solidarity with millions who participated around the world

It was chilly and rainy and there was no sidewalk. I’d say that almost 25 percent of the population isn’t a bad turnout!

Heil Dworkin!
Heil Dworkin!
7 years ago

@Kat: I will. I really need to learn more about her, from HER perspective, and not the perspective of a bunch of angry MRAs. And yay, for the Nova Scotia March!

@Everybody: Thank you for bearing with my little freak-out and derailing. I’ll let you get back to your scheduled programming now, I promise. I just really needed the reality check. Thank you!

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
7 years ago

(waaayyyy off topic)

Well, now, isn’t THIS just special!?!? Orwell’s “1984” spending some quality time at the top of Amazon’s best-seller list…. Apparently a lot of people are “studying” for the dumpster’s “FINAL exam”….

Take heart, the Orange one is NOT “Big Brother”, no, he’s Homer Simpson. The bad clowns he brought with him? THEY’RE “Big Brother”.

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
7 years ago

(still off topic 🙁 )

Trumpster pal Gary Cohn leaves Goldman Sachs (with a $100M payoff) to lead the National Economic Council!!

Yeah, drain the swamp, INDEED!!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Heil Dworkin,

I’d point out the hypocrisy. One of the big issues the MRM claims to care about is carcerality. They say men get their lives ruined with prison sentences. If they’re really about equality for men, not misogyny, they’d be for allowing ex cons of any gender to prove rehabilitated.

Of course, we know they’re full of shit and don’t care about how the US prison industrial complex does indeed ruin lives and they don’t really care about how society makes it next to impossible for convicted felons to be successfully rehabilitated. But might as well make them admit it!

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!!) Eddie
7 years ago


US prison industrial complex

For millennia, prison was about punishment and vengeance… then, suddenly, it became about rehabilitation… then, just as suddenly, it became about profit.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Hiya, Frigid! Welcome back, buddy ?

No advice other than to nth WWTH. Logical hypocrisy baiting is well fun, and usually ends in either awkward silence or a conniption fit. Good luck!

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


This is what the Trump supporters and naysayers of the Women’s marches are doing: trying to discredit the speakers by innuendo and rumor-mongering.

They already tried to tar Linda Sarsour by saying she’s an ISIS sympathizer and anti-semitic harpy who wants to bring sharia law to the US because she tweeted that even Saudi Arabia grants paid maternity leave, and Madonna as a domestic terrorist.

Any excuse at all to paint women, particulary feminist women, in a shitty light.

(Although I know you already know that, lol. I have no useful advice to give you, unfortunately.)

Damn, they make me weary.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

I’ve got a friend arguing with me that the National Guard at Standing Rock has a legitimate reason to point an Avenger fucking Missile System at the water guardians there. FLIR camera! Observation!

… oh, yeah. There’s now an Avenger fucking missile system pointed at the water guardians at Standing Rock, if you haven’t heard. One of these:

totes legit, guys. Those water guardians might start throwing rocks! And anyways, it’s the only infared camera we have – nevermind that it’s attached to a fucking missile launcher.

I am trying to explain that there are no circumstances in a democratic country which involve an anti-aircraft missile system pointed at peaceful protesters. He is getting angry at the suggestion.

The privilege, it is blinding.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

(My mistake, it was the 17th when this happened, not today. Womp womp)

7 years ago

The Avenger is foremost a weapon of war. It combines a Humvee truck chassis with a rotating turret that can be armed with eight Stinger missiles and a .50-caliber machine gun. The North Dakota Army National Guard’s 1st battalion, 188th Air Defense Regiment—which has companies in Bismark, Fargo and Grand Forks—operates Avengers.

Scild how daft is your friend? This is literally a warmachine pointed at protesters. What is he only thinking its wrong if said people in question were a bit more tan?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

I think the reasoning behind the Avenger system is that “if it ain’t loaded, it ain’t a weapon”. That’s bullshit though, obviously, but the people who deployed that thing aren’t exactly beyond bullshit.

Apparently the only other option would be to deploy Apaches (fucking gunships, for fuck’s sake !), and that’s way more costly (and ironic in the saddest possible way) than a ground-based system remaining on-site. But even that (while technically true) only makes any sense if you assume that they absolutely had to bring either one or the other and that there aren’t any options that don’t involve mobile weapons platforms.

As I said first page, fucking rip the FLIR off the Avenger or Apache if you absolutely need it, just don’t bring missiles to a protest. Though I don’t actually believe those two weapons are the only pieces of gear in the US that are fitted with FLIR.

Again, it’s nothing other than an intimidation attempt, and a very unsubtle one at that.

7 years ago

I dunno; those cameras cost like $500 on amazon. Way too expensive, that’s why they had to bring in a rocket launcher.

I wonder where Trump will first issue a shoot-to-kill order on the American people. At standing rock I bet they’d even enact it.

7 years ago

Bringing in AA artillery to point at your own people is very much a dictator move. It’s when you know civility is on the cusp of being lost entirely.

7 years ago

Would you be surprised if that would start off a chain of events that causes the US to dissolve?

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
7 years ago

This nonsense is like Captain Planet come to life.

7 years ago

The Mythbusters were able to get access to a FLIR. I find it hard to believe that the government couldn’t have gotten one without having missiles attached to it, and that there are people who buy that argument.

Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
7 years ago

If pointing guns at Indians was gonna have that effect, it would’ve done ages ago. You’re forgetting how staggeringly racist the U.S. is.

7 years ago

I just found out that there was an anti-DAPL protest at the White House yesterday–that was some incredibly fast organizing.

And today was the pro-immigration protest. There have been protests at the White House for half of his presidency so far.

7 years ago

Well of course no one cared then when the US government committed genocide both in the literal and cultural sense. I’d figure in a modern age where cameras are a thing and the fact that bombing your own country is seen as bad this hypothetical event may produce a different result than complete denial and apathy.

Then again you can easily prove me wrong with more recent examples of how corporations used to be able to call upon the military to beat down workers without question or the entire debacle between african americans and koreans and not a single lesson was learned those days.

Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
7 years ago

You are assuming that white Americans consider the people of Standing Rock to be a part of their country. By and large, this is not the case. White America will care not one whit more about a massacre at Standing Rock than they do about drone bombing Afghanistan.